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Hampstead NLP Group Meeting

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Hi there


The next group meeting is tomorrwo, Tuesday 27th June at Friends

meeting house, 120 Heath Street, Hamstead. Starts at 7:30 and

finishes at 9:30. Cost: £9


Our presenter is Clive Dinsey who will help you:

Elicit the submodalities of consciousness, enhance the state and using

chakras, find useful uses for the different states that can be

generated. There will be an exercise where everyone can find their own

core values and calibrate to them.


Clive did his first training in 1998 and since then have been on

hypnosis, DHE and coaching courses. He has also trained in TFT. He

runs a practice group in Harrow and see clients on a one to one basis.

Together with a colleague he is now starting to deliver NLP trainings

in North Wales.


I can't make it but Leslie Carter will take over for me. Please still

let me know if you plan to come. Of course you can come last minuite




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