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HOMEOPATHY: Post-Vaccinal Behavioural Problems (REMEDIES, HEALTH, VAX)

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Post-Vaccinal Behavioural Problems


Ill-humour, anxiety, aggressiveness, contact disturbances, hysterical

behaviour, ADHD, PDD-nos, ADD, autism


A proof by cure with homeopathy




In this article it is intended to show evidence of the relationship

between vaccination and behavioural problems in children, from mild to

severe (ADHD and autism), through 30 case histories. The evidence is

provided through the use of potentised vaccines. The hypothesis is that

if the complaints disappear or strongly ameliorate with the treatment of

the potentised substance which is supposed to be the cause of the

complaints, the proof is delivered that the particular substance caused

the damage. The fact that mild, moderate and severe cases of behavioural

problems, often with concomitant physical problems, are seen and cured

by this method strengthens the evidence of a causal relationship between

vaccinations and behavioural problems.




The discussion whether autism is or is not linked with the MMR

vaccination is still going worldwide. Parents who had a completely

healthy child and watch their child deteriorate and enter his own

inaccessible world after the MMR vaccination, cannot believe that this

is simply a coincidence whereas the medical world and authorities deny

every relationship so long as there is no scientific proof. The

discussion seems to be extremely controversial in England because of the

findings and declarations of Dr. Wakefield. The authorities in the

Netherlands promote the view that there is sufficient scientific proof

that MMR is safe and autism does not follow it.


The purpose of this article is threefold.


1. Firstly that homeopathy can cure health problems caused by

vaccination with the related potentised vaccine.


2. Secondly that behavioural problems in general are linked with

different vaccinations, not only with MMR.


3. Thirdly that homeopathy, through the use of potentised vaccines, can

provide evidence and proof of the relationship between vaccination and

the side-effects they cause, namely behavioural problems of varying



For more than 20 years I have treated post-vaccination problems of all

kinds with homeopathy. It is my strong conviction and my solid

experience that homeopathy, through the use of homeopathic dilutions of

the relevant vaccines, is a perfect tool to cure post-vaccination

damage, and by doing so, can deliver proof of a relationship between

complaints and a given vaccination. I have successfully treated all kind

of vaccination damage such as asthma, eczema, epilepsy, developmental

problems, juvenile arthritis, and also behavioural problems, of varying



That is why in this article I will not restrict myself only to autism

and MMR. I wish to show that vaccination in general can provoke

different behavioural problems. Indeed if vaccinations have a severe

impact on some children they cannot leave all other children perfectly

healthy without causing also mild and moderate disturbances. In many

cases, especially in the mild group, the amelioration of behaviour and

mood by the use of potentised vaccines was an accompanying phenomenon,

most children being treated for other post-vaccinal problems.


The hypothesis is: if the complaints disappear or strongly ameliorate

with the treatment using the potentised substance which is supposedly

the cause of the complaints, the proof is delivered that it is this

material substance which caused the damage. This is not only true for

the use of potentised vaccines, but also for whatever substance that

damaged the health.


I will discuss three categories of behavioural problems, mild, moderate

and severe, including autism.


The homeopathic method


The homeopathic method, as used in the treatment of vaccination damage,

consists in giving 4 different potencies of the vaccine that is

suspected to have caused the health problems. Such a series of ascending

homeopathic potencies is comprises a series of dilutions: 30, 200, 1,000

and 10.000. Sometimes lower potencies, (namely a 6 or a 12) or higher

potencies (such as a 50,000 are necessary. 1 The duration of one course

depends on the severity of the case and can last four days or one or two

months and has to be repeated as long the patient is progressing,. The

administration of the remedies is effected through letting some granules

or globules dissolve in the mouth. Several courses have to be given, 5

to 10 courses is not exceptional, normally separated by one or two weeks



Mild behavioural disturbances


It is quite unusual in this group of patients for parents present their

children for treatment because of these behavioural problems are mild.

Most patients were mainly treated for physical complaints. But these

cases already show mild behavioural disturbances. Sometimes the parents

think that nothing is wrong with the behaviour of their child, but after

the treatment they are astonished at the amelioration of the behaviour

of their child. Case 1 is a clear example of this:.


Case 1: Jelte (12 months)* (*age at first consultation): Three weeks

after the third DPTP/HIB (DPTP=Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio (Salk) and

Pertussis) he started to cough, to wheeze and had a cold, treated with

Flixotide and Salbutamol; when I saw him he had diarrhoea for 8 weeks;

he showed allergic reactions to animals and smoky rooms; but his parents

assured me that nothing was wrong with his mood, he was happy despite

his bad physical condition; after three courses of potentised DPTP/HIB

his lung problems disappeared, there was no more rattling respiration,

the diarrhoea stopped, and surprisingly, the parents tell me that he is

another child now, much happier, more lively, and much less weepy.


Case 2: Merijn (6 months): His right eye developed a convergent

strabismus five days after the third DPTP/HIB vaccination; at the same

time he stopped babbling; after the first courses of potentised DPTP/HIB

one month later he started to babble again and after a second series

strabismus was completely cured.


Case 3: Esmée (12 months) is allergic to milk protein, had diarrhoea,

chronic cold, eczema, profuse lachrymation, low resistance, but she is

also very restless, discontented, weeping a lot. Her condition

deteriorated already after her first DPTP/HIB at 2 months and she had

quite severe reactions after every subsequent vaccination. After the

first course of potentised DPTP/HIB she changed completely, becoming

happy, contented, less demanding and less compulsive, even her hair

started to grow again.


Case 4: Bregje (11 months) is asthmatic, has a rattling respiration,

chronic cough, eczema and uses Ventolin. She weeps a lot and wants to

sit on her mother's lap all the time. After 3 courses of DPTP/HIB eczema

and asthma are gone, she sleeps without interruption, plays with other

children, is much happier, laughs elatedly; she can easily cope now, if

her mother is out of sight.


Case 5: Maud (21 months) suffers from chronic cold, otitis media, no

appetite and increased thirst since MMR. He was never ill before. After

the potentised MMR he becomes another child', happy, nice, contented and

all his physical complaints are gone.


Case 6: Juul (26 months) is diagnosed with chronic juvenile arthritis;

she started with otitis media and bronchitis between the second and

third DPTP/HIB; after influenza almost without fever at 14 months she

started to develop arthritis; 6 months later she got the MMR

vaccination; after a course of potentised MMR and 3 of DPTP/HIB the

progress of her arthritis stopped; her mother described her character

then as: more lively, more open and more spontaneous and happy. This is

the old Juul again; the whole family is astonished at the change; after

2 years of homeopathic treatment, mainly with potentised vaccines, along

with some corticosteroid injections in her knees, she is now free of

complaints without any medication and able to walk normally.


Case 7: Just (10 months) developed eczema, and green liquid stools after

the first DPTP/HIB at 2 months. Before this he was a very quiet child,

but after the first injection he became very restless; everything became

much worse after the second and third injection; after the first course

of potentised DPTP/HIB his eczema is already much better, his stool is

solid again and his sleep is quiet; but there is also a big change on

the emotional level; he becomes happy and quiet again.


Case 8: Marit (14 months) started to have attacks of shaking mainly in

arms and legs in the period between the first and second DPTP/HIB; after

these attacks she is almost or as if unconscious for a while; at the

time of the first consultation at 14 months this kind of seizure has

become more intense with shaking all over her body; no abnormality in

her EEG; she has also a chronic cold; she is quite aggressive, biting

and pinching; already after the first course of DPTP/HIB she is much

happier, playing and talking much more; her aggressiveness is gone;

after 7 courses of DPTP/HIB the shaking is gone, she is lively and happy.


Case 9: Marieke (5): her problems started after the third DPTP/HIB with

repeated bronchitis, chronic cold and cough; treatment with potentised

DPT and MMR didn't change anything, but with 3 courses of DPTP/HIB she

became another child; her lung problems, her weakness, abdominal pains

and bed wetting disappeared, but she is also much more open, joyful,

more capable of handling problems, more adventurous and her weakness is

gone. The original Marieke is back.


Case 10: Sebastiaan (9): chronic cough during winter; still wetting and

soiling his pants; high fever after every DPTP and also after MMR; from

2 to 3 years frequent courses of penicillin for repetitive throat

infections ending with adenectomy at 3 year; he is not happy, easily

discontented, sulking a lot; after several courses of potentised MMR,

DPT, a mixture of Antibiotics and DPTP he has blossomed on physical and

emotional level, he is more conscious, happier, the incontinence is gone.


Case 11: Kay (9): his problems started at 3 months with chronic otitis

media, asthmatic bronchitis and diarrhoea; during 2 years he was under

treatment of a paediatrician without much benefit; when presented to me

he is complaining every day about abdominal pains, is a very bad eater,

has regular earache and is emotionally unstable, weeping frequently,

easily angered, and is anxious during the night; the treatment was

started with a specific homeopathic remedy ( Saccharum officinalis 200),

but without any marked amelioration; then he received the potentised

DPT, MMR and DPTP. A big change took place: the abdominal pain

disappeared, but also emotionally he is much better: less anxious, less

angry, more courageous, defending himself better, more self-confident,

better in his skin and happier.


Moderate behavioural disturbances


Case 12: Ross (3) developed epilepsy after the MMR, but became also very

restless and aggressive; after two courses of potentised MMR he became

much happier, calmer and his aggression disappeared completely; he is

not hitting other children or himself any more. He can play alone now

and can sit still at table during his meals; his anti-epileptic drugs

(Depakine) have not been changed during this treatment; there is still

no amelioration of epilepsy.


Case 13: Xaviera (12 months) is unable to sit erect, she falls down

suddenly, has bronchitis, is sleepless and her behaviour can be

characterised as hysterical. Including headbanging Everything started

after the fourth DPTP/HIB injection at 11 months. Her EEG is normal and

the paediatrician advised behavioural therapy. After the potentised

vaccine she is sleeping 11 hours without interruption, is much quieter

and her hysterical screaming has almost completely disappeared. She is

sitting now without problems and the head banging has stopped also.


Case 14: Sophie (5) started to weep hysterically after the first

DPTP/HIB at three months. After the second injection a month later her

condition worsened and she became inconsolable, waking frequently at

night with shrieking; at 2 years the paediatrician prescribed her

Promethazin but to no avail; at 3 she was diagnosed with pavor

nocturnis' by a psychiatrist; she is fragile, easily disturbed, weeping

without apparent cause; her reaction to the potentised vaccines are

quite strong remembering the first reactions to the injections as anger,

aggression, kicking and striking; but finally her anxiety disappeared

almost completely and her sleep is sound; she is functioning normally again.


Case 15: Amy (3 years & 6 months) had a severe convulsion with

unconsciousness for 3 hours, 16 days after the MMR injection. Then she

developed gradually epilepsy which was treated with Depakine 200mg. Her

mood changed completely after that injection. She became very

aggressive, angry and unmanageable. Often she was tired, after rising in

the morning; already she was lying down on the couch. After the

potentised MMR her energy and her behaviour become normal again. Her

aggressiveness and anger are completely gone and she is happy and open

again, the old Amy'. Moreover the epilepsy disappeared gradually, she is

now free of complaints without Depakine. The case was not recognised by

the authorities as post-vaccination damage.


Case 16: Kasper (14) always had problems with vaccination with high

fever, recurrent otitis media. and chronic cold. But after the MMR

combined with DPT (at 9) he complained of flabby legs, one year later he

developed diabetes. He always was a very closed child with autistic

features, little empathy, poor functioning in groups and rigid in his

opinions; he is in the middle of puberty refusing whatever he doesn't

like, sudden anger, cheeky, and very contradictory. After 4 courses of

MMR, 6 of DPT and 3 of DPTP his physical condition is better, but also

his autistic features are completely gone, he even makes easily contact now.


Case 17: Koo (2): his problems started shortly after the third DPTP/HIB

with asthmatic bronchitis leading to 2 hospitalisations; gradually he

became more and more restless, poor concentration and arrested

respiration during weeping; he woke up at 2-3 a.m. with persistent

screaming and could only be calmed down after 15 minutes; he did not

want to be cuddled any more. After two courses of potentised DPTP/HIB

(he never received MMR) the parents are astonished: Koo sleeps calmly in

his own bed, his restlessness is completely gone and life is not a fight

for him any more.


Case 18: Wessel (1 year & 10 months) suffers from severe untreatable

epilepsy, is not speaking at all, diagnosed as mentally handicapped; he

started to have a chronic cold and refused to be cuddled, turning his

head to one side after the third DPTP/HIB (5 months); after 6 courses of

the potentised vaccine his epilepsy is gone, but he is also much

happier, dancing, aware of the world around him and able to play alone.

He was still using the same amount of Depakine, when these changes took

place. (720mg/d) Now one and a half year later he is still free of

epilepsy, uses half of the Depakine, EEG normal; he enjoys life, his

sleepiness and laziness are gone, but is unable to talk; this result was

obtained with 8 courses of potentised DPTP/HIB along with acupuncture.


Case 19: Fleur (18 months) started to be very aggressive after her

fourth DPTP/HIB at 11 months and her motor development was slowing down.

She even hit her physiotherapist. She had four episodes of otitis media.

After the MMR injection her aggression became even worse. Three courses

of potentised MMR and three of DPTP/HIB changed her completely. Her

aggression disappeared, the sweating on her head stopped, her stool

became solid and her speech progressed again.


Case 20: Tamara (15 months): no diagnosis; she lost the brightness in

her eyes and lost her interest in the surrounding world after the second

and third DPTP/HIB; she got eczema, with mucous in her lungs and

shortness of breath; the MMR aggravated her complaints, especially her

general condition; she was tired, had a chronic cough and was weepy; she

stumbled when walking; she sweated a lot when exercising and during the

night and had chronic diarrhoea, no appetite; she was treated with 3

courses of potentised MMR and 3 of DPTP/HIB. All her physical complaints

disappeared; but she is also quieter and has an increased interest in

the surrounding world. She notices everything now and the brightness in

her eyes is back again; whereas other children in the kindergarten have

one infection after another, she is resistant to almost everything, her

immune system is strong again.


Severe behavioural disturbances


The next case (Case 21) is a good example of the causal relationship

between severe behavioural problems and the MMR vaccination for

different reasons. First the autism started immediately after the MMR in

a complete normal child (at 16 months). Second there was a clear-cut

amelioration (3 years later!) in his emotional and mental state as well

in his physical condition when he was treated with potentised MMR. Third

there was severe relapse during four days on the 6 th potency as if he

again received a MMR injection followed by a tremendous amelioration of

his autism, proving that his condition is related to the MMR energy. The

6 is a 100 -6 dilution of the vaccine, but relative the closest to the

material dose.


Case 21: Rik (4years & 6 months): diagnosed autistic; he was a

completely normal child until the MMR injection at 16 months; he was

developing quite fast, able to go upstairs and to walk; then already in

the first week after the MMR injection he declined rapidly on the

physical and psychological level, his behaviour changed dramatically: he

became aggressive, not maintainable in the kindergarten, throwing with

toys, making shrill sounds, withdrawing in front of strangers; his

speech disappeared completely and his physical development deteriorated;

he slept badly; there was no eye contact any more, he had completely

contracted pupils, not reacting to light; he could not be rebuked; he

had soft stools and frequent nose bleeds; after 5 courses of potentised

MMR the eyes open up and he becomes approachable again; eye contact is

restored and the pupils react to light, the nose bleeds stop; he sleeps

soundly, starts to talk, he can make phrases of 2 or 3 words; he can

repeat almost every word his sister asks him to repeat and he is able to

sing songs he learns from her; now he is aware of and reacting to the

surrounding world, e.g. he was afraid seeing little dogs whereas before

he didn't show any reaction; he can make contact; is cuddling with his

parents and people he loves; he comforts his sister when she is weeping;

his restlessness is gone, he can follow instructions, is less afraid;

there is no self mutilating tendency any more; during every course of

potentised MMR he was shrieking (probably a homeopathic aggravation),

but afterwards he was better and better; he is a normal boy now, as if

the curtains are open again.


Case 22: Joep (2) was a nice child without problems until four or five

months after the MMR. Then his behaviour changed completely. He became

very aggressive, easily angered, knocking his head on the floor and

beating other children and himself. The whole family is disturbed by his

behaviour. He was sent to a psychotherapist by the paediatrician at only

2 years and 3 months old. After one course of potentised MMR his

behaviour becomes completely normal again, he stopped beating himself

and other children and the headbanging ceased right away. He relapsed

many times about 2 weeks after the MMR course, but again and again his

behaviour became normal after the potentised MMR. He still relapses from

time to time, but there is a good chance that he will stay the joyful

and nice child he was before.


Case 23: Wiebe (21/2 year): diagnosed PDD/pervasive autism; He is

severely retarded on the physical and mental level; he is not talking at

all; he is banging his head, shrieking instead of weeping and flapping

with his hands. He lives in his own inaccessible world. His complaints

started after the fourth DPTP/HIB at 11 months. After the first

injection he had high fever for three days (40 0 C). Despite the

diagnosis of autism he got MMR at 14 months. After a first course of

potentised MMR there is no change, but after the potentised DPTP/HIB

there is an enormous transformation, he reacts clearly to external

stimuli, his muscular tension is much better and he starts to walk also,

despite the prediction of the paediatrician that he would never walk; he

is afraid of other children whereas he didn't notice them before. The

head banging stopped completely, the eye contact is better and he likes

to cuddle again; his speech did not really improve until now, he can say

only 3 words.


Case 24: Timo (21 months): diagnosed Kiss-syndrome; his development

problems started right after the first DPTP/HIB at 2 months and after

every injection he became worse with high fever and diarrhoea; but the

responsible doctor didn't pay attention to it not aware of any

connection between the injections and his problems; at 21 months he is

far behind in his development and his muscle power is very weak; he is

just able to sit; his speech is very poor and he can eat only minced

baby food; he can only produce a stool when recumbent and has frequent

bowel cramps; he has severe strabismus and chronic rhinitis; after the

potentised MMR (once) and DPTP/HIB (several times) he starts to develop

quickly; his muscles become stronger and he is able to stand and to walk

at hand; his frustration at not to being able to do what he desires is

gone and he even enjoys life; he has more insight in construction play;

his sight is better and he refuses now to wear his spectacles, he

recognises everybody and is aware of the surrounding world; his bowel

cramps have stopped; he has become spontaneous and adventurous; his

speech hardly progressed until now, but he is saying his first words; he

is happy now, whereas he had shrieked for one year; we now have a child

we can enjoy, says the mother.


Case 25 : Jeroen (16 year); diagnosed ADHD-PDD-nos; started to be

depressive after the MMR and DPTol injection at 9 year; before he was a

calm and nice boy, without any problem at school; but after these double

injection he didn't want to go to school, complained of headache and

abdominal pains, became aggressive, awkward and uncertain in contact

with other children; tired, no day-night rhythm, playing truant and

shutting himself in his bedroom barricading the door; in his puberty he

did his own wish and refused any parental control; he was very restless

and had difficulties to fall asleep; often he was absent-minded and

inaccessible; easily irritated; he was on Ritalin which made his

behaviour in school more acceptable; after treatment with potentised

DPTol and MMR he became much more calm, a normal adolescent, especially

with the potentised MMR; he was able to stop Ritalin, has a better

concentration and is not aggressive any more.


Case 26: Nick (two and a half years): diagnosed as probable ADHD; he is

very restless, unmanageable, very aggressive toward other children,

strikes, pinches, kicks and shoves them; for the first three months of

his life he was weeping continuously and real contact was hardly

possible; in the mother's womb he was already restless and the mother

got two bruised ribs. He is pale, very open, talks continuously, touches

everything, is unable to concentrate and has unrestrained outbursts of

anger; he refuses every affective contact from the very beginning, never

sits on his mother's lap; he has a tendency to infections and received

eight courses of antibiotics; his recurrent otitis media started at four

months and at one and a half year old he got adenectomy. Both parents

had tropical vaccination four years before, including DPT, yellow fever

and hepatitis A, explaining the early onset of his problems before his

vaccinations. The DPT the parents got has to be blamed for it. After

every vaccination which started at two months old, he reacted with high

fever. Two days after the MMR he developed an acute inflammation of his

hip joints which was rapidly tackled with antibiotics. The homeopathic

treatment was started with MMR, three courses, but without any change.

Then DPTPol/HIB was given in ascending potencies, which changed him

completely. He had strong urticaria-like skin reaction, and a very foul

and acrid loose stool, but his aggression disappeared almost completely,

he is much calmer, is happy and gentle and sits on his mother's lap to

kiss her and to cuddle, which he never did before; he is relaxed and not

hyperactive any more. He is a completely different child, says the mother.


Case 27: Marte (11 months); still no diagnosis; until she was 3 months

old, no health problems; but after the second DPTP/HIB eye contact is

lost, she is listless, no laughter, no tears, no pain sensation any

more, is withdrawn and has lost her joyfulness. She looks constantly at

the ceiling; at 9 months she is still lifting her legs when her feet

touch the ground, she is unable to roll over, to sit or even crawl, she

is hardly moving her body, she can only lie on her back; at 6-7 months

she developed eczema on her legs; her occiput is flattened. After 3

extended courses of diluted DPTP/HIB and an osteopathic treatment for

her head and neck she has come to life again; both on the

mental/emotional and on the physical level there is a dramatic change;

she can be angry and laugh again; she starts to babble and is able to

sit, to roll over and she puts her feet on the ground; the eye-contact

is back and she is again a joyful little girl knowing what she wants; at

20 months she is walking; the vaccination officials do not perceive any

reason to stop her vaccination programme.


Case 28: Kain (3 years & six months); no diagnosis; his mother has

written down her experiences with her son from the beginning. She

writes: At 11 months you are a very angry little boy, whereas you were

the first months such a happy nice little child taking it all lying

down; you strike everything and as soon as you get something in your

hands you fling it away; you have to go to the limit, there is no in

between; why this intense rage? From 2 years on you started to strike

and to kick other children; sometimes you are sitting hours on the couch

staring aimlessly with glazed eyes; you are so difficult to handle, but

I know that deep inside you the nice little boy you were is still there.

Until 4 months his motor development was normal, but then there was

hardly any progress; he became stiff and was unable to lie in his

mother's arms; he started to walk at 20 months on the tips of his feet.

In this case the connection between his problems and the vaccination is

not difficult to diagnose; at every DPTP/HIB the reactions were more

severe: inconsolable weeping (for 2 days after the fourth injection),

high fever (40 0 C) and finally flapping with his hands; after the MMR

his skin became pale with a blue-grey ring around his mouth and his mood

worsened; he is also anxious, oversensitive to noise; he has the typical

lack of immunity that is so common after vaccination: cough, rattling

respiration, inflamed eyes, pneumonia (RS-virus), otitis media, chronic

flu and tonsillitis (with tonsillectomy at 27 months); after only one

course of the potentised MMR extended over 4 weeks he is unrecognisable

the mother says: he is brimming over with enthusiasm; his colour is

back; he is happy and singing, the nightmare is over; a second course of

potentised MMR, DPTP/HIB and BCG give no major changes; two years later

he is still doing well, there are no further infections, his mood is

stable, he has increased energy, he develops without problems; he still

has fits of anger, from time to time, but his constant anger has

disappeared completely; one course of potentised MMR was enough to

restore the mental and physical health of this little boy.


Case 29: Milou (2 years & 6 months); diagnosed autistic; until one and

half year no severe abnormalities in her development; everything started

almost imperceptibly; at 18 months a paediatrician was consulted; she

was then very absent-minded, no eye-contact, not taking toys when

passed; after every vaccination she had had inconsolable crying fits and

shrieking, but vaccinations were not blamed; she is now unable to talk,

whereas at one year she said papa and mama and waved hello and clapped

her hands on demand; at birth she was a strong baby; but the first signs

of vaccination damage were already present since the first vaccination

(DPTP/HIB); at 6 months she was already flabby, but able to stand at one

year; only a half year later she made her first steps; the MMR was the

coup de grâce'; everything is gone now, says the mother; all kind of

tests were done, but nothing found; she got occupational and speech

therapy; after the first course of potentised MMR extended over 4 weeks

her sleep is calmer, the eyes brighter and she starts to make

eye-contact; she is more alert, staring less and weeps when her mother

leaves her alone, whereas before she was indifferent; the rattling

respiration has disappeared; she enjoyed looking a Carnival parade; the

whole family is amazed about the change. Then potentised DPTP/HIB was

given; at every potency she got fever with vomiting, but after she

started to babble and to cuddle with her parents. Excellent eye-contact.

Her treatment is still not finished and much progress can probably be

made with more potentised MMR and DPTP/HIB.


Case 30: Tom (6 years); diagnosed ADHD; all his problems started

immediately after the MMR at 14 months; he fainted during 5 minutes and

about 2 hours later he got a nettle rash reaction all over his body. One

day; later he was a complete different child; before he was quiet, now

he is restless, disobedient and destructive; before he had good appetite

eating almost everything, after he has poor appetite and is a fussy

eater; before he slept until 7 a.m., after he wakes at 5 a.m.; at school

he is still nice, but at home he turns away from his mother and beats

everything with sticks, and throws stones and sand at other children; he

has frequent fits of anger, he kicks and strikes even his mother and is

insolent; without any reason he is thumping other children in the

stomach; his concentration is bad and he plays purposelessly; he sweats

a lot during the night; his stool is very foul and loose; during the

first course of potentised MMR extended over 2 months he behaves like a

one year old baby, sitting on the lap of his mother, sucking his thumb

(which is new); he becomes much calmer, plays normally again and is

approachable and not aggressive any more; he sleeps again until 7 a.m.

He is becoming again my old little boy', says the mother. From time to

time his head becomes a mess' again, he becomes touchy and reacts to

everything; then he himself claims his little pills of potentised MMR,

which make him a calm and affectionate child again for weeks or months.




The main principle by which homeopathy can cure is what is called the

principle of similia similibus curantur, in English, like cures like.

It would be impossible to have cured all these children if their health

problems were not linked directly with the poisonous effects of some

vaccinations. Most of the time, through a careful anamnesis, the link

between vaccination and health problems can easily be suspected, but

sometimes a link is not so obvious, because there is no direct reaction

after vaccination. But vaccination damage can take months to express

itself, starting very insidiously, almost imperceptibly. Only a

homeopathic treatment with the related potentised vaccine can give a

decisive answer. But the main obstacle to a correct diagnosis remains

without a doubt the sacrosanct conviction among the medical profession

that vaccinations are completely safe and can not have serious

side-effects. Much suffering and much unnecessary and costly medical

investigation could be saved if the diagnosis post-vaccination syndrome'

would figure in the top ten of possible causes of childhood illnesses.


Tinus Smits, MD


[1] These attenuations are made by serial dilution and succussion of the

original substance as 1 part in 99 parts to the desired dilution, known

as the Centesimal series. See Stephen Kayne (1997) Homeopathic Pharmacy

, Edinburgh , Churchill Livingstone.



© Copyright Tinus Smits 1999 - 2005

Latest update of this page: 12 December 2005





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