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Natural Energizers

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Natural Energizers JoAnn Guest Jul 15, 2003 15:31 PDT




Energy is the basis of any activity: All life depends on it. There is a

constant flow of energetic impulses through our bodies which govern

everything from the most basic cellular functions to the most complex

thoughts and motions.


Often times this life energy becomes depressed or even blocked through

stress, tension, emotional or physical injuries. Our digestion becomes

sluggish, our immune system weakens, we feel tired, and have no energy

to live our lives to their full potential.


We devoted this research report to bring you the information you need to

transform your dis-ease and energize your body to restore and maintain a

vibrant state of health.



Herbal Medicine Research Report: Volume 2 No. 3




by Udo Erasmus, Ph.D.


Energy. We take it for granted. Until we lose it. Then we want it back.



Energy. We need it for every aspect of living. It's the power that turns

the biochemical wheels in all our cells. It gives us our staying power.

It promotes a positive outlook, making us feel like we're able to cope

and thrive.


Energy. It comes from sunlight. It is stored in chemical bonds. It's the

glue that holds atoms together to form molecules.


Energy. It is health. And health is energy.


Energy. We cannot live without it.


Where does energy come from? How do we maintain or enhance it? The keys

to energy include: A. the right kinds of nutrients; B. good digestion;

and C. detoxification.


A. The right kind of nutrients



1. Foremost among energizing nutrients are essential fats, two

substances — omega 3's (w3s) and omega 6's (w6s) — that come from the

right kinds of fats. The body cannot make them, but every cell requires

them to be able to function.


W3s do a better job in creating energy than do w6s, but both are

essential. Hence the ratio of w3 to w6 is of critical importance. In our

work, we use a blend twice richer in w3s than w6s. Called Udo's Choice

Perfected Oil Blend, it is available in brown glass bottles, in a box,

in the fridge, in health food stores.


Why do w3s energize us? There are several reasons.


a) Essential fats are required for hemoglobin production. Lack of

essential fats, such as might be found in low fat, no fat, and wrong fat

diets, can lead to low energy from essential fat deficiency-induced



b) Essential fats make red blood cell membranes more flexible, which

means that red blood cells pass more easily through our capillaries,

which in turn ensures better delivery to our tissues, of oxygen and

nutrients, whose interaction produces most of the energy we need to live



c) Essential fats attract oxygen. When optimally present in our tissues,

w3s enhance the body's ability to absorb and metabolize oxygen. They

thereby increase oxidation rate, increase metabolic rate (we burn more

calories), increase energy level, increase stamina (it takes longer to

get tired due to oxygen depletion when we exert ourselves), improve

performance, and speed recovery from fatigue.


d) Based on their ability to increase oxidation, w3s enhance the ability

of our glands and organs to produce hormones, enzymes, and other

secretions that are required for optimum energy and enhanced health.


For instance, essential fats improve:


• thyroid gland function, which regulates metabolic rate, and makes sure

that we have enough energy (iodine, tyrosine, zinc, and vitamin C are

also necessary for making thyroid hormone);


• liver function, which ensures that toxic substances that can interfere

with energy production are neutralized most effectively;


• the ability of the pancreas and the digestive cells that line our gut

to make the enzymes necessary for optimum digestion of foods, so that

the nutrients needed for energy production can be digested, absorbed,

and made useful to the body; and


• insulin function, and are required for testosterone production, both

of which play important roles in muscular development and stamina.


2. Green foods are the second most important source of energy, because

they are rich in the minerals and vitamins required in energy-producing

biochemical reactions in the body.


The most important mineral for energy production is magnesium.


But the anti-oxidants that greens contain also help energy levels

because they prevent random damage done to tissues by molecular

fragments called " free radicals, " the repair of which can use up a great

deal of energy.


In addition to these, phytonutrients found in green plants and herbs

affect energy metabolism. Hundreds of phytonutrients found in plants

have energy-enhancing benefits. Two of the best known are ginseng and

ginkgo, but there are many others.


We work with a green foods blend called Udo's Choice Beyond Greens,

which contains greens from 8 different sources, the energy-enhancing

herbs ginkgo and ginseng, energy-enhancing essential fats,

damage-preventing antioxidants, herbs that improve inner organ function,

and a great deal of detoxifying fiber.


Also included in Beyond Greens is dulse and kelp, two marine sources of

heavy metal-removing fiber (algin) and trace amounts of iodine, required

for thyroid function which increases energy levels by increasing

metabolic rate. Since many " experts " now recommend against the use of

(iodized) salt, which was most people's only reliable source of iodine,

some other source of iodine is necessary.


3. The fiber found in Greens and another product called the

Wholesome Fast Food Blend cleanses and soothes the intestinal tract,

regulates bowel function, and escorts from the bowel many toxins that

interfere with energy production and can use up much of the body's

energy resources.


B. Good Digestion



Good digestion depends on enzymes. These come from raw foods, from

enzymes made by our body, or from digestive enzymes added to foods to

replace those destroyed by cooking or processing.


Since the use of raw foods has gone out to fashion (putting a load on

the digestive system that it was not meant to and therefore doesn't

handle well), digestive enzymes can provide both benefits and

convenience, because you simply add them to or take them with your

foods. Digestive enzymes work in three ways to increase energy levels:


1. Digestive enzymes prevent malnutrition. They ensure a more complete

digestion of foods, so that the nutrients required to build optimally

functioning cells, tissues, glands, and organs can be absorbed and



2. Digestive enzymes prevent gas, bloating, inflammation, leaky gut,

allergic reactions, and even some auto-immune reactions, all of which

can rob the body of most of its energy resources. The reason why some

people during allergy season have so little energy is that it is used up

dealing with the allergy.


3. Digestive enzymes free the immune system from having to become tied

up in digestion, which leaves immune cells free to pursue their first

love: the decimation of virus, fungus, yeast, bacteria, cancer cells,

and cell debris.


We do our work with a blend of 9 digestive enzymes, called Udo's Choice

Enzyme Blend. This full-spectrum plant blend is particularly

rich in protease (according to the manufacturer, it contains at least 5

different types of protease), because poor digestion of proteins causes

most of the problems that result from poor digestion. But the enzyme

blend also contains 8 other kinds of enzymes, which digest the other

kinds of food we eat — fats, starches, fiber, and more.


To optimize energy and health, it is important to optimize intake of all

of the essential components of health. These include greens, good

protein (for essential amino acids), good fats (for essential fatty

acids), enough (but not more) carbohydrates for fuel requirements,

minerals, vitamins, anti-oxidants, phytonutrients, digestive enzymes,

fiber, and probiotics.


C. Detoxification

If we prevent ourselves from being poisoned by industrial pollutants

found in food, water and air — by going organic in our foods, natural in

our health care, – we will go a long way toward optimizing health and



In addition, our water should be clean. Invest in a distiller made of

steel or glass. Make sure you get optimum amounts of the good minerals

in your diet, as distillation removes the good minerals as well as all

toxic components from your water supply.


A walk in nature for fresh air, proper posture, exercise, adequate

fiber, probiotics, and many essential nutrients including essential

fats, minerals, and vitamins — all these support detoxification

processes the body naturally engages in.




Our genes are the program, refined over millions of years of

development, that determines the natural state called health.


To do its

job of building healthy cells, tissues, organs, and glands this program

must be given the tools required to build them. These are food, water,

air, and light and the principles of health that they contain.


To work to capacity, our genetic program must also be protected from

poisons which interfere with its functions. Therefore the second

requirement is the avoidance of pollutants, pesticides, synthetic

industrial chemicals, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical (synthetic) drugs

wherever possible, and poisons from the natural environment.


Finally, we must see to it that our digestion is working optimally,

because poor digestion leads to poor nutrient absorption as well as

increased toxicity.


If we take these three simple steps, our body will reward us with the

best health it is possible to achieve given our genetic makeup. And it

doesn't get better than that.





Erasmus, U., Fats That Heal Fats That Kill. Alive Books, Vancouver, B.C.



Brink, W., Priming the Anabolic Environment. MuscleMag. Intl.,

Mississaugo, ON. 1996.


Guyton, A Textbook of Medical Physiology. W B Saunders Co.,

Philadelphia, PA. 1986.


Stryer, L. Biochemistry. W H Freeman & Co., New York, NY. 1988.


M E Shils & V R Young, Modern Nutrition in Health & Disease. Lea &

Febiger, Philadelphia, PA. 1988.


Howell, E, Enzyme Nutrition. Avery Publishing , Wayne, NJ. 1985.


Wrba, H & O Pecher, Enzymes. Ecomed, Germany 1998.


About Udo Erasmus, Ph.D.

Udo Erasmus is an internationally recognized authority on the role of

fats, oils, and cholesterol in human health. He received his Bachelor of

Science degree in Honours Zoology with a major in Psychology from the

University of British Columbia, followed by graduate studies in

biochemistry and genetics. Several years of research in the field of

nutrition led to him write his first book, Fats and Oils, which earned

him a Ph.D. in nutrition and was later expanded and republished as Fats

That Heal Fats That Kill






JoAnn Guest









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