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Success Story...... long

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I was reading the warnings from Ian Shillingham and thought I'd like

to tell my success story.

It's about my daughter. When she was 2 she contracted a mystery

illness, constant vomiting even on an empty stomach, she was

hospitalised and put on a drip and recovered in a couple of days.

This happened several times. About a week after all occurances I

noticed she had a molar, the paedatrician told me that teething does

not do this to a child. She had xrays, barium meals and blood

tests. The only thing that came up was signs of an infection

in the barium. We were referred to another Paedatrician, who look

one look at her and said that in the back of his mind he sensed

Guardia. He wouldn't put her through anymore tests to find

out as she had enough stress so he gave her the correct antibiotics

and told me that it lies dormant and comes out at times of stress

hence the teething time. We believe she picked it up from

a swimming pool, the owners let their pool go green over winter

and mega dosed with chlorine, which does not kill Guardia.

My DD never had this sort of attack again, though she had other

problems. She constantly caught every cold/flu going around and

coughed every night. She would get pnumonia(sp) and ended up in

hospital once and almost several times. She was constantly on

antibotics, was diagnosed asmatic and treated for it. I got fed up

with only treating the symptoms so I took her to a Natropath.

He looked in her eyes and picked up on something she had complained

about that day, a stiff neck (took her to the Dr because of the

menincoccyl scares, just got scoffed at). He saw no asthma (sp?) and

stated she had weak lungs because her immune system was so messed up

(never properly recovered from the Guardia). He prescribed a herbal

contoction to be taken over a month. She was ill that month and Dr

prescribed antibotics again. I didn't get the prescription filled

kept it just in case, she didn't need them. That was over 3 years

ago, she's probably had anitbotics 2 or 3 times for unrelated stuff.

I didn't know whether to tell our Dr, but did on our next visit,

several months later, he'd thought we'd changed Drs. He was

so happy! We're so happy, I don't think she has been ill this winter

at all, better school record than her 1st grade year, in a 16 week

period she had 40 days off.


I don't hesitate to tell people to try a Natropath but we still

need MDs and don't hesitate taking my children to one if needed, much

less these days.


Sorry this has been so long, now that I have bored you with my story

would love to be bored with yours too. ;-)



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