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Bird Flu

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> [MedicalConspiracies] bird Flu


> Have just downloaded & printed a free 40 page book of preventative

> measures - don't know how helpful it is but worth a look


> http://www.truthpublishing.com/survivinginfluenza.html



Beat the Bird Flu Virus and Survive the Pandemic


by Mike Adams the Health



The bird flu virus is the single largest threat to humanity ... " - The Centers

for Disease Control


" ...the H5N1 strain has demonstrated its capacity to infect humans and cause

severe disease, with high fatality. The disease in humans has no vaccine to

confer protection and no specific treatment once illness becomes severe. " - The

World Health Organization


" Vaccines and antiviral agents are unlikely to meet demand, even for

industrialized countries able to purchase them. " - The Next Influenza Pandemic:

Lessons from Hong Kong, 1997 by René Snacken, Alan P. Kendal, Lars R. Haaheim,

and John M. Wood, published by the Centers for Disease Control


The world is unprepared for the bird flu pandemic

A bird flu outbreak may happen at any time. Conditions are now ripe for an

outbreak that could make SARS seem tame in comparison. According to the World

Health Organization, up to 30% of the global population could be infected with

the bird flu virus. One top Russian virologist estimates that as many as one

billion people around the world could die from an outbreak.


Are you prepared to protect you and your family?


Your government is doing next to nothing to prepare. While CDC officials and WHO

infectious disease experts are doing a fantastic job of trying to warn the world

about the bird flu (and tracking isolated infections right now), politicians are

ignoring them! No nation is manufacturing or stockpiling bird flu virus

vaccines. No hospitals are truly prepared to deal with rampant infection. No

population is being told the truth. (Probably because it's too frightening...)


The bird flu has wiped out populations before. The 1918 flu killed 25% of the

population in some cities and took the lives of tens of millions of people

around the world. Yet today, we are no better at treating these viruses than in

1918. In fact, modern conditions make it easier for a virus to spread from city

to city. Worse yet, peoples' immune systems are universally suppressed, making

defense against the virus that much more difficult.


This downloadable ebook, Beat the Bird Flu Virus, arms you with the information

you need to protect you and your family from the possible bird flu pandemic the

World Health Organization is now warning us about. Here's what you'll learn



* Why the W.H.O. now believes a bird flu pandemic is extremely likely.

* The truth about why vaccines and antiviral drugs will be in short supply

from day one.

* Why medical facilities are ill-prepared to deal with a flu pandemic.

* Why conventional medicine is all but helpless to help those infected.

* How the world today is ripe for the spread of infectious disease, even

more so than in 1918.

* Research that reveals the twelve most powerful antiviral herbs for

defending against the flu.

* Where to find potent antiviral products to keep on hand in case of an


* Why supply and demand will create supply shortages of antiviral herbs

following news of an outbreak.

* Why it's foolish to rely on the government to protect you against

influenza (and why you need to take your protection into your own hands).

* Where you can buy antiviral herbs in bulk (at a steep discount) and make

your own antiviral tinctures.


Feel free to download this report and share it freely.


Beat the Bird Flu Virus is packed with valuable information that can help

protect you against a bird flu pandemic. It's a subset of the much larger book,

How to Beat the Flu, which offers detailed explanations and strategies for

boosting your immune system and beating virtually any infectious disease, even

without a vaccine.

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  • 1 month later...

Does anyone have any thoughts on alternative remedies or preventative

measures for bird flu.


I have just bought a colloidal silver maker and are looking at stocking

some anti viral essential oils.


Can anyone recommend what oils would be best.


With thanks


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Have you ever tried the essential oil

blend, Thieves? This blend has been around since the 15th Century

during the plague. It gets it name because thieves actually used this

blend of oils to protect themselves from the plague while they were pillaging. I

have been using it for the past three years and never have had the flu. I

apply it to my wrists before I go out in to the world. It’s one of

the essential oil blends that I carry with me always. I have it available

at my website, http://youngliving.com/sherry23331

.. I know I’ll be using it to protect myself.














On Behalf Of Diana

Friday, November 25, 2005

7:19 PM







Does anyone have any thoughts

on alternative remedies or preventative

measures for bird flu.


I have just bought a colloidal silver maker and

are looking at stocking

some anti viral essential oils.


Can anyone recommend what oils would be best.


With thanks


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The best approach to bird fly is to avoid letting your body allow it to

get in and attack in the first place which means a strong immune system.

Glyconutrients are core nutritional components that the body uses to build and

maintain its immune system…nutritional components no longer found in our

modern diets of processed, modified, fast-food, pre-packaged, commercially

grown, green picked food. Read and listen to 4 top doctors speak about

the importance of Glyconutrients for all of us. www.GotGlyco.com






Stan Crane
















On Behalf Of Diana

Friday, November 25, 2005 6:19 PM


Bird Flu


Does anyone have any thoughts on alternative remedies or preventative

measures for bird flu.


I have just bought a colloidal silver maker and are looking at stocking


some anti viral essential oils.


Can anyone recommend what oils would be best.


With thanks










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check out http://www.naturesgift.com/descript.htm there you will find descriptions of the oils and how to use them. very good site with excellant oils that won't break the bank. you can also ask for samples. I've been buying from Marge for over 4 years now and very pleased with the products. There are many anti-viral oils, to name just a few: LEMON EUCALYPTUS, all PINE oils are antiseptic, anti-fungal and detoxifying, and RAVENSARA-good for combating the flu, or any respiratory virus, strongly anti-viral. Hope this helps. Pat Z in MichiganDiana <zoomingahead wrote: Does anyone have any thoughts on alternative remedies or preventative measures for bird flu.I have just bought a colloidal silver maker and are looking at stocking some anti

viral essential oils.Can anyone recommend what oils would be best.With thanksDLM



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Does anyone have any thoughts on alternative remedies

or preventative measures for bird flu.I have just bought a colloidal silver maker and

are looking at stocking some anti viral essential oils.Can anyone recommend what oils would be best.With thanksDLMOregano Onites, the one with high Carvacrol

content, from Butch Owens at www.av-at.com

A wee bit goes a long way, and I couldn't believe

how reasonable the price is.

Great personal service too.


You can visit the archives of the

group at , for Butch's posts on the topic

of oregano and testimonials.


I know diddly about how to tell a good oil

from a bad one. Apparently a pretty smell

means nothing.

The more I learn about the wonderful world

of essential oils, the more it seems to come

down to trust in the provider.


After reading posts from Butch Owen for

a year I have a totally good feeling

about this guy. He is a Mensch.

No pretensions, no fake doctoral degrees.


I usually enjoy supporting fellow MLMers,

and I have friends who swear by their Young

Living. The company deserves credit for

popularizing essential oils. But there is

just no way I can trust a guy with a fake DR

in front of his name, sorry.




And, don't forget the power of your mind!

This item also came from Butch.

I had seen it before but it bears repeating.

Oregano is NOT the ONLY way to prevent colds. ;-)Miss Bea was in her late 80's and much admired for her sweetness andkindness to all. The pastor came to call on her one afternoon early inthe spring and she welcomed him into her Victorian parlor.She invited him to have a seat while she prepared a little tea.As he sat facing her old pump organ, the minister noticed a crystalglass bowl sitting on top of the organ. The bowl was filled with waterand in the water floated, of all things, a condom.He was shocked and surprised .. surely Miss Bea had flipped her lid!!The pastor decided he should not mention this strange sight in herparlor .. but still, he was curious.When she returned with tea and cookies, they began to chat. The pastortried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl and its strange floater,but soon it got the best of him, and he could resist no longer."Miss Bea," he said, pointing to the bowl, "I wonder if you would tellme about this.""Oh yes," she replied, "Isn't it wonderful? I was walking down town lastfall and I found this little package. It said to put it on your organand keep it wet, and it would prevent disease. And you know, I think itis working. I haven't had a cold all winter." ;-)

Here is the website again:



Ien in the Kootenays*******************************Stop. Breathe. Smile!~Padma ( my TV yoga teacher)See my smiling face:http://www.greatestnetworker.com/ien*******************************



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Stan Crane wrote:


<The best approach to bird fly is to avoid letting your body

allow it to get in and attack in the first place which means a

strong immune system.>



There are many ways to be strong to begin with.

Good, complete nutrition is of course one factor.

We all have our pet supplements.


Staying out of FEAR is another important way.

Don't get sucked into the hysteria.

Drink enough water. We so often forget in winter.

I know I do. Exercise, even a bit helps, and breathe!


Ien in the Kootenays*******************************Different things work for different people.To see what works for us send a blank email toalexstory*******************************




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