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Ener Chi Art

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Ener Chi Art

New medicine for the body mind spirit



If healing is to be complete, lasting and purposeful it must occur

simultaneously on all levels of body, mind, and spirit. Foremost, it must take

place at the very causal stages of imbalance where the seeds of dissonance first

begin to sprout and later manifest themselves as discomfort, emotional distress,

or disease. It is now no longer sufficient to keep applying " remedies " that

merely pacify the symptoms of dissatisfaction, emotional upset and physical

illness. Our collective obsession with only fixing symptoms or solving problems

without regard to what is causing them has led to enormous difficulties in

almost every area of living. At the same time, we are at the threshold of a

global transformation, where the original causes of any kind of malady that may

be affecting an individual or a society are undeniably pushed to the surface,

demanding our urgent attention. Yet we are not meant to struggle with this.

Most of us have already gone through the thick and thin of life (and life

times), worked through a lot of karmic baggage. And although we may not always

recognise this, we have reached a point where we only deserve the very best in

life. To be able to move forward and release the limitations we still feel are

holding us back, we may want to use one of the greatest love gifts that has

recently been given to us by the spiritual beings from the higher dimensions.

They have blessed us with a new system of healing -- a new medicine for the

body, mind and soul. We have called it Ener-Chi Art.


What is Ener-Chi Art?


Ener-Chi Art is a system of healing that combines channelled artwork with light

energies that are derived from other dimensions of existence. It consists of

various parts, the first of which includes a series of 23 paintings that are

imbued or " activated " with specific light rays. There is a painting for each

part of the body, including every organ and system. If you look, for example, at

the painting that corresponds to the heart for about 1 minute, very profound

changes begin to occur in that organ. The flow of Chi (vital energy or life

force) becomes fully restored and any negative thought forms, emotional

imbalances, and karmic residues that may have lodged there, and possibly caused

physical abnormalities, are systematically transmuted.


How Does It Work and What Does It Do?


Each part of the body, including each one of its trillions of cells, has its own

auric field. The aura of the body, which is comprised of the numerous auras of

its individual parts, goes beyond physical parameters, yet it influences

physical and emotional life more than anything else. The human aura affects the

atmosphere of the Earth with specific encodements, both positive and negative.

Thus, negative thoughts and beliefs, emotional trauma, and other experiential

episodes get caught up in the ionosphere of the Earth and may cause major global

disturbances that affect the population, wildlife, and climate of the planet as

a whole.


The effect of Ener-Chi Art spirals out from our light-body to the universe. It

cleanses the aura as well as the physical and mental bodies, and balances the

Chi force throughout the body. Similar to the process of osmosis, it transports

energy in and out of the body without any disruption. This effect occurs

instantly and can be verified through a simple muscle testing procedure applied

both before and after viewing the Ener-Chi Art pictures. It can also be made

visible to the eye by taking auric photographs of the body.


Additionally, Ener-Chi Art has a uniquely beneficial effect on the genetic

blueprint of the body -- the DNA. Research has shown that only a fraction of our

DNA is currently active. Ener-Chi Art is designed to activate the codes within

the DNA structure that are linked with total immunity to disease and full use of

the body's enormous, but so far untapped, potential.


Ener-Chi Art is so unique because it addresses the original causes of all

possible causes that may be responsible for the physical, mental and emotional

problems prevalent in our lives today, including those of karmic origin. It

assists in raising the body's frequencies and loosening its density, so that we

will be able to live and function in higher dimensions than we currently have

access to. Direct access to these realms will remove fear from life and replace

it with the powerful love energies that are capable of accomplishing almost

anything without effort or struggle.


The Importance of Chi-Balancing


Ener-Chi Art has been given to us at a time when humankind is dividing itself

into two major groups: one that it ready to move out of the prison of polarity

where good and bad, right and wrong, love and fear, etc., are the accepted

opposites that control individual and collective life; and the other that

continues to rely on problems and negativity as the principal tool to learn

life's lessons. Current fundamental personal and planetary changes literally

force us to make a choice. Ener-Chi Art has been brought into existence to

assist us in this process, making the transition smooth, easy and enjoyable.


As we became increasingly aware of the profound nature of this artwork, we were

given further information about the implications that would result from

spreading Ener-Chi Art to the general population. As more and more people begin

to clean up their auric fields and energy circuits, and go through profound

healing events, the Earth's own energy field also begins to heal and permits

light energies of higher frequencies to penetrate the myriad life forms on the

planet. This gradually loosens up the density of matter of all living and

non-living things, and allows us to increasingly rely on mere thought energy to

accomplish our life's goals and purpose. This also takes away the fears,

struggles, and strife that most of us have become so accustomed to.


Most ancient systems of health and healing are based on the belief that the

balanced flow of Chi is the key determinant for a healthy body and mind.

Negative thoughts, poor diet and nutrition, accumulation of toxins in the body,

karmic influences, stress and a polluted environment, among other factors, can

upset the balanced flow of Chi through the subtle energy ducts (meridians) and

their tiny sub-pathways in the body. Whenever a group of cells, an organ or

system receives either too little or too much Chi, normal bodily functions

become disrupted and physical problems begin to manifest themselves, affecting

the well-being of body, mind, and soul.


Children who are born with physical or mental defects suffer a Chi imbalance

that is mainly related to karmic influences from former life times, although the

condition itself may serve as a means to undo the knots of karma and, at the

same time, help to teach others the life lessons of compassion and unconditional

love. Health problems that are acquired later in life may or may not originate

from karmic causes, but are equally related to either stagnant or excessive flow

of Chi.


Since Chi is a universal commodity that exists inside and outside our body, an

imbalance anywhere is directly linked with an imbalanced flow of Chi. If there

were a method to instantly balance Chi and maintain proper Chi flow through the

body, it would imply that even karmic influences and weaknesses on the level of

the soul are in the process of being transmuted. Otherwise, the former Chi

imbalance would recur within a short period of time -- a common experience among

people who are helped by a healer, yet for a little while only. There is no

other known system that is capable of balancing Chi so quickly and long-lasting

as Ener-Chi Art does; an effect that can be verified by a simple do-it-yourself

testing procedure.


It's A Time for Miracles


The first part of Ener-Chi Art is not to be used as a quick fix method for

curing physical ailments, although many conditions may simply vanish within days

or weeks after applying it just once. Even cases of severe spinal scoliosis have

reversed completely within a matter of days. Ener-Chi Art is meant for a much

higher purpose and, thus, is more of an energetic nature than a physical nature.

The art healing process allows the body to go through a profound energy

exchange, a symbiotic process of healing the temple within in concert with

healing the temple without. Its true purpose is of a higher frequency nature;

laying a pathway to a new level of existence for everyone.


At a time when the main emphasis has been on fixing physical problems, it may be

useful to understand that any symptom of disease originates in a misconception

of who we really are, which has major fear-generating effects on the level of

the soul. In this sense, the presence of physical problems literally forces a

person to attend to his/her own internal needs and indicates that some aspects

of the soul still require healing. The bottom line is that the body simply

cannot be healed unless the soul is healed first. Hence, the attempt to cure

diseases without attending to their root causes (on the level of the soul) is

expressed in the fact that 90 percent of all diseases today are of a chronic

nature, which means they defy treatment. The first series of 23 Ener-Chi Art

paintings are designed to heal all the wounds of the soul from both the past and

the present.


Once the soul healing has taken place, it does not require much to put an end to

physical imbalances or diseases altogether, even if they are considered

terminal. This will be dealt with by the second part of Ener-Chi Art, which is

still in the process of development and may be completed by the end of 1999.

Apart from generating an instant cleansing effect in our bodies, it will also be

used to clean up our rivers, the air, the vegetable, animal and mineral

kingdoms, etc., thereby allowing all life forms -- and the planet as a whole --

to raise their frequencies in preparation for bringing forth and structuring the

New World. This second aspect of Ener-Chi Art also deals with specific diseases

that affect our societies, animals, and natural ecological systems.


It is most encouraging to know that with the worst problems the world has ever

faced, we are also given the most simple and effective ways to resolve them,

once and for all. In this sense, our collective future looks very hopeful and

bright. We are fast moving into an era when miracles will be the most common and

unquestioned natural phenomena on this planet.



Andreas Moritz is a medical intuitive, practitioner of Ayurveda, Iridology,

Shiatsu and Vibrational Medicine. Born in Southwest Germany, he has spent most

of his life living and practicing in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the United

States. Andreas has authored three books on health and healing: " The Amazing

Liver Cleanse " , " The Key to Health and Rejuvenation " and It's Time to Wake Up. "

His fourth book " Freedom from Judgment " will be released shortly. All books can

be ordered from 1stBooks Library, at: http://www.1stbooks.com, toll free

1-800-839-8640, or from major bookshops. Andreas also is the artist who created

the oil painting for a new innovative approach to healing through energized art,

called Ener-Chi Art. For more information contact: Andreas Moritz, 400 Meadow

Lake Trail, Greer, SC 29650, USA; Tel: ++1-864-848-6410; Web site

http://www.ener-chi.com, E-mail: andmor

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