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Depleted Uranium: the facts & their fictions + more...












From the Uranium Medical Research Center


Links at bottom:



DU: Facts & Fiction

There are a vast number of fictions about DU. UMRC would like to respond to a few of these. Fiction: Uranium is ubiquitous in nature and therefore is no cause for concern Fiction: DU is not harmful; it is depleted in U235 Fiction: Alpha particles can't penetrate clothes and skin Fiction: Governments and the World Health Organization (WHO) have tested for DU Fiction: Uranium usage levels is too low to be a concern or merit investigation Fiction: There are no serious effects from low-level exposure to Uranium Fiction: DU weapons dust soon dissipates and does not travel far from the explosion site

Fiction: Uranium is ubiquitous in nature and we are exposed daily. There is no cause for concern. Fact: Uranium is present in nature in trace amounts, about 3 parts per million (ppm) by weight. It takes about 5 tonnes of dry soil or rock to produce 1 teaspoon of what is called ”natural uranium.” It is “natural” in that is has the isotopic proportions that exist in nature. However, what is “unnatural” is when uranium is presented in concentrated quantities. In these concentrations of radioactivity its effect on human health and the environment become dangerous. When Uranium is exposed to the natural chemical action of the environment it can become solublized and can then migrate into the water supply. Uncontained uranium waste is a problem when left in the open as it oxidizes. This is the case all over the world in nuclear waste repositories. URANIUM IS MOST DANGEROUS WHEN IT BURNS AND IS AEROSOLISED AS HAPPENS WHEN IT IS USED IN WEAPONS. Fiction: DU is “depleted” in the amount of U235 and is therefore less radioactive than the uranium in our natural environment. Fact: The term “Depleted uranium is a misnomer. DU is “depleted” only in the isotopes U234 and U235 which constitute less that 1% of the total uranium. The fact is that both “depleted” uranium and “natural” Uranium are over 99% composed of Uranium 238. Depleted uranium is almost as highly concentrated as pure uranium and may contain plutonium in trace amounts. Fiction: Alpha particles can't penetrate clothes and skin. Fact: This statement ignores the most prevalent and dangerous pathway for Uranium to get into the human body. Inhaled Uranium can remain in the lungs and bones for years where it continues to emit alpha, beta and gamma radiation. Each alpha particle can traverse up to several hundred cells causing somatic and genetic alterations. Multiply this by billions of such particles and a huge amount of cellular damage becomes possible. The majority (50-70%) of the airborne DU particles sampled during the testing of 105 mm DU projectiles were in the respirable range and capable of reaching the non-ciliated bronchial tree. Studies also indicate that the half-time in the lungs is up to 5 years. Soluble DU compounds have rapid access to the bloodstream with consequent toxic effects on the target organs and the bone where it is incorporated. Mass spectrometry results of deceased Canadian veteran, Captain Terry Riordon, confirmed that Depleted Uranium was present in his bone. From there it can compromise the immune system and affect the stem cells that travel throughout the body thereby affecting many other organs. Soldiers inside a tank or armoured vehicle can inhale tens of milligrams of DU after the shell goes through the tank. Compare this to the maximum allowable yearly dose in the U.S. for inhaled Uranium is 1.2 milligrams per year. Fiction: Governments in Canada, the US, the UK, and the World Health Organisation have carried out DU testing on individuals exposed to inhalational DU. Fact: Although tests have been conducted, they did not employ the proper methodology and equipment to quantify inhalational exposure to DU. They tested individuals for total uranium. DU is always mixed with a natural Uranium background so you have to measure the DU in the presence of Natural Uranium. That requires an isotopic analysis of U235, U238 at least and preferably also of U236 which does not exist in natural Uranium. The U238/U235 ratio of 137.9 indicates natural uranium; ratios above 140 provide unequivocal evidence of the presence of depleted uranium. It is essential to determine whether the uranium is depleted, enriched or natural uranium in order to determine how long it has been in the body. If DU or enriched uranium is found in the body, we can postulate that it has been internally irradiating the victims since their exposure. The total Uranium measurement by itself is not important, most people have Uranium which they take in and eliminate on a daily basis though water or food. The US DU testing program tested shrapnel victims; they have not tested for inhalational exposures. The WHO study did not test human samples. The Canadian and Belgian studies used equipment that could not measure U235. Fiction: Uranium usage and levels are too low to be a concern or merit investigation. Fact: It is estimated that 300 - 800 metric tons of DU were deposited in the battlefield in Iraq and Kuwait in 1991. Dr. Doug Rokke (DU expert and former US army physicist) estimated that 120 to 480 million grams of DU would be aerosolized if 40% of the DU were burnt up. Compare these numbers to the allowable limits for radiation releases in the US. The National Lead Industry Plant in Colonie, NY was closed down for violating a New York state court order which limited the amount of radiation released to 387 gram of DU metal per month. The plant closed down in February of 1980 for exceeding this limit and closed permanently in 1983. The area has been decontaminated. The engineering report states that the soil from 53 of the 56 nearby properties was beyond the radiation limits and had to be removed to a low-level radiation storage site. The cost was over 100 million USD. The cleanup cost was 1000 USD per cubic meter. DU in the US must be processed in a facility that is licensed to handle radioactive material. The military has rules to handle radioactive emissions when they store or handle radioactive rounds. However, there are no controls whatsoever and no rules for cleaning up after a cannon round is fired and the danger is far greater when the Uranium becomes aerosolized. More than 100,000 DU shells were fired during the Gulf War. More than 30,000 rounds were fired by NATO forces during the 1999 Kosovo conflict, most of them by US tank-busting A10 ground support crafts. Around 10,000 rounds were fired in operations around Sarajevo, in the latter stages of allied operations in Bosnia. Fiction: There are no serious effects from low-level exposure to Uranium Fact: The effects of internal contamination with Uranium have been well documented. For a review of 200 years of scientific literature on the medical effects of internal contamination with Uranium see Dr. Durakovic's review paper "Medical Effects of Internal Contamination with Uranium" CMJ 1999, Vol 40, No 1 Serious Long-Term Effects Include: Compromised immune system, metabolic, respiratory and renal diseases, tumours, leukemia, and cancer. A 1998 study conducted by Dr. Livengood showed that DU contamination transforms normal bone cells into tumorous ones. Fiction: DU weapons dust soon dissipates and does not travel far from the explosion site Fact: The smaller the particles of DU, the greater the danger. Particles less than 5 microns can be inhaled and deposited in the lungs where they can remain for years. A study found DU particles 42 km away from the source. However, there is reason to suspect that DU particles can travel many times that distance (see L. Dietz: "Contamination of Persian Gulf War Veterans and others by Depleted Uranium")


check out and clik around their main page: http://www.umrc.net/index.asp








Vietnam Agent Orange Victims File 1st U.S. Suit Wed Feb 4, 04 HANOI (Reuters) - Three Vietnamese who say they or their families became ill from Agent Orange defoliant used by the United States in the war nearly 30 years ago have filed the first lawsuit against makers of the product, a victims group said. The two women and a man filed the suit seeking unspecified damages on January 30 in a New York court, an official at the Vietnam Association of Agent Orange Victims told Reuters on Wednesday. The group was formed last month. http://www.reuters.com/newsArticle.jhtml?type=topNews & storyID=4280461 & src=eDialog/GetContent & section=news

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HAARP Spectral Data Missing


Wow! This could be a major breakthrough! Would you like to write this up formy newsletter?

In case you are wondering, I am Jerry E. Smith, the author of "HAARP: TheUltimate Weapon of the Conspiracy" (Adventures Unlimited Press). My freeemail newsletter is "Over The Transom." This newsletter's focus is on "badscience and worse government." I run pieces on cutting edge technology,particularly invasive electromagnetic and information technologies, as wellas pieces on the accelerating slide of America into totalitarianism. I putout issues on an irregular basis, usually about once or twice a month.

"Over the transom" is publishing lingo for an unsolicited manuscript. Backin the old days before air conditioning office buildings all had transomwindows over the interior doors to allow air to circulate. Authors whosematerial had been rejected by First Readers and lower level editors tried toget their work seen by the senior editors and publishers of major publishinghouses by literally throwing their manuscripts through transom windows leftopen to their offices over-night. Most of what appears in my newsletterarrived to me over the virtual transom of unsolicited email. Some of thisstuff is really amazing! Of course, it is sent out free to anyone who asksfor it. You will find all back issues archived on his website athttp://www.jerryesmith.com/ot/overtransom.php. If you would like to sign up,click to http://www.jerryesmith.com/ot/opt_in.php and fill in the form.

Jerry E. SmithAuthor & Lecturerhttp://www.jerryesmith.com/(775) 359-3374 Home(775) 338-0135 Cell

- "Steve Wingate" <stevew777"IUFO" <IUFO >; "IUFONEWS" <IUFONEWS >;"Anomalous Images" <anomalous-images >;<Elfrad-group; <ctrl >; <cia-drugs >;<bay_area_activist >Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:20 PM[ctrl] HAARP Spectral Data Missing

> Often lately the data from HAARP's spectrum monitor has been missingduring the period of> time that HAARP has been transmitting in the past. Now a new company hasbought the HAARP> facility and HAARP has been or is being upgraded. The purpose of theSpectrum monitor is> to allow the public to monitor HAARP to assure compliance with standardsregarding> emission of spurious emissions which may seriously interfere withcommunications. Is> HAARP in violation of the FCC rules. I may be filing a complaint with theFCC if I can> determine that HAARP is deliberately covering up transmission monitoringas required by> law. Care to join me?>> For an example, go to http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/mm/wf.html> and at the bottom of the page, choose the date Jan. 20, 2004 from theHAARP spectrum> monitor archives. You'll see what I mean. There are many other examples ofthis> convenient loss of monitoring if you care to search in the past couple ofmonths.>> Steve>> -----> ANOMALOUS IMAGES AND UFO FILES> http://www.anomalous-images.com

No harm in extended internet usehttp://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2004-02/uoa-nhi020404.phpHeavy Internet use may be therapeutic for those people facing socialisolation and loneliness, says a University of Alberta study--dispelling thebelief that high computer usage leads to psychological problems.A team of researchers, lead by graduate student Mary Modayil, challenged the notion that heavy Internet use increases levels of depression for its users.The research was recently published in the journal Cyberpsychology andBehavior.



Kathy Kelly sentenced to three months in federal prisonVitW Email List Message


Fellow Voices in the Wilderness,

Yesterday in Columbus, Georgia, Kathy Kelly, co-founder of Voices in the Wilderness and three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee, was sentenced to three months in federal prison for enacting her habit of bearing witness against US military violence, this time by crossing onto the property of Ft. Benning military base in November of 2003, as a form of protest against the School of the Americas/Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/WHISC). You can read "Hogtied and Abused at Fort Benning" (http://vitw.us/archives/000456.html) her account of the inhumane treatment that she received by her arresting officers.

By visiting the SOA Watch website (http://www.soaw.org/new/), you can find more information about the SOA/WHISC, which has trained many of the military dictators and soldiers who have massacred hundreds of thousands of people of Central and South America, especially indigenous people. You can also learn about other ways to support the project of closing the SOA/WHISC. Just as the US occupation in Iraq fails to provide for the security of ordinary Iraqis, the SOA/WHISC has, at the very least, failed in its stated task of 'security' for Latin America and, in actuality, created more insecurity and fear for millions of people in the Global South. Kathy's act of crossing the line with 27 other witnesses for peace, including VitW friend Rev. Jerry Zawada, O.F.M., is a sign of the commitment to nonviolent direct action which Voices in the Wilderness clings to as a hopeful road to peace and social justice in our world.


Internet Voting Inherently Flawed, Researchers Say Security weaknesses make it impossible to ensure a fair and valid vote count, a group of computer scientists said in a report. http://update.internetweek.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eevj0BdhIF0V30CKhE0AH Intel, Microsoft Maintain Good Ties Despite Linux Strain, Exec Says Intel said its relationship with Microsoft remains strong in spite of its Intel's with Red Hat and SUSE Linux about optimizing their Linux distributions for Intel's processors. http://update.internetweek.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eevj0BdhIF0V30CKhF0AI Veritas Ports Management Software To SUSE Starting this month, Veritas Software is porting many of its products to the SUSE Linux distribution, helping SUSE to offer the same kind of storage management features already available via Red Hat. http://update.internetweek.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eevj0BdhIF0V30CKhG0AJ Northwest CEO Urges Airline Execs To Talk Privacy After its own privacy debacle over passenger data, Northwest Airlines asked Air Transport Association and its member airlines to discuss development of a new data-protection protocol. http://update.internetweek.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eevj0BdhIF0V30CKhH0AK First Data May Win As J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank One Integrate IT Platforms Bank One was to switch from First Data to Synovus Financial Corp.'s TSYS unit, but given Chase's strong relationship with First Data, the TSYS deal is likely to be cancelled. http://update.internetweek.com/cgi-bin4/DM/y/eevj0BdhIF0V30CKhI0AL


Bipartisan Request Seeks Halt to Internet Voting Groups Fear Citizens Abroad Will Be Compromised

In a highly unusual pairing, the Republican and Democratic party organizations for citizens living abroad have banded together against the Pentagon's Internet voting program for the presidential election.



Village Voicehttp://www.villagevoice.com/http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0405/barrett.phpSleeping With the GOPby Wayne Barrett with special reporting by Adam Hutton and Christine LagorioFebruary 5th, 2004 8:20 AM(illustration: Bill Mayer)Post-Debate: Al Sharpton in the Spin RoomThe Reverend Fields Oddball Questions From the Press (3 min. 4 sec.)Roger Stone, the longtime Republican dirty-tricks operative who led the mob that shut down the Miami-Dade County recount and helped make George W. Bush president in 2000, is financing, staffing, and orchestrating thepresidential campaign of Reverend Al Sharpton.Though Stone and Sharpton have tried to reduce their alliance to a curiosity,

suggesting that all they do is talk occasionally, a Voice investigation has

documented an extraordinary array of connections. Stone played a pivotal role in putting together Sharpton's pending application

for federal matching funds, getting dollars in critical states from family

members and political allies at odds with everything Sharpton represents.He's also helped stack the campaign with a half-dozen incongruous top aides who've worked for him in prior campaigns. He's even boasted aboutengineering six-figure loans to Sharpton's National Action Network (NAN) and

allowing Sharpton to use his credit card to cover thousands in NAN costs-neither

of which he could legally do for the campaign. In a wide-ranging Voice interview

Sunday, Stone confirmed his matching-fund and staffing roles, but refused to

comment on the NAN subsidies.


trying to decide what candidate to vote for?

Folks, if you are trying to decide what candidate to vote for this web site is really nice and will pick a candidate foryou based on YOUR views and opinions. It takes 5 minutes to do.http://www.presidentmatch.com









Mutant Frogs Make Scientists Jumpy











this is from Australia, but same is happening in America, and there's little doubt it's worse here. Plus it's not only the regular industrial pollutants, but also from people peeing their pharmaceutical dope into the ecosystem we, all life, shares:
















Frogs: in dangerMutant frogs make scientists jumpyBy Amanda Hodge23jan04THEY look like creatures cooked up in Frankenstein's laboratory but, alarmingly, the common green tree frogs that are turning up on the Cairns Frog Hospital's doorstep with too many arms and not enough eyes are occurring in the wild.The small hospital has seen several severely deformed species in the past week. One juvenile frog had two right arms and another had one normal eye and one large hollow lump where the other should have been. What is causing the strange mutations in the creatures is not known but it is not the first time it has occurred. Last summer three different batches of tadpoles and juvenile frogs were brought to the hospital suffering spinal and leg deformities. Hospital wildlife carer Deborah Pergolotti believes the same as-yet unknown and unnamed virus pinpointed as the cause of the spinal curvatures last year is responsible for many of the problems this summer. But that does not explain the serious deformities now being seen and she fears that the problem has accelerated this year. "I've been doing frog conservation work for 10 years and before that I did endangered frog monitoring and I have never seen frogs like this before," Ms Pergolotti said yesterday. "If we don't find out what's going on soon, if these deformities are caused by a disease pathogen as opposed to environmental pollutants, it will spread and it might become too late to contain it." As an important bellwether of environmental health, the decline in frog numbers across Australia and worldwide due to viruses and fungal disease is causing heightened concern among scientists and wildlife carers. The Cairns region is a particular hotspot for frog disorders. James Cook University associate professor and amphibian diseases expert Rick Speare said yesterday the incidence of disorders and infections among the region's frogs was particularly worrying and a number of them could be linked.


Milk - Something VeryBad Has HappenedAnd We May Never Learn The Truth From The FDABy Robert Cohennotmilk1-23-4

Something Very Bad Has Happened and we may never learn the truthfrom FDA.

I often see the clues, hear the rumors, and examine the facts longbefore newspapers get the first inkling of a story. My advice for you todayis sell Monsanto stock short.

Good news for consumers is bad news for Monsanto.

Very shortly, perhaps in just a few weeks, cows sent to slaughterwill have to be separated into two lines--those treated with the geneticallyengineered bovine growth hormone and those not receiving injections ofPosilac. USDA will mandate this because of some very serious news.

The first rumors came out of the state of Kentucky on Monday.Representatives of dairy co-ops have been telling dairy farmers that cowstreated with Posilac have been developing bone cancers. I have received thisnews from a very good authority, although I am not at liberty to reveal mysource. Let's call him Mr. W.M.

What could be worse? I have a copy of a letter that Monsanto mailedto its dairy farmer customers on December 19, 2003. On that date, Monsantoshocked farmers by alerting them to the fact that Posilac would be inlimited supply until:

"Conditions and improvements in manufacturing are made..."

Monsanto is accepting no new customers, and anticipated their"shortfall" to last for "several months."

I have just learned (another rumor) that Florida farmers are beingwarned that Monsanto will cut back Posilac distribution to 50% or less on orabout March 1, 2004.

All of genetic engineering and biotechnology was based upon thesafety of Posilac. We naive Americans have been part of an experiment, andare learning that Posilac may have compromised the safety of rbST-treatedcows and humans who consume hormone-rich body fluids from these cows.

Ex-Surgeon General C. Everett Koop was hired by Monsanto to tellAmericans on February 6, 1994:

"Milk from cows given supplemental bovine somatotropin is the sameas any other milk...Unfortunately, a few fringe groups are using misleadingstatements and blatant falsehoods as part of a long-running campaign toscare consumers about a perfectly safe food."

The following day, Monsanto scientist Bernard Violand submitted apaper to the Journal of Protein Science admitting that Posilac containedmany different "freak amino acids." That paper was stamped "received" by thejournal on Thursday, February 10, 1994, and published on July 6, 1994.

Monsanto fixed the errors. FDA now knows of those mistakes becausemy whistle broke windows. During the process of developing a new technologyto filter out those freak amino acids, Monsanto never alerted FDA as to thenature of their error. Had they done so, such honesty would have costMonsanto over $500 million. Monsanto should have repeated the researchbecause every scientific paper submitted to FDA was performed on animalswith a different formula than the one currently on the market.

Monsanto's actions are criminal. So are FDA's. We know the perps.Look at your kids. Look at your friends and relatives. They are the victims.









Cosmic Rays, Who's Yer Daddy?















After years of incongruent research results, Japanese and American universities are pooling their money, secrets and ingenuity to track an astrophysical abnormality that's baffled scientists for almost a hundred years: cosmic rays.

Scientists aren't after just any old cosmic rays, the streams of subatomic particles jettisoned by the sun or exploding stars. They're focusing on high-energy cosmic rays -- particles producing so much power they seem to defy nature and that astrophysicists say show no origin at all. If theories on the source of the rays are confirmed, scientists may uncover insights into the earliest moments of our universe


Documentary: "A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Moon" Watch It!harry harrymobley

"Men occasionally stumble over truth, but most of them pick themselves upand hurry off as if nothing had happened." - Winston Churchill Here's the correct link to "The Big Lie." http://www.investigate911.com/thebiglie.htm Please post your response to this incredible movie.................must see.................r o n Man has never travelled more than 1,000 miles from the surface of the Earth. Period.

Man never went to the moon. This movie proves man never went to the moon. Period.

(requires free Realplayer to view) http://www.real.com/freeplayer/?rppr=rnwk

Original NASA footage of Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins faking Apollo video from the Apollo Command Module, in earth orbit. Must see. Your government lied to you (again).

None of the Apollo missions ever went beyond earth orbit. In fact, NO American mission has gone beyond 1,000 miles from Earth, because of the deadly Van Allen Radiation Belt surrounding Earth. Russia knew long ago the USA faked the moon landings and accused NASA of faking the moon landings, because Russia had lost astronauts in the Van Allen Radiation Belt. Russia knew you would have to have a lead-lined craft to cross through the Van Allen Radiation Belt without dying.

..r o n studioron


Jim Hightower's Common-Sense CommentariesTuesday, February 3, 2004

BUSH THE STARGAZERGeorge W has come up with a bold idea that I enthusiastically support. Bush says he wants to go to the moon and to Mars, and I, for one, see no reason not to send him there! Who are we to stand in the way of progress? http://updates.jimhightower.com/ctt.asp?u=1633741 & l=16607

THE FASTOWS' SPECIAL DEALJust before Christmas, I read a touching story about some parents who were not going to be at home with their children for the holiday season. Why? Because they were in jail, mostly for small crimes - one mother for violating her drug probation, for example, and a father for embezzling $3,000. http://updates.jimhightower.com/ctt.asp?u=1633741 & l=16608

A LITTLE HELP FROM HALLIBURTON'S FRIENDSHalliburton keeps sinking deeper and deeper into the goo of crass political cronyism. Vice President Dick Cheney formerly was CEO of this big Pentagon contractor and continues to receive a generous Halliburton check every year. http://updates.jimhightower.com/ctt.asp?u=1633741 & l=16609

FORGET HEALTH CARE, WE'RE GOING TO MARSWhy is it that our national policy makers are so robustly optimistic and filled with such can-do enthusiasm when it comes to shoveling billions of our tax dollars into big federal projects favored by wealthy campaign donors - but fall into dismal depths of negativity and dispirited cries of no-can-do pessimism when it comes to paying for the things the majority of us Americans want and desperately need? http://updates.jimhightower.com/ctt.asp?u=1633741 & l=16610

A LUXURIOUS HOLIDAYI have wonderful news for you: George W's latest tax cuts are working! They're now being credited with having produced a bonanza of consumer buying in the recent holiday season! http://updates.jimhightower.com/ctt.asp?u=1633741 & l=16611



We just got word that Hightower will be featured on Bill Moyers' NOW this Friday, February 6 on PBS. The segment will focus on the Rolling Thunder Down-Home Democracy Tour and other efforts to revitalize grassroots democracy. Check your local listings for broadcast times, or visit http://updates.jimhightower.com/ctt.asp?u=1633741 & l=16612










Fwd: Dov Zakheim, dual citizenship Comptroller and cheif finance officer at Pentagon, VP of sysplan -- aircraft remote control











Dick Eastman <silver wrote: From Dick Eastman Fri Jan 23 22:58:36 2004"Dick Eastman" ,"Quigs Fight" Dov Zakheim, dual citizenship Comptroller and cheif finance officer at Pentagon, VP of sysplan -- aircraft remote controlFri, 23 Jan 2004 22:58:36 -0800


received from "DC Dave" (Dave Martin)


Dov Zakheim, dual citizenship Comptroller and cheif finance officer at Pentagon, VP of Sysplan -- aircraft remote control for all types of commercial and fighter aircraft.



Dov Zakheim's Homeland Security biz and the remote control of aircraft

Dov Zakheim. Not many Americans know who he is, but they ignore who he is at their own peril. If for no other reason, an dual Israeli-American citizen as Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the United States Dept. of Defense should raise some eyebrows. He was also President Bush's senior foreign policy advisor during the 2000 campaign.

He was (is?) Corporate VP1 at System Planning Corporation, a major player in the "Homeland Security" industry. One of the products that SysPlan sells is the Command Transmitter Systems, a remote control system for planes, boats, missiles and other vehicles2 . It's highly customable and configurable to interface with an almost limitless number of vehicle types.

The remote control theory of 9/11 looks a little better every day.

Command Transmitter System

System Planning Corproation's Command Transmitter Systems (CTS) provide remote control and flight termination functions through a fully-redundant self-contained solid-state system.






9-11 ISSUE HEADLINED IN MASS ANTI-WAR MOBILIZATIONS -- HELP!!Wtcqd20009-11 ISSUE HEADLINED IN MASS ANTI-WAR MOBILIZATIONS -- HELP!!We're planning on printing thousands of large "9-11 COVER UP !! STOP BUSH !!"protest signs to pass out to marchers at the mass mobilizations in NY and SF at the mass anti-war protests on March 20th.9-11 groups/activists who would contribute to this, reply to this email asap!! The number we print depends on your response. We have $600 committed already, but we should try to get a poster in EVERY SINGLE protestors hands on March 20th.If the anti-war organizations won't help with 9-11 truth, we'll go straight to the rank & file activists who largely support 9-11 truth efforts.Also, Ellen Mariani & Phil Berg will be on MSNBC with Joe Scarborough tonight. SET YOUR VCRS.Bill Douglas, National 911visibility.org, www.septembereleventh.org






9/11: Flight Attendant on Hijacked Plane Seems Calm — ABC NEWS, Wed Jan 28 14:34


Real Calls from Hijacked Planes? The Definitive Test — Tono Cobo, Wed Jan 28 17:58 Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Green, Libertarian, independent or any other political flavor, John Buchanan's campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in New Hampshire next week -- on the issue of Bush's 9/11 complicity -- deserves everyone's support. (He's not related to Pat Buchanan.) If given adequate publicity, this scandal could completely change the dynamics of the 2004 Presidential sElection, especially since the Republicans are returning to the scene of their crime -- their convention is in New York City just before the 9/11 anniversary.Please ask every other candidate, every TV station, newspaper, magazine, liberal paper, conservative paper, radio station, website, political group, etc. if they will dare to talk about the OTHER Republican running in New Hampshire and the crucial issues that he is trying to expose. This is not a partisan political issue, this is about whether the promise of democracy can be realized or whether we slide into full strength fascism.-----Forwarded Message-----Gordon DavidsonJan 22, 2004 1:30 PMThe Truth About 911 CandidacyDear Friends, Here is an amazing turn of events in that a Republican is trying tobring out the truth about 911. You never know where courage and light willemerge from.Blessings,Gordonhttp://johnbuchanan.org/news/newsitem.php?section=INF & id=1154 & showcat=4Republican Candidate for President takes on the 9-11 issue..We've got a wonderfully bizarre 9/11 visibility gig going on up herein the New Hampshire Primary now and need a lot of web visibilitysupport to alert the legions on the ground.John Buchanan is the guy who documented the Prescott Bush/Nazifinance story last fall (and got it spilled out from the NH Gazette toAP - see http://tinyurl.com/rfiz ). Last month he was asked bypatrician Republican and Earth Day founder, John McConnell to runagainst Bush in the NH GOP Primary. Having barely enough to payhis South Miami rent, he reluctantly agreed and now he is up hererunning as the "9/11 Truth Candidate" and making a hell of a noise.His hardscrabble campaign is starting to get traction and he's certainlyshaking up his audiences. Last Monday he walked in cold to thepodium at the new England Community Action AssociationPresidential Forum at the Nashua Sheraton where everybody waswaiting for Joe Lieberman . They sat spellbound for 30 minutes andoffered massive applause at the windup. Wednesday he spoke at NewEngland College's College Convention in Manchester and the kidsgave him a lo-o-ong hooting thumbs up ovation.So PLEASE get everyone you can to link to our John Buchanan, "9/11Truth Candidate" site as well as his his own highly skeptical blog. TheURLs are: http://johnbuchanan.org andhttp://www.buchanan04.blogspot.comWe're praying this will break big by next week and the omens aregood. Time magazine is talking to him tonight and AP isinterviewing him over the weekend. Amazing grace..

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