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Tuesday, October 05, 2004 7:28 AM

[Mr_Tracys_Corner] Fw: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Do you know why flouride is put in the water and toothpaste? 1/3



- Misty

Health and Healing ; Armageddon or New Age

Friday, September 24, 2004 2:52 AM

[Armageddon-or-NewAge] Do you know why flouride is put in the water and toothpaste? 1/3

http://www.godlikeproductions.com/bbs/message.php?message=438532 & mpage=1 & topic=3 & showdate=9/24/04 & replies=63Anonymous Coward9/22/20045:27 am EDT Do you know why flouride is put in the water and toothpaste?http://www.fluoridealert.org/Research among POWS during the war found that flouride affects a part of thebrain in a way that makes people less likely to question authority.http://www.rense.com/general45/bll.htmFluoride -The Battle of Darkness & Lightby Mary Sparrowdancer 200312-14-3It was due to my growing concerns about our country´s growing healthproblems as well as the erosion of our civil liberties that, in November of2002, I published a paper focusing upon both of these issues and spoke aboutthem on several radio programs. The paper quietly made its way throughWashington, D.C., and then around the world.The paper detailed the "revolving door" in Washington, D.C., an apparentturnstile between private industries and the United States government.Through this invisible door, industry managers pass directly into the veryagencies that govern industry - the government´s food, drug, agriculturaland chemical regulatory departments - in order to influence regulations orspeed the approval of their company´s products. The paper, "Let Them EatAnything," showed this unholy alliance, the conflict of interest that hascontributed to a mounting epidemic of health problems in the United States.(1)I expected the paper to provoke comments, but I did not expect it to resultin my being contacted by a nutrition expert who had worked in the USDA. Shecalled to thank me for writing the paper. Incredibly, because light was thetopic of my previous book detailing a personal Near Death Experience andongoing, unexplained encounters with light phenomena, in an example ofincomparable synchronicity, the name of the former USDA expert who contactedme was Luise Light.I read the first email I received from Luise Light with a sense ofastonishment. Luise had been the former team leader and Special NutritionAssistant to USDA´s Carol Tucker Foreman - who is described as "a prominentfood safety advocate" by Eric Schlosser in his best-selling book, Fast FoodNation.From her personal experience, Dr. Light confirmed not only the revolvingdoor I had described in my paper, but in addition, the corruption within the"government" taking place just on the other side of that door. Here, from aneyewitness, came the truth that individuals representing corporations arenot only holding key government positions, they have also been determiningwhich studies are done, who receives grants, and they have been "adjusting"the reports in order to create a false sense of security about their favoredproducts and services.With the promise of corporate gain and personal profit, the industry"representatives" have been making important decisions affecting all of usprofoundly. For the most part, the general public has been unaware of thispartnership between private business and our publicly funded federalgovernment.Of special interest to Luise was what I had presented as the "absurdAmerican food pyramid" - a dietary guide that first came out in the 1980s,and in which our "government" recommended starch as the foundation of ourdiet. This was of particular interest to Luise because, as I read in awe, itwas she and her team of nutrition experts who had created the concept of thefood pyramid - but with a very major twist. The real food pyramid, Luisewrote, was completely different from the "adjusted" pyramid that wasdistributed to an unsuspecting American public.The true pyramid that Luise and her team developed was not absurd, at all.It did not have starch as the foundation. Instead, it called for a base of awide variety of fruits and vegetables, with 5 to 9 servings daily. Wholegrain cereals and grains were recommended in amounts of 2 to 4 servingsdaily - with the smaller amount for females and those with less activelifestyles. The real pyramid that Luise and her team created placed bakedgoods, crackers, sweets and other low-nutrient foods up with the sugars andfats at the top of the pyramid, where they were recommended only asoccasional treats."But what happened?" Luise wrote, stating that there had been a deliberate,unexplained switch made at the political level that completely distorted thepyramid - which is the subject of her forthcoming book, Ketchup is Not aVegetable; Sane Eating in a Toxic Food World."Instead of fruits and vegetables making up the base of the diet," shewrote, "the cereals and wheat products were made the base of the pyramid,and the recommendation [for starchy foods] was no longer 2 to 4 as we haddetermined but switched 6 to 11 servings! We couldn´t believe it! Whatpossible rationale could there be for such an unprecedented and unjustifiedswitch? In fact the health consequences of encouraging the public to eat somuch refined grain, which the body processes like sugar, was frightening!But our exhortations to the political heads of the agency fell on deaf ears.The new food guide, replacing the ´Basic Four,´ would be a promotional toolto get the public to buy and consume more calories, sugar and starch."Ultimately, this would result in a poorer quality diet.What was given to the public in the 1980s was a pyramid with a foundationbased (in more ways than one) on dough. And the American people - with fulland innocent trust in the health advice given to them by the government -then attempted to follow the new health-based plan. The result would beprofit and gain for some, and the torments of ill health and weight gain forcountless others.As Americans complied with the new dietary suggestions, within a few yearsthe results of this unsuspecting compliance began to surface.According to studies and charts provided by the Centers for Disease Control(CDC), during the years 1988 to 2000 the percentage of children and teenssuffering from obesity more than doubled. During those same years, the CDCreported that the prevalence of adults suffering from overweight and obesityrose steadily to 64%. In 2001, the second most frequently prescribed drugsold in America was a synthetic hormone drug, indicating a vast number ofindividuals were now suffering from thyroid malfunction. Tied in with theoverweight and obesity problems resulting from thyroid malfunction are ahost of additional, potentially deadly afflictions suggesting that"overweight" might be only a symptom rather than a diagnosis - it isactually only one of the more visible clues that something is not right,that something is out of kilter. (2, 3, 4)According to the CDC, between the years 1980 and 1994 the overall incidenceof asthma increased 75%. Since 1991, the number of US adults with diagnoseddiabetes has increased 61%, and the number is projected to more than doubleby the year 2050. (5, 6)An article in the New England Journal of Medicine stated that the incidenceof gastric/esophageal cancer (adenocarcinoma) has inexplicably risen morerapidly than any other cancer incidence in the United States. Yale New HavenHospital and the National Cancer Institute list that rate of increase at350%. Also noted was the observation that the majority of the unfortunatessuffering from gastric cancer in this particular study were white males, andthe majority of those white males first presented with GastroesophagealReflux Disease (GERD). Adult white males were not the only ones sufferingfrom GERD, however. By the CDC´s own definition of "epidemic," GERD appearsto be an epidemic of staggering proportions in the United States, today. (7)The motto of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is "Safer,Healthier People." The CDC mission statement is, "To promote health andquality of life by preventing and controlling disease, injury, anddisability." Yet, when I contacted the CDC because I was having difficultyin locating their statistical reports on the increasing prevalence of GERD,the response I received was, "CDC does not have activities related to GERD."With CDC unable to supply statistics on this epidemic, it was necessary tolook elsewhere. A reasonable idea of prevalence and trends could be obtainedby "following the money" and looking at pharmaceutical marketing data.What was found was stunning, and it suggested that medicine focused on thetreatment of chronic symptoms results in a dependency on chronic treatment.People struggling for relief and a chance to live normal lives becomedependent on the pharmaceutical industry for relief. If they can pay theprice, they will be served.Americans are apparently now paying the price because the marketinginformation indicates this country is now considered "the world leader" inthe overall consumption of pharmaceutical products.By following records of drug sales, one can follow the trend of GERD, andAmerica once again has somehow become a "world leader," this time in theprevalence of caustic heartburn in its citizenry.Beginning in 1997, the top-selling prescription drug being purchased byAmericans was a pharmaceutical preparation that promised relief from ulcers,GERD and other conditions related to excessive, corrosive acid in thestomach and esophagus. In 1998, 1999 and 2000, that acid-relief drugremained the number one prescribed drug in the country.An editorial that appeared in the March 18, 1999 issue of the New EnglandJournal of Medicine, (Volume 340:878-879, Number 11), by Sidney Cohen, M.D.and Henry P. Parkman, M.D. noted, "It is ironic that the incidence ofadenocarcinoma of the esophagus has increased dramatically in the veryperiod in which highly effective therapies have provided symptomatic reliefand mucosal healing."Indeed.In treating the symptoms of GERD, are we silencing true "gut instinct?" Arewe silencing a divinely designed warning system that is trying to tell us weare ingesting something toxic, corrosive and dangerous? Are we silencingwith drugs a signal that is warning us we must stop ingesting a toxicsubstance before it kills us?It was not until 2001, that the most popularly prescribed drug was overtakenby drugs being purchased by Americans seeking relief from something elsetormenting them within. In 2001, Americans were spending their money in anattempt to seek relief from personal and profound depression - anothersymptom that, along with weight problems, is known to occur as a result ofthyroid malfunction. It was another signal telling us that something wasaffecting not only our bodies, but our minds and emotions.While this surge in both corrosive gastric disorders and mental anguish waseasily dismissed as the price to pay for "the daily stress of life," thesame theory cannot be used to explain away the surge in rates of mentaltorment and GERD now afflicting infants and children.During the five-year period ending in 2001, the sale of drugs prescribed totreat reflux, heartburn and other gastrointestinal disorders in childrensoared 660 percent. In a report looking at four of those same years, thecost of treating behavioral problems presently referred to as ADHD inchildren also increased 120 percent. (8, 9)According to an annual report of the US Department of Education to Congress,the number of "children aged 0 to 21" being treated for autism and traumaticbrain injury rose from the first 5,000 reported cases in 1992/93 (at thestart of mandatory reporting), to 94,000 cases in 2000/01. In looking atindividual states, a troubling mosaic forms. States showing the highestincrease (a two thousand percent increase or greater) in the number ofchildren being treated for autism include Alaska, Colorado, Kentucky,Mississippi, Maryland and Oregon. This is not to say that the other stateswere faring well - in California from 1987 through 2002, the number ofpeople being treated for autism by the Department of Developmental Servicesincreased by 634%. In Indiana the percentage of children suffering fromautism rose by 860%. In Michigan, the increase was over 1000%. The 1999Journal of Pediatrics indicated that the majority of autistic children whowere followed in one study were also suffering from reflux and otherdigestive problems. (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15)Unfortunately, it appears that little boys are far more likely than littlegirls to suffer from autism as well as from a variety of childhoodbehavioral disorders. Typically, even as infants these boys also appear tobe suffering from reflux and sleep disturbances. It is while noting thesurge in ADHD that another disturbing fact emerges: Some of the states withthe worst surges in behavioral problems - including Colorado, Kentucky,Mississippi, Alaska and Oregon - are also states in which still-unexplainedbehavior in juvenile males has manifested in horrific school shootings.While the brain and its workings are still not fully understood, it iswithin the frontal lobes of the brain that the capacities for moraljudgment, attention and memory are now thought to be situated. PET scans andfunctional MRIs of the boys afflicted with autistic disorders have revealedwhat appears to be "decreased glucose metabolic rate in the medial frontalregion,"and "hypometabolism [lowered metabolism] demonstrated in thetemporal and parietal regions." (16)Tests have also indicated that, in the brains of the afflicted boys there isa "decreased activity and reduced anatomical size, particularly in the rightbrain . . . " Other brain disturbances, including disturbances in thebrain´s processing of tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin are becomingknown, as is damage to the hippocampus area, thought to be associated withmemory problems and obsessive thoughts. (17)Pharmaceuticals such as methylphenidate, now in popular use, stimulate thefrontal lobes in order to heighten the brain´s ability to filter outnoncritical parts of the daily barrage of stimuli. This pharmaceuticalappears to at least temporarily improve the behavioral symptoms ofagitation, hyperactivity and inattention in children whose brains areotherwise unable to filter stimuli on their own.While stimulants might improve outward symptoms, though, research nowindicates that within the right brain, most notably within the righttemporal lobe and hippocampus regions, there exists an extremely unusualarea of neuroreceptors and transmitters. It is this area of the brain thatis believed to be the connection between the human individual and the stillunexplained realm of the mystical and the divine - the realm of divinelyperceived Light. For this reason, this area of the brain is now beingreferred to by some researchers as the "God Spot"- what might be our mostimportant connection of all.Despite the fact that this extraordinary realm of Light is largely bypassedas noncritical by the majority of researchers, many individuals have nowdescribed numerous, similar experiences with the Light, indicating suchexperience is not as uncommon as orthodox science has assumed. In examiningsome of the oldest texts in human history, it is apparent that interactionswith Beings of Light have, since the earliest of times, been the mostcherished and desired of all human experiences. Writings from ancient Egyptdescribe journeys into the Light and contact with beings and messengers."Manna," was the expression voiced by startled Egyptians on seeing theliving entities emerging from the light. "Manna," meant, "what is this?"We can judge from the unprecedented volume of prescriptions for psychiatricdrugs that something is having a profoundly depressing influence upon thehuman mind at this time. Something is happening within our brains that ismanifesting as anxiety, depression and impaired cognitive abilities - thismuch we know. Because adequate research of the God-Spot is not an "approved"field of study, however, we have no scientific reports warning us if the Godconnection in the brain is also being damaged at this time. Again, we haveonly outward signs to observe - signals indicating something is blocking ouraccess to the most important light of our lives, and symptoms that speak toa growing angst, darkness and the loneliness of godlessness.Researchers who dare to study this area of human experience, do so facingprofessional humiliation from peers, although such research may actually becritical to the well-being of humanity. Those who guard the borders ofacceptable research are often quite skeptical or disapproving of what theycontend is mere "paranormal" speculation, and for this reason, that area ofstudy has been largely avoided by professionals and researchers.Melvin Morse, M.D., pediatrician and author of Closer to the Light, is oneof very few professionals who has dared to explore this uncharted territory.In summing up this unfortunate situation of acceptable study versus studythat is dismissed as paranormal, he writes, "This lack of a theoreticalscientific model to allow interaction with an interconnected universe hasled to a 100 year ´skeptic´ versus ´believer´ debate which has not advancedour understanding of human consciousness." (18, 19, 20)Although our increasing inability to perceive the divine and understand thefull extent of our human capabilities remains largely ignored by thosediscrediting or rejecting "paranormal" research, the growing epidemic ofanxiety, depression and overwhelming despair in this country´s childrendeserves the attention of all of us. It should be considered a nationalemergency, and a national tragedy.In Colorado, the rate of suicide among teenagers, children and young adultshas been consistently above the national average since 1980. Suicide is,sadly, the second-leading cause of death in children between the ages of 10through 19 in Colorado. In Kentucky, suicide is also the second leadingcause of death in children, teens and young adults. In Mississippi, thenumber of teen and young-adult suicides has increased 126% since 1969, withmore than 90% of the victims being males. In Alaska, the suicide rate amongteenagers is nearly twice that of the national average - twice. (21, 22, 23,24)Other strange surges in human suffering have been noted, as well. InColorado, from 1990 through 1999, the percentage of children with orthopedicimpairments rose 484%. In Alaska, during 1990-98, the incidence of diabetesincreased by 152%, (much greater than the national rate), and now Alaska isamong the top three states with the highest incidence of squamous cellcarcinoma of the esophagus. (25, 26)In the midst of all this growing and tragic suffering, in the year 2000 theSurgeon General issued a "first ever" call to action in response to what wasnoted as a "silent epidemic" of dental problems in the United States.Something strange is happening in the mouths of Americans. (27)According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, anestimated 80% of American adults currently have some form of periodontal(gum) disease. In parts of Kentucky, nearly half of the toddlers havecavities in their teeth, which is approximately twice the national average.In addition to Kentucky, the top five states cited in a 1997 table used inthe Surgeon General´s report on toothlessness included West Virginia,Louisiana, Arkansas and Maine. (28, 29, 30)Perhaps it is at this point that one might begin to reasonably suspect thatwhatever lies at the cause of this epidemic of epidemics - whatever isdisabling Americans in body, mind and spirit - just might be something weare putting into our mouths or otherwise absorbing into our bodies. This isnot an unreasonable suspicion.Given the avalanche of starch that is now figuratively suffocating us andliterally fattening us, given the strange new bioengineered oddities nowsecretly passing as food in America, given the relatively new insertion ofsoy compounds in seemingly infinite forms and aliases into nearly everypackaged, jarred and canned food on the grocery shelves - given thechemicals, the mandatory cocktails of highly questionable and extremelytoxic vaccines all being inserted into the American population - it does notappear at all unreasonable to think that what is wrong with our health andwell-being might have something to do with what we are taking in withmouths, skin and lungs.It does not appear to be at all unreasonable to suspect that our new statusas world leader in pursuit of relief-seeking drugs has a cause, and thatcause just might be something unnatural that is entering our bodies enmasse.The list of possible suspected toxins, though lengthy, can be shortened by adeductive process. Not all of us consume soy - some avoid it by preference,others because of allergies, and still others avoid it who have been alertedto questions raised by research about its safety. Not all parents permittheir children to take the vaccines mandated by government. A significantnumber of Americans avoid bioengineered food by purchasing organic, GE-freeproducts, and still others have cut large amounts of starch from their dietsin order to maintain proper weight and health. Not all of us have similarlifestyles that might be blamed as the cause for physical distress, mentaldespair, stress, cognitive malfunctions and uncompassionate apathy now uponus.The toxic suspect is unlikely to be an elective, avoidable substance. Morelikely the toxin is in something that we all consume because we need it,like flowers need the rain. It might be something undetectable at first -something that we willingly ingest without knowing it. It would be a toxinthat could be added into virtually every food and beverage, with no mentionof it required on the labels.The substance would also be now causing problems in a bizarre geographicalmanner. As though it were seemingly able to sense invisible county boundarylines, it would be a toxin that is leaving a trail which jumps from countyto county, state to state, missing some counties and entire states whilehitting other counties and states particularly hard.The search is for a substance that can be absorbed through the skin andlungs as well as by swallowing it. Undetectable to us except by scientificmeasuring, it is a substance that does its work quietly and in extremely lowdoses. Working at a molecular level, it would cause a gradual onset ofdisease and disability observable only after the slow passage of years. Itis then, after that slow, slow passage of years, that an epidemic ofepidemics would be noticed while its cause long forgotten in the mists oftime.After a process of elimination, the substance that meets all of the criteriaand stands alone in the crosshairs of our search is a substance that doesnot appear to be suspect. In fact, it raises no suspicions in most of us,whatsoever, because most of us are unaware of the research pertaining tothis substance.It is a substance that, according to government reports, has been knownsince 1930 to have such a powerful effect upon thyroid function, it has beenused in prescription medications to treat hyperthyroidism (overactivethyroid). It can, therefore, along with our pyramid of dough, be reasonablymarked as a suspicious agent contributing to the current epidemic of obesityand thyroid problems. (31, 32, 33, 34)It is a substance that has also long been known to cause or exacerbate theexact periodontal disease resulting in the tooth loss that has caught theattention of the Surgeon General. In addition to being a causative agent inperiodontal disease, it is a substance that is known to accumulate in theteeth and bones creating brittleness, and for this reason it has also beenassociated with osteoporosis and other bone diseases and disorders that arealso now being seen in America.The mysterious substance is so corrosive, when added to water it will eatits way through a titanium container. Since it will eat its way throughtitanium, perhaps it should not come as a great surprise to learn that it isalso known to act as a severe corrosive agent on human gastric and mucosaltissues. (35, 36, 37, 38)As Americans´ afflictions continue to unfold unlike anything else thathumanity has known and brought upon itself, we also learn that the material,once thought unable to cross the blood-brain barrier, crosses it ratherwell. It also concentrates in the pineal gland that is located within thebrain. (39, 40, 41, 42)Any agent that passes through the brain can be expected to affect behavior,mood and cognitive function, and this substance has been repeatedly shown tocreate a depressing, numbing effect.As early as 1954 this substance was reported by George L. Waldbott, M.D., tocause his patients to become "incoherent, drowsy, lethargic and forgetful."His reports are not isolated. Government reports indicate similar findingsof "impaired cognition and memory." So well-known is the impact of thischemical on the human brain and mental function, it continues to beincorporated in and sold in a variety of popular, well-known psychiatricdrugs. (43, 44, 45)Given the existing reports of this substance´s presence within the brain -including its effects on the right temporal lobe, hippocampus and the pinealgland - perhaps it should come as no wonder that a growing number of people,children in particular, are now behaving strangely, unpredictably, andsometimes very badly while also noting gross memory impairment afteringesting or absorbing this substance.Reports also indicate that the substance is not as effectively eliminatedfrom the body in young males as it is in others. Thus retained in the body,its effect upon juvenile males appears to be quite different from its effecton females or even adult males. (46)Because of its known toxic side effects, this substance requires aprescription when administered by medical professionals, but in a bizarreand quite deadly paradox enabled by industry masterminds working within thegovernment, it can be administered en masse to the general public by dealerswho have no medical training whatsoever, no license to dispense medicationswhatsoever, and who, in fact, have no idea to whom they are administeringthis corrosive, toxic, mind-altering substance.Those who avoid non-prescribed pharmaceutical substances might feel safe asa result of personal choices to refrain from unapproved drugs andsubstances. We have dutifully repeated the "just say no to drugs" mantra,and we have instructed our children to repeat the same after us. We wouldnot think of taking mind-altering drugs from a dealer, and would neverconsider giving such a substance in unregulated doses to our infants andchildren.However, we have been innocently doing just that. In a growing number ofgeographical areas that begin and end with invisible county lines, thesubstance is almost impossible to avoid. Some of the hardest hit countiesare located in Alaska, Colorado, Kentucky, Michigan and Mississippi.As the old saying goes, when no other agent can be located as the cause forour problems, blame it on the water. "It must be something in the water,"the saying has been said for ages, usually with a shrug and chuckle.Perhaps it´s time for us as individuals and as a nation to repeat thisphrase again - this time as though our lives depended upon it, this timewithout a shrug and chuckle - and while we are at it, take a closer look atour water.Maybe there is something in the water, after all.* * * * * * * * *The strange, corrosive, toxic but still controversial agent in the water isfluoride.The atomic symbol for the negatively charged halogen known as fluorine is,simply, "F" or "F-." When the negatively charged ions - or anions - offluorine gas combine with another element, a fluoride compound is formed. Ifthe F combines with sodium (Na), for instance, the compound would then beknown as sodium fluoride, or NaF. If it combines with calcium (Ca), thecompound formed is calcium fluoride, or CaF. If it combines with arsenic, itbecomes AsF. And so on.Fluoride is a trace element in nature, but manmade fluoride compounds becamegrossly abundant as a result of the invention of weapons of mass destructionin World War II. Fluoride and uranium are key components in the atomic bomb,and fluoride is also a key ingredient in fluorinated organophosphate nerveagents, such as Sarin.Radioactive uranium is naturally present in phosphate ore, but it must be"enriched" if it is to become a nuclear weapon or a reactor fuel. After thephosphate is mined, the uranium "yellow cake" is removed and sent to anenrichment facility such as the plant owned by the Department of Energy inPaducah, Kentucky. There, the uranium is fluorinated and uraniumhexafluoride (UF6) is produced. Paducah´s enrichment plant stopped makingUF6 for weapons in the 1960s, and began creating it, instead, for commercialpurposes as a reactor fuel.Uranium fission was first discovered in the late 1930s by German scientists.In 1939, there was a reported fear that the Nazis were about to develop abomb using uranium fission. In 1942, Americans began similar research,facilitated by the knowledge of scientists who had fled their own countriesand moved to the United States. Thus, America was the first to achieve bothcreation - and use - of atomic weaponry in 1945.That year, 1945, was one of many changes. With World War II over, 1945marked the year in which the Nuremberg Trials began - trials that presumablyreaffirmed the sanctity of life, and human rights - trials which wouldeventually address the atrocities of Nazi human experimentation.As the world breathed a sigh a relief in knowing that the Nazi healthofficials´ experimentation on human beings had been halted in Germany, 1945marked the year that "public health officials" in America began theirexperimentation on human beings with water fluoridation.In what would turn out to be the biggest human experimentation in history,sodium fluoride - NaF - was added into American´s drinking water in selectedcommunities under the medical claim that the F would prevent dental caries(cavities) in children. Those receiving this experimental, medicinaltreatment in their drinking water, received it then as they do now: They areforced to ingest it, inhale it, bathe and shower in it, whether or not theywant or even need this toxic chemical in their bodies.As with all medicinal compounds - indeed, as with virtually everything onEarth - some individuals can be expected to have extreme side effects andallergic reactions. Individuals having severe allergic reactions topenicillin, poison ivy or peanuts are very likely to use common sense andavoid those substances. Unlike the penicillin, poison ivy or peanuts,however - in fact, unlike any other medicinal compound in history - over 60%of Americans at this time are now unable to electively avoid the F productunless they also can find a way to avoid their water. While the list of sideeffects from fluoride has been falsely minimized or completely concealed byfluoride promoters, the side effects are well documented. Side effects havebeen so severe that previously approved medications containing high-grade Fcompounds have been removed from the market by the FDA. (47, 48, 49, 50, 51)In a recent paper authored by Myron Coplan, PE, and Roger Masters, PhD, aprofessor at Dartmouth, the authors discovered that a subtle but potentiallylethal change in F additives took place shortly after the fluorideexperimentation on Americans began. In 1947 instead of higher-grade NaF orsodium fluoride - silicofluorides, or SiFs, were substituted as thefluorinating compound in drinking water. This switch was carried out underthe gross misconception that all F compounds are the same. As outlined insome largely ignored research, however, one part of SiF is substantiallymore potent than six parts of NaF. Despite this evidence, and despite thefact that it is now SiF rather than NaF primarily being used in Americanwater fluoridation, Masters and Coplan found that "virtually all theextensive laboratory research on the biological properties and effects offluoride in water has been performed using NaF rather than SiFs..." (52)Armageddon or New Age Daily E-Magazine. Posts not necessarily endorsed. Public archives at armageddon-or-newageTo send a blank email to:armageddon-or-newage- If mail stops, it may because of bouncing status. One can reactivate themselves from the Email Preferences section of My Groups NEW BOOKS:- Out now! "THE UNIVERSAL SEDUCTION" Vol 3 -The most explosive book ever! 48writers. New, more in-depth material on mind control, exclusive alienabuctees stories, (incl military involvement), mind-boggling weapons data,(incl scalar) and agendas for global mass subjugation. Includes "otherworldly creatures", a captive Gov't.scientist revealing all and thefrightening "illusional realities" created by aliens.This is a truthful"X-files"Extravaganza. www.theuniversalseduction.comTOC www.theuniversalseduction.com/toc3.htmlExcerpts www.angelfire.com/oz/cv/excerpts.html-"DIFFERENT CHILD" by Sandy Nichols. A man's poignant account of being continually abducted by 'grey' aliens. http://www.differentchild.comThe homepage and the place to sign up for Tracy's Corner is: Mr_Tracys_CornerFor complaints or assistance contact xootsuit26

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