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Arthritis and joint care


There are about 150 different types of arthritis recognised by

rheumatologists for the term is used to cover a wide range of

illnesses covering the muscular skeletal system. Basically however

arthritis refers to inflammation of the joints the most common being


Less common but far more disabling is rheumatoid arthritis, which is

usually a more chronic disease. Usual methods of treatment involve

aspirin which acts to suppress inflammation Cortisone that seems to

be effective but extended use has shown side effects to the adrenal

glands, which impairs the body to withstand stress. There is also a

tendency for the symptoms to intensify when the cortisone is


From the Edgar cayce perspective

As a preventative measure Cayce said that one should have a peanut

oil rub or massage once a week over the entire body, the peanut oil

being used liberally, he said no one need fear arthritis.


Cayce describes the causes, which were limited to seven categories:

poor assimilation, poor elimination, impaired circulation, glandular

malfunction, karmic and psychological causes previous treatments,

spinal sublaxations and injuries.

According to cayce there was a pattern with improper eliminations in

some people, which began with the production of excess stomach acid,

a condition that sometimes came from suppressed anger and other

stress related conditions. The excess acid tended to decrease the

lymphatic system.


Poor assimilation was also a factor, with some foods actually

becoming poisonous due to their inability to be utilised properly.

Constipation resulted.As a contributing factor circulation was

mentioned in 40% of cases. In 8% of cases glandular misfunction was

sited as the first cause and in 29% of the readings as a

contributing factor.


Karma was also mentioned as a cause as was the bearing of

resentments, this was considered to be a major factor in the

development of the disease.


Previous treatments were also mentioned with one man being told that

certain immunisation injections had disturbed his circulation

resulting in an arthritic condition.Spinal misalignments and

injuries were also noted as a first cause, most of the readings

mentioned the coccyx or the lower portion of the spine as the source

of the problems.Other contributing causes were diet,exercise,and

mental attitude.


1. Foods to avoided were white flour and its products, white bread,

pasta etc. fried foods, carbonated drinks, beer and hard liquor, [an

occasional glass of red wine was OK] and white potatoes but the

skins were OK.


2. Combinations of foods to be avoided were starches and sugar,

coffee and tea with milk or cream and citrus fruits with cereals or

dairy products.

A typical diet placed emphasis on vegetables and fruits whole grains

and light proteins.highly advised was a decrease in meats and

starches with meat being completely excluded from the diet for a

period of time .In severe cases a semi liquid diet was advised to

avoid strain on the system.


3. Massage,was indicated in 63% of the readings and this was to be

given usually after another treatment such as as Epsom salt baths or

after a steam bath or the use of the wet cell device. Specific oils

were advised to be used with the massage, which were equal parts of

olive oil with peanut oil and tincture of myrrh. Prepared by heating

a small amount of olive oil and then adding the myrrh. It was

mentioned to use the oils freely and as much as the body could

absorb. Other oils were lanolin, mineral oil, olio pine needles,

sassafras oil, witch hazel, oil of wintergreen, cedarwood oil,

mustard oil, kerosene and tincture of benzoin.

Cayce said to heat the oil before use to aid absorbtion. Massage

were to be given in a firm but gentle rotary motion not pinching the

muscles but drawing the circulation by moving the hands smoothly

over the skin. Special attention was to given to the neck and spine

and to parts of the body where there was discomfort. The direction

given for the massage was from the trunk to the extremities of the

body. Frequency of massage varied but the most common was once

weekly, once monthly and three times weekly.


4. Atomidine an edgar cayce product which can be got from the usa or

in england was also recommended in 42% of cases but due to its high

iodine content this was recommended in specific dosages and

treatment cycles. Excessive iodine in the system could overstimulate

the thyroid and result in harmful effects in the body. Never take

atomidine when you are using thyroid medicine or other drugs as the

drugs could react with each other and have undesirable effects.

The most common dosage was one drop taken daily for five days

followed by a five-day rest period then one-drop daily then rest for

five days. Then resume the cycle.Daily dosages ranged from one to

eight drops daily. It was recommended that atomidine was taken in

half glass of water in the morning before eating. Frequently

atomidine was coordinated with Epsom salt baths and massage with the

baths being taken during the rest period and immediately following

the atomidine sequence.


5. Improving the elimination process within the body,used in about

37% of cases the most frequent methods were castor oil packs,

enemas, colonics, and eno salts. Body temperature water was to be

used for the colonic which was to be followed by a rinse with an

antiseptic such as Glyco thymoline one-tablespoon to a quart of

water. Warm castor oil packs can be also applied over the abdominal

area together with internal doses of olive oil. The packs were made

by heating the oil and soaking the oil in woolen flannel- not

boiling the oil but as hot as you could stand. The pack was then

placed over say the stomach area or liver usualy with a plastic bag

over the top to prevent soiling the lot can be strapped into place

and then heated or kept warm.

Castor oil is also used on any arthritic, rheumatic, or muscular and

joint pain as unction. Basically an infra red lamp is placed 12-18

inches from the part to be massaged. Apply the castor oil on the

painful area and let the lamp warm it and this will help the oil to

penetrate the skin, this done for about 5-10 mins. Then keep rubbing

with the fingers and hand until the oil is worked in. Keep putting

more oil on and massaging continued for 10-60 mins. Massage was also

very helpful, to be given usually after another treatment such as an

Epsom salt bath.


If the reaction to colonics and enemas was to severe, emphasis was

placed on gentler methods such as Epsom salt baths, steam baths and

a diet rich in laxative foods.

Epsom salt baths were in a range of five pounds of Epsom salts to

about 20 galls of water for a modern tub and 8-10 pounds for an old

tub. Be in the tub for about 10-12 mins to start with and then work

up to 20 mins. Further stimulation to the body could be given with

using massage or rubbing the extremities of the body while in the

bath. Temp of bath was to be as hot as possible up to the point of


Epsom salt packs can be also applied when needed over areas of

extreme pain. The salts apparently act by drawing out toxins. you

can also immerse any local part of the body in a smaller basin too

with people who have arthritic hands or other parts of the body.

also you can form a pack ,by dissolving say 1 pound of salts in a

small basin or pot and as much water necessary to saturate a towel.

apply as hot as possible over the area indicated and keep repeating

the applications for 2-3 hrs .where possible use an infra red lamp

or other means to keep the pack hot. Where there is crippling of

the joints of the hands, pain of arthritis or inflammation of the

tendons considerable relief can be found by using an Epsom salt bath

and massage. Use a large quantity of the salts about 1 pound in the

water though, not just a spoon full. Soak the affected area for

about 5 mins and then massage the affected area under water, rotate

the joints and soak again for another 5-10 mins.


6. Spinal manipulation such as osteopathy although chiropractic and

neropathy were also recommended. Cayce claimed there was no better

mechanical therapy as good as spinal manipulation .One could start

at the base of the spine and sometimes at the top- cayce gave both

methods, and you could also work from the outer portions of the body



7. Mental attitude was essential to healing; it had to be conducive

to the healing. Positive thinking opened the body to the source of

all healing- that which is spiritual and unitive in nature. Cayce

said that only the self stood in the way of healing.


8. Persistence and consistency of the treatments was highly



9. Fume baths using a cabinet steam bath were also recommended. In

19% of readings, the baths were to relax the body and stimulate the

perspiratory system so it could throw off toxins and waste through

the skin. Various substances were to be added to the baths such as

witch hazel, which was most frequent. Atomidine, pine oil, Epsom

salts and a mixture of witch hazel and iodine, pine and wintergreen

oil, or pine oil and tincture of benzoin. To avoid strain an ice bag

or cold cloth could be placed on the head. In almost all cases

massage was recommended after the sweat.


10. Electrotherapy was also mentioned, using the edgar cayce device

known as the wet cell in the most severe cases. The impedance

device was also used for 20 min in cycles of four at a time;

meditation and devotional thoughts were advised during the

treatment. The violet ray was used in conjunction with other

treatments such as internal doses of chloride of gold and bromide of

soda. These were to be taken just before the violet ray treatment

and the ultraviolet light applied over the spine and lower limbs

treatment time varied from 1.5 ¡V 30 min and daily ¡V once every 2



11. Internal doses of gold and soda ¡V minute amounts of chloride of

gold and bicarb of soda in half a glass of water.



Although not specifically recommended by cayce spiritual healing has

the capacity to be very beneficial in all illnesses- see other pages

on this fascinating subject.


From the Reilly health book which is essential reading to all those

who are interested in getting and keeping well are the directions

for the Epsom salt bath.

Relief has been obtained to joints, pain of arthritis, of

inflammation of the tendons by using Epsom salts and massage. A

seamstress was sent to Reilly, using a Epsom salt hand bath and

massage for two weeks she was able to close her hand something she

had not been able to do two weeks before. The same treatment was

applied with many musicians. Make a hot Epsom salt solution by

adding one pound of salts to a basin or bowl. Soak the hand for

about 5 mins and then massage the hand with the other hand under

water, really work the fingers rotating the joints then soak again

for another 5-10 mins. After about 20 mins of soaking take the hands

out and massage with peanut oil all the way up the arms, the same

procedure can be used with the feet.

Epsom salt baths were also advised with amounts varying between 5-20

lbs of salts to the bath tub starting at 101degress and working up

to 106-108, staying in the tub for 10-12 mins to start and then

gradually increase to 20 mins. An ice bag over certain areas with

help you bear the heat. This he found particularly good therapy for

stiff joints muscular pain arthritis and rheumatism for increasing

the metabolism and the work of the heart and relieving pain. Caution

was needed with cardiovascular and high blood pressure cases.


11.One of the most important principles outlined by cayce and others

where people are suffering from any condition is to do everything

they can to help others in whatever capacity they can. Cayce

frequently mentioned that this would bring faster results. This is a

great ingredient in helping all people to transmute their own karma.

See other pages on this particularly important treatment.


12 Using Egyptian oil,- an edgar cayce product

One lady reported pains and growths are gone and arthritis did not

come to her this year. Another reports that her knees were so

swollen but after using the oil swelling went down, she uses the oil

2-3 times a week. This other lady reports that soaking in Epsom

salts then applying the oil gave her the best results. Pain seems to

ease immediately and use of the effected parts returns far more

rapidly than ever before.

The oil had also relieved paralysis, which some poor man had on his

left side.

Another lady in her 80s reports says the oil is the only thing,

which keeps her arthritic knees. There is a lot more to the research

covering arthritis including aspects of diet,glands,etc




Rheumatoid Arthritis

This is a chronic inflammatory condition; it may apparently begin at

any time, the usual onset is between 20-40. The symptoms are joint

swelling stiffness, warmth tenderness and pain; this can be very


Cayce gave 19 readings for eleven people with this condition with an

age range of 22-72 yrs old.


1. Glandular incordination mentioned in 7 cases and was a major

factor .It was the lack of proper hormonal secretions which

contributed to problems with the circulation, the blood and calcium

levels and the proper absorption of minerals from food.


2. Improper eliminations which would lead to a build up of toxins

within the body was sited in 6 cases

3. In four cases spinal misalignment especially in the lower spine

which could interfere with the proper nerve impulses action.


4. Poor assimilations were mentioned as a contributing factor in

three cases.




1.Ten people received dietary advice with the emphasis on alkaline

reacting foods ¡V raw vegetables such as carrots, cabbage,

watercress, celery and lettuce. Served in any combination for one

meal a day. Leafy veg was recommended over the pod variety. Strongly

advised were food sources, which contained specific minerals such as

magnesium, silicon, sulphur and iodine. Avoid of red meats, fried

foods, and starches.


2.Nine people were recommended massage with a combination of olive

oil and peanut oil with the limbs joints and extremities receiving

special attention.


3. Electrotherapy was mentioned in 7 cases where there was evidence

of nerve deterioration, the wet cell was to be used to combat

this.the violet ray and the radial appliance were also mentioned.


4, Hydrotherapy was mentioned in 5 cases and took the form of Epsom

salt baths this was to relax the body and relieve pain.

Four people were given instructions for internal doses of atomidine

to improve glandular coordination.


5.Gold chloride was mentioned in 4 cases once by itself and with

bromide or bicarbonate of soda. This was to help the nervous system.


6.To relieve pain in the joints cayce advised packs of Epsom salts

and in two cases castor oil pack and one of glycothymoline.



7.Sedatives were mentioned in three cases in the form of aspirin,

cobra venom [to be administered by a doctor versed in this field]

and a capsule consisting of eucalyptus, rectified oil of turpentine

and benzosal.


8.Kaldak tonic and stimulants for eliminations were also mentioned.



9.Adjustments to the entire spinal column were suggested in four



Although not specifically recommended by cayce spiritual/reiki

healing has the capacity to be very beneficial in all illnesses- see

other pages on this fascinating subject.



12 Spiritual healing, Reiki, find a good healer - but someone you

feel an attunement with at a soul level otherwise you can have

negative results making your situation worse. We are know witnessing

one of the great turnings in our century where old healing practices

are re-emerging such as Reiki healing, Colour healing, Seichim,

Spiritual healing, Osteopathy, Massage and many others.


Some of these are thousands of years old, Spiritual healing is one

of those. It is exactly the same kind of energy used by Jesus in so

many of his healings.


Put simply Spiritual Healing, Reiki is the transference of certain

energies through a channel which could be a person or an animal or

even the planet, the wavelengths of this healing energy are well

outside the limits of most scientific equipment but a lot of people

can feel this energy .


The energy in my experience has been very uplifting and beautiful

which can touch and vastly influence parts of us such as the spirit

or soul or our mental selves and our physical selves. It can bring a

steadiness and balance and sense of well-being second to none .Its

limits as to its use are in the realms of the infinite.


A very simplistic analogy would be to liken it to a massive energy

reservoir which can be tapped into by people and animals which act

as the conduits of this energy and like wires of electricity some of

which are bigger than others and so therefore big wires can transmit

more energy than smaller wires.


Bearing this point in mind the reader can soon appreciate that going

to one healer can be vastly different than going to another as it is

with so many things whether it be dentists, doctors, policeman or

what have you.


Spiritual Healing is natural healing energy, which is present in

this universe. Spiritual healers work in many different ways to some

it is the laying on of hands onto a person or animal, to others it

can be sent through the power of thought. To be even in the presence

of some healers can have a profound and beneficial effect on people

and one wishes that there were more people giving off just as

beautiful vibrations as these people were this world would truly

transform it


One of the most important principles outlined by cayce and others

where people are suffering from any condition is to do everything

they can to help others in whatever capacity they can. Cayce

frequently mentioned that this would bring faster results. This is a

great ingredient in helping all people to transmute their own karma.

See other pages on this particularly important treatment.




Some feedback


My healing was major. I have been free of flare-ups for three years

at this writing. Because of this level of healing, I know I would

not change a thing about what I did! By adhering to Cayce's

instructions as closely as possible, I hit on an effective

combination of Atomidine, Epsom Salts, and Massage Oils. Though not

easy, I consider the problems I encountered to be very minor

compared with the benefits


Castor Oil Packs & Ice as Needed Daily use of Castor Oil Packs has

been shown to dissolve arthritic spurs, but I used them to treat

local inflammation. Before consulting with Dr. McGarey, I kept

serious inflammation flare-ups under control the same way I had been

doing for ten years, with Castor Oil Packs. I also applied ice,

sometimes alternating the two with severe flare-ups. Ice alone is

sufficient for minor flare-ups. Only once did Cayce recommend Castor

Oil Packs for treating arthritis, but they had been extremely

helpful, so I continued with them. The worst flare-up I experienced

as part of my recovery involved my right hip, much of my pelvic area

and my lower back. The pain was excruciating with even the slightest

movement, so I only got out of bed to crawl to the bathroom. I was

unable to walk for four days. My doctor would very likely have

treated me with cortisone shots if I had called him.


Cayce says clearly that anti-inflammatory medications are not

helpful, and in fact make things worse. I felt cortisone shots would

prevent the flare-up from carrying out its corrective purpose. I was

right. Day and night for a week, I alternated castor oil packs with

ice, noting gradual improvement. The hip not only completely healed,

it ceased to trouble me thereafter.


The Edgar Cayce arthritis healing methods for me were a resounding

success. After only 6 weeks, I noticed a greatly reduced need for

toxic anti-inflammatory drugs, and soon eliminated them altogether.

Within a few weeks of my conversation with Dr. McGarey, all major

symptoms suddenly subsided. The general pain in my body and joints

was virtually gone, as were the flare-ups and swelling. I felt deep

release from pain and the aggressiveness of the illness, as if the

arthritis had been stopped and could not return unless I went back

to old habits.

Edgar Cayce's remedies gave my body a life and vigor it had not

known in more than a decade! I was continuing to heal when I

foolishly allowed parts of the program to lapse. Had I followed the

Cayce instruction of applying the full program persistently and

consistently for a period of time well beyond the cessation of

symptoms, I would today be in remission or completely cured.

Nevertheless, three years later I remain in a much improved state of

health, and completely free of the acute inflammation flare-ups by

which I was literally crippled prior to the program. I fully credit

Edgar Cayce's miraculous therapies for this dramatic and sustained

improvement. Until I applied them seriously, I deteriorated. After I

applied them, I improved rapidly. Edgar Cayce's genius gave me back

my life.


Fuller details can be found in Reba Ann karps book encyclopedia of

healing ISBN 0446 30981-8 which gives lots of treatments on all

manor of diseases.


And the Edgar cayce handbook for health by Harold reilly and Ruth

hagy brod Harold had 43 yrs working with the readings Isdn0-02601960-

4 Obtained from the cayce center ARE or the heritage store, Virginia



Books and remedies can be obtained from


Home Health Products to Request a Catalogue or place a Credit Card

Order: 1-800-284-9123


The Heritage Store 314 Laskin Road Virginia Beach, VA 23451 To

Request a Catalogue or

place a Credit Card Order: 1-800-862-2923


For more information about the A.R.E., visit


If you are a member of the A.R.E., you can purchase or borrow a set

of Cayce's readings by calling 1-800-333-4499 USA

Or the Edgar Cayce centre up in Durham 13 prospect terrace, new

stanley, CO Durham, England DH9 7TR 01207 237696 ask for one of the

circulating files on arthritis


Research from the meridian institute

Meridian Institute, 1853 Old Donation Parkway, Suite 1

Virginia Beach, VA 23454

(757) 496-6009

Ran by a team of doctors the meridian institute carried out a brief

study on a few of the cayce treatments including Arthritis, a brief

summary is here for fuller details please contact them or their

website meridianinstitute.com/


Seven individuals participated in a 10-day live-in

instructional/treatment program in November 1998, in which they were

taught the elements of the Edgar Cayce therapies for arthritis. One

person had rheumatoid arthritis, and six had osteoarthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by inflammatory changes in the

synovial membranes of the joints and the areas around the joints and

by atrophy and rarification of the bones. In osteoarthritis there is

generally no inflammation and no spreading or migratory type of

joint involvement. Rather than a loss of calcium, there is a calcium

build-up. The project explicitly did not require participants to

change their current therapies or medications. The principal

therapies included dietary changes, massage, Atomidine (an iodine

supplement), and Epsom salts baths. The participants then returned

home to continue these therapies for six months, submitting daily

logs of compliance with the protocol.

Arthritis symptoms were evaluated at the beginning of the program

and after six months. Four of the seven people returned for the six-

month follow-up in May 1999. One was unable to attend the April

session, and returned in November. Another responded to a

questionnaire by mail, and one person dropped out of the study.

Of the six participants who submitted information, three had

excellent compliance with the protocol. One felt ¡§much improved,¡¨

and two felt ¡§improved.¡¨


Other interesting feedback

According to Reba Ann karps book DR Charles Lucas chief of

endocrinology and metabolism at Harper grace hospitals Detroit has

reported that a diet low in animal fats will ease rheumatoid

arthritis pain.with some of his patients reporting that that pain

and stiffness nearly disappeared and swelling in joints reduced


Further substantiating cayce is a study done by the Department of

medicine at Wayne State University Detroit Michigan in that fat free

diets have been found to produce complete remissions in six patients

with rheumatoid arthritis.

Bee venom was mentioned by cayce and in the UK experiments have

isolated an anti-inflammatory agent within the venom. In the US it

has also been found that injecting bee venom into the painful joints

activates natural cortisone production in the bones thus relieving

the pain of arthritis.


Treatment of Arthritis with Rife machine


About Royal Raymond Rife

Royal Raymond Rife was an inventor and genius who won scientist of

the year awards twice. He started looking for a cancer cure in 1920.

By 1934 he cured 16 out of 16 (100% success) cancer patients in his

clinic, every one within 3 months. What he invented first was a

microscope that used prisms and various light types other than white

and was so powerful he could watch viruses alive and experiment on

them without destroying them in the process.



In Australia, a serious placebo (sometimes called double blind)

study was made to demonstrate the effectiveness of using audio

frequency therapy in the treatment of arthritis using a prototype of

the PET Rife-Crane unit. Behind this study is, amongst others, Geoff

Baker (B.App. Sci) who spent years of his life and millions of

dollars studying and perfecting his PET device. In order to achieve

medical approval for the sale of the PET unit in Australia, this

Placebo study was made under scientifically controlled



The Study results suggest that

„h Audio Frequency Therapy is highly effective in the treatment of

Osteo and Rheumatoid Arthritis. After 36 three-hour treatment

sessions of Audio Frequency Therapy, the net mean overall

improvement in the arthritic condition of treated volunteers

(irrespective of type of arthritis suffered) was approximately 25


„h Continued reduction of pain levels under the extended treatment

sessions administered to Group C (72 three hour treatment sessions,

fig 4) suggest that the benefits of Audio Frequency Therapy are

cumulative and in proportion to the number of treatment sessions a

patient undergoes.

„h Extrapolation of the mean improvement rate of all treated

volunteers in considering the " worst case " situation suggests that

it may be possible to completely eliminate many Arthritis signs and

symptoms in any sufferer of Osteo or Rheumatoid Arthritis in less

than twelve months with an AFTU treatment program of three, three

hour sessions per week.

„h Frequency Therapy may relieve all arthritis symptoms permanently.

This may be possible if the underlying causative factors are also

dealt with and the patient is given time to heal. A cleansing

dietary regimen would be considered essential in all cases.

„h Audio Frequency Therapy may relieve pain, swelling and

inflammation in all arthritis affected areas, but will leave pain in

joints which have suffered major degeneration

I.e. moderate to complete breakdown of articular cartilage leaving

exposed bone.

„h No significant adverse side effects may be expected within the

short term i.e. less than 12 months (based on clinical experience)

if the above treatment protocol is adhered to and the Audio

Frequency Therapy Unit operation manual closely followed.




The study was initiated by a private company, BWBGELTECH PTY LTD

seeking assistance from an arthritis support organisation,

interested doctors, and a commercial laboratory.


Placebo study conditions were strictly adhered to, with no volunteer

being aware of whether he or she was receiving treatment. Three

treatments per week of three hours duration were administered using

thirty-four Audio Frequency Therapy Units. These pocket sized

computerised devices allowed carefully selected menus of frequency

programs to be applied to each chosen volunteer.


All participants were regularly monitored by self-evaluation of pain

on visual analogue scales, which complied with a standard hospital

protocol for monitoring pain in arthritis patients. Also pre and

post study HLB testing was provided by Australian Biologics Testing

Services (Sydney) for seven randomly selected volunteers from the

treated and placebo groups. Similarly, independent post-study

appraisal of each volunteer's condition by their referring General

Practitioner was requested.


On completion of the study, the mean value of percentage reduction

in overall pain (of the treated group was 34 percent compared with

13 percent reduction in the untreated group (The mean 13 percent

reduction of pain in the untreated volunteers was generally

attributable to the emotional benefits received by being involved in

the study. This improvement was not evidenced in the blood test


Long term side effects are unknown but may be similar in nature to

TENS therapy. Continuous treatment with Audio Frequency Therapy

Units over twelve months is not recommended.



After this study was complete, Geoff Baker formed Electromed to

build and market a commercial version of the Audio Frequency Therapy

unit described here. The commercial version is called PET and it is

described on the electromed web site


There is a wealth of testimonies on the rife forum website which

testify to the effectiveness of this treatment http://www.rife.de/



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