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Taking a statin and hating the side effects?

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Come on over. If you are taking any of the statins and

are hating it, this group is for you. If you are taking

the statins and have no side effects... I am happy for

you. There is no need for you to join this group at all





From the other groups that I belong to I am reading about

others who are also taking some form of a statin and are

complaining of the side effects.


This is a group where you can complain about the side effects

to others who are also having the same issues. Learn what

others are doing other than continually feeling the pain, the

aches, the numbness, loss of memory, tiredness, etc.


Those who believe in the statins state that there are no

side effects. Those who are taking the statins and are feeling

the side effects know better since they are experiencing them

first hand.


Let your voice be heard on what you truly think of the statins

you are taking and how you are feeling worse now then before

you began taking it.


Look forward to seeing your posts!



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I was put on Lipitor a few years ago, and after about 2 months, I started to

notice severe leg cramps. My doctor immediately took me off this drug. I

have been taking supplements, including the Red Rice Yeast. Plus I put

about a half cup of oats on my cereal about 4-5 time a week. On my last

visit to the doctor about a month ago, he said everything looked good.

Aside from a little arthritis in my shoulder, I feel great for 56. My mind

does tell me I am still 35 and can do all those chores, but my body does

poop out alot earlier these days.



" Ed & Dawn Gundy " <edgundy


Friday, June 04, 2004 6:48 AM

Taking a statin and hating the side effects?





Come on over. If you are taking any of the statins and

are hating it, this group is for you. If you are taking

the statins and have no side effects... I am happy for

you. There is no need for you to join this group at all





From the other groups that I belong to I am reading about

others who are also taking some form of a statin and are

complaining of the side effects.


This is a group where you can complain about the side effects

to others who are also having the same issues. Learn what

others are doing other than continually feeling the pain, the

aches, the numbness, loss of memory, tiredness, etc.


Those who believe in the statins state that there are no

side effects. Those who are taking the statins and are feeling

the side effects know better since they are experiencing them

first hand.


Let your voice be heard on what you truly think of the statins

you are taking and how you are feeling worse now then before

you began taking it.


Look forward to seeing your posts!













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Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving

the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes

only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml



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Many thanks to all who are brave enough to state that they HAVE a big problem with statins


I also suffer greatly from these products. It has compounded the problems that I have with M.E. and Fibromyalgia, which are bad enough in themselves but I was wondering why my mobility, memory etc was much worse than it was approx a year ago.


I do know that due to aging, I am bound to have problems but I did not realise how much Liptor has affected me. I tried Zocor for a few months so I asked to be removed from them; the side effects were worse than Liptor. As my cholesterol levels went up to 9.6 even though I was on a low fat and almost a vegetarian diet I was put on Liptor to reduce it however it did not dawn on me until this bullitin came that Liptor was the culprit of my 'leaden' legs.


I would be grateful if others who have had such a high cholesterol level as I have could tell me how they naturally reduced it. I have tried and still take Soya Lethicin; at present I am taking extra virgin olive oil and EPA. I do not take any hydronated fats except on rare occasions


I would be grateful for any help that I can get








06/04/04 22:30:10


Re: Taking a statin and hating the side effects?


I was put on Lipitor a few years ago, and after about 2 months, I started to

notice severe leg cramps. My doctor immediately took me off this drug. I

have been taking supplements, including the Red Rice Yeast. Plus I put

about a half cup of oats on my cereal about 4-5 time a week. On my last

visit to the doctor about a month ago, he said everything looked good.

Aside from a little arthritis in my shoulder, I feel great for 56. My mind

does tell me I am still 35 and can do all those chores, but my body does

poop out alot earlier these days.



"Ed & Dawn Gundy" <edgundy


Friday, June 04, 2004 6:48 AM

Taking a statin and hating the side effects?





Come on over. If you are taking any of the statins and

are hating it, this group is for you. If you are taking

the statins and have no side effects... I am happy for

you. There is no need for you to join this group at all





From the other groups that I belong to I am reading about

others who are also taking some form of a statin and are

complaining of the side effects.


This is a group where you can complain about the side effects

to others who are also having the same issues. Learn what

others are doing other than continually feeling the pain, the

aches, the numbness, loss of memory, tiredness, etc.


Those who believe in the statins state that there are no

side effects. Those who are taking the statins and are feeling

the side effects know better since they are experiencing them

first hand.


Let your voice be heard on what you truly think of the statins

you are taking and how you are feeling worse now then before

you began taking it.


Look forward to seeing your posts!













Subscribe:......... -

To :.... -


Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news

related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a

qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment,

especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.


In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,

any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without

profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving

the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes

only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml



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