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Electromagnetic Sensitivity

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Hi everyone,


I've been doing a bit of online research on this topic and thought

this group would be a great place to hear personal experiences of the

harmful effects of electromagnetic energy. Any stories to share?


Thanks in advance,


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Personal experience with this:


Primarily interupted sleep patterns to the point I would wake up

feeling paralyzed. I used to have to have someone rub my arms and


awake because I couldn't move them, and then the pain along the


was almost unbearable. I always felt better once I was out of the

house however, I was irritable and didn't want anyone touching me or

entering my 3' bubble space. 2 years later I still notice tingling


my spine. I am still sensitive to electronics being left on in other

rooms while I try to sleep. This is a serious issue and should not


ignored if it is suspect.


This is not a subject doctors like to talk about. They would rather

prescribe muscle relaxers, pain killers and sleep aids. I had one

doctor ask if my husband was trying to poison me because the


are similar. (he was a musician and was 3 states away at the time)


We had the primary electrical wires coming into our second story

bedroom. Our solution - we moved.


In some states your local electric company will come out and test


for free. They will also give you loads of research material done


your area and the nation. They will also explain the readings.


Hope this helps.




, " Michelle "

<N2LivinWell@c...> wrote:


> Hi everyone,


> I've been doing a bit of online research on this topic and thought

> this group would be a great place to hear personal experiences of


> harmful effects of electromagnetic energy. Any stories to share?


> Thanks in advance,

> Michelle


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I think you're talking about electrical transformers. They are the worst "field" of low current to live by. Some people are more sensitive to microwave and various electrical levels. I did some reading a while back when I was feeling "rotten" and lived in a toxic home. There were 2 great books on the subject...one was something about electromagnetic fields and the other on general knowledge regarding "toxic homes"..which can range from hidden molds, electrical fields, certain building materials used in the home (such as formaldehyde in carpets and particle board), glues, arsenic (in outdoor pretreated wood for decks or wood basements). I became so "sensitive" to things due to high cortisol levels..that I had to get rid of all candles (petroleum sensitivity, which is common), use natural furniture polishes from the health store and more natural cleaning products (white vinegar), etc. I stepped up my antioxidants and would not even use my microwave for heating things. I eventually improved while living in that house, despite the damp and moldy basement (was renting). I had every symptom in the book, at one time or another!


I remember some recommendations for the home or especially the bedroom (where we spend much of our time) were to avoid putting your bed near electrical outlets, not having a "digital clock", television (which is always on, even though off), and to avoid having too many electronics around. It is a constant stress on the body, as flourescent lights and perhaps computer use, if excessive.


Hope that little bit gives you a direction to look. I think if you did a search on Amazon's bookstore site, you'd find the books I mentioned or some new ones.






I moved to this home 2 1/2 years ago, and haven't felt the same

since. Just across the street are a row of those huge electrical

towers. I'm not sure what they're called, but you know what I mean.

I've also been in front of the computer a lot, doing research and

writing "Holistic Menopause".

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