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The Executive Order Above All Executive Orders

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The Executive Order Above All Executive Orders



by Paula Demers






June 5, 1994, Clinton signed EO 12919 which gives the president

executive (dictatorial) control over, well, everyting. Once you

understand that there is nothing which is being done on Capitol Hill

for the benefit of the American people, you begin to understand that

everything is being done to the detriment of the American people. Once

all of the detrimental things which are being done to the American

people from Capitol Hill reach critical mass, EO 12919 gives the

president the powers of absolute rule.


According to the United States Constitution, Article 1, only Congress

shall make federal law. However, since the "War and Emergency Powers

Act" of 1933, every president has usurped lawmaking powers. Their

"laws" are called Executive Orders (EOs). These EOs, not our

Constitution, are what is governing America today. The "War and

Emergency Powers Act" enables that the president to declare a national

emergency, and thereby become a dictator. Presidents can also carefully

choose their words and declare a "war" on anything, in order to give

them dictatorial control. For example, the "War on Drugs" makes it

possible to use federal authorities, such as FBI, FEMA, BATF, and the

military against American citizens. A well-known example is Waco.

Another example is Hurricane Opal.


After Florida was declared a nation emergency, the Federal Emergency

Management Agency (FEMA) arrived on the scene and residents were placed

under marshal law (restricted to the point of not going outside their

door). When the federal government does this, it is going against the



The "War and Emergency Powers Act" is an unconstitutional act on the

part of our government, created so that presidents can bypass Congress,

and do whatever they choose. It also makes it possible to do away with

posse comitatus in cases of "emergency." Posse comitatus is what

protects American citizens from the military being used against them.

In Germany, the military was used against the German citizens. The

German government also had its Gestapo to enforce the dictates of

Hitler. Now, in an American "emergency," the military can be used

against American citizens and the federal government has its own

Gestapo in the form of the BATF, FBI, and FEMA.



These EOs have not been widely publicized. If they were, 250 million

Americans would not tolerate it. But you can get copies of them. They

are all printed in the U.S. Federal Register and have the force of law

when activated by a president. You can contact your congressman for

information on how to get copies of these EOs, or check your local



Here are a few examples of some of the EOs and their purposes:


10995--Federal seizure of all communications media in the United




10997--Federal seizure of all electric power, fuels, minerals, public

and private;


10998--Federal seizure of all food supplies and resources, public and

private and all farms and equipment;


10999--Federal seizure of all means of transportation, including cars,

trucks, or vehicles of any kind and total control over all highways,

seaports and water ways;


11000--Federal seizure of American people for work forces under federal

supervision, including the splitting up of families if the government

so desires;



11001--Federal seizure of all health, education and welfare facilities,

both public and private;


11002--Empowers the Postmaster General to register all men, women and

children in the United States of America;


11003--Federal seizure of all airports and aircraft;


seizure of all housing and finances and authority to establish Forced

Relocation. Authority to designate areas to be abandoned as "unsafe,"

establish new locations for the populations, relocate communities,

build new housing with public funds;


11005--Seizure of all railroads, inland waterways and storage

facilities, both public and private;


11051--Provides FEMA complete authorization to put above orders into

effect in times of increased international tension of economic or

financial crisis (FEMA will be in control in case of "National




President Clinton wrote one EO that can cover all of these. He wrote

EO12919 on June 3, 1994, which was released on June 6, 1994. This EO

will be the only thing he needs to enact in order to become a fully

empowered dictator. It covers all of the EOs mentioned previously. The

only thing this EO doesn’t do is define WHAT the national emergency

would have to be in order for this EO to be signed. Please keep that in

mind. Anything can be declared a national emergency to facilitate EO

12919 being enacted. Here is the summary of President Clinton’s EO




Part one of the order describes the purpose, policy and how this EO

would be implemented. In section 103 of part one, it mandates that

federal departments and agencies will be responsible to bring all the

things described in this order about. This means that all individual

state departments will have no say in what is happening, so it goes

without saying that the American citizens will have no say. These

federal departments shall identify the requirements for the "full

spectrum of national security emergencies." This includes the

"military, industrial and essential civilian demand." Part of their job

will be to "foster cooperation between the defense and commercial




Section 104 empowers FEMA to oversee the carrying out of the EO. FEMA

has already been "on the scene" with the several "national emergencies"

that have taken place (hurricanes and floods are a couple of examples).

When this EO is implemented, FEMA will be responsible to be an advisor

for the National Security Council. It will coordinate the plans and the

programs for the "authorities and functions delegated." It will

establish procedures to resolve conflicts and issues that may come up

while implementing this order. FEMA will report to the president on a

regular basis.



According to Part Two of Clinton’s EO 12919, the president will

delegate authority to allocate the materials, services, and facilities

necessary to promote the national defense. The various agency heads

that will have designated assignments will be: The Secretary of

Agriculture, The Secretary of Energy, The Secretary of Health and Human

Services, The Secretary of Transportation, The Secretary of Defense and

The Secretary of Commerce. FEMA will be used to resolve any problems

with issues between the various agencies. All department heads will

give their findings to the president for approval. We will be going

into detail about what these department heads will be doing a little

further on in the report.



Part Three of EO 12919 explains how this will be financed. The Federal

Reserve will be heavily involved. Under section 310 it is discussed how

the critical items list they will need to take care of the national

emergency will be handled. Each agency head will ensure that all the

critical components and technology items are available from reliable

sources to "meet defense requirements during peacetime, graduated

mobilization, and national emergency."



Part Seven concerns me. It’s entitled "Labor Supply." It is almost

common knowledge to freedom lovers that there are civilian labor camps

on military installations. There are also processing centers where

people can be separated to go to the various camps. It will be the

Secretary of Labor’s job to: (a) "Collect, analyze and maintain data

needed to make a continuing appraisal of the nation’s labor

requirements and the supply of workers for purposes of national

defense." Under section © they are to "formulate plans, programs and

policies for meeting for defense and essential civilian labor

requirements." Section (e) talks about the Secretary of Labor

determining the jobs and the skills that will be critical to meeting

the labor requirements for defense as well as essential civilian

activities. Keep in mind that FEMA is the organization behind the

civilian labor camps. They are also the organization that will make

this executive order go smoothly.



Part Nine, Section 901, is interesting. It talks about the National

Defense Executive Reserve (NDER). This is an executive branch composed

of people of various parts of the private sector, along with full-time

federal employees. Its purpose is to train people in executive

positions in the federal government in case of an emergency that would

require that type of employment. FEMA, of course, will coordinate the

NDER program activities of the departments and agencies.



In section Part Six, Section 602, we get down to what it means to the

average citizen. In the case of a presidential decree of national

emergency, this is how you and I will be affected:



The president of the United States, with the help of federal agencies,

will have control. We will not be including all the subsections, just

the ones that hit American citizens where we live:


(a) They will control all transportation, "regardless of ownership."

This means that if they need your car, they’ve got it. They will

control all public transportation also.


(b) They will control all forms of energy, including "petroleum, gas

(natural and manufactured), electricity, solid fuels (including all

forms of coal), atomic energy, and the production, conservation, use,

control, and distribution (including pipelines)." This means the

federal government will have complete control over who will have power

(electricity, etc.) and who won’t. They will be able to "pull the plug"

on us at their discretion.



© They will control all farm equipment. Farmers will not have to be

part of "the production or preparation for market use of food

resources." They did this in Russia. The farmers worked for the




(d) They will control all fertilizer. This means that any product, or

combination of products that contain one or more of the

elements--nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium--will be able to be

confiscated by the government. The reason they have this combination is

because it includes anything that can be used as a plant nutrient. If

you want a garden, forget it.



(e) They will control all food resources. ALL means ALL. This includes

all "commodities and products, simple, mixed, or compound, or

complements to such commodities or products that are being ingested by

either human beings or animals...." This includes all "starches,

sugars, vegetable and animal or marine fats and oils, cotton, tobacco,

wool mohair, hemp, flax fiber, and naval stores." That means they can

come into your house and take all your food. Period. Catherine Bertini,

the executive director "UN World Food Program" made an interesting

comment in Beijng, China, at the UN 4th World Conference on Women in

September, 1995. She said, "Food is power. We use it to change

behavior. Some may call that bribery. We do not apologize."


(f) They will control all food resource facilities. This means "plants,

machinery, vehicles (including on farm), and other facilities required

for production, processing, distribution and storage (including cold

food storage)." They go on to say that it includes "livestock and

poultry feed and seed." In other words, they will control anything that

has to do with food.


(j) They will control all health resources. This means EVERYTHING. They

will have control over all "materials, facilities, health supplies, and

equipment (including pharmaceutical, blood collecting and dispensing

supplies, biological, surgical textiles, and emergency surgical

instruments and supplies)." They will be able to come into your home

and take your medicines.



(k) They will control all metals and minerals.



(m) They will control all water resources. ALL usable water from all of

the sources within the jurisdiction of the United States. All the water

that can be "managed, controlled and allocated to meet emergency

requirements." Not only will they be able to turn off your water

supply, they can come and take any water you have stored in your house.



How many of you folks knew about this? I find it very interesting that

one person, the president of the United States, has the authority to

control every person in the country. This EO gives step by step

instructions on the complete take over and control of every American.



One of the main things that trouble me is that it eliminates the

dignity and individuality of human life. It brings Americans down to

the level of domesticated animals. Animals have no control over their

owners. Animals have no possessions. Domesticated animals don’t eat

unless their owners feed them. Some animals work for their owners. Some

animals are used in lab experiments for research purposes. Animals are

sometimes put to sleep when they become old, crippled or weak.



We have had an abnormally large number of presidentially declared

"national emergencies." Each time, FEMA has been on the scene. In two

instances I know of, they have not allowed people out of their own

homes (after Hurricane Opal and the flood in Pennsylvania). Could these

be practice runs?




© 1996 Paula Demers - This report may be


Ms. Demers is a patriot from Florida. I daresay that if there were just

a few more decent and honorable and brave people in America who loved

their country as much a Paula does, we would not have a dictator as a

president. (DWH)

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