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Tsunami Relief (OT)

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Hi All,

I just received this from a friend, and thought I should share them with you all. If we can afford to help, we should do our best to. If you see the news, the photos and videos are so horrifying and sad at the same time. Can you imagine over 100,000 died in the matter of few minutes/hours?


Relief organizations around the world are just begining the enormous task of providing aid to the people of South and Southeast Asia affected by this weekend's devastating undersea earthquake. Here is a list of organizations accepting donations - many allow you to contribute online. Please be as generous as you can this holiday season.Thank you.DavidACTION AGAINST HUNGER247 West 37th Street, Suite 1201NYC 10018212/967-7800 x108www.actionagainsthunger.orgAMERICAN FRIENDS SERVICE COMMITTEEAFSC Crisis Fund1501 Cherry StreetPhiladelphia, PA 19102215/241-7000www.afsc.orgAMERICAN JEWISH JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEESouth Asia Tsunami ReliefBox 321847A Second AvenueNYC 10017212/687-6200x851www.jdc.orgAMERICAN JEWISH WORLD SERVICE45 West 36th Street, 10th floorNYC

10018800/889-7146www.ajws.orgAMERICAN RED CROSSInternational Response FundPOB 37243Washington DC 20013800/HELP-NOWwww.redcross.orgCATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICESTsunami EmergencyPOB 17090 Baltimore, MD 21203-7090800/736-3467www.catholicrelief.orgDIRECT RELIEF INTERNATIONAL27 South La Patera LaneSanta Barbara, CA 93117805/964-4767www.directrelief.orgDOCTORS WITHOUT BORDERSPOB 1856 Merrifield, VA 22116-8056888/392-0392www.doctorswithoutborders.orgINTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPSEarthquake/Tsunami Relief1919 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite 300Santa Monica, CA, 90404800/481-4462www.imcworldwide.orgISLAMIC RELIEF USASoutheast Asia Earthquake EmergencyPOB 6098Burbank, Ca 91510888/479-4968www.irw.org/asiaquakMERCY CORPSSoutheast Asia Earthquake ResponseDept. WPOB

2669Portland, OR 97208800/852-2100www.mercycorps.orgOPERATION USA8320 Melrose Ave, Suite 200LA, CA, 90069800/678-7255www.opusa.orgSAVE THE CHILDRENAsia Earthquake/Tidal Wave Relief Fund54 Wilton RoadWestport, CT 06880800/728-3843www.savethechildren.orgVeAhavta (Sri Lanka Orphans and Widows Project)1190 Marsh Street, Suite BSan Luis Obispo, CA 93401U.S.A.www.you-shall-love.org




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