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Tue, 5 Aug 2003 00:31:23 -0500

HSI - Jenny Thompson

Easy as 1...2...3


Easy as 1... 2... 3


Health Sciences Institute e-Alert


August 5, 2003




Dear Reader,


For a moment, I thought my doctor might " fire " me.


I've been going to my OB/GYN now for more than 10 years. I

like him, I trust him, and at times he's provided invaluable

advice and care. But we recently had a serious disagreement.


During a checkup, he told me I should have a mammogram.

Without a moment's hesitation, I told him I wouldn't. And

with no hesitation on his part he strongly recommended that I

should reconsider. When I refused, he became defensive,

listing the reasons why mammograms are safe and necessary.

After a somewhat heated discussion - with neither of us

budging on our positions - I finally offered to sign a

release, stating that I had declined his recommendation of a

mammogram. (He didn't have a release available.)


So he didn't " fire " me as a patient. But he wasn't at all

happy with my decision.


Like many doctors, my OB/GYN is sold on the idea that

mammograms save lives. And because this is the mainstream

thinking accepted by the general public, I'm sure my doctor

is accustomed to little or no resistance when he recommends

mammography. But then most of the general public is simply

unaware of the realities.



Myths abound



Besides the fact that I'm not in any of the high risk groups

for breast cancer (why test early for something you're not at

risk for?), I have read many reports that clearly refute the

mainstream medical establishment dogma that mammography is

safe and effective. In fact, it's neither.


The most recent call to resist mammography came from a report

last month in the British Medical Journal in which the

authors make the case that most women simply don't know what

they're getting into when they agree to have a mammogram. As

a result, rather than learning the dangers beforehand, they

learn by experience that this uncomfortable exam often

creates more problems than it solves.


Over the past 20 years, three primary myths about mammography

have evolved to the point that they're generally accepted as

facts. But if women knew the true details of these myths,

quite a bit of needless heartache, worry, and physical pain

could be avoided. And there's a good chance that lives would

be saved as well.



Vise grips



Myth 1: Mammograms are safe.


Fact: Mammograms may actually prompt an existing cancer to



Women who have never had a mammogram are often surprised to

find out how remarkably uncomfortable it is. The breast is

compressed between two flat surfaces so that the tissue will

be sparse enough to allow tumors to be revealed. At the very

least this is uncomfortable and often painful. At worst,

however, it may actually break down cancer tissue and rupture

small blood vessels that support the cancer, causing it to



In the January 2002 issue of his Real Health newsletter,

William Campbell Douglass, M.D., wrote about what he calls

the " compression contradiction. " Dr. Douglass says, " I find

it maddeningly contradictory that medical students are taught

to examine breasts gently to keep any possible cancer from

spreading, yet radiologists are allowed to manhandle them for

a mammogram. "


And then there's the radiation question.


My doctor argued that the radiation from a mammogram is less

than an airline passenger is exposed to on a cross-country

flight. I haven't seen statistics to back that up, so I'll

take his word for it. But even if it's true, the difference

between having your body generally radiated, and focusing all

of that radiation on a compact area is obvious. And the

amount of radiation used is not trifling. When four films are

made of each breast, the radiation exposure is about one RAD,

or radiation absorbed dose. That's approximately 1,000 times

more radiation than you receive from a chest x-ray.


Pre-menopausal women in particular have been shown to be

sensitive to this radiation exposure that can cause cancer.

And yet the American Cancer Society recommends that all women

over the age of 40 receive yearly mammograms.



Harsh options



Myth 2: When breast cancer is caught at an early stage by a

mammogram, the need for surgery is reduced because tumors can

be treated in other ways.


Fact: If a tumor is large enough to be detected with a

mammogram, it's already in an advanced state. Furthermore,

the typical alternatives to surgery can do more harm than



Three years ago, scientists at the Nordic Cochrane Center in

Copenhagen, Denmark, reviewed seven of the largest

mammography studies yet conducted. They found that women who

underwent regular screening had about 30 percent more

mastectomies and lumpectomies than women who weren't

screened. They also found that tumors detected by mammograms

are likely to be treated with radiation, which carries a high

risk of cardiovascular damage. The authors wrote, " As

screening primarily seems to identify slow-growing tumors,

the adverse effects of treatment could potentially reduce or

even neutralize any possible benefits. "


The rate of false positive results from mammograms is also

very high, leading to unnecessary biopsies, radiation,

mastectomies and lymph node removal. A National Cancer

Institute study showed that over the course of nine

mammograms for women between the ages of 40 and 69, the risk

of a false positive was well over 40 percent.



Even up



Myth 3: Mammograms save lives.


Fact: Mammograms do not save lives.


There are certainly cases where a mammogram has detected a

life-threatening cancer and the patient's life was saved by

the follow up treatment. But overall, the statistics simply

don't support the argument that mammograms save lives.


The Nordic Cochrane researchers cited two definitive studies

in their report. The first, conducted in Malmo, Sweden,

compared the experience of 21,088 women who had regular

mammograms to 21,095 women who did not. After nearly nine

years, 63 women in the mammogram group and 66 women in the

control group had died of breast cancer. The second study,

performed in Canada, tracked almost 90,000 women for 13

years. Approximately half of the women had mammograms, and

half did not. Deaths due to breast cancer numbered 120 in the

mammogram group, and 111 in the control group.


These are just two of many studies that have come to the same

conclusion: mammograms do not save lives.


On a personal note; as my doctor was handing me the

slip " ordering " my mammogram, he told me that he had never

had a case of breast cancer in a pre-menopausal woman that

wasn't fatal. " The cancer is always just too aggressive in

those cases, " he said. I wondered if he realized that he'd

just told me he wanted me to get tested so we would both know

if I was about to die. After all, he'd just admitted he

couldn't save me. But he was already pretty frustrated and I

had to get to work, so I dropped the debate.



The good news



No woman should assume that a yearly mammogram will save her

from breast cancer, or that surgery and radiation are the

only acceptable responses to a positive reading. As numerous

studies have demonstrated, these previously accepted " facts "

about mammograms are largely based on myths that are

perpetuated by the medical mainstream.


In tomorrow's e-Alert I'll continue this topic with some good

news: there are safe alternatives to mammography, and some of

them have been shown to be more effective than mammograms.





... and another thing


Get happy!


That's the implied advice from a Carnegie Mellon study

concluding that happy people are three times less likely to

come down with a cold.


Researchers began by interviewing 300 healthy subjects to

determine the emotional state of each individual. After

subjects were determined to be " happy " or " not happy, "

researchers squirted rhinovirus up their noses. (Rhinovirus

is the virus that causes the common cold.)


The subjects were then tracked for five days with

questionnaires to determine if cold symptoms were developing.

And you already know how this turns out: those who scored at

the bottom of the " not happy " scale were three times more

likely to develop a cold as those at the top of the " happy "



Okay. I have two questions.


1) How " happy " do you have to be to REMAIN happy after

someone squirts rhinovirus up your nose?


2) Is it possible that the " happy " group came down with the

very same symptoms as the " not happy " group, but minimized

their conditions when questioned? Because, heck, they can't

help it! They're happy!


This study might be on to something. Maybe the worst part of

a cold isn't the sniffles, the sore throat, the achy feeling,

or the headache. Maybe the worst part is the whining!


Speaking only for myself, however - when I have a cold, I

believe a little whining makes me feel better. Not HAPPY,

mind you, but a little better.


To Your Good Health,


Jenny Thompson

Health Sciences Institute




" Women Need Better Information About Routine Mammography "

British Medical Journal, 2003; 327: 101-103, 7/12/03, bmj.com

" Mammography Myths Remain Unexposed " Dr. Joseph Mercola,

7/30/03, mercola.com

" Cochrane Review on Screening for Breast Cancer with

Mammography " The Lancet, 2001; 358: 1340-1342, thelancet.com

" Screening Mammography - an Overview Revisited " The Lancet,

2001; 358: 1284-1285, thelancet.com

" Is Screening for Breast Cancer with Mammography

Justifiable? " The Lancet, 2000; 355: 129-134, thelancet.com

" The Cruel and Costly Hoax of Breast Cancer Screening:

Protect Yourself from Mainstream Mammography Mania " William

Campbell Douglass, M.D., Real Health, January 2002,


" Medicine Mum on Mammography... Do the Math " Alternative

Medicine, 10/23/00, alternativemedicine.com

" Happy People get Fewer Colds " United Press International,

7/28/03, nlm.nih.gov


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