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HOUSEHOLD: Remove Scaly Mineral Build-Up / Remove Red Wine Stains / Remove Dripped Candle Wax (TIPS, HINTS)

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Cure for Scaly Mineral Build-Up

More Nontoxic Cleaning Solutions


By Annie B. Bond, Executive Producer, Care2 Healthy Living Channels.


Water that has been left to sit in glass can leave rings of

discoloration and a residue of what is called “scale.” This happened to

me recently, both on a crystal champagne glass that I didn’t want to

abandon (it looked ruined with the scale), and a glass cooking bowl that

had been used outside for a project. I had a senior moment, forgot what

I know about how to clean this problem, and scrubbed and scrubbed to no

avail (you realize why the residue is called scale!), and even sent them

through the hot dishwasher, thinking for sure that heavy duty detergent

and heat would work, but no such luck.


When I remembered what to use for scale, it of course worked immediately

and like magic! This trick can be used anywhere hard water minerals

build up, such as in the shower.


Vinegar performs the magic! All you need to do is pour straight

household vinegar into the bowl or glass with scale and it instantly

dissolves the minerals and it is crystal clear clean. For the shower

stall or around a sink faucet, soak a washcloth in straight vinegar and

lay the cloth over the area for as long as needed.


Heinz white distilled vinegar is made of vegetables, not petroleum. For

glass you can use organic apple cider vinegar, but this can stain

fabrics, so use with care.






Melted Candle Wax and Sloshed Red Wine - More Nontoxic Cleaning Solutions

By the Care2 Staff.


The aftermath of a festive holiday meal can bring on a headache for more

reasons than one. Melted candle wax may have flowed down the candle

sticks onto your best linen tablecloth, and you fear red wine stains may

forever mark the spot where a glass was overturned.


We can come to the rescue with some magic-like common sense solutions to

these and other holiday cleaning crises, here!



How to Remove Red Wine Stains


My friend Susan, the hostess of a dinner party I once attended,

astonished us all by her actions when one of the guests spilled a glass

of red wine on the white tablecloth.


She jumped up and first put a full kettle of water on the stove, then

removed everything from the table, took up the tablecloth, and stretched

the fabric over a pan in the sink. Once the water was boiling, she

pulled a chair up to the sink, stood on it with the kettle, and poured

the boiling water over the stain from a height of three to four feet.

This stain removing technique worked like magic!


It isn't everyone who would be willing to disrupt their dinner party by

removing all the food, plates, and utensils, but I've since learned

Susan's tip works most successfully when the stain is fresh. If the

stain is dry try soaking the red wine in white wine to bleach it out.

Finally, cover the stain with a thick baking soda paste, leave it for a

few hours keeping it moist by spraying it with water from a spray

bottle. Wash as normal.




How to Remove Dripped Candle Wax

More Household Hints Solutions


by Annie Berthold-Bond, Care2.com Producer, Green Living Channels


One of the best ways to remove candle wax that has dripped onto Hard

surfaces is to melt it with a hair dryer. Wipe up the wax as it melts

with an absorbent towel or cloth.


Whereas a hair dryer is great for removing wax on a hard surface, many

people ask me about how to remove wax from table cloths, carpets, and

other fabrics. An iron is the solution for removing wax from fabric.

Place newspaper on both sides of the fabric (or on top of the carpet),

to blot up the wax once it melts from ironing over the newspaper with a

medium-hot iron. Replace newspaper as needed.


Note that you don't want to use a hair dryer or iron on anything flammable.






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