Guest guest Posted March 12, 2003 Report Share Posted March 12, 2003 I have read the posted messages, consequently I kindly ask you to advice me in the following problem: From period to period I have several episodes of hypoglicemia which are repeating oftenly in the evening and/or in the night. Then I have to eat some sweets, like powder milk simply or with sugar, jam or chocolate, more often milk powder. I also feel the need to eat everything, not in great quantities but to be very various, different, even they don't match with each other. For example, 1-2 tea spoons of mustar, then 2-3 tea spoons with jam, 1 pcs. of hot-dog, 1 cup of water... It's very wird, isn't it? I also have for many, many years (from adolescence / now I'm 37 years old) problems with constipation. At one of my analyzis the doctor told me that I have a very slow bowl evacuation and a gastro-duodenal ulcer at its beginnings. After I drink something (even I don't eat) or after I eat something my stomach becomes bigger and bigger, so I'm in pain, in stress. I also seems to have water retention, especially in my whole abdomen; my legs are swallowing, too. I really don't know what to do, because I drink only 200 ml decoffee a day, I quit smoking since a month ago, I don't drink any soda. I use nutrition diet, I drink specific teas against constipation and for helping the " lazy " gall bladder. I don't eat fry meals. Can anybody advice me regarding my illness and, of course, to help me? I kindly ask you to send me your answers. Sincerely yours, Monica P.(Romania) jackiejataylor wrote:In a message dated 12/03/2003 07:46:55 GMT Standard Time, chinesemedicineman writes: > Do you mean hyperglycemia is a precursor to Type II diabetes? > Hyperglycemia = to much sugar in blood > hypoglycemia= too little sugar in blood > insulin is a hypoglycemic agent so it removes sugar from blood > But Type two diabetes is insulin resistance in extremis. If you are less insulin resistant, you may just produce too much insulin, overshoot the mark, and end up hypoglycemic. The more excess insulin you produce, the more resistant you become, and eventually when the pancreas can no longer keep up the blood sugar stays high, and then you are on the way to diabetes. The intermediate stage is called 'impaired glucose tolerance'. Some people just stay insulin resistant though - and get patterns like Syndrome X. In TCM the patterns I have found for IR are: Yin deficiency and Yang-Excess type Yin-Yang deficiency type Phlegm-dampness type Exuberant Liver-Fire type Bob flaw suggests Spleen deficiency/Liver stagnation as the root for many westerners (I assume of the second two types?) And by the time they progress to diabetes, if they do: Yin deficiency Yin and Qi deficiency Yin and Yang deficiency Each corresponding to a worsening of the disease measured by western perameters too - a lot of research going on there. Also there is normally a first stage insulin release as soon as good enters your mouth - that is lost in some people as a separate cause of hypoglycemia, so when the sugar starts hitting the blood stream the pancreas sort of 'panics' and overshoots again. Jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 13, 2003 Report Share Posted March 13, 2003 In a message dated 12/03/2003 12:19:16 GMT Standard Time, mona_rom writes: > From period to period I have several episodes of hypoglicemia which are > repeating oftenly in the evening and/or in the night. Then I have to eat > some sweets, like powder milk simply or with sugar, jam or chocolate, more > often milk powder. I'm afraid I cannot help you much Monica, except try to find a TCM herbalist to give you a proper diagnosis - though I know that might be hard in Romania. But about the above, if that were me it would mean that the last meal I ate was too high in carboydrates, and I had gotten onto 'the hypolgycemia rollercoaster'. I can never eat a meal that is solely carbohydrate, it has to have plenty of protein and some fat. If you can get hold of green tea to drink before a meal that will help. Do you drink in the evening? Alcohol can make you hypolglycemic too. Protein causes an insulin release, but it also causes the release of glucagon, which stops your blood sugar falling too low. Jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 14, 2003 Report Share Posted March 14, 2003 In a message dated 14/03/2003 08:00:06 GMT Standard Time, mona_rom writes: > It's possible those problems to appear because of several mental problems > (powerful stress - which I have) that I keep them in my inner being? And > how can I ger rid of them? > I know about 'powerful stress' believe me, my herbalist feels it was at the root of my condition too. If you cannot get access to a herbalist, can you at least get to a doctor to check your thyroid function? Hypothyroidism can cause a lot of the things you mention too - it tends to slow your bowels up and keep your blood sugar too low. Seaweed/kelp may help that if you are short of iodine in your diet. I'm sorry I can't help more. Jackie Jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 14, 2003 Report Share Posted March 14, 2003 Dear Jackie, I understand this situation it's hard. Maybe I will find somebody to help me. I also forgot to mention the constipation problems and gaining weight (I think it's due to constipation problems). I also have water retention. I don't know why. I don't use alchool (extremely rare cases), I drink only decaff (200 ml/day), I quit smoking, I use diet meals, I drink teas and I'm a vegetarian as far as I know me, from my birth day... It's possible those problems to appear because of several mental problems (powerful stress - which I have) that I keep them in my inner being? And how can I ger rid of them? Warmly, Monica. jackiejataylor wrote:In a message dated 12/03/2003 12:19:16 GMT Standard Time, mona_rom writes: > From period to period I have several episodes of hypoglicemia which are > repeating oftenly in the evening and/or in the night. Then I have to eat > some sweets, like powder milk simply or with sugar, jam or chocolate, more > often milk powder. I'm afraid I cannot help you much Monica, except try to find a TCM herbalist to give you a proper diagnosis - though I know that might be hard in Romania. But about the above, if that were me it would mean that the last meal I ate was too high in carboydrates, and I had gotten onto 'the hypolgycemia rollercoaster'. I can never eat a meal that is solely carbohydrate, it has to have plenty of protein and some fat. If you can get hold of green tea to drink before a meal that will help. Do you drink in the evening? Alcohol can make you hypolglycemic too. Protein causes an insulin release, but it also causes the release of glucagon, which stops your blood sugar falling too low. Jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 14, 2003 Report Share Posted March 14, 2003 Welcome Christy! 2 things.... Total Nutrition and a Total Body Cleanse . Both are in the files... However, you're in luck.... check the messages for the past week... There is a group of us who are planning on doing a cleanse starting May 4.... you can join in if you wish... after you read all this if you have questions, ask away.... Suzi marchwinds1973 <christyrenae2002 wrote: Hi everyone!! I needed to know if there is someone in here who could help me help my son control hypoglycemia. I Web Hosting - establish your business online Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 15, 2003 Report Share Posted March 15, 2003 Christy, switch all your grocery shopping to include certified organic foods. In the files there is information on sprouting nuts, seeds and grains that you need to read. Look also at the Total Nutrition recipe under Dr. Ian Shillington (he is the list owner). You can call Doc for a free consult too :-) Janet - marchwinds1973 herbal remedies Friday, March 14, 2003 7:24 PM [herbal remedies] Hypoglycemia Hi everyone!! I needed to know if there is someone in here who could help me help my son control hypoglycemia. I had tests run on him Monday and they came back as his sugar being obviously low. Can someone please tell me what foods are good to eat? I know that as a parent I have obviously failed him in some way....I have trouble with the low blood sugar as well........I dont always do very good at keeping mine where it should be. My son is only 6 though and it isn't always easy to get him to eat the things that he should for obvious reasons. I am looking for a specific list of foods that are high and low...but cant find it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.christyrenae2002Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 16, 2003 Report Share Posted March 16, 2003 Do any weather conditions make your hypoglycemia worst? I my case I tend to have more problems when a storm is moving in - rising humidity, falling barometer and falling temperature. If I overdo physically I have more problems than when I am rested. The hypoglycemia in my case appears to be linked to Kidney Yang and Spleen Yang Deficiency. The weight I gained also seems to be linked to the Spleen Deficiency problems. I used to stay hungry all the time. The number one cause of excessive appetite is Stomach Yin Deficiency, but I didn't fit the key criteria for that. I also didn't fit any of the other things which can result in excessive appetite. I craved a wide range of foods. I got as excited over a salad or collard greens or spinach or asparagus or bussel spounts as I got over a hamburger. I also used to want some weird combinations of food. For example, when I ate cheese, I started to crave peanut butter. When I ate peanut butter, I started to crave cheese. (I have no idea why.) I did best when I got a big variety of foods at the same meal. Several things have helped. One was the Chinese idea of a balanced diet. A TCM balanced diet is one which contains all 5 tastes at the same meal. Something else that helped are digestive enzymes and vitamin and mineral supplements. I also discovered that my sense of taste was not very good. From a TCM standpoint, Spleen weakness can result in a lack of taste. From a Western standpoint, zinc deficiency can cause problems with a lack of taste. When the sense of taste is blunted, this usually manifests as little appetite. But sometimes the reverse can occur, and the person feels hungry a lot. If there are widespread vitamin and mineral deficiencies and the person's body is not very efficient at digestion, the person may respond by feeling hungry a lot because the person is trying to get the minerals and vitamins and other things s/he needs. This is probably why the digestive enzymes and supplements help so much. I didn't realize my sense of taste had been so blunted until it came back after I had been on zinc for a while. I was on the zinc because of chronic mononucleosis (glandular fever). The constipation I suffered was due to Yang Deficiency. It more aptly could be called " colonic inertia " because I lacked the peritalsis (wave-like motions of the intestines) which move fecal matter. The treatments for the Yang Deficiency helped that too. Oddly enough magnesium supplementation also helped. So does cayenne pepper. A specific effect of cayenne is that it increases peristalsis. (I may not be spelling that word correctly. I don't have my book handy to check it.) If you use cayenne, be aware that it can deplete Qi. If Qi Deficient, one needs to supplement with Qi tonic herbs. Victoria Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2003 Report Share Posted March 17, 2003 Dear Jackie, You have already help me, because you confirmed to me what I have already thought about this problem. I already want to take Euthyrox for hypothyroid dissfunction. Thank you again! Mona jackiejataylor wrote:In a message dated 14/03/2003 08:00:06 GMT Standard Time, mona_rom writes: > It's possible those problems to appear because of several mental problems > (powerful stress - which I have) that I keep them in my inner being? And > how can I ger rid of them? > I know about 'powerful stress' believe me, my herbalist feels it was at the root of my condition too. If you cannot get access to a herbalist, can you at least get to a doctor to check your thyroid function? Hypothyroidism can cause a lot of the things you mention too - it tends to slow your bowels up and keep your blood sugar too low. Seaweed/kelp may help that if you are short of iodine in your diet. I'm sorry I can't help more. Jackie Jackie Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 17, 2003 Report Share Posted March 17, 2003 Hello Monica, I was suffering from hypoglycemia many years ago, but have overcome it. I went to a natural doctor, who prescribed me vitamins: vit. C 1000 mg. time released, magnesium, zinc, chromium, lithium, and hypoglyplex ( a multi-vitamin ). She also put me on a strict diet: no diary, no refined sugar, no refined flour products, no meat ( i was already vegetarian), no coffee and black tea, and best whole foods without chemicals. I can recommend you to take notice from macrobiotic and/or ayurvedic diet principles. Do a search, there are many websites. It is something you can do in Romania and on your own. Here I have a description of sweet vegetable drink, very helpfull with hypoglycemia, I took it from the book A Natural Approach to Allergies with Dietary and Lifestyle suggestions from Alex Jack. I have downloaded the book, I can mail it to you if you like. Home Remedy: Sweet Vegetable Drink Consumption of too much sugar, honey, molasses, carob, mocha, and other sweeteners weakens the blood, lymph, and body fluids, contributing to many conditions, including allergies. Sweet vegetable drink provides a good quality sweet taste without any of the negative side effects of refined sugar intake, such as hypoglycemia or chronic low blood sugar. Prepared without seasoning, a small cup may be taken daily or every other day, especially in the mid- to late-afternoon, for about 1 month and then less frequently as desired. It will help reduce cravings for simple sugars and more concentrated sweeteners. Finely chop equal amounts of onions, carrots, cabbage, and sweet fall or winter squash (I also add sweet potatoe, fennel and parsnip). Boil 3 to 4 times the amount of water, add chopped vegetables, and allow to boil uncovered for about 3 minutes. Reduce the flame to low, cover, and let simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the vegetables from the liquid, keeping the former for later use in soups and stews. Drink the liquid, either hot or at room temperature. This drink will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, but should be rewarmed or allowed to return to room temperature before drinking. Best of luck, Pamela. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 18, 2003 Report Share Posted March 18, 2003 Dear Pamela, Thank you very much for your help! I will put your advice into practice. I had already made a special diet for this " illness " but I have to take the indicated supplements, too: Mg, Vitamin C, etc. Maybe this way I will solve the constipation problem, too. But I feel there are more profound problems than the dietary one. I have constipation problems since I knew me...from childhood. But in time they become more and more serious. Hypoglycemia also appeared. Anyway, I have to try! Dear Pamela, thank you again for your kind concerning. Warmly, Monica. Pamela Kocken <pamela-k wrote:Hello Monica, I was suffering from hypoglycemia many years ago, but have overcome it. I went to a natural doctor, who prescribed me vitamins: vit. C 1000 mg. time released, magnesium, zinc, chromium, lithium, and hypoglyplex ( a multi-vitamin ). She also put me on a strict diet: no diary, no refined sugar, no refined flour products, no meat ( i was already vegetarian), no coffee and black tea, and best whole foods without chemicals. I can recommend you to take notice from macrobiotic and/or ayurvedic diet principles. Do a search, there are many websites. It is something you can do in Romania and on your own. Here I have a description of sweet vegetable drink, very helpfull with hypoglycemia, I took it from the book A Natural Approach to Allergies with Dietary and Lifestyle suggestions from Alex Jack. I have downloaded the book, I can mail it to you if you like. Home Remedy: Sweet Vegetable Drink Consumption of too much sugar, honey, molasses, carob, mocha, and other sweeteners weakens the blood, lymph, and body fluids, contributing to many conditions, including allergies. Sweet vegetable drink provides a good quality sweet taste without any of the negative side effects of refined sugar intake, such as hypoglycemia or chronic low blood sugar. Prepared without seasoning, a small cup may be taken daily or every other day, especially in the mid- to late-afternoon, for about 1 month and then less frequently as desired. It will help reduce cravings for simple sugars and more concentrated sweeteners. Finely chop equal amounts of onions, carrots, cabbage, and sweet fall or winter squash (I also add sweet potatoe, fennel and parsnip). Boil 3 to 4 times the amount of water, add chopped vegetables, and allow to boil uncovered for about 3 minutes. Reduce the flame to low, cover, and let simmer for 20 minutes. Strain the vegetables from the liquid, keeping the former for later use in soups and stews. Drink the liquid, either hot or at room temperature. This drink will keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, but should be rewarmed or allowed to return to room temperature before drinking. Best of luck, Pamela. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted August 21, 2003 Report Share Posted August 21, 2003 Neige, sounds like a good cleansing is a great place to start.... do you take total tonic? Suzi~ nei§e ~ <schneeleben wrote: Hi!Me and my boyfriend suffer of hypoglycemia since our youth.Me, I deal quite well with the problem, but I have long-term problems, like raynaud's desease (bad circulation), low energy level, frequent thirst, weak nervous system, bad concentration, etc.My boyfriend just recently found out hypoglycemia was the problem of his life. His greatest difficulty is the energy. He is most of the time in a down, or on adrenals. Also, he has frequent big and long lasting migraines and bowel aches. I tough him the way to eat and it regulates his energy level, but it is not enough yet. I think it will heal with the time, because his diet is still new for him. By chance, he doesn't like the taste of sugar, he just like the energy the sugar gives.I read that hypoglycemia can be a allergic reaction. In wich case and wich food?Is there any plant that can help to regulate the enegy level, the blood sugar or that can help to cool down all nervous hormones or relieve stress?Thank you verry much!Neige~*~§~*~_______________MSN Search, le moteur de recherche qui pense comme vous ! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 2006 Report Share Posted March 19, 2006 you have to change your diet and eat carbohydratesJudith <sr1216 wrote: hypoglycemia??? anyone know about that.. makes people have fits if they dont eat?? any natural way to control? thanks JudithYou must be the change you wish to see in the world."— Gandhi — Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 2006 Report Share Posted March 19, 2006 See if you can find a book entitled Low Blood sugar and you by Carlton Fredericks. Or Sugar Blues, but the first title is better. It will explain a lot. You need to eat smaller meals throughout the day, avoid caffeine, white sugar, and flour. Jeanne -------------- Original message -------------- "Judith" <sr1216 > hypoglycemia??? anyone know about that.. makes people have fits if they > dont eat?? any natural way to control? thanks Judith > > > > > You must be the change you wish to see in the world." > — Gandhi — > > > > > > > Federal Law requires that we warn you of the following: > 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. > 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. > 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and to > prescribe for your own health. > We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as > they behave themselves. > Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person > following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. > It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list > members, you are agreeing to > be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members > free of any liability. > > Dr. Ian Shillington > Doctor of Naturopathy > Dr.IanShillington > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 19, 2006 Report Share Posted March 19, 2006 I myself am hypoglycemic. Cinnamon balances blood sugar. I take about 6 capsules a day, and don't have any problems. Amber herbal remedies , " Judith " <sr1216 wrote: > > hypoglycemia??? anyone know about that.. makes people have fits if they > dont eat?? any natural way to control? thanks Judith > > > > > You must be the change you wish to see in the world. " > — Gandhi — > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 20, 2006 Report Share Posted March 20, 2006 Hypoglycemia is misunderstood alot and I wanted to let you know that when it involves the pancreas, it's not " just " about the pancreas. So I copied this from a page that I will provide the link for. I suggest you look into the Maca to balance the " entire " endocrine system, which the pancreas and thyroid are only 2 parts of. If one is off, so are the others guarenteed. " Chronic low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) is rampant in western society. It is probably THE MOST medically under-diagnosed of all conditions, primarily because blood tests for it are UNRELIABLE!!! Most people with hypothyroidism have normal levels of T4 circulating in their bloodstream; however, their bodies do not convert enough of this hormone to T3, the form in which their bodily cells require it. Some of the conditions linked to hypothyroidism include acid indigestion, acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, atherosclerosis, breast disease (benign), cancer (of all kinds), canker sores, cellulitis, diabetes, eczema, emphysema, gallstones, gout, hives, hypoglycemia, impetigo, infertility, insomnia, irritable bowel syndrome, lupus erythematosus, mental depression, menstrual irregularities, migraine headaches, miscarriages, obesity, panic attacks, premature aging, premenstrual syndrome, psoriasis, respiratory infections, rheumatism, sexual dysfunction, tinnitus, toxemia of pregnancy, and urinary tract infections. Symptoms of low thyroid function include: muscles stiff in morning, need to limber up. fail to feel rested, even after sleeping long hours. feel " creaky " after sitting still for some time. heart seems to miss beats or " flip-flops " . nauseated in morning. start slow in morning, gain speed in afternoon. motion sickness when traveling. dizzy in morning or when moving up and down. cold hands or feet. sensitivity to cold, prefer warm climate. hair scanty, dry, brittle, dull, lusterless, lifeless. hair loss from outer third of eyebrow. flaky, dry, rough skin. sleeplessness, restlessness, sleep disturbances. poor short term memory, forgetfulness. poor response to exercising. ********hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). ***************** high cholesterol, cholesterol deposits on eyelids. constipation, less than one bowel movement daily. " go to pieces " easily, cry easily. dislike working under pressure, dislike being watched. diminished sex drive, lack of sexual desire. gain weight easily, fail to lose on diets. difficulty concentrating, easily distracted. yellowish tint to skin on hands or feet. cracks in bottom of heels. clogged sinuses. low pulse rate. low body temperature, especially at bed rest. recurrent infections. depression. headaches. puffiness of face or eyes. swelling of hands or ankles. irritability, mood swings. multiple food allergies/sensitivities. lumpy breasts, cystic breasts. menstrual irregularity, excess flow, PMS. these worse at night: coughing, hoarseness, muscle cramps. Restoration Nutrients required to produce thyroid hormones include iodine, selenium, vitamin E, vitamin C, niacin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12, Biotin and L-cysteine. Also of benefit to hypothyroidism is a homeopathic dilution of Liothyroinine (30C) that helps to stimulate thyroid conversion of T4 to T3. " Again I personally recommend researching Maca. Doc has a hormone balancer in the files here that would go great with the Maca. Along with all of that, restrict ALL refined sugars, and do not use high amounts of any carbohydrate. Astragalus will help balance the sugar. I really do hope that helps, fft herbal remedies , " Judith " <sr1216 wrote: > > hypoglycemia??? anyone know about that.. makes people have fits if they > dont eat?? any natural way to control? thanks Judith > > > > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 20, 2006 Report Share Posted March 20, 2006 herbal remedies , " Judith " <sr1216 wrote: > > hypoglycemia??? anyone know about that.. makes people have fits if they > dont eat?? any natural way to control? thanks Judith > > > > > You must be the change you wish to see in the world. " > — Gandhi — > One of the best things to do for hypoglycemia is to take Chromium Picolinate. This helps to balance the blood glucose levels,which keeps you from having the " Low " blood sugar levels, which can cause " some " people to have seizures. I never had a seizure, but get foggy brained and sick to my stomach, and very very shakey. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted May 17, 2006 Report Share Posted May 17, 2006 In a message dated 5/17/2006 7:58:54 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes: <Is there any way to check and/or treat hypoglycemia and add/adhd without going to the doctor? I'm not sure I have either one, but I have many symptoms of each. . >>>> In the book FEELINGS BURIED ALIVE NEVER DIE by Karol Truman, the thought patterns behind this concern include: feelings of overwhelmed burdens, feeling a lack of joy in life, feel unsuccessful so pressure yourself to be successful. Of course, there are other things related to this, such as karmic, but hope this helps. Have a wonderful week!Judy Di Canio http://www.Judydicanio.com Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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