Guest guest Posted September 22, 2006 Report Share Posted September 22, 2006 " please use your discrimination and judgment in assessing this material. If something rings true to you, fine. If something does not resonate, please leave it behind, for we would not wish to be a stumbling block for any " . THE TRUTH OF REALITY Introduction by Mike Pitts The world in which we live is filled with a seemingly infinite array of truths. Everyone on this planet has their individual beliefs stemming from every aspect of how they perceive their own lives to be; their personal relationships, physical conditions and appearances, financial statuses, religious and/or spiritual beliefs, political beliefs, their likes and dislikes, and the list goes on and on. Then there are also collective beliefs that often dictate or control how large numbers of people interact within their respective societies. Quite often these beliefs are acted upon without giving any thought as to what is really occurring as a result of those actions, nor how the general consensus of those actions came into being in the first place. They simply justify those actions by saying, " Well that's just the way it is. " , or " It has always been that way. " , or " It's the law " . At this point, the thinking stops. There's no more reason to think. It has previously been decided for them. And they have become the followers of that particular way of thinking. This is in most cases how the collective mind/consciousness of the people works at the present time. Once an issue has been decided by any group of so-called authority figures, it can become a dead issue that is continuously carried out with impunity, giving little or no further conscious thought to a special situation of, nor circumstances surrounding the individual. Mindless actions can then be handled with a rubber stamp. People who hold the [powers of the rubber stamp] become automatons for moving those actions forward, day in and day out. Caring for the individual becomes lost in the shuffle. Could their jobs become anymore mundane ? Do their lives follow the same course ? Or do they dream of a better world to come ? If you are reading this, then count yourself as one of the fortunate ones who have decided to think for themselves. You have chosen to " think outside of the box " . You are beginning to see the truth of your world more clearly. Most thoughts and beliefs today have been based on half-truths and outright lies from the past. This fact has been thoroughly discussed in the previous sections of this website. Information is continuously withheld from the mass public due to controlling elitist powercrats who feel it is their Divine Right to do so. The mass public remains mostly ignorant to what is true, and what is not. And this is happening in every area of our lives with the exception of where the individual decides to take their own power back. This happens when one begins to be true to one's own self. One begins to realize the true power contained within one's own spirit. Power is not physical strength. Power is spiritual strength. Each of us is connected to our own higher spiritual self, and that connection is never broken. It is always tied directly to the Source of All Creation. It is only weakened to the extent that one accepts the darkness of despair and ignorance. Conversely, it is strengthened as one moves more towards enlightenment. It is our God-given Right and our Divine Purpose to " seek knowledge " in every way. In doing so, our connection to the Supreme Source of Creation becomes stronger, and any limitations begin to fade away. It is important to note that our limitations are all self-imposed. It is extremely important to learn and understand one simple, yet all-encompassing rule. " Your Thoughts Create. " And nothing travels faster than the speed of thought. Each individual upon this planet creates their own reality moment by moment, day by day. The more that one succumbs to despair, the more despair one creates for one's own self. Despair can run rampant in war-torn nations, situations of poverty, disease epidemics, starvation, and so on. Each individual is capable of joining these disparaging situations, and each are also capable of creating alternative realities to these situations. In our perceived Universe, as well as in a plethora of Universes beyond our wildest imaginations, everything that exists is comprised of Consciousness. Conscious thought is threaded and interwoven into everything that exists, whether it can be seen or not. There is only a minute portion that can be seen to exist until one attains higher levels of consciousness. Even then, there are yet higher levels that still are not seen from the successive lower levels. But even then, they can be perceived through imagination, thus lifting one's consciousness to the higher level. If we can think it, then we can eventually bring it into existence. It does come into existence on a higher level, even though it may take awhile to manifest on one's current level. The Universe is neutral. It will work very hard to give us what we ask for. Be careful what you ask for. You might get what you don't want. And the manifestations are coming into being more rapidly now than ever before in the known history of mankind. So what does one now do with this knowledge that thoughts create your reality ? I would suggest that one first begin by removing the negative thoughts that are continuously seeping into one's brain. One must begin to realize the extent of how greatly their thoughts have been programmed into negative mindsets. It starts by consciously analyzing every thought that pops into one's head. One must think, " Does that thought truly make sense to my way of thinking ? Is it a valid way to look at the belief or situation ? Is there a clearer way to look at it that makes better sense to me ? Is it live (true), or is it Memorex (false) ? Does it truly work in my life, or not ? " If one begins to sift through one's thoughts in this manner, he/she will begin to figure things out from a clearer vantage point. Utilize your higher self to set this into motion. Your higher self is there for you at all times. The connection is never broken. At first, it may only feel like gut instincts, and you should listen to those. They are communicating with you. They will tell you what is right, or what is wrong for your way of experiencing your life. But don't forget to remove the negative thoughts that interfere with your true self. Gratitude is the key component to discovering the answers one seeks in life. Life is all about the experience. We are all here to experience life in a multitude of ways. There are no right ways, nor wrong ways to live your experience. It is what you choose. It is your lessons that you must learn for yourself before proceeding to the next higher level of experience. Being that you are always connected to the Source of Creation, your experiences are continuously added to knowledge and the collective consciousness that is Creator Source. There is no judgment in that. You will not be judged by a wrathful God. You will simply be moved forward, or held back, as your personal soul growth requirements are met, or not met. It is your choice. Ascension into the higher levels/dimensions of Creation requires that one achieve a certain level of higher consciousness and soul growth before one can move forward. Ascension is not Rapture. There will be no Rapture off of the planet as falsely told in the Bible. As you may have previously read on this website, there have been many falsehoods that were purposely placed into Bible teachings, as there were also many teachings of Truth that were purposely excluded. This was done by Man, and not God. The Truth is now, and for some years, being revealed and brought back into the light of day. The Truth can no longer be denied to the masses by those who would purposely suppress the Truth to keep the masses living in ignorance and darkness. What is generally perceived as being God or the Source of Creation is in Reality the Consciousness of Pure Love Energy. Without Consciousness, there would be nothing in existence. It is comprised of Light and Sound Frequencies together with an array of Sacred Geometries, and together they make all things possible in existence. This formation of Consciousness came into its Godlike existence with the realization of " I AM " . Once existence was realized, the Creation Process began, and it continues into infinity. It is a never-ending growth for the Source and all things and beings in existence. Love Energy is the Source of All Creation. We are all created from this Source of Love. Would our Creator have created us out of Hate ? That is a definite and emphatic, " NO! " Out of Love for His Creations, He gifted us Free Will Choice to experience as we choose. Again, it was our choice. One thing that many on this planet chose was to experience all Free Will aspects of life in separation from Source. It was our chosen experiment to prove that with the loss of connection to Source that we could still find our way back from whence we came. In the beginning of this planet, that connection remained intact. But over time, it was lost; partially due to rampant Free Will Choices, and subsequently due to genetic re-engineering done by the Anunnaki who came to rule Earth. Once that connection was forgotten, FEAR became the ruler of peoples' minds. Fear is the antithesis of Love; the separation from Source. When one lives in fear, they no longer feel the connection to Love. Love instead becomes a misguided concept with distorted conditions surrounding it. Unconditional Love of the Creator becomes a lost knowledge, and thus causes all kinds of sordid havoc within the people and their reactions with each other and with Mother Earth. Tremendous energies have been flowing into the planet for quite a few years now from our Sun and other distant Suns. They are being increased more and more rapidly to raise our levels of consciousness. We are being upgraded, so to speak. At the same time, our circuits (DNA) are being " rewired " to handle the increasing energies to help bring us more into the higher Love Energies of Creator Source. This is a truly momentous time. It is OUR TIME to shine. We are all here for a purpose. That purpose is to shine the Light of Truth upon this planet, and out into the Universe for all to see the brilliance and glory of a newly created Earth. It is OUR TIME to restore Truth and Love to all Nations. This will be accomplished through OUR COLLECTIVE EFFORTS to restore this Earth to its original pristine condition, and to continue to inhabit and steward the planet with a newfound deep respect for Mother Earth and All of her inhabitants. The time has come to IMAGINE a NEW REALITY. Time has ended for the old paradigms that were once established. WE ARE CO-CREATORS WITH GOD. It is within OUR POWER to change the world for the better. Actually, It always was within our power, but now we have tremendous assistance from all of our neighbors within our Solar System and beyond. Yes, we are not alone. We are supported in our every effort to rise above the chaos of everyday living in an upside-down world. We will turn it right side up. Explore your beliefs. Discard those that no longer work for you. Stop supporting the old paradigms that are outmoded and are no longer useful. DARE TO DREAM. Create your dreams into your Realities. Look deep into a bright future, and see it as NOW. This is the time now, and forever into the future, to manifest the world as you always dreamed it could be. You know that there is goodness, kindness, and caring in your heart. Let that manifest for Earth and ALL of her inhabitants. IMAGINE OUR WORLD FILLED WITH HOPE AND JOY. IMAGINE OUR WORLD AT PEACE WITH ALL NATIONS. IMAGINE OUR WORLD WITH A PRISTINE ENVIRONMENT. IMAGINE OUR WORLD LIVING IN ABUNDANCE AND PROSPERITY FOR ALL. IMAGINE OUR WORLD WITH THE HIGHEST REGARD FOR ALL LIFE. IMAGINE OUR WORLD WITHOUT DISEASE, AGING, AND DEATH. IMAGINE OUR WORLD TEEMING WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF LIFE. IMAGINE OUR WORLD TEEMING WITH UNPARALLELED BEAUTY IN ALL THE UNIVERSES. IMAGINE OUR WORLD WITH THE TECHNOLOGIES TO MAKE ALL OF THIS POSSIBLE WITHIN THE BLINK OF AN EYE. IMAGINE OUR WORLD FRESH AND NEW. IMAGINE WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD THIS IS. IMAGINE IT NOW. SEE IT, BREATHE IT, FEEL IT, SMELL IT, TASTE IT, GIVE IT COLOR AND SOUND. HOLD IT IN YOUR THOUGHTS. SPEAK IT TO THE UNIVERSE. SPEAK OF IT TO OTHERS. SHARE YOUR VISION. GIVE GRATITUDE TO CREATOR SOURCE. GIVE GRATITUDE TO YOURSELF. GIVE GRATITUDE TO ALL THAT EXISTS. BE THANKFUL FOR WHAT WE HAVE CO-CREATED IN THIS MOMENT. KNOW IN YOUR HEART THAT IT EXISTS. KNOW IN YOUR HEART IT IS REAL. KNOW IN YOUR HEART IT IS HERE AND NOW. THIS IS OUR WORLD. THIS IS OUR CO-CREATION WITH GOD. AND SO IT IS. ******* Verily, this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it is my very good honor to meet you and you may call me. V " Artists use lies to tell the truth while politicians use lies to cover the truth up. " - V FOR VENDETTA Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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