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Treatment of Epstein-Barr Virus

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Hi everyone


I'm new and this is my first post. I have an exciting personal

experience to share and hope to find out if others have a similar



I have been having elevated level of a type of virus known as

Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) since January 2002. I spoke to an ENT

Specialist about it then and he told me that was a sign of the old

disease coming back. I hope he was wrong but unfortunately, in June

2003, I was diagnosed with the recurrence of Nasopharyngeal cancer

(NPC) after 7 years in remission. Subsequent blood tests continued to

show the high EBV load with EBV IgA(VCA)>100. Even after completing

my Chemo and Radiotherapy with complete resolution of the tumor, the

EBV level remained at above 100 as before. The Oncologist was

concerned with the high level of viral load and ordered that I have

regular blood tests to check the EBV level. By the way, EBV is known

to be strongly linked to NPC,Buekitt Lymphoma and acute mono-

nucleosis,and more than 90% of the population has this virus which is

latent in our B cells and usually harmless. However,once activated,

like in my case, this virus becomes very dangerous.


I also asked the Dr how to overcome the EBV problem and he told me

there was no medical treatment for it and the only way was to

strengthen our own immunity. That was when I became interested in the

immune system and whether there are ways to enhance and balance it. I

began taking therapeutic doses of many vitamins and other supplements

which are said to be good for the immune system even before the

diagnosis of the recurrence. I also read about Transfer Factor but it

was not available In Malaysia then. Finally I managed to get 2

bottles from the US but did not take it as I was going through my

treatment and taking a lot of other supplements.


In August 2004, someone spoke to me about Transfer Factor and I

told him I did a lot of research on transfer Factor but it was not

available locally. He told me it was available from Singapore and I

could order from here. That renewed my interest in Transfer Factor

and I decided to give it a try since nothing else seemed to work. On

30 August 2004, I started my first dose of Transfer Factor.


On 21 September 2004, I went for my blood test and received the

result on 28 September and was pleasantly surprised to note that for

the first time since 30 January 2002, the viral load has come down

drastically to 6.61. All the previous tests from 30 January 2002

until as recently as 20 July 2004(2 1/2 years) showed the high level

of >100. That result was achieved after only 3 weeks of supplementing

with Transfer Factor. Level above 10 is associated with NPC cases.


Researchers are now working on the link between virus and cancer and

have identified quite a number on cancers which are linked to various

viruses and said that at least 21% of cancer cases are viral-related

and the percentage is most likely to be higher.




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