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Fri, 20 Jun 2003 12:29:28 -0500

WC Douglass

Doing what comes naturally


Daily Dose


June 20, 2003




A hard pill to swallow about impotence drugs...


Nowadays, there's an awful lot of hype about sexual

performance - especially among the over-50 demographic. This

is a relatively new phenomenon, though. It used to be that

people in this age bracket didn't worry about HOW they were

in bed - they were just grateful to BE in bed and having fun

with someone they loved...


But this begs the question: WHY is sexual performance all of

a sudden such a big issue among aging baby-boomers?


Of course, it's because of drugs. Specifically, that " little

blue pill " that's all the rage. And it's also because of

consumer-oriented drug ads on television - also a relatively

new trend, since deregulation under the Clinton

administration blurred the formerly strict line between the

drug industry and the communications business...


What's the harm in all this, you ask? Why is popping Viagra

and other potency drugs to feel like a teenager

again such a bad thing? For one thing, these drugs can cause

people enormous (and risky) physical stress as they try to

keep up with their libido-in-a-bottle. Now don't get me

wrong - I'm not knocking after-50 sex. In fact, few things

are more life affirming and invigorating than making love

later in life...


But let's act our ages while we do it, huh? A drug-induced,

swing-from-the-chandelier sex marathon really isn't " conduct

becoming, " is it?


Secondly, these drugs carry risks of their own, especially if

you've got trouble with your ticker. Although the

manufacturers are quick to insist that there's no conclusive

PROOF that Viagra and other impotence drugs increase your

risk of heart attack, stroke, arrhythmia, chest pains, and

other heart-related conditions, evidence from the field

strongly suggests otherwise. And now, there's even more

substantiation of this disturbing correlation...


According to a Reuter's online article, a panel that advises

the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was recently convened

to discuss how a new impotence drug (a Viagra competitor

named Levitra made by Bayer/Glaxo) affects a key heart-

function indicator called the QT interval - a measurement of

the heart's electrical activity. An erratic or prolonged QT

can leads to abnormal heartbeat patterns, which can be fatal.


If these drugs are perfectly safe, as the makers suggest, why

the need for the special advisory panel? In my opinion, any

drug that can stimulate blood flow enough to overcome

impotence may well pose a significant heart threat. And it's

a risk you need not take to get great sex, either. Many

natural substances, like yohimbine and especially maca root,

can help pep up your love life. Besides, I think Viagra is

mostly a placebo - someone should do a study to see how many

men are still taking Viagra after a year. There might be some





(Gettinwell Note: Viagra is not a new drug. It was a heart drug developed in the

1950's. From what I gather it was determined to be dangerous and so it was

withdrawn from the market.


They brought it back off the shelf, added a new way of fast dispersal, cut the

dosage to a smaller amout and shazamm discovered a " new " drug.


From what I read there have been quite a few cases of heart attack or stroke

associated with this drug.) end of gettingwell comment





Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies...


Get a load of this: A recent Strathclyde University political

science study reported in Great Britain's Observer newspaper

concluded - as utterly inconceivable as this must seem to all

of us - that...




Now that you've picked yourself up off the floor after

fainting in shock, consider this: The author of this

government-funded study concludes that for politicians,

telling lies to the public and to political rivals is a

perfectly acceptable and necessary aspect of the job...


And he suggests that politicians lie because voters and

journalists are ASKING TOO MANY QUESTIONS. This is what

people are supposed to do in a democracy! Voters can only

know if elected officials are doing what they were elected to

do - in other words, keeping their promises - if they're

probed, tested, and challenged. And it's asking questions

that can help protect us from the lies we know are cascading

off The Hill - especially those governing our health care



What's this have to do with your health? Plenty - because if

politicians in this country were left unscrutinized by folks

like yours truly and others like me in the media (even though

we're a miniscule minority), the FDA and drug companies would

be left unchecked to define your medical options and health

care as they see fit...


Glad I'm not a teenager anymore,


William Campbell Douglass II, MD




(Gettingwell comment: The good doctor is fooling himself. Politics are the most

important factor of all in health.


It determines what you eat, breath, drink. What poisons you are subjected to in

your environment, etc.


It determines what information is available to the public. Which medical

" treatments " are " legal " and hold sway. How the system of Justice handles health

issues etc.


Politics are the control of your daily lives. If the vested interests control

the poiticians, they control your lives to their economic benefit and certainly

not your health benefit. People would understand this better if they would stop

thinking in terms of partisan politics and see it in terms of established

monetary political interests vs. the public good interests.


Simple question: is it done to benefit some financial special interest group or

for the general good of all? That is the real " you vs us " division.


End of comment from gettingwell.)




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