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Since my wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (IBC type), I

have searched the internet regarding the treatment options available

in both the " standard " and the " alternative " medicine communities. I

have posted messages on this group and others, and I am pleased to

say many people have written my wife and I with specific advice, and

references to check out.


I want to briefly comment on some of the common threads I see, no

matter what health options are being considered at a specific point

in time. It appears almost every option available is praised by one

group, and " put down " by others. While this is not to be unexpected,

I am someone shocked by the way people react to others who differ

with their views regarding the best ways to treat cancer, and other



Let me start with those who endorse treatments based upon chemo and

radiation. The simple truth is, there is too much money to be made in

the oncology field for anyone associated with it to even consider and

alternative type of therapy. If someone invented a single pill that

would eliminate 100% of cancer at once, the pharmaceutical company

and the medical doctors would bury it. (and most likely the person

who invented it) While I don't know if the herb Graviola works as

claimed, I do believe any benefits it may have would have remained

buried if someone had not revealed the fact the pharmaceutical people

had done their best to keep the records regarding it secret.


Honestly compels me to say that since my wife has been diagnosed with

cancer, I have talked to many people locally (friends and relatives)

who have taken chemo and radiation for cancer and are doing fine.

(including those who had the IBC type of cancer) While I am also

aware of people who have died or have had cancer return after such

treatments, there seems to be a lot more people cured or in remission

than I thought possible.

While I do look at chemo and radiation as a sort of " burn the witch "

way of handling a problem, I have to admit this violent method seems

to have worked for a large number of people.


While I believe vitamins, minerals, and herbs, can help prevent

cancer, I am not sure if they are able to cure cancer once it has

infested the human body. Even most medical doctors will say that

cancer would not be able to establish itself, if our immune system

was strong and doing it's job. While I am not sure what the best way

to treat cancer is, I believe eating right and making sure we get the

natural supplements God created will prevent most cancer in the first



One of the problems I see concerning the alternative therapy

community is, many of those who claim to have cures for cancer and

other diseases are beginning to follow after the trends and policies

of the " standard " medical community. Just like an oncologist, someone

using brand " A " treatments will shun and condemn others who advocate

brand " B " , " C " , " D " , etc., treatments. An oncologist will say if you

refuse chemo, you will die. If someone using or selling an

alternative treatment hears you won't use their system or products,

they will often tell you the same thing.


While chemo and radiation are drastic measures, most medical doctors

will direct you toward an oncologist for treatment of cancer. For

better or worse, at least they agree as to how to best handle cancer.

The alternative cancer people can't seem to agree about much at all,

so a cancer victim is forced to play a type of remedy-lottery! You

get to pick from hundreds or thousand of treatment options, and hope

and pray you have made the right decision.


If you look into a treatment option here or there, you may find a

handful of testimonies regarding a particular treatment or product.

On another message board or web site, you may find testimonies or

evidence against what you just read. Until the alternative community

can begin to do the research and studies to bring all the facts and

evidence together, people will not have a valid way to determine what

may work best for them.


My wife will most likely start chemo in a day or so, but I have had

her taking vitamins, minerals, and herbs, to help build her immune

system beforehand. I believe if she had been taking supplements like

this in the past, her immune system would have been able to prevent

the cancer in the first place. While I have been taking supplements,

both of us have not eaten the type of foods that would help our

bodies protect themselves.


I really don't like her taking the chemo route, but I understand her

reasons for doing so at this point in time. If the cancer was not the

aggressive type it is, she might be willing to try some alternative

forms of treatment. With so many different approaches out there, it

is not easy to just pick one that will work.


My wife will continue taking supplements during her treatments, and

she has radically changed her diet since being diagnosed with cancer.

No matter what happens, I know she can't die unless God says OK

first. If He does, we are both willing to accept the fact Father

knows best. I also believe God heals and answers prayers, so our

outlook is bright regarding the outcome…


Charles Gleason



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Charles & Group:


I just wanted to comment on my own theories and journey into

alternative healing after reading Charles's thought provoking e-mail.


I too have vacillated back and forth between allopathic and

alternative approaches over the past 3 years. I think part of it is

the Western world still does not understand the true traditional

medicine (what we now call alternative) in that a true homeopathic

approach such as that by traditional oriental medicines and Native

American medicine is that there is no " one size fits all " and

approach each person as an individual and treated as such. When

someone says an alternative route is really the only route, I see

them as more of an allopathic supporter than alternative because that

is linear thinking and not holistic thinking. Holistic approaches

involve the entire body systems and what is unique to that

individual, which makes it very complicated, and training and

expertise very rare in the Western world.


The reason alternative people " can't seem to agree " is this very

reason...we are all different and not only our physical makeup, but

the toxins we have been exposed to, lifestyle, functioning of other

organs, etc. all affect it. I have tried approaches that work great

for other people, and I had severe allergic reactions to because an

ingredient I was allergic too, or because I have high cysteine and

that person doesn't, I have l worse liver functioning, etc. That is

why I believe the true holistic medical healer is so rare (it is

extremely complicated, takes decades of training and learning to

become skilled, and is low profit versus the high profit once size

fits all approach of allopathic medicine). It isn't black and white,

which is why I believe allopathic medicine is so flawed...it tries to

make it black and white. Ever wonder why people are getting cancers

younger and younger and it is no longer a " old person's " disease at

the same time our exposure to toxins in food, water, air, environment

has increase exponentially? Our bodies function synergistically

within and in relation to our natural world. Anything that disrupts

that, creates a sort of " chaos " either within our bodies or

our " environment " . Understanding this has even affected my political

views, making my a staunch environmentalist now.


As far as the lottery, you are doing that with chemo too. It is

Russian roulette with one's immune system. Most docs I have talked

to in my research who themselves recommend chemo for their patients,

would not have it on themselves if in that situation. I find that

very, very interesting. I don't know what I would do in that

situation, but have thought about it daily as I have had many

cancer " scares " and am at high risk given my toxin and radiation

exposure, as well as family history.


I believe the more one understands about the human body and how our

organs and cells function and nutrients interact, the more you

understand how to heal. This has been a 3 year journey and I learn

tons more every day, as well as things I thought were true for me

were not. After 3 years of extensive study, and a lifetime of taking

really good care of myself yet becoming increasingly ill, I believe I

am still in the infancy stage of learning.


Unfortunately, once you are diagnosed with a serious life threatening

illness, you don't always have the luxury to take this long journey

of studying. I can understand your frustration, but there are no

quick fixes in alternative medicine. The best place to start if you

still want to explore it for your wife is start with a complete

medical history, every place she lived, things she was exposed to,

symptoms she may have had for years and ignored as minor, etc. I can

tell you from my own experience, the more knowledgeable I become, the

more I can see links and even remember symptoms I had in childhood

that I never considered at the time as symptoms of anything, yet now

see the link. Another thing I have noticed is that supplements or

herbs that did not work for me months ago, now work when introduced.

It may be that I have lessened my toxin burden by eating better or

doing small " detoxing " so the appropriate organs can now absorb the

nutrients where before they could not. One example for me is B-12

which did nothing for months, then suddenly just did wonders for my

energy level and lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks. I was also cleaning my colon

at the time so I think there is a relationship.


In all my research, it seems cancer doesn't just come one day. It is

in the body, the cells ever present, but a good immune system fights

them off. When our immune system becomes so taxed, it an no longer

fight the cells and that is when cancer grows and flourishes. The

approach likely is a multifaceted one that means removing toxins even

exposure to things we don't think about like electricity and power

lines, to detoxifying organs like the liver, colon, gall bladder,

etc, to eating all organic. I look at it as we have complex systems

and the approach must address that complexity. Since you mentioned

your wife's type is the slow growing, I think there is a lot of hope

and possibility that supplementing and trying alternative means with

the chemo can have positive effects for her.


I think if a person opts for chemo, you must realize you are

destroying good cells, immune function cells, as well as the

cancerous ones and have to go above and beyond to support yourself

during and after chemo with herbs, great organic foods, minerals,

vitamins, etc. I have heard stories of people who did a lot of

supplementation before, during and after chemo with better results.

Also, mistletoe while controversial as a cancer treatment when used

alone, is gaining a lot of support as a supplementary approach

combined with chemo to lessen it's toxic affects on the body. I read

something recently that people using it with chemo had a lower

recurrence rate whereas the rest of the study saw a high recurrence

rate within 5 years. I don't have the article but if I find it will

post it.


Charles, since your wife is opting for chemo, I believe it is good

you are supplementing. The most important thing is make sure she is

eating all organic foods. If she is not, she is adding toxins to her

body and overburdening her immune and waster removal systems. I

cannot tell you the world of difference this has made for me. It

does take longer doing the natural approach, months or sometimes

years, but it is so worth it.


I wish you the best of luck in your (both of you) journey.



, " Charles Gleason "

<akadad@b...> wrote:



> Since my wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (IBC type),


> have searched the internet regarding the treatment options


> in both the " standard " and the " alternative " medicine communities.


> have posted messages on this group and others, and I am pleased to

> say many people have written my wife and I with specific advice,


> references to check out.


> I want to briefly comment on some of the common threads I see, no

> matter what health options are being considered at a specific point

> in time. It appears almost every option available is praised by one

> group, and " put down " by others. While this is not to be


> I am someone shocked by the way people react to others who differ

> with their views regarding the best ways to treat cancer, and other

> diseases.


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Charles, thank you so much for sharing your experience. You speak

with wisdom in your words, and may God bless you and your wife, and

may His will be to heal your wife's body from this ordeal.





> No matter what happens, I know she can't die unless God says OK

> first. If He does, we are both willing to accept the fact Father

> knows best. I also believe God heals and answers prayers, so our

> outlook is bright regarding the outcome…


> Charles Gleason


> .

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Dear Charles,


The allopathic establishment is controlled rigidly by the powers at

the head of the pyramid structure, similar to a dictatorship or

military structure.


The doctors down in the organization, to remain a doctor and reap the

benefits of belonging to this type organization, is that they must

mainly, only do what is dictated by those above. It is a top down

organization. The structure also acts as a trade union to protect

it's turf and business by trying to monopolize the market and put out

of business any competing interests. The AMA, pharmacuetical

companies, and the FDA have just about put anything else that comes

along out of business for the last 90 years now.


As long as the allopaths stay within the guidelines of treatment they

are protected from lawsuits even if they permantly damage you or kill

you in the process.


The alternate community is without much structure. It is a bottom up

organization. There are no institutions to lend credibility and

warehouse, sort, catalogue, and make available to all the relevent

information. The reason is that the movement is usually killed by

whatever means the establishment can use before it can grow to that



By law, the alternatives are not allowed to make health claims in

conjunction with selling a product. The people today looking for info

are lucky. Before the advent of the internet, if was about a 1000

times more difficult to obtain the information about alternative

methods to treat illness.


I don't know how long you have been searching or what level your

knowledge is about alternative methods, but you have only been a

member here a very short time.


Yes, you did post a couple of very small messages to the group asking

for information about Graviola and about vitamin E But nothing about

direction to cancer info in general, but am somewhat dismayed that

you then chose to write a long post here on all the reasons that

chemo is beneficial etc. If you fully believe that there are a lot of

information and groups that cater to that belief.


This group has a ton of information about cancer. Our links page has

many, many links dealing with cancer. Our archives have many, many

messages that deal with cancer. If you had asked about help with

cancer information we could have directed you to a lot of it.


The one thing that we advocate is personal freedom and choice in

options of health care or treatments. The allopaths do not. They only

see it one way, drugs, radiation or surgury for everyone.


good luck,






, " Charles Gleason "

<akadad@b...> wrote:



> Since my wife was recently diagnosed with breast cancer (IBC type),


> have searched the internet regarding the treatment options


> in both the " standard " and the " alternative " medicine communities.


> have posted messages on this group and others, and I am pleased to

> say many people have written my wife and I with specific advice,


> references to check out.


> I want to briefly comment on some of the common threads I see, no

> matter what health options are being considered at a specific point

> in time. It appears almost every option available is praised by one

> group, and " put down " by others. While this is not to be


> I am someone shocked by the way people react to others who differ

> with their views regarding the best ways to treat cancer, and other

> diseases.


> Let me start with those who endorse treatments based upon chemo and

> radiation. The simple truth is, there is too much money to be made


> the oncology field for anyone associated with it to even consider


> alternative type of therapy. If someone invented a single pill that

> would eliminate 100% of cancer at once, the pharmaceutical company

> and the medical doctors would bury it. (and most likely the person

> who invented it) While I don't know if the herb Graviola works as

> claimed, I do believe any benefits it may have would have remained

> buried if someone had not revealed the fact the pharmaceutical


> had done their best to keep the records regarding it secret.


> Honestly compels me to say that since my wife has been diagnosed


> cancer, I have talked to many people locally (friends and


> who have taken chemo and radiation for cancer and are doing fine.

> (including those who had the IBC type of cancer) While I am also

> aware of people who have died or have had cancer return after such

> treatments, there seems to be a lot more people cured or in


> than I thought possible.

> While I do look at chemo and radiation as a sort of " burn the

witch "

> way of handling a problem, I have to admit this violent method


> to have worked for a large number of people.


> While I believe vitamins, minerals, and herbs, can help prevent

> cancer, I am not sure if they are able to cure cancer once it has

> infested the human body. Even most medical doctors will say that

> cancer would not be able to establish itself, if our immune system

> was strong and doing it's job. While I am not sure what the best


> to treat cancer is, I believe eating right and making sure we get


> natural supplements God created will prevent most cancer in the


> place.


> One of the problems I see concerning the alternative therapy

> community is, many of those who claim to have cures for cancer and

> other diseases are beginning to follow after the trends and


> of the " standard " medical community. Just like an oncologist,


> using brand " A " treatments will shun and condemn others who


> brand " B " , " C " , " D " , etc., treatments. An oncologist will say if


> refuse chemo, you will die. If someone using or selling an

> alternative treatment hears you won't use their system or products,

> they will often tell you the same thing.


> While chemo and radiation are drastic measures, most medical


> will direct you toward an oncologist for treatment of cancer. For

> better or worse, at least they agree as to how to best handle


> The alternative cancer people can't seem to agree about much at


> so a cancer victim is forced to play a type of remedy-lottery! You

> get to pick from hundreds or thousand of treatment options, and


> and pray you have made the right decision.


> If you look into a treatment option here or there, you may find a

> handful of testimonies regarding a particular treatment or product.

> On another message board or web site, you may find testimonies or

> evidence against what you just read. Until the alternative


> can begin to do the research and studies to bring all the facts and

> evidence together, people will not have a valid way to determine


> may work best for them.


> My wife will most likely start chemo in a day or so, but I have had

> her taking vitamins, minerals, and herbs, to help build her immune

> system beforehand. I believe if she had been taking supplements


> this in the past, her immune system would have been able to prevent

> the cancer in the first place. While I have been taking


> both of us have not eaten the type of foods that would help our

> bodies protect themselves.


> I really don't like her taking the chemo route, but I understand


> reasons for doing so at this point in time. If the cancer was not


> aggressive type it is, she might be willing to try some alternative

> forms of treatment. With so many different approaches out there, it

> is not easy to just pick one that will work.


> My wife will continue taking supplements during her treatments, and

> she has radically changed her diet since being diagnosed with


> No matter what happens, I know she can't die unless God says OK

> first. If He does, we are both willing to accept the fact Father

> knows best. I also believe God heals and answers prayers, so our

> outlook is bright regarding the outcome…


> Charles Gleason


> .

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" JoAnn Guest " <angelprincessjo

Thu Aug 7, 2003 6:12 pm



, " Charles Gleason "

<akadad@b...> wrote:



> While I believe vitamins, minerals, and herbs, can help prevent

> cancer, I am not sure if they are able to cure cancer once it has

> infested the human body.


With so many different approaches out there, it is not easy to just

pick one that will work.

> Charles Gleason





Cancer can be cured with the correct diet, lifestyle and herbs.

While it is somewhat evident that most anyone can set up a website

enumerating their specific `cancer cure'. This is done quite

frequently apparently even if they do not actually have a clue

regarding the implications of the disease,its causes or cure. On the

other hand, I have some thoughts which I would like to share with

you that I learned as I saw breast cancer in `action' in my own

family several years ago.

My ensuing remarks are not meant to diagnose or cure your wife's

breast cancer. I am simply giving my personal opinion based on these


Irregardless of the stage to which it has progressed I am convinced

that breast cancer can be reversed with the correct diet, a healthy

lifestyle and a few very select herbs.

I emphasize a good organic diet for in my opinion, it is even more

important in the respect that unhealthy additives can completely

reverse any strides you are making with alternatives and speed the

progression of the disease irregardless of how many supplements one

is taking (although supplements are important, especially the EFAs)

any of these vitamins and minerals cannot be used effectively unless

there is an abundance of enzymes at work to protect and rebuild

existing cells. Enzymes can be found ONLY in fresh raw organic



Enzymes are needed to protect healthy cells and to repair damaged

(cancerous ones) as well. In order to overcome cancer, one has to

overwhelm the cancer with *enzymes*. This has been done effectively

with a diet consisting of 80% raw organic plant foods. Enzymes are

the key to LIFE itself.

(Conversely, chemo tears down and destroys both cancer cells

and the integrity of healthy cells as well).



Lorraine Day and others who have found their lifelong cure have

testified regarding the importance of an abundance of enzymes in

cancer remission.




Why is it that when doctors contract cancer they refuse the chemo?

The answer is so obvious when you note the `success' rates of the

cut, slash and burn techniques that are required by the FDA . They

have observed the failure of allopathic medicine in cancer


The powers that be dictate how cancer is treated. Doctors must

follow the recommended protocol or their medical license is revoked.

So what does our governing bodies know about cancer, its cause or

cure. Chemo DESTROYS our Immune System. The body becomes

defenseless with its healing components literally annihilated.



The Oasis of Hope hospital in California and Mexico offer cancer

patients a much safer natural alternative. I would highly recommend

this alternative website for additional information and for

confirmation. This man, Francisco Contreras, following in the foot

steps of his father, offers renewed hope to the masses.



While emphasizing a diet of fresh raw foods, it is important to

eliminate any processed foods from the diet as well.

Hydrogenated oils are a health hazard and are clearly linked to

cancer growth. When it is ingested cancer cells thrive. These

unhealthy oils are a known carcinogen!

All the research on hydrogenated oils confirms the little known fact

that they contribute to abnormal cellular growth! These un-natural

fats must be removed entirely from the diet in order to restore the

integrity of the cellular membrane.

Not one slice of bread or one pat of margarine containing

hydrogenated oils may be eaten if one wishes to reverse this deadly

disease.In fact, all un-natural refined fats have to be removed

from the diet as well for by virtue of the caustic chemicals used in

the refining process they are also carcinogenic in nature.


A wise choice of fats invariably can be the difference between

life and death for cancer patients. This is an area where many diets

fall short. They allow a certain amount of these compromised oils (n-

6s) to be included. An abundance of n-6s without the proper n-3s to

match, promotes the formation of carcinogens in the body. All omega

6, refined oils must be eliminated from the diet. Of course if one

follows an organic diet with fresh raw foods, carefully avoiding any

processed foods, the majority of these fats will automatically be


I would highly recommend Lorraine Day's video, " You Can't Improve

on God " in which she outlines her own opinions on healthy food



I purchased this video while recovering from major illness some

years ago. I am firmly convinced this type of diet provides many of

the answers for a care free cancer free existence.

She was totally cured of stage three breast cancer (with no

reoccurring symptoms) and lives a happy normal life --cancer free!

In her video she goes through the diet in minute detail and relates

how she settled on an all fresh raw organic diet for her healing

after going through the `maze' of alternative medicine and trying

numerous other supplements and remedies along the way.


There is one other point regarding the diet that I would like to

emphasize as well.

As I have stated before, fats should be very minimal and carefully

chosen during cancer recovery. Dr. Johanna Budwig in her anti-

cancer diet advises that all refined sugars, flour and animal fats

should be avoided on the `Cancer Healing' Diet. In addition, fresh

green grass in green drinks such as Barleygreen with the " SOD "

marker enzyme have proven to be highly beneficial in cancer

reversal. I have some friends who fully recovered with the high

enzyme diet, Essiac,

and tons of Barleygreen. (Japanese with kelp)



Healing Remedies that I would use, in addition to the organic raw

diet in the order of their importance:


Essiac or Floressence



Laetrile – B-17

Red Clover for Estrogen control

Selenium- most prevalent in Brazil nuts

Echinacea, Astragalus

Maitake/Reishi mushroom

Milk Thistle

Olive leaf extract




The Web has testimony after testimony regarding this miraculous

healing combination of detoxifying herbs (Essiac). If there was one

remedy which I would religiously use during cancer recovery it would

be this herb!

Clearly, the evidence is all there!

The regimen varies a little according to specific types of cancer,

however cancer is basically a lack of immune function, that's all.


Best Regards,


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