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DEATH OF BIRDS/Bird activities strange everywhere.

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AltWritersFiles ; ufonews2002 ; The Octopus ; tapa-chemtrails ; Scott ; Paranormal Research ; Health and Healing ; Christopher Rudy ; Armageddon or New Age

Sunday, June 13, 2004 8:52 AM

DEATH OF BIRDS/Bird activities strange everywhere.

There were a couple of hundred (I think seagulls) dropped dead out of thesky in New Zealand about 3 months ago. No reason was noticed at the time. Ijust noticed a bird thread on GLP as well, so will add that as well. Nickyhttp://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?message=342895 & mpage=1 & topic=3 & showdate=6/13/04 & replies=39 & PHPSESSID=0103f1cae7a2f183b977e6d5cc8f9695PRELUDE TO POLE SHIFT 2004 - 27,000 PELICANS LEAVE NESTS IN NORTH DAKOTA!Published Wednesday, June 9, 2004N.D. Probes Disappearance of PelicansThe Associated PressMEDINA, N.D.Wildlife officials estimate nearly 27,000 American white pelicans haveabandoned their summer nesting grounds at the Chase Lake National WildlifeRefuge north of here. The question is why - and where they went."It´s like they packed up and left in the middle of the night - except theydidn´t pack up, they just left," said Ken Torkelson, a spokesman for theU.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in Bismarck.Left behind were thousands of eggs, which are unlikely to hatch, officialssay.Chase Lake, which was designated a national wildlife refuge in 1908, is thehome of the largest known nesting colony of white pelicans in North America.The birds were noticed missing about two weeks ago, said Kim Hanson, therefuge manager of the Arrowwood complex, which includes Chase Lake refuge."We don´t think they were killed. We think they abandoned their nest,"Hanson said Wednesday.Officials suspect some kind of disturbance - human or animal - because someof the remaining birds appear more skittish than usual, Hanson said.The pelicans nest on Chase Lake´s two islands, and for the past decade, theyalso have built a colony on a peninsula on the side of the lake as theirnumbers increased. Wildlife officials say about 80 pelicans are left on thepeninsula and on one of the islands. The other island has seen no majorpopulation loss and still has about 2,400 birds.The total number of breeding birds on the refuge has soared from an averageof around 10,000 in the 1970s to 35,466 in 2000 and 29,000 last year, Hansonsaid. The colonies are not monitored each day, but Torkelson said themonitoring will increase.The pelicans suffered last year from the West Nile virus, which killedroughly 50 percent of the young birds, Hanson said. Dead birds may haveattracted more coyotes and other predators, he said, although the animalsare not new to the area.One dead pelican has tested positive for botulism, and another one showingsymptoms of botulism was found Wednesday near Woodworth, about 15 miles fromthe lake, Hanson said. But the number of dead birds has not been consideredhigh enough to label botulism as the main culprit in the birds´disappearance."We´ve put out a notice to all Fish and Wildlife Service offices in thearea. We particularly want to know if they see sick or dead pelicans, ifthey see large numbers," Hanson said. The number of pelicans spotted alongthe Missouri River appears to have increased, he said.Refuge officials are taking another look at predators, he said."We are re-evaluating our predator management plan," he said."This may be just a normal correction factor - nature taking its course,"Hanson said. "There are lots of mysteries in nature that we´re onlybeginning to find outhttp://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=50394The Rumor Mill News Reading Roomhttp://www.rumormillnews.comDEATH OF BIRDS ~ Featherheit 1700 *PIC*Posted By: Muribellum <Send E-Mail>Friday, 11 June 2004, 1:24 p.m.- It is about boys, they destroyed mosquito nets on my windows. - Shepronounced.At this moment once again alcalde looked at her. He did carefully observeher entirely – from knavishly made velvet flowers on her hat to the shoescolored in old silver, – as he saw her for the first time. Keeping eyes onher, alcalde slowly climbed down the stepladder and when his feet touchedthe floor he bow his hand on his hip and throw screwdriver onto the table.- It was not boys – he said – it was birds.And she immediately connected everything into the whole picture – dead birdson writing table, man on ladder, damaged nets on her bedroom windows. Sheshuddered, imagining house full of dead birds.- Birds! – She exclaimed.Gabriel García MárquezOne Day After Saturday, from Collected Stories 1979DEATH OF BIRDS ~ Featherheit 1700Tom Bearden:- A few days later, from 1-4 February 1986, many birds inadvertently flewinto the new, localized "pivot point" at Birmingham, Alabama, encounteredthe high frequency components, and dead birds fell from the sky insubstantial numbers. Many different kinds of birds were involved….- The brains of small birds are very sensitive to these higher frequencies,due to their small diameter (wavelength) as a scalar EM receiver. If theyremained in the area of localization, the birds would be in intense pain orkilled….A Case of Mental Disorder - A Possible Conclusion? Delusion, Bipolardisorder, Schizophrenia? Which one does Tom Bearden suffer from? Well,probably all of the above. The man needs locking up in a rubber cell for hisown protection, as much as anything else. This document could easily enoughhave been four times as long, but the mental insanity of Mr Bearden is soself evident, the case hardly needs to be pressed further….Tom Bearden - A Critical Examination of His Claimshttp://www.theverylastpageoftheinternet.com/magneticDev/meg/beardenmeg.htmWest Coast birds are flying over the East Coast. Arctic birds are beingspotted in Texas. The prize for the most out-of-place bird even though itshowed up before the local Christmas count goes to a long-billed murrelet,which was seen this week paddling around Cayuga Lake near Ithaca, N.Y.,instead of the Sea of Okhotsk off northern Japan.http://www.rense.com/general18/aud.htmThere are indications that a mass mortality of sea birds in the Gulf ofFinland in 1992 may have been caused by algal toxins, although so far nodefinite link has been established.http://www.baltic.vtt.fi/balticinfo/text_files/chapter8.1.htmlAn unprecedented 114 Atlantic Puffins were found dead in The Netherlands ina few weeks time, mostly early February 2003. Following this wreck, massmortality of auks has been witnessed in the northern North Sea (Orkney,Shetland, and Norway), and these events may have been related. The event in2003 was the largest influx and wreck of Puffins in 75 years in TheNetherlands. …numerous dead Puffins were found in Belgium and northernFrance as well. The stranding may have involved between 180 and 200 AtlanticPuffins and 51.1% were identified as first winter birds. The birds wereclearly starved to death and a mass-stranding of unoiled, severely emaciatedLittle Auks and Razorbills occurred at the same time.http://www.seabirdgroup.org.uk/Journal/Contents/AS_5_1/as_5_1.htmAgain mysterious death on Caspian Sea - this time swans. At least hundredfifty dead birds were revealed near Gulf Bautino. Ecologists speak alreadythat the true reasons most likely will not be named. So was after the massmortality of saigas (half-million was lost in 1987) and a waterfowl (in 1989within one month for unidentified reasons was lost about one million) so wasafter recent mass mortality of Caspian seals.http://www.np.kz/2003/15/issled3.htmlExtreme ecological incident on Caspian Sea. Mass mortality of birds. "Theyfell, as if stones" were figuratively expressed by some employees ofOblecology. According to the information of employees of the Americancompany "Parker" and French "Pride Forasol", quantity of the birds fallen ondrilling platforms and ships about 250. Undoubtedly more birds were lost,and their majority has fallen into the sea. Basically it was larks, and alsothere were pied wagtails and chaffinches. All of them belong to Sparrowfamily. According to some witnesses, in the beginning they observed anunusual congestion of birds and only then mass death.EcoTrue-Kazakhstan Number 438, November 5, 2003.http://www.caspwatch.ru/news/2003/05_11_03.htmlThousands of dead birds have washed up on West Coast beaches this fall in adie-off that has stumped experts.Oregon bird die-off puzzles experts. Associated Press — Dec. 8, 2003http://espn.go.com/outdoors/conservation/news/2003/1208/1681412.html"Birds Rain"About 10 thousand birds were lost in China on February 6, 2004. Travelingbirds were lost without clear reasons, RIA"News" informs. Birds literallyfell from the sky at east coast of a province of Jiangsu. More than 10thousand birds were mysteriously lost in the east of China, falling from thesky, "as if a rain". Farmers from settlement nearby to the city of Tejchzhu,have been shocked, having seen on February 3, 2004 "the whole flocks ofbirds strewed from heavens". The majority of birds died from impact, thesome were only wounded. Birds were the small size, similar to sparrows.http://www.rol.ru/news/nature/animals/news/04/02/06_002.htmhttp://anomalia.narod.ru/text7/770.htmThe Romanian storks in tens rushing onto power lines and perish.http://main.izv.info/world/18-08-02/news22586Quarterly Mortality ReportsNational Wildlife Health Center has produced quarterly mortality reports,which contain information about wildlife mortality events throughout theUnited States.http://www.nwhc.usgs.gov/pub_metadata/qrt_mortality_report.htmlThis is what it was:Dick and about nine other overfed white guys sitting in a comfy luxury blindwith their manly shotguns, waiting for the Westmoreland guy stationed behindthem on a hill to release clusters of stunned, fat, tame game birds from anet. Then they shoot them.Lots and lots of them. And then they slap each other on the back. And theygrunt and say nice shot as the birds drop like flies as dogs race back andforth hauling dead or dying birds into huge piles. Whee what fun.More than 400 birds were killed in one lackadaisical afternoon. Dick himselfblasted the living crap out of 70 birds, all by himself. That's right, 70.Plus an unknown number of mallard ducks. Then they had them all plucked andvacuum packed and sent back home to show off to the staff. Dick was drivenback to the airport in a Humvee.Dick Cheney Kills Birds Dead.By Mark Morford, SF Gate Columnisthttp://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/g/a/2004/01/23/notes012304.DTL & nl=fixPresident Vladimir Putin was said to be off in Siberia hunting wolves.http://www.harpers.org/Hunting.html#20030929233001-5611438326- Dead Birds has a meaning which is both immediate and allegorical. In theDani language it refers to the weapons and ornaments recovered in battle.Its other more poetic meaning comes from the Dani belief that people,because they are like birds, must die. - Robert Gardner(Dead Birds is a 1965 documentary film written by Peter Matthiessen, aboutthe Stone Age warriors of the Dani tribe of New Guinea. It was directed byRobert Gardner.)http://www.filmstudycenter.org/DBS/DBS.htmlDead Birds - movieA group of Confederate soldiers rob a bank and hide out at a desertedplantation house, where they come under attack by supernatural forces.Director Alex Turner Release Date 2004http://www.upcominghorrormovies.com/movies/deadbirds.phpWest Nile warning: DON'T TOUCH DEAD BIRDShttp://www.katu.com/health/story.asp?ID=67457While sitting on a platform waiting to speak, the seventy-eight-year-oldChurchill was handed a note by an aide. Churchill glanced at the message,which advised, "Prime Minister—your fly is unbuttoned." Churchill thenscrawled on the bottom of the note and passed it back. It read, "Never fear.Dead birds do not drop out of nests."http://www.bizbag.com/Churchill/dead_birds.htmA tight-fitting lid will reduce odorsand restrict access by children,rodents, and insects. Those insects that survive in the pit without becominga nuisance actually help to accelerate carcass decomposition.An Economic Evaluation of Dead-Bird Disposal Systemshttp://www.aces.edu/pubs/docs/A/ANR-0914/ANR-0914.pdfDead Birds Will Not Be Picked Up By Health Department This Yearhttp://www.wreg.com/Global/story.asp?S=1890595- So there's a whale of a lot of weather engineering going on! When askedhow I know this, I just grimace and say, - I feel it in my bones.Cheers,Tom BeardenRE: Dead birds over OregonFri, 5 Dec 2003 21:04:21 –0600PostscriptBirds Fall From The Sky - AudioSimon Mowbray from DOC tells Newstalk ZB's Paul Holmes about the mysteriouscase of birds falling from the sky in South Auckland. 19/05/2004 01:36 PMhttp://www.xtra.co.nz/broadband/0,,10980-3358059-25,00.htmlDead BirdsPhotographs by Carol Hudsonhttp://www.people.virginia.edu/~bhs2u/carol-h/carol-h.htmlFinding dead birdsThe Australian Museum welcomes donations by the public of birds found dead.This is a major source of specimen acquisition by the Museum. Almost anydead bird is of value to the Museum's activities.http://www.amonline.net.au/birds/factsheets/dead_birds.htmNote: My sincere apology to everyone who was offended by Broken English.Action is learning.Muribellum«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml

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