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Tuesday, October 05, 2004 7:28 AM

[Mr_Tracys_Corner] Fw: [Armageddon-or-NewAge] Do you know why flouride is put in the water and toothpaste? 2/3



- Misty

Health and Healing ; Armageddon or New Age

Friday, September 24, 2004 2:52 AM

[Armageddon-or-NewAge] Do you know why flouride is put in the water and toothpaste? 2/3

http://www.rense.com/general45/bll.htmMerck gives the definition of silicofluoride as, "fluorosilicate is acompound of silicon and some other base with fluorine, such as sodiumsilicofluoride; fluorosilicates are sometimes used as insecticides, and arevery toxic when ingested. Called also silicofluoride." (53)While many are still assuming that the SiF compounds being added to drinkingwater are high-grade pharmaceuticals, the CDC´s National FluoridationEngineer has publicly stated that all fluoride compounds currently used forwater fluorination are "byproducts of the phosphate fertilizer industry."(54)Because of the toxic nature of this compound, the SiF being added todrinking water is an industrial waste that would otherwise have to bedisposed of by the industry that created it, and it would have to bedisposed of according to the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HAZMAT).Disposal of toxic substances under hazmat regulations, however, results inan expense for the industries.This costly disposal dilemma - and its clever marketing remedy - wasexpertly summed up in a 1983 letter written by EPA´s Rebecca Hanmer,(formerly the Deputy Assistant Administrator for Water), who stated that byputting the SiF waste into drinking water rather than disposing of it, animportant financial savings is made for the industry. Miss Hanmer wrote thatthis industrial plan is "...an ideal solution to a long standing problem. Byrecovering by-product fluosilicic acid (sic) from fertilizer manufacturing,water and air pollution are minimized, and water authorities have a low-costsource of fluoride..." (55)Ongoing research by Dr. Roger Masters´ team revealed that the effect of SiFin young, growing boys differs from its effects on adult males. In juvenilemales, ingested fluoride is not excreted from the body as efficiently as itis excreted from the body of adult males. It is this finding that perhapsexplains why this substance might be creating an extreme reaction in boys.In addition, after comparing blood lead levels of over 400,000 children incommunities using SiF-treated water, it was found that SiF water was alsosignificantly associated with increased levels of lead in the childrentested. This should be cause for alarm because the findings of other recentstudies show a distinct correlation between blood concentrations of lead andunusual, aggressive behavior. (56)Information published in 2003 detailed the findings of a controlled studyfunded by the National Institutes of Health. Researchers found in this studythat elevated amounts of lead in the blood "may cause aggressive and evenviolent behavior." Dr. John D. Bogden, Professor of Preventive Medicine andCommunity Health participated in this study at the New Jersey MedicalSchool. He stated, "The data of this study demonstrate that lead exposureenhances predatory aggression in animals, and provide support for leadexposure as a cause of aggressive behavior in humans." Among otherresearchers also participating in this study was Dr. Donald B. Louria,Chairman Emeritus of the Department of Preventive Medicine and CommunityHealth. Dr. Louria stated, "The results support other recent investigationsthat have found associations between lead in blood or bones and delinquentand aggressive behavior in teenagers." (57)In seeking further documented evidence regarding aggressive behavior and itsassociation with SiF water, Dr. Masters contacted personnel in the EPA in2000 and asked them if they had empirical, scientific data on the effects ofSiFs on health and behavior. Robert Thurnau, Chief, Water Supply and WaterResources Division of the EPA responded. ". . . our answer is no." (58)In spite of the increasing evidence pointing directly to a potentialcalamity stemming from massive fluoride poisoning, there remain outspokengroups that continue to advocate the blanket dosing of entire communitieswith still-untested, unapproved fluoridation. Among them is a group known as"Quackwatch."Quackwatch is chaired by retired psychiatrist, Stephen Barrett, M.D. He andthe Quackwatch associates have gathered together for the purpose of actingas both watchdog and instructor for the gullible, unlettered public. Thegroup has apparently done some substantial instructing, because it claims tobe one of the three most popular medical websites on the entire internet.Dr. also serves as a Fellow of the "Committee for the ScientificInvestigation of Claims of the Paranormal."Quackwatch uses an FDA quotation to describe what, exactly, quackery orhealth fraud is, and it also provides the public with guidelines to help usmore easily identify the "quacks" among us. According to Quackwatch, "TheFDA defines health fraud as ´the promotion, for profit, of a medical remedyknown to be false or unproven.´"In reading through the reports published on Quackwatch, one will read claimsthat opponents to fluoridation have no supporting evidence to back theiropposition to fluoridation. In fact, the only suspicions regarding F thatseem to be embraced by Quackwatch are suspicions raised about individualswho oppose or question fluoridation. In one report that appears onQuackwatch, "Community Water Fluoridation in America: The UnprincipledOpposition," Michael Easley, DDS, another outspoken promoter of fluoride,refers to fluoridation opponents as "health quacks," and quotes from a 1983paper which likens fluoride opponents to "parasites" who "steal undeservedcredibility just by sharing the stage with respected scientists," all ofwhom (we are apparently to believe) are pro-fluoridation. (59, 60)Quackwatch warns that one of the tactics of an "anti" (an opponent to themass fluoridation of drinking water), is to use tactics based upon "those ofHitler," and to state that fluoride is the cause of an entire laundry listof problems. Quackwatch is correct about the laundry list. This is not a"tactic," however. It is a mere statement of facts.Those who have dared to ask a few questions in spite of the potential riskof public humiliation by Quackwatch and other fluoridation promoters, havediscovered information that flatly contradicts the information beinggenerated by the promoters.In a journal found in the National Library of Medicine, studies have shownthat in doses as low as 3 mg per day, fluoride has produced toxic effects onmale reproductive hormones. Despite what Americans are being told byfluoridation promoters, the negative effects of F upon both body and mindhave not only been discovered, but they have also been duly reported, albeitin areas and texts that most Americans - including professionals - do notregularly access, to or read. (61, 62, 63, 64)Perhaps the most amazing fact of all discovered by those daring to askquestions, is the fact that the F compound being added into our drinkingwater under a promised, medicinal claim, has not ever been approved by theFDA.Representative Glenn Donnelson of Utah summed this fact up during thewinter, 2003, National Conference of State Legislatures. When asked aboutfluoride he stated, "A major concern is that the Food and DrugAdministration has never approved fluoride for safety or effectiveness . . .When a product, substance or chemical is added to the public water supplyfor the purposes of treating or preventing a disease, that chemical musthave an approved health claim by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Tosay that ´fluoridated water will decrease tooth decay´ is an illegal healthclaim." (65)Amid the Quackwatch reports, is a report reprinted from the 2002 FDAConsumer magazine focusing on the Surgeon General´s "silent epidemic" oforal/dental problems, previously mentioned above. The article is named,"Fighting Gum Disease: How to Keep Your Teeth." The paper focuses on"Americans´ bad oral health," and on the high incidence of gum disease inthe US. A portion of this scientific paper, however, reads suspiciously likea product promotion and endorsement. It is in that particular area of thispaper on "how to keep your teeth," that the inevitable endorsement of afluoride product is made. (66)A more realistic paper focusing on "Fighting Gum Disease: How to Keep YourTeeth," might have actually contained a warning about fluoride.According to a patent application that can be located through the US Patentand Trademark Office, the following statement was given as supportingevidence by researchers applying for patent #636150, filed on April 22,1996: "We have found that fluoride, in the concentration range in which itis employed for the prevention of dental caries, stimulates the productionof prostaglandins and thereby exacerbates the inflammatory response ingingivitis and periodontitis." The claim for which these researchers wereseeking a patent was, "A method for preventing dental caries and at the sametime controlling periodontal bone loss precipitated by the fluoride..."Could it possibly be that fluoride does not belong on the list of the "TenGreat Public Health Achievements in the Twentieth Century," as is claimed bythe CDC and seconded by popular fluoride promoters such as Quackwatch?Is it possible that along with the "adjusted" reports that have been givento the public from the USDA as well as from the EPA (as has recently beencharged by angered EPA scientists), that individuals in the CDC, the FDA andthose crying foul and quack in the private sector might be giving us -albeit with great authoritarian bluster - more inaccurate information inorder to promote and market this product?Most of the dental problems in the Surgeon General´s report are broken downaccording to race, income and educational levels in the government´sapparent attempt to find a reason behind the appalling increase in gumdisease. It is in the midst of this data that the following lament is made:". . . about 40 percent of the public does not receive the benefits ofcommunity water fluoridation." Because the mention of "fluoride-deficient"communities is listed in this report, one might reasonably draw a conclusionthat fluoridated drinking water must be working wonders for those morefortunate folks in the fluoridated counties. Certainly, the five statesmentioned on the Surgeon General´s list as having the worst toothlessnessproblems - Kentucky, West Virginia, Arkansas, Louisiana and Maine - must befive of the most embarrassingly "fluoride-deficient" states in the entireUnited States. (67)A brief review of a state-by-state CDC score card of "optimally fluoridated"communities reveals just the opposite.Predictably, and in keeping with research that reveals fluoride causes gumdisease, the two states with the worst edentulous problems in the country -Kentucky and West Virginia - were 96% and 87% "optimally fluoridated" in2000. In fact, Kentucky, which was mentioned earlier above as also havingtwice the rate of cavities in toddlers as the national average, was actually100% fluoridated in 1992.Among the other top five states of now-toothless-Americans, Maine was 75%fluoridated, Arkansas was about 60% fluoridated and over 53% of Louisiana´sresidents were being "optimally fluoridated" via hazmat waste in theirdrinking water. (68)Adding to the overall contradictory statistics is yet another report, thisone a 2001-02 "report card" issued by a fluoride-promoting group callingitself "Oral Health America" (OHA). They gave the United States an oralhealth grade of only "C," a grade that was in part lowered because eachstate not "optimally fluoridated" automatically received one "F"to befigured into their grade. According to OHA´s data, there were only fourstates that actually received a better grade than the national average of C.Two of those four states that received the highest grades in America foroverall oral health were Utah and Hawaii. Both Utah and Hawaii received a Bminus.Utah and Hawaii, however, are the two "hold-out" states in America. Bothstates have been roundly rejecting water fluoridation for some time. (69)Once again, the list of areas being "optimally fluoridated" or "fluoridedeficient" pertains only to fluoridation of drinking water. There is nomention of the other sources of fluoride pollution in America. Among theother sources are ongoing fluoride contamination of the air and environmentby Superfund sites, fluoride contamination in animal feeds, pesticides,cigarette smoke, coal combustion, in fertilizers being incorporated intosoils, the fluoride that is contained in plastics and in nonstick cookware,the fluoride contamination of human foods as well as canned/bottled juices,soft drinks and other beverages, and the fluoride that is added to anoverwhelming number of pharmaceutical products, including antibiotics,steroids, molecular imaging tracking agents, anesthetics, vitamins andantidepressants.As though even more fluoride were somehow needed by a nation that is clearlyalready overdosed, the list also does not include one of the most highlyconcentrated sources of fluoride that is purchased by most Americans andused daily: Conventional toothpastes. Most toothpastes have a fluoridecontent that is so potentially lethal, a poison warning must be displayed ontheir labels. In what must be the most bizarre examples of conflicting andconfusing in formation, while "public health officials" in many states areusing words such as "enforcement" when it comes to keeping fluoride inpeople´s drinking water, the notice on the toothpaste tubes warnsspecifically against the ingestion of the fluoride product. The government´sMedline encyclopedia gives the following prognosis following an ingestedtoothpaste overdose: "For fluoridated toothpastes -- If the patient survivesfor 48 hours, recovery is usually likely." (70)Amid the confusion, one might wonder why topical fluoride dental productswould even be necessary when the fluoridation of drinking water is now beingenforced in so many communities. The answer to this question can be found instatements from the CDC and other fluoride promoters: Ingested fluoride onlyaffects teeth prior to tooth eruption. According to the CDC, after the toothhas erupted from the gums in toddlers and children, ingested fluoride nolonger affects the tooth. (71, 72)There are only preliminary estimates available regarding how much F isabsorbed through the skin and lungs even though over half of all Americansnow have no choice but to stand naked in their showers and be completelycontaminated by F water - and then pay for it in their utility bill.Estimates suggest that dermal and pulmonary absorption of F are far moreefficient routes than ingestion by mouth, as was demonstrated over a halfcentury ago by the Nazis during their experimentation with lethal,fluorinated nerve gases.It is perhaps of interest to note that while Quackwatch includes theEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its list of "Reliable Agencies andOrganizations," several important pieces of literature pertaining to F andpublished by EPA Headquarters Union of Scientists have either escaped theQuackwatch notice or have simply been ignored.It appears that a number of scientists in the EPA have also been able touncover existing information that documents the dangers of F. In fact, someof the scientists of the EPA have been issuing warnings about the dangers offluoride in our drinking water for over ten years, but - again - reportsthat do not further the sale of this product have been seriously "adjusted"by overseers occupying jobs within the government. Only after being adjustedare the reports then given to the unsuspecting public. In other cases, thescientists´ warnings appear to be completely ignored by major news media, aswell as by some of the more popular medical sites that profess to keepAmericans informed.One statement prepared by J. William Hirzy, Ph.D. of the EPA HeadquartersUnion of scientists, summarizes the stand of approximately 1500 scientistsand professionals in Washington, D.C. "... our opposition to drinking waterfluoridation has grown, based on the scientific literature documenting theincreasingly out-of-control exposures to fluoride, the lack of benefit todental health from ingestion of fluoride and the hazards to human healthfrom such ingestion. These hazards include acute toxic hazard, such as topeople with impaired kidney function, as well as chronic toxic hazards ofgene mutations, cancer, reproductive effects, neurotoxicity, bone pathologyand dental fluorosis." In another statement issued before the Subcommitteeon Drinking Water in D.C., Dr. Hirzy urged an immediate moratorium on waterfluoridation, citing among other possible links, the growing psychologicalproblems children are now suffering. (73, 74)While research on the destructive role that F is playing in the human bodycontinues to unfold, a much earlier clue regarding the toxic effects ofcellular message disruption was given years ago in an old book written byAdelle Davis, Let´s Get Well. (Ms. Davis, who was suspicious of fluoride,was posthumously inducted into the lengthy Quackwatch list of Quacks formisinforming the public.)Although she was not writing about fluoride when she mentioned the words"xanthurenic acid" in that old book - she was writing about diabetes - bothxanthurenic acid and diabetes fit well into any study of fluoride andAmerica´s health problems.Referencing research done in the 1950s, on page 94 Ms. Davis wrote: "Whentoo little vitamin B6 (pyridoxin) is obtained, an essential amino acid fromcomplete proteins, tryptophane, is not used normally; instead it is changedinto a substance known as xanthurenic acid. If animals are deficient in B6,xanthurenic acid in the blood becomes so high that it damages the pancreaswithin 48 hours and diabetes is produced."On the next page, she stated that magnesium plays an important partnershiprole with B6 by decreasing the need for B6. A more recent study shows that amagnesium deficiency impairs B6 status by inhibiting the uptake of B6 in thetissues. On page 342, Adelle Davis stated that many foods grown in Americatoday using chemical fertilizers are deficient in magnesium content. (75)These are important statements in that old book, as they clearly demonstratethat the need for appropriate nutrition as well as the devastating effectsof an improper diet were well-known by researchers in the 1950s - longbefore adjusters gave us our pyramid of dough. Information available throughthe CDC also states that a poor diet - something that is now quite easy tocome-by in the United States - can lead to a depletion of B6. (76)In order to better understand what, exactly, xanthurenic acid is, and howimportant each small piece of the puzzle is, one must look at the symphonicworkings of the nerves, chemicals, proteins and hormones that are receivingand transmitting messages in the brain and throughout the body each momentof every day of our lives. It is the very ability of the receptors andtransmitters to give and receive their accurate messages that creates thesymphony that is the song of life.Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that must be obtained through aproper, balanced diet. The tryptophan is then further dependent upon - andinfluenced by - other nutrients and messages for its destined work in thebody.If the tryptophan is not able to metabolize in the brain because of missingnutrients or due to incorrect messaging, the tryptophan degrades intoxanthurenic acid, a toxin that causes cells to self-destruct in a cellularsuicidal action called "apoptosis." All of the B complex vitamins areessential for proper cellular messaging, but in studying the specific rolesof each of the B vitamins, a deficiency of vitamin B6 has, indeed, beenshown to lead to tryptophan degradation. What little B6 that is gained froma poor diet can be further depleted by something else as easy to come by inthe US as a poor diet - stress. (77, 78, 79, 80)On the other hand, if all goes well and all nutrients are present, insteadof metabolizing into xanthurenic acid the tryptophan will interact and thenform serotonin, which is a powerful neurotransmitter. Serotonin´s molecularmessaging role is so vast and important in the body, it is sometimesreferred to as the "serotonin system." It is a key player in the regulationof mood and behavior. It also directly affects the gastrointestinal tract,and low levels are being found in the development of heart disease.Serotonin is also thought to play a regulatory role in insulin production,and a disruption of serotonin levels has also been found to worsen thebehavior in some autism cases. (81, 82, 83, 84, 85)In a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal, the point is made that,"Evidence is mounting that abnormalities of serotonin metabolism play animportant role in individuals with autism spectrum disorders. Whole-bloodserotonin often is elevated in children with autistic disorder and normalintelligence. Also, in boys with autistic disorder, serotonin synthesistypically is decreased in the frontal region and thalamus on one side of thebrain and increased in the dentate nucleus of the opposite cerebellum." (86)Once the tryptophan is transformed into serotonin, the serotonin acts as theprecursor to melatonin which is formed in the pineal gland. Melatonin is thehormone that regulates daily cycles, and it induces sound sleep which isnecessary for our bodies to heal and repair themselves each night. It isalso an extremely important regulator of apoptosis and it also plays a rolein the regulation of insulin. Because of its role in the regulation ofapoptosis, when the melatonin is able to send and receive its messagesproperly, its messages tell cancer cells to self-destruct, while keepingother cells on task. It also helps to govern mood and behavior, and plays arole in the triggering of puberty. (87, 88)As science has leapt forward in various areas, researchers are now betterable to understand some of the smaller, lesser-known details of the greatsymphony within us. They are now aware, for instance, of the critical roleplayed by something that was discovered not long ago by a gentleman ofscience named Martin Rodbell. He discovered one of the most criticalmessengers in our bodies - messengers that are now referred to as the"G-proteins."According to "The Martin Rodbell Papers - Signal Transduction and theDiscovery of G-Proteins, 1969-1980," which can be viewed in the NationalLibrary of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, "´Signal transduction´describes how individual cells receive, process, and ultimately transmitinformation derived from external ´signals,´ such as hormones, drugs, oreven light . . . The G-proteins proved to be the essential components of thehormone signaling process." This was a discovery that was so profound, itresulted in a shared Nobel Prize for Dr. Rodbell and Alfred Gilman, M.D.,PhD. (89)But, Dr. Rodbell had also seen something else. At a press conference in 1994he took a moment to express concern for something troubling him. He wasconcerned about the increasing profit-oriented arenas into which the fieldof science was moving. "The tenor is changed," he stated, "the world ain´tthe same, everything is targeted, everything is bottom line, how to make abuck." He added that there is a crucial need to "capture knowledge for itsown sake and for humanity." In one of his last public speaking engagements,the man who represented pure science rather than industry - a scientist whowas also a poet and unafraid to speak of Amazing Grace - Dr. Rodbell said,"We should be able to together bring about a better world, a world that we,as humans, can be proud of." (90, 91)Eerily, strangely - very strangely - as though he had looked at the smallestof the small details and in those details found divine consciousness, at hisNobel banquet celebrating the discovery of the G-proteins, Martin Rodbellthe scientist and poet told us that when we think of G, to remember all thatit stands for - "lucky seven in the alphabet, the starting point foreverything surely profound, remember God..." (92)Since the great, internal symphony is so dependent upon the abilities of theG-proteins to send and receive their messages, it would appear reasonable toassume that life, itself, depends upon the safe and unblocked passage ofthese messengers.Fluoride can now be suspected in a host of illnesses including GERD, gumdisease, bone problems, diabetes, thyroid malfunction and mental impairment.As stated earlier, a significant number of the health and mental problems inthe US are more pronounced in boys. Because tryptophan, serotonin and themelatonin formed in the pineal gland are specifically associated withbehavior (both aggressive and nonaggressive), with mood, sleep, appetitecontrol, mucosal function of the gastrointestinal tract, regulation of cellsand a host of other functions of the body, it appears that something isdisturbing the proper functioning of the messengers, thus resulting inoutward signs of disease and behavioral problems. (93, 94, 95)Additionally, fluoride has now been found to accumulate in extremely highconcentrations within the pineal gland where melatonin is formed. Thisobservation was made during postmortem examinations by researcher JenniferLuke, DDS, PhD. A known neurotoxin, fluoride has also been shown to causenerve cell degeneration, resulting in an outright disruption of motorcoordination. It has also been shown to inhibit and interfere with theproduction of insulin, interfere with thyroid function and to directlyaffect thought process. (96, 97, 98, 99, 100)The outward signs, however, are but the symptoms, the end results - theeffects. Having found the effect, one must look at the smallest of the smalldetails to find the cause. There in the small details, in the nucleus of thesymphony where the divine is meant to sing, something else is, instead,lying: Fluoride has now also been identified as interfering with G-proteinmessages. A messenger of utter falsehood, fluoride both activates andinhibits cellular activity. (101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106)This means that fluoride, along with those promoting it, is sending out somerather confusing messages. (107)* * * * * * * * *It was while studying the raging debate over whether "we" should or shouldnot pay the uranium mining industries to use our drinking water as a cheapway to dispose of their fluoride wastes, that another fact appeared.It appeared rather quietly and without fanfare, almost as background noisethat was unnoticeable against the din of debate on municipal fluoridation.It might have been missed entirely if it weren´t for the fact that I wasfocusing on the growing list of behavioral problems in children, andwondering each step of the way if the children´s problems might possibly betied into an epidemic of epidemics caused by fluoride.While adults were sometimes being given an opportunity to express opinionsprior to the fluoridation of their water supplies, another fluoridationprogram was quietly begun. In the 1960s and 1970s, fluoridation was begun inchildren´s schools which had their own water supplies. The fluoridation planfor the schools´ drinking water, however, differed slightly from themunicipal fluoridation plans. The CDC guidelines suggested that schoolchildren´s drinking water should be fluoridated at approximately 4.5 timesthe amount suggested for municipal fluoridation. (108, 109)This deliberate overdose, which translates into ranges reaching 6.5 mg perliter of water, is not a dose that was based upon any child´s size, weight,age or body mass. It is not a dose that was based upon any particularchild´s individual dental needs - nor was there even consideration ofwhether the children´s teeth had already erupted and were therefore nolonger affected by ingested fluoride. The dose was certainly not based uponany parent´s desire to have his or her children exposed to fluoride inamounts that the parents would not want to receive. It is a dose that doesnot even take into consideration the amount of fluoride the children mightalready be exposed via topical dental products.In fact, it is a dose that callously - and quite coldly - takes nothingwhatsoever into consideration other than the mean outdoor temperature. Inschools where the average daily temperature is 79.3 to 90.5 degreesFahrenheit, the suggested dose is 3.2 milligrams per liter, with the upperrange being 3.8 mg/L. But, heaven help the schools in colder areas where theaverage air temperature is 50 to 53.7 degrees Fahrenheit. In those schools,the suggested dose is 5.4 mg/L, with upper limits at 6.5 mg/L. (110)With the dose of fluoride experimentation at such extreme levels, one wouldthink that at least caution and close monitoring would be in order.Once again, such a thought is apparently considered unreasonable in theminds of those promoting fluoride. In a report dated August 17, 2001, theCDC states that while schools in thirteen states had initiated school waterfluoridation at some point during the course of this experiment, as of 2001,"school water fluoridation has been phased out in several states; thecurrent extent of this practice is not known." (111)In addition to school fluoridation now being "not known," in the sameNational Conference of State Legislatures in which Representative Donnelsonregistered his opposition to fluoridation, another 2001 study was reviewed.The study examined the knowledge level of operators controlling both smalland large water plants. Specifically, this study focused on the knowledgelevel of individuals responsible for adding the fluoride into the drinkingwater. The two-year study found that only "approximately 64 percent of plantoperators knew the correct optimal fluoride concentration for their plant .. ." (112)Medical experimentation is always undertaken for a purpose. The purpose inmost cases is to achieve or study end results. It is not unreasonable tosuspect that the massive medical experiment involving one of the mostpowerful of the greenhouse gases - fluoride - might finally be revealing itslong-term, end results. With children being subjected to more than a fullmeasure of this experiment, it is not unreasonable to suspect that thechildren might reach their breaking point before the larger, older, heavieradult population.It is not unreasonable to assume that children might now be showing signsnot only of dental fluorosis - which has been visible for years in theUnited States - but also signs of systemic fluorosis manifesting in waysthat have nothing to do with their teeth.With a manmade, toxic substance now effectively sending false messagesthroughout the minds and bodies of most Americans, it is not unreasonable tosuggest that previously unheard-of behavioral and mood problems might bedirectly related to that manmade substance which is sending out those falsemessages. Along with the new, bizarre fascination with darkness that appearsto be growing in this country´s juveniles, there seems to be a new aloofnessand a growing lack of compassion.In some children there appears to be a growing inability to think clearlybeyond the moment at hand, and an inability to avoid bizarre and impulsivebehavior. In some boys, there appears to be a growing inability to feel, andtherefore an inability to behave in a manner that considers the feelings ofothers. School bullying, once a rare and punishable offense, is simply seennow as "life in the real world," as the principal of a notably violentmiddle school in Tallahassee told me.Armageddon or New Age Daily E-Magazine. Posts not necessarily endorsed. Public archives at armageddon-or-newageTo send a blank email to:armageddon-or-newage- If mail stops, it may because of bouncing status. One can reactivate themselves from the Email Preferences section of My Groups NEW BOOKS:- Out now! 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