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Cholesterol Truth - The Dangers of Low Blood Cholesterol & cholesterol-lowering

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For complete story: http://www.shirleys-wellness-cafe.com/cholesterol.htm




Cholesterol Truth - The Dangers of Low Blood Cholesterol &

cholesterol-lowering medications

The idea that too much animal fat and a high cholesterol is dangerous to

your heart and vessels is nothing but a myth. Cholesterol is not a deadly

poison, but a substance vital to the cells of all mammals. Researchers at

the University San Diego School of Medicine UCSD point out that high

cholesterol in those over 75 years of age is protective, rather than harmful

and that low cholesterol is a risk factor for heart arrhythmias (leading

cause of death if heart attack occurs). Researchers from the University of

Denmark report that about 15% of cholesterol lowering drug users over the

age of 50 will suffer from nerve damage as direct result of using statin

drugs. USA Today reported that Statins have killed and injured more people

than the government has acknowledged.

flaxseed oil part 1

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Evidence that statin treatment causes cancer. " Carcinogenicity of

lipid-lowering drugs " by Thomas Newman in the January 3rd, 1996 issue of the

Journal of the American Medical Association tabulated rodent data on the

cancer causing effects of cholesterol-lowering medications from the 1994

Physician's Desk Reference, and other sources (275:55). more

The European Heart Journal has published the results of a 3-year study

involving 11,500 patients. Researcher Behar and associates found that in the

low cholesterol group (total cholesterol below 160 mg/dl) the relative risk

of death was 2.27 times higher relative to those with high cholesterol. The

most common cause of death in the low cholesterol group was cancer while the

risk of cardiac death was the same in both groups.


Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD - The idea that too much animal fat and a high

cholesterol is dangerous to your heart and vessels is nothing but a myth.



Good fats are the naturally-occurring, traditional fats that haven't been

damaged by high heat, refining, processing or other man-made tampering such

as 'partial hydrogenation'. Many studies have demonstrated a very close

association between consumption of unsaturated oils and the incidence of



The Journal of the American Medical Association, published a study entitled:

Cholesterol and Mortality. 30 Years of Follow-up from the Framingham study.

Shocking to most, this in-depth study showed that after the age of 50 there

is no increased overall death associated with high cholesterol! There was

however a direct association between low levels (or dropping levels) of

cholesterol and increased death. Specifically, medical researchers reported

that CVD death rates increased by 14% for every 1 mg/dl drop in total

cholesterol levels per year.


Los mitos del colesterol - La idea de que el consumo excesivo de grasa y un

nivel alto de colesterol son un peligro para su salud y sus arterias es un

mito. Aquí se presentan algunos hechos sorprendentes y terribles. Para ver

la evidencia científica, haga click sobre los números al principio de cada

párrafo. El colesterol no es un veneno mortal, sino una sustancia vital para

las células de todos los mamíferos. No hay un colesterol bueno y uno malo,

sino que el estrés, la actividad física y el cambio del peso corporal pueden

afectar los niveles de colesterol. Un nivel alto de colesterol no es

peligroso en si mismo, pero puede reflejar una desequilibrio en la salud, o

puede no significar nada. aprenda más


Bad Cholesterol: A Myth and a Fraud!

Hydrogenated Oils - Silent Killers; The Margarine Hoax

Fats that Heal the vital role of Omega-3 fatty acids in health

Engineered Fats & Oils & The Degenerative Disease Epidemic


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Dr. Barry Groves, Ph.D.

Over the past couple of decades there has been a growing concern about fats

and cholesterol. Dieticians, nutritionists and doctors have been telling us

that fat is a killer. Apart from those with a very rare disease, has

cholesterol got anything to do with heart disease - or any other disease?

And even if it has, will a change of diet be beneficial? Like all debates,

this one about cholesterol has two sides. The Cholesterol Myth explores the

evidence on which present healthy eating' dietary recommendations are based.


Because of the propaganda, you can be forgiven for thinking that cholesterol

is a harmful alien substance that should be avoided at all costs. In fact,

nothing could be further from the truth. Cholesterol is an essential

component in the body. It is found in all the cells of the body,

particularly in the brain and nerve cells. Body cells are continually dying

and new ones being made. Cholesterol is a major building block from which

cell walls are made. Cholesterol is also used to make a number of other

important substances: hormones (including the sex hormones), bile acids and,

in conjunction with sunlight on the skin, vitamin D 3 . The body uses large

quantities of cholesterol every day and the substance is so important that,

with the exception of brain cells, every body cell has the ability to make



Cholesterol may be ingested in animal products, but less than twenty percent

of your body's cholesterol needs will be supplied in this way. Your body

then makes up the difference. If you eat less cholesterol, your body merely

compensates by making more. Although the media and food companies still warn

against cholesterol in diet, it has been repeatedly demonstrated that the

level of cholesterol in your blood is affected very little by the amount of

cholesterol you eat. References - learn more



High cholesterol may protect against infections and atherosclerosis

Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD


Many researchers have suggested that the blood lipids play a key role in the

immune defence system.1–21 There is also a growing understanding that an

inflammatory response of the arterial intima to injury is a crucial step in

the genesis of atherosclerosis. and that infections may be one type of such

injury.22 These two concepts are difficult to harmonize with the

low-density-lipoprotein (LDL) receptor hypothesis, according to which high

LDL cholesterol is the most important cause of atherosclerosis. However, the

many observations that conflict with the LDL receptor hypothesis, may be

explained by the idea that high serum cholesterol and/or high LDL is

protective against infection and atherosclerosis.


New cholesterol guidelines for converting healthy people into patients

Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD


Instead of preventing cardiovascular disease the new guidelines may increase

the mortality of other diseases, transform healthy individuals into unhappy

hypochondriacs obsessed with the chemical composition of their food and

their blood, reduce the income of producers of animal fat, undermine the art

of cuisine, destroy the joy of eating, and divert health care money from

the sick and the poor to the rich and the healthy. The only winners are the

drug and imitation food industry and the researchers that they support.


The Cholesterol Scam

Cholesterol is very necessary stuff. It's converted into Vitamin D by

sunlight, and it's the precursor for steroid hormones like the testosterone

you need to grow, and the estrogen women need to be feminine. The liver

manufactures something like 1,000 mg of cholesterol per day, even if you

consume no cholesterol at all. Of that amount, about 800 mg becomes bile

salts, which is necessary for the digestion of fats.[Guyton, 885] That

leaves about 200 available for other functions


The Truth About Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs (Statins), Cholesterol, and


" ... Public Citizen, representing 135,000 consumers nationwide, hereby

petitions the FDA pursuant to the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act 21,

U.S.C. Section 355(e)(3), and C.F.R. 10.30, to add a black box warning and

additional consistent bolded warnings about this serious problem to the

label of all statins marketed in the United States. "


" Doctors and the public must be warned to immediately discontinue use of

statin drugs at the onset of muscle pain, muscle tenderness, muscle weakness

or tiredness. "


The Dangers of Low Blood Cholesterol

A large study in Japan, covering two decades, which concluded that low

levels of blood cholesterol also increase the incidence of stroke.



" Lowering serum cholesterol concentrations does not reduce mortality and is

unlikely to prevent coronary heart disease. Claims of the opposite are based

on preferential citation of supportive trials. " A review of twenty-six

studies published in 1992





The Cholesterol Myths : Exposing the Fallacy that Saturated Fat and

Cholesterol Cause Heart Disease by Uffe Ravnskov


The idea that too much animal fat and a high cholesterol is dangerous to

your heart and vessels is nothing but a myth. Here are some astonishing and

frightening facts. Cholesterol is not a deadly poison, but a substance vital

to the cells of all mammals. There are no such things as good or bad

cholesterol, but mental stress, physical activity and change of body weight

may influence the level of blood cholesterol. A high cholesterol is not

dangerous by itself, but may reflect an unhealthy condition, or it may be

totally innocent. Your body produces three to four times more cholesterol

than you eat. The production of cholesterol increases when you eat little

cholesterol and decreases when you eat much. This explains why the ”prudent”

diet cannot lower cholesterol more than on average a few per cent. The

reason why laymen, doctors and most scientists have been misled is because

opposing and disagreeing results are systematically ignored or misquoted in

the scientific press. more about cholesterol myth


F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. - " We in the medical profession, totally oblivious of

the vital roles of cholesterol in the body, have been duped into thinking

that it is this substance that causes arterial disease of the heart and the

brain. The pharmaceutical industry has capitalized on the slogan of bad

cholesterol and has produced toxic-to-the-body chemicals that minimally

lower the level of cholesterol in the body and in the process cause liver

damage to thousands of people, some who die as a result of using the

medication. " Bad Cholesterol: A Myth and a Fraud!


Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD - " The idea that too much animal fat and a high

cholesterol is dangerous to your heart and vessels is nothing but a myth. "

Here are some astonishing and frightening facts.


" To produce healthy hormones in your body you need cholesterol. Listening to

the foolishness of keeping your cholesterol low by always eating low fat,

low cholesterol foods all the time, will lead to premature aging, more

depression, more overweight problems, more anxiety, more cancer, more heart

disease, etc. Then the pharmaceuticals will sell you synthetic estrogen,

DHEA, testosterone, cholesterol lowering drugs, Prozac, Xanax, Valium, etc.

ALL OF WHICH encourage disease in your body. Then they will sell you chemo

and radiation. And then they will say 'we have nothing else to offer you.'

The question is, did they ever? " Timothy Long


Butter is a healthyfat. Read The Case for Butter

Myths And Truths about other Fats

Bad Cholesterol: A Myth and a Fraud!


There are no such things as good or bad cholesterol, but mental stress,

physical activity and change of body weight may influence the level of blood

cholesterol. A high cholesterol is not dangerous by itself, but may reflect

an unhealthy condition, or it may be totally innocent. Your body produces

three to four times more cholesterol than you eat. The production of

cholesterol increases when you eat little cholesterol and decreases when you

eat much. This explains why the ”prudent” diet cannot lower cholesterol more

than on average a few per cent. The reason why laymen, doctors and most

scientists have been misled is because opposing and disagreeing results are

systematically ignored or misquoted in the scientific press.


Flaxseed Oil and Other Life Giving Oils (Omega-3 Oils)

Despite all the concern about fat in our diet, the body does require fat to

function. The problem is that most people are getting the wrong kinds of

fats in their diet and are lacking the good fats in their diets. The human

body cannot function properly without two polyunsaturated fats - linoleic

and alpha-linolenic acid. These fatty acids, which are found in Flaxseed Oil

are truly to normal cell structure and body function. Flaxseed may prove

useful in the nutritional management of patients with autoimmune diseases.


Some Conditions Improved by Omega-3 Oils: High Cholesterol Levels -

Prevention of Strokes and Heart Attacks - Angina - High Blood Pressure -

Arthritis - Multiple Sclerosis - Psoriasis and Eczema - Cancer Prevention

and Treatment - Allergies - Asthma - Calmness Under Stress - Vitality " more


more about Fats That Heal





Killer Fats

Good fats are the naturally-occurring, traditional fats that haven't been

damaged by high heat, refining, processing or other man-made tampering such

as 'partial hydrogenation'. Many studies have demonstrated a very close

association between consumption of unsaturated oils and the incidence of


What's Wrong with Partially Hydrogenated Oils?

Unlike butter or virgin coconut oil, hydrogenated oils contain high levels

of trans fats. A trans fat is an otherwise normal fatty acid that has been

" transmogrified " , by high-heat processing of a free oil. The fatty acids can

be double-linked, cross-linked, bond-shifted, twisted, or messed up in a

variety of other ways. Trans fats are poisons, just like arsenic or cyanide.

They interfere with the metabolic processes of life by taking the place of a

natural substance that performs a critical function. And that is the

definition of a poison. Your body has no defense against them, because they

never even existed in our two billion years of evolution -- so we've never

had the need or the opportunity to evolve a defense against them. Partially

hydrogenated oils will not only kill you in the long term by producing

diseases like multiple sclerosis and allergies that lead to arthritis, but

in the meantime they will make you fat! more


Hydrogenated Oils - Silent Killers; The Margarine Hoax

Hydrogenated oils and trans fatty acids are silent killers. Research studies

show conclusively that they cause non-insulin dependent type II diabetes, or

hyperinsulinemia. This is a disease which can eventually burn out the

pancreas and cause insulin dependent diabetes. These changed molecular oils

dramatically increase the risk of coronary heart disease, breast cancer,

other types of cancers and auto immune diseases. Over 100 research studies

show how harmful these oils are to the human body. However, these findings

have been largely ignored by the mass media and the FDA. In addition, the

Commercial Edible Food Industry has suppressed these research findings for

sometime. Why? Money and lots of it! Food processing companies and the

companies that own the patents on this process would lose billions of

dollars if they had to change their method of food production of

hydrogenating oils. The main reason oils are hydrogenated is that the

hydrogenation of the oils act as a preservative. This leads to increased

shelf life of products and less returns or spoilage of products. But at what

cost is it to the human body?


Natural remedies for diabetes

Natural Remedies for Pancreas Disorder


LAWSUIT FILED IN FEDERAL COURT - 5-1-2003 - A lawsuit has been filed in

Federal Court against a major food company to halt the sales and marketing

of foods containing hydrogenated oils. Finally steps are being taken to take

these deadly oils out of foods.


Dane A. Roubos, D.C - " Another 'side-effect' of hydrogenation is that a

residue of toxic metals, usually nickel and aluminium, is left behind in the

finished product. These metals are used as catalysts in the reaction, but

they accumulate in our cells and nervous system where they poison enzyme

systems and alter cellular functions, endangering health and causing a wide

variety of problems. These toxic metals are difficult to eliminate without

special detoxification techniques, and our 'toxic load' increases steadily

with small exposures over time. Since they are increasingly found in our

air, food and water, the cumulative doses can add up to dangerous levels

over time. Since trans- fats don't occur in nature, our bodies don't know

how to deal with them effectively and they act as poisons to crucial

cellular reactions. The body tries to use them as it would the cis- form,

and they wind up in cell membranes and other places they shouldn't be. "


Leo Galland, M.D. with Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D. - " Unfortunately, many of

the popular oils used today are nonessential fats and many are hydrogenated.

Hydrogenation is a manufacturing process which converts unsaturated fats

into saturated fats to prolong shelf life. Read the labels of foods you buy

in the grocery store. Hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated vegetable oils

are found in margarine, shortening, commercial baked goods and processed

foods. Partial hydrogenation physically alters any EFAs (essential fatty

acids) in the oil which creates artificial fatty acids. Dr. Galland states

that " These artificial fatty acids are not only unnatural and unnecessary,

they can have a disastrous effect on your child's body's ability to use

EFAs. "


Health Risks from Processed Foods and Trans Fats In this fascinating

discussion nutritional expert Mary Enig, Ph.D. is interviewed by Dr. Richard

A. Passwater concerning the harm caused by partially hydrogenated fats that

are present in processed foods.


Beware of canola oil

" Canola oil comes from the rape seed, which is part of the mustard family of

plants. Rape is the most toxic of all food-oil plants. Like soy, rape is a

weed. Insects will not eat it; it is deadly poisonous! The oil from the rape

seed is a hundred times more toxic than soy oil. "


Beware of heated oils Heat processed oils are toxic. Make sure to always get

COLD PRESSED oils. (With olive oil make sure its also " extra virgin " ) Always

keep your oils sealed and refrigerated.




Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill : The Complete Guide to Fats, Oils,

Cholesterol and Human Health by Udo Erasmus


Udo Erasmus' in-depth look at the oil industry and the processes that turn

healing fats into killing fats is unequaled. Learning about these processes

is essential to understanding why we must make certain food choices to

prevent and even reverse degenerative diseases including heart disease,

cancer and diabetes. In " Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill, " Erasmus has far

surpassed his original best-selling work, " Fats & Oils. " From the way our

bodies assimilate fats and oils to the politics of health, Erasmus shies

away from nothing.


Myths And Truths about Fats

excerpt from the Weston Price Foundation


Myth: Heart disease in America is caused by consumption of cholesterol and

saturated fat from animal products.

Truth: During the period of rapid increase in heart disease (1920-1960),

American consumption of animal fats declined but consumption of hydrogenated

and industrially processed vegetable fats increased dramatically. (USDA-HNI)

Myth: For good health, serum cholesterol should be less than 180 mg/dl.

Truth: The all-cause death rate is higher in individuals with cholesterol

levels lower than 180 mg/dl. (Circulation 1992 86:3:1026-1029)

Myth: Animal fats cause cancer and heart disease.

Truth: Animal fats contain many nutrients that protect against cancer and

heart disease; elevated rates of cancer and heart disease are associated

with consumption of large amounts of vegetable oils. (Fed Proc July 1978


Myth: Children benefit from a low-fat diet.

Truth: Children on low-fat diets suffer from growth problems, failure to

thrive & learning disabilities. (Food Chem News 10/3/94)

Myth: A low-fat diet will make you “feel better . . . and increase your joy

of living.”

Truth: Low-fat diets are associated with increased rates of depression,

psychological problems, fatigue, violence and suicide. (Lancet 3/21/92 v339)

Myth: Americans do not consume enough essential fatty acids.

Truth: Americans consume far too much of one kind of EFA (omega-6 EFAs found

in most polyunsaturated vegetable oils) but not enough of another kind of

EFA (omega-3 EFAs found in fish, fish oils, eggs from properly fed chickens,

dark green vegetables and herbs, and oils from certain seeds such as flax

and chia, nuts such as walnuts and in small amounts in all whole grains.)

(Am J Clin Nutr 1991 54:438-63)

Myth: To avoid heart disease, we should use margarine instead of butter.

Truth: Margarine eaters have twice the rate of heart disease as butter

eaters. (Nutrition Week 3/22/91 21:12)

Butter is a healthy fat. Read The Case for Butter




Fats that Heal (The Good Guys )

Flaxseed Oil and Other Life Giving Oils (Omega-3 Oils)

Despite all the concern about fat in our diet, the body does require fat to

function. The problem is that most people are getting the wrong kinds of

fats in their diet and are lacking the good fats in their diets. The human

body cannot function properly without two polyunsaturated fats - linoleic

and alpha-linolenic acid. These fatty acids, which are found in Flaxseed Oil

are truly to normal cell structure and body function. Flaxseed may prove

useful in the nutritional management of patients with autoimmune diseases.


Some Conditions Improved by Omega-3 Oils: High Cholesterol Levels -

Prevention of Strokes and Heart Attacks - Angina - High Blood Pressure -

Arthritis - Multiple Sclerosis - Psoriasis and Eczema - Cancer Prevention

and Treatment - Allergies - Asthma - Calmness Under Stress - Vitality "

more about the healing power of flaxseed oil


Other Fats That Heal: Evening Primrose Oil - Coconut oil - Grapeseed oil -

Hemp seed oil - Castor oil - Olive Oil - Black Cumin Oil --- Flaxoil for

Animal Health --- Essential Fatty Acids For Pregnant and Nursing Women



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