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Fw: [Mr_Tracys_Corner] Memo To Future Generations! You're Screwed.

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Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:44 AM

[Mr_Tracys_Corner] Memo To Future Generations! You're Screwed.

--Rense.com--Memo To Future Generations:You're ScrewedFrom Karl W. B. Schwarzkw.schwarz12-11-4 What is a "good steward"? First off, it is someone (or a body likeCongress) that takes care of the needs today in an appropriate manner (notthe wants, the true needs), without wrecking tomorrow. Below is a good example of "bad steward" and laying the groundworkto wreck tomorrow. Americans should all take the attitude that "DC cannot afford ourvote", and in that I mean quit relying on crumbs from DC to get you to votein any direction. Vote conscience and what is best for America, truly bestfor you, your children, your grandchildren. For those that have not noticed, the decline in the value of thedollar means that each of you is "worth less" today than you were before9-11. For those that have not noticed, our government has put this nationso deep into debt that other nations are not willing to take on more U.S.debt so our nation, and especially our government and their wealthy masterscan continue to be wanton fools when it comes to the level of theirinsatiable greed. Chapter 16 of "One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas" willtell you all about it, who did it, how they do it. www.karlschwarz.com Think on it - they want to borrow $1 to $2 trillion for SocialSecurity and privatize it. Until certain loopholes are closed in our laws -that were opened in 1994, 1996, 1997 - that would be a free invitation tosteal $60 to $90 billion a year by the same folks that brought us Enron,Tyco, WCG, Global Crossing, WCOM, etc. Their wealthy masters wanted them tolegalize theft through the capital markets, and our elected leaders wentalong with The Rape of America, and you too. To say that Washington, DC is fiscally irresponsible and detrimentalto the financial health of this nation [and you] is an understatement. Karl Congressional Memo To Future Generations: You're Screwed. From John Burat, Jr. To Karl Schwarz 12-10-4 Take it from a not-so-old former congressman who knows: Proud youngAmericans, you are in for a con job from Washington that you can't evenimagine. Your government has already borrowed almost $8 trillion that itcan't pay back. Guess who will have to write the check? That's right. You. Expect massive tax hikes in your future, and wicked cuts in nationaldefense, education, environmental enforcement, police protection and medicalcare for the poor and elderly. Oh, you say the poor should pay for their health care just like you?Fine. Wait till you have to crawl over 3-year-old kids dying on the frontsteps of the emergency room where you are taking your kids and then you willbe asking yourself if it was really wise for this generation of politiciansto spend money as responsibly as pot heads in an open-all-night grocerystore. And guess what these politicians who have already straddled you withan $8 trillion debt plan to do as soon as Congress gets back in session? No, guess. Really. You'll love this. They plan to plunge America into debt by $2 trillion more dollars! You see, they've got this really cool plan to<http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6685963/>privatize parts of Social Securitythat usually make free market conservatives like myself giddy. We starttalking about the invisible hand and the power of market forces. Only problem is that this plan to get government off our backs costsa cool $2 trillion in transition fees. And- let me see if you are following me here- who pays for that? That's right. YOU! But that's not the biggest problem with this $2 trillion SocialSecurity plan. What bothers me the most is the fact that everybody inWashington knows that allowing Americans to invest parts of their SocialSecurity payments in the stock market will produce some winners. Butcapitalism also always produces losers, and we all know that there will bemillions of Americans who will make stupid investments in the coming years.(See Enron, etoys, Pets.com, Worldcom) So what will happen when they retire and start complaining to theirlocal congressman and TV camera crews about how they're about to be thrownout in the streets because of the dumb investments they made with theirSocial Security payments years ago? Congress will pass the "Save Our Stupid Seniors Investment ReliefAct of 2025," thereby guaranteeing that all Americans will have all SocialSecurity payments restored in full. That will require that you take your third job in the Chinese hightech factory just so you can pay even more taxes to Washington. It's a bright future, brought to you by a gang in Washington whoreally couldn't care less about what happens to the world they pass on totheir children and grandchildren. How do I know this? Because I was in Congress long enough to learnthat you judge politicians by their actions, not their words. P.S. I talk about the selling out of America by politicians in mybook <http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5932469/>"Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day." God bless JohnThe homepage and the place to sign up for Tracy's Corner is: Mr_Tracys_CornerFor complaints or assistance contact xootsuit26

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