Guest guest Posted December 12, 2004 Report Share Posted December 12, 2004 - Walt chemtrails2 Sunday, December 12, 2004 11:50 AM [chemtrails2] The CAFR Shell Game Scam On American Taxpayers! The CAFR Shell Game Scam on American Taxpayers! 4/5/2003 : 4:07:32 PM-------- For your awareness and action! CAFR Scam On American Taxpayers Continues! By: Walter Burien The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) is local government'sAnnual Financial Report, which is the standard, starting as of 55 years ago.The true and more complete accounting of local governments. Local governments promote the 'Budget' each year but hold backdisclosure of their actual annual financial report...which includes theiraggregate net worth and total gross annual income. A PERSONAL EXAMPLE: If you have a budget to operate your house; Let's say your budget is$30,000 per year, of which you put $30,000 aside to cover your budget andthis year you spend $40,000 that now means you have a $10,000 budgetdeficit. You also are telling everyone you are $275,000 in debt already fromthe past mortgages / bonds/ debt, So what are you going to do to make upthat $10,000 shortfall? A. Knock on your neighbor's door and say I am short $10,000 on mybudget, and I am $275,000 in debt, can I borrow $10,000 from you? B. Sell your house and possessions to raise the cash to meet the$10,000 shortfall? C. Cut back on half of your budget expenses next year ($15,000) andhope you catch up by the following year? D. Ignore the $10,000 shortfall and hope someone else bails you outnext year? Does the above sound familiar when listening to your local governmentofficial(s)? If you were a shareholder in a public Corporation, and thatcorporation said they had a shortfall on their budget this year and theycould not pay dividends, and the value of your stock in their corporationwas being cut by 45% of value, would you look at their budget report toverify the standing value of the corporation, or would you look at theirAnnual Financial Report? You would look at their AFR of course. In fact, a public Company's Annual Financial Report is required by SEClaw to be provided to every shareholder. A local government's AnnualFinancial Report is the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, or CAFR forshort. Now back to the above example of a $10,000 shortfall in your operatingbudget. If you had a Financial Statement prepared in accordance withaccounting standards and existing laws that apply, your financial statementas shown for this example would show your $30,000 operating budget for yourhouse and let's say the following: 1. Your personal gross annualincome ----------------------------$75,000 2. Your investment assets---- (you have invested foryears) --------------------------------$ 1,400,000 3. Your advance tax liability accounts -(tax liability20K/year)-----------------------------$ 300,000 4. Your self-insurance funds --- ($30,000required) -----------$ 215,000 5. Your advance forward debt repaymentaccount ------------$ 350,000 6. Your IRA account --- ($400,000needed) --Balance -------$ 2,275,000 7. Corporate income but kept separate from your direct personal grossincome ---$ 515,000 8. Your openly disclosed total (gross)debt-------------------- ( $ 275,000 ) Now, upon review of your Financial Statement we have learned: a. Your true debt from item 8 above is: [$275,000] minus item 5 above,$350,000 is a $75,000 (positive) Or a (NET) asset of $75,000 and NO DEBT. b. Your true total gross income from item 1 above is $75,000 plus item7 above $515,000 gives you $590,000 in TOTAL GROSS INCOME c. Your tax liability is $20,000 per year as shown in item 3 above.Your advance tax payment account you established to pay your future taxeshas a balance of $300,000, this gives you a standing positive asset of$280,000. d. Your self-insurance fund has $185,000 over your true liabilities,or another asset of $185,000 e. Your IRA account has $1,875,000 over the required $400,000 in fundsneeded at your retirement. f. Your investment account(s) have the ability of paying for yourhouse-operating budget, and you would still have at a 10% return, $100,000left over after paying for this year's $40,000 house operating budget. g. Your total Net Worth is: 75K + 590K + 280K + 185K + 1.475K + 1.400K+ 100K minus 40K of this year's actual annual operating budget, that nowgives you a Net Worth of $3,975,000 Now Upon review of your financial statement, and now knowing thatothers have reviewed or are looking to review your Financial statement.People that you approached to borrow $10,000 from, as you cried poverty, doyou: 1-A. Quickly spend your excess net worth on yourself, family, andfriends to justify being $10,000 short on your operating budget? 1-B. Hire a good accountant to shift and move your assets somewhereelse so that they don't appear on your financial statement so that yourreport of being $10,000 short on your budget appears to be correct? 1-C. Exert influence to change the accounting standards so that theFinancial report you prepare does not reflect your true net worth and thusyou can show a negative of $10,000? 1-D. Pay the $10,000 dollar budget shortfall from your $3,975,000 NetWorth? 1-E. Ignore the fact that others now know about your true net worthand hope the problem of this knowledge disappears or has no impact on you? 1-F. Create a serious distraction that is so over powering andprevalent, that no one will be able to divert attention away from thepromoted distraction to be able to even glance at your true net worth, letalone address or take action towards the issue? Well, Folks... National Public disclosure first began coming out as of June 8, 1998,exposing how all local governments promote their 'Budget' while holdingback, for over 55 years, their true Financial Statement, the CAFR. It took up until 2000-01 before enough people were reached to havesignificant impact on this game of financial cat and mouse. Many begancomprehending what was taking place right under their noses each and everyday. It appears that Government's response to the public's newfoundknowledge that is now developing has been to follow steps 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-Fabove with emphasis given to 1-F. MAKE SURE TO SECURE PAST ISSUES OF THE CAFR FROM 1999 AND BEFORE.COMPARE A 1974 CAFR TO WHAT YOUR LOCAL GOVERNMENT HAS DEVELOPED INTO BYVIEWING THE STATISTICAL SECTION FROM THEN AND NOW. THE GROWTH OF REVENUE TAKEN BY GOVERNMENT(S) HAS BEEN OBSCENE. YOU WILL NOT GET A STRONGER WAKE-UP CALL IN YOUR LIFETIME. The personal example above is exaggerated to give a clear showing ofsome techniques used. There are many techniques employed to turn an assetthrough investment or claimed liability into a 'debt' so that it is notshown as an asset. The bottom line is, that if a public corporation played the same shellgame(s) with its share holders, holding back disclosure of its true NetWorth, every one of the directors that participated would be indicted by theSEC, convicted, and sentenced to very long prison sentences in a Federalpenitentiary. Here we have our local governments across the land doing the samething and they are in charge of policing, investigating, and indictingthemselves. Will those responsible for this theft from you in the past be heldaccountable? Probably not. Can those that are currently stealing from you be held accountable?Probably yes. Can the situation be corrected where in the future those that steal inthis fashion are held accountable? Definitely yes! WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE! 1. Full public review of the existing Net Worth's of all localgovernment entities, on a case-by-case basis. 2. A standard must be set in place limiting government's personnel andrevenue holdings to a specific and set size in relativity to the populationand total gross income of that population. Ten Percent (10%) would be goodstandard. When limited government in America was started, the governmentpersonnel standard maintained for over 100 years was 3% to 5%. Currently, inthe state of Washington, 1 out of every 4 people in the work force is alocal or federal government employee receiving an average annual salary of$30,100 which gives an allocation in the state retirement fund for thatgovernment employee of about $600,000. Socialism / Communism under the guiseof a free market capitalist system, surely does make the socialists andcommunists very secure and wealthy, at your deception and expense! They nowown and control everything. SOURCE: Statistical section of the 1999 Washington State CAFR. Tennessee State government increased their gross income by 600% in 15years while the non-government workers personal income increased by 68% forthe same time period. The total population increased very little. SOURCE: Statistical section of the Tennessee State CAFRs 3. When bringing government back to a standard by mandate of thepublic, the Net Worth's of those local governments will be utilized to makegovernment self-sufficient utilizing the investment principles that are wellin place and proven for those local governments to meet their annualoperating budgets from annual returns without any form of taxation needed.Nada, none, zilch. A good pension fund management team can write a prospectus that isready for implementation of a TAX RETIREMENT FUND and accomplish this forany State, City, or County. We as workers participate with a Pension Fund topay our salaries upon retirement. The same method can be applied to meetgovernment's annual operating budgets and thus retire all taxation. Again,this is basic fundamental application, and it can happen overnight ifapplied with a strong hand by public mandate. Keep in mind they have forover a 65 year period showed an exemplary track record of managing hundredsof billions of dollars (Trillions). THEY have proved the application forthis purpose. NOTE: As the public 401K plans got eaten alive over the last 2 years,government investment management on the general front faired quite well. Themanagement teams were and are professional short players using derivatives.(They make big money as markets collapse.) Look at the State Pension FundCAFRs for the years 2001 and 2002. On average they did quite well onperformance compared to the dismal performance of the public's 401K plans.(Look at actual market performance, not what is depicted as the "NET"overall gain or loss for the year. 4. The general public will gladly authorize large performance bonusesto the government financial managers solely for being within compliance ofthe stated objectives of the TRF and maintaining a public approval rating asto services provided. (Gives the Foxes plenty of chickens to eat, and nowfor all of the right reasons.) Can steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 be accomplished above? Yes, they can! Can they be accomplished without civil war and bloodshed? Hopefullyyes. Who would be the best allies to the general public to put this intomotion and secure its implementation? The Insurance Companies, InvestmentHouses, and the Commercial Banks. (They assisted out of greed in thebuilding of government's wealth over the last 65 years, they will do thesame for implementation of the TAX RETIREMENT FUNDS to benefit the public,and for the same reason) Will these institutions willingly help? Only if the ship is at thedock, and is ready to sail without them. Should the general public ask the government, or any governmentofficials to help with the implementation of the standard? No! The currentand past administrations have held back their financial records, and truedisclosure of their Net Worth. You do not ask foxes to help secure the henhouse from foxes eating chickens. The foundation of the American Public is the Ranchers, Farmers, andprivate Workers of this land. Most have been too busy supporting and feedingtheir families to have become foxes. A consortium of the general public musttarget, prepare, and implement the standard in the chosen county by forcedmandate and not by choice of the foxes. When will the standard begin? The hour and the day The People make ithappen! If the standard is implemented, will we the people be better off? Oh,yes indeed! If the standard is implemented, will the country be better off? Anyoneever hear of the millennium, a thousand years of prosperity for all? Theanswer is definitely yes. All that exists on this planet started with an idea, then theimplementation of that idea with effort and resources applied, and then thefruits of that idea are harvested. Today, is a good as day as any to make it happen. Well, ready to getstarted? Those reading this have several choices. A. Reflect briefly, and then see if there is a good movie playing thatyou can watch to entertain you. B. Reflect briefly, then say to yourself, the problem is to big, itwill never be able to be corrected, why bother. C. Reflect briefly, and if you are a fox, send this communication toall the other foxes so that they can prepare a strategy to prevent theimplementation of the standard. D. Reflect briefly, and say to yourself, I can't understand this, andchannel hop on your TV. F. Reflect, digest, and then build a coalition of responsibleindividuals from your community, with resources to push forward to make thestandard happen. NOTE: It is not important as to which county or state is the first,but it is important that the first be implemented into the guidelines of thestandard as soon as possible. Keep in mind that many existing Taxpayerorganizations are run by and were started by the foxes for the covertpurpose of; To control the Chickens and the Hen house so that business asusual would continue for the Foxes. Sometimes it is easy, and some times itis hard to spot Foxes in disguise wearing feathers and a beak. THEY DO WHAT THEY DO, DUE TO THE MONEY ENVOLVED. The People must act in unity, with one common goal until the standardis in place and not allow ourselves to be distracted by the foxes. Yours Truly, Walter J. Burien, Jr. P. O. Box 2112 St. Johns, Arizona 85963 eMail: WJB Tel. 480 229-1234 Back To Home Page: Learn the Biggest Game in Town now! You can order the video here! Support the TRF project with $100 to $1,000! Well, the TRF is frozen motionless to the ground until real backinghappens! Maybe I should approach government for a grant to start the TRF?No, I think that would be a conflict of interest in consideration ofgovernment's shown intent of expansion, extortion, and undying desire fortotal control don't you think? Support the TRF project NOW! The revenue collected by Government from one very small town in justone year applied to the TRF project would develop, start, and make the TRFhappen across the country by example in a very short period of time! Theeffect if done, and done well would be miraculous! Do you want to make ithappen? As always, follow the money! Solid money applied to make it happenwill yield solid results. If not applied, then a frozen in time situationfor the TRF will be the unfortunate reality. The choice and the future are yours! What will it be? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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