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Hidden Plague. Forget about SARS. Lyme disease is spreading steadily,

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While I certainly feel sorry for Tom Coffey, the poor guy in

the story below, I could not help but notice he had lost 105 pounds

due to his ordeals, but was still over 200. Why is it some people

are devastated by Lyme disease & other " plagues " while others are

not. Could it have anything to do with diet? I suspect Coffee did

not get to be over 300 pounds eating foods which nourish properly.

Was he grossly deficient in certain nutrients? Was his immune

system up to par?


Let me give a personal example here. The other week, I was

bit twice on the leg by something which left big angry welts. Not

painful. Hard red lumps about the size of dimes. I used a bit of

calamine lotion on them. Then when the surface got a bit crusty, I

dabbed some coconut oil on them once or twice a day to keep them from

getting too dry.. It took nearly 3 weeks for the welts to go away.


I was wondering what might have bit me, when last night,

Mary, a woman I know, showed me a bunch of welts all over her ankles,

legs, and arms. She said she did not notice them when she was first

bitten. The *smallest* of the welts looked just like the ones I had

had 3 weeks ago. Those were her most recent bites. The older

bites had all grown to the size of quarters, or larger. The red

mounds were (she said) extremely tender to the touch. Surrounding

the bites, the flesh was all dark purple. We both work in the same

outdoor environment in New Orleans at night. Other people she knew

who also worked where we work had been bitten as well. All had to

go to the hospital and get a series of antibiotic shots and/or oral



I have every reason to believe I was probably bitten by the

same bugs which had hit Mary & the others. But mine healed with no

pain, no expanded purple inflammation, and no need for medical

attention. Why? I suspect some of the reason has to do with me

taking vitamin C to bowel tolerance daily, eating over half a pound

of leafy green veggies a day, taking a full regime of other vitamins,

not smoking, and not drinking.


I have no proof of this. I am sure no expert on bugs &

spiders. I can't Know I was bit by the same sort of beastie as Mary

and the others, but it sure looked like the same kind of bite, and

both of us had no initial pain or discomfort beyond itching.


I do know that some people get all sorts of infections &

plagues while others who are similarly exposed do not. I don't

think it is luck or divine intervention. I don't think genetics

plays that big a role. Most news stories like to play up fear.

" Everyone is in danger " or some such tommyrot. For me it seems far

more prudent to take care of my body thru proper nutrition, sleep,

and exercise, so my body can better take care of me if I am exposed

to some plague or other.









" Frank " <califpacific

<alternative_medicine_forum >

Monday, July 07, 2003 10:27 PM

Hidden Plague. Forget about

SARS. Lyme disease is spreading steadily,



> http://flash.lymenet.org/ubb/Forum6/HTML/000807.html


> Hidden Plague. Forget about SARS. Lyme disease is spreading




> Hidden Plague. Forget about SARS. Lyme disease is spreading


> and some experts say it can elude the standard cure

> For months no one knew what was happening to Tom Coffey. In the

> spring of 2001 the then 34-year-old radio dispatcher was struck by

> high blood pressure and double vision. By summer's end he was

> suffering from facial palsy, crushing fatigue and joint pain so

> intense he walked with an old man's shuffle. Medical visits turned


> nothing. By October his weight had plummeted 105 lbs., to 202.

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