Guest guest Posted January 21, 2005 Report Share Posted January 21, 2005 Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:10 PMThe Case of the Strange Cold Everybody HasBeen Getting and Chemtrails, etc.The Case Of The Strange Cold Everybody Has Been Gettingand Chemtrails, and the Black Arts Nation....This Fall 2004The Nazi Flu Interview With Dr. Leonard HorowitzRedden: I'd like to begin this interview by asking you aboutthe flu. Many of my friends are sick, and I've read a numberof news stories which say that people are sick around theworld. So many people are sick that hospital emergency roomsare swamped and doctors are postponing surgeries. But at thesame time, the mainstream media is not referring to thisoutbreak as an epidemic. So let me ask you, is there a fluepidemic underway or not?Horowitz: There has been for quite some time, but theauthorities are suppressing the news about it. It's only beenrecently that the mainstream media has acknowledged thathospital emergency rooms are filled with patients with thisbizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn't quite seem tobe a virus, a flu that the flu vaccines were ineffective against,that was a surprise and a complete mystery to the Centers forDisease Control authorities.That's all hogwash, bogus nonsense. The fact of the matter is,we have seen this type of an epidemic since the end of 1998and the beginning of 1999. People have been hacking andcoughing with this bizarre illness that does not seem to followany logical viral or bacterial onset and transition period. It wassomething that did not cause a high fever.If it was a bacterial or viral infection, it would have caused afever in these people. It didn't. It was something that lastedweeks, if not months. They had sinus congestion, sinusdrainage, they had a cough, they had fatigue, general malaise,they felt they were not quite right.Redden: Then is it fair to call this the flu, or is it somethingelse?Horowitz: I think it's only fair to call it flu-like. It ispathognomonic of, not a bacterial or viral infection, it ispathognomonic of a fungus or a fungus related to a flu. Andthat's exactly what has been developed and patented by theArmed Forces Research Institute of Pathology.We've reprinted the patent report in the new book, HealingCodes for the Biological Apocalypse. We show you the reporton the "pathogenic micoplasma." That's a quote, "pathogenicmicoplasma." And if you know anything about micoplasmas,mico indicates fungal, but yet micoplasma is not really afungus, it's not really a bacteria, it's not really a virus. It's sortof like a pseudo all of them. It has no cell wall, it goes deepinto the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mountan immune response against.Redden: And it's man-made...Horowitz: It's man-made. It can be used as a biological weapon.It was developed as an AIDS vaccine-related organism. It wasextracted from AIDS patients. It is responsible for virtually allof the symptoms which AIDS patients suffer from. The AIDSvirus is at best a co-factor, and not even such a strong co-factoras to bring on all of the symptoms of AIDS.This particular organism, the micoplasma, is associated with thisupper respiratory flu-like illness. And it's also associated in itspathogenic process with a whole variety of other symptoms thatmimic AIDS.Redden: And that's what you think is causing this epidemic?Horowitz: That's only one of the factors. The patent report laysit out. Like how you can use a factor like that to cause chronicupper respiratory infections just like what is going on. I mean,virtually identical to what's going on. It's patented by the ArmedForces Research Institute of Pathology.Redden: How did it get out of the lab and into the generalpopulation? Horowitz: There's only speculation and themost likely thesis that I'm looking at is through contaminatedvaccines, contaminated blood supplies. I don't know any othersuitable mode of transmitting that kind of infectious agent.Redden: What about the current controversy over chemtrails - thetheory that airplanes are spraying the population with some kindof chemical or biological weapon. As I understand it, a numberof researchers believe that many of the contrails in the skies thesedays are not the normal contrails formed by high-flying jets, butare actually trails of chemical or biological agents which spreadout and then fall on the earth. Could this micoplasma betransmitted to the population through chemtrails?Horowitz: I don't relate it to the chemtrails. I don't believe thatthis particular organism could be suitably spread that way.But I believe the chemtrails are responsible for a chemicalintoxication of the public, which would then cause a generalimmune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending onexposure. An immune dysfunction, which would then allowpeople to become susceptible to opportunistic infections,such as this micoplasma and other opportunistic infections.Redden: So you believe that high-flying planes are, in fact,spraying something on the population that the theory is real?Horowitz: There's no question that it's real. There's no doubtabout that. I first began to investigate chemtrails when somewere sprayed over my home in Northern Idaho. I took picturesof them, and then contacted the Environmental ProtectionAgency of the state. When I contacted their directors, theywere clueless and referred me to the Air Force.They then got me in touch with Centers for Disease ControlToxicology, and after about a week I received a letter from oneof their chief toxicologists saying, indeed there was someamount of ethylene dibromide in the jet fuel. Now, ethylenedibromide is a known human chemical carcinogen that wasremoved from unleaded gasoline because of its cancer-causingeffects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel thatapparently high-altitude military aircraft are emitting.Redden: Why has ethylene dibromide been added to jet fuel?Horowitz: When you examine who owns the fuel, who are thefuel company directors, suddenly you enter into the realm ofthe Rockefeller family and the royal families, Standard Oil andBritish Petroleum. And what are their other agendas? Suddenlynow you see their documents, showing that they have funded,historically, eugenics, racial hygiene, genocide, depopulation,family planning, maternal and child health where they makeand deliver vaccines, and contaminated blood supplies.These are the banksters, the same people who run the bloodbanking as well as the money banking industries. In bothEmerging Viruses and Healing Codes, I reference a great bookby Dr. John Coleman, who worked as a British Secret Serviceagent at the highest levels. And he articulated very clearly whowas running those companies.It all goes back, ultimately, to the highest level of the royalfamily. The Bush family, Rothschild family, the Rockefellermoney, and the entire Rockefeller establishment is based onRothschild money and royal families. So you begin to then,at least, put forward a possible theory, that if you can't explainit rationally and any other way, I think you've got to beginto consider conspiracy theories. And once you eliminate thenegative label that you've placed on conspiracy theories per se,because that's been demonized, as has the terms holisticmedicine, holistic health.Redden: NaturopathicHorowitz: Naturopathy. I mean these labels get placed andas soon as they do, you know, it begins to wave red flags andpeople avoid those things. But, you know, when you reallyjust define a conspiracy as is defined in Websters, as two ormore people getting together behind closed doors covertlyand planning something unethical, immoral, illegal and thencarrying it out, that's a conspiracy. So that's now what you'relooking at, at the highest levels.You're looking at decision-makers who have, for whateverreasons, decided to put this toxic waste into jet fuels for humanexposure, what ultimately's going to be human exposure. And itjust so happens that these same people have put a lot of moneyinto reducing world populations. So now you ask yourself,when it comes to testing human subjects like American citizensunwittingly, unwillingly, who sprays toxins out of airplanesover San Francisco, kills people that way, who spraysbiologicals on the Pennsylvania turnpike that induce death?Who has done that historically, as clearly articulated in theFrank Church congressional hearings of 1975, has beenCentral Intelligence Agency biological weapons contractingfirms, such as Litton Bionetics, such as the Army Corp ofEngineers when they were developing and utilizing thesevarious biologicals. And this is all done under black operations,covert operations, where they get funding and congressionalpeople are never informed really where this money is going.It's the black budget.Redden: As I understand it, this is not just an Americanepidemic, but it's gone across Europe.Horowitz: That's right. And so have the chemtrails. I've gotcolleagues over there, I've got colleagues in the Bahamas,Bermuda, Toronto, British Columbia all reporting the samebizarre seeding of the atmosphere. It's horrible. What is goingon is just despicable.Redden: One reason I'm interested in this subject is, Ipersonally know three people who had the exact same thinghappen to them. First they came down with flu-like symptomswhich didn't go away. Then they went to the doctor, and thedoctor said their flu had developed into a bacterial infection andwe can give you antibiotics for that. Then they were all given abrand new antibiotic they had never taken before, and they allhad serious allergic reactions.Horowitz: Right. Isn't that fascinating?Redden: What happened to them?Horowitz: OK, that's a great question. I'm glad you asked thatbecause I should have mentioned it before. What you'relooking at with this upper respiratory infection is that it is amulti-factorial illness. It's associated with a variety of chemicaland biological co-factors. Just like with AIDS, it's not theAIDS virus that ultimately kills, it's co-factor microbes such asthe micoplasma. What you have could be described as an idealRussian biological cocktail. And I suppose it's called Russiabiological cocktail because the Americans likely invented it.What they determined would be the best biological chemicalwarfare approach was a combination of chemicals andbiologicals, so that it would be very difficult to diagnose andthen treat the illnesses. Moreover, it would be very difficultto trace where they came from. If you've got, say, ethylenedibromide coming out of the jet fuels that is causing immunesuppression and weakening your immune system, and thenyou've got a micoplasma microbe or a fungus that causes anupper respiratory illness, suddenly you develop a secondarybacterial infection.Now you get hit with antibiotics, and the antibiotics cause yourbody chemistry to go acidic, so now you get rashes and otherthings, your liver gets full of toxins and comes out throughyour skin in rashes and they get hyperallergenic reactionsassociated with the other chemicals. So all of a sudden now,you realize that you've got a human being who is completelyout of balance and infected by two, three or four microbialco-factors as well as intoxicated by a variety of differentchemicals.Redden: A point of clarification. Are You saying that thefungus is working with the chemtrails and the antibiotic tomake people sick?Horowitz: Exactly. And you've got somebody who's going tobe chronically ill. And in the contemporary warfare arena,where experts in biological chemical warfare convene anddiscuss the ways that are ideal to conduct warfare today, toreally take an enemy out, you don't want to kill the people. Youwant to produce people who are chronically ill and becomedependent on the state and totally sap the resources of thecountry.And then you can move in further with yourmilitary-medical-industrial complex, your internationalmedical-pharmaceutical cartel. And then you sell thesebeleaguered and defeated countries all of the pharmaceuticalsand chemicals that they need to maintain any semblance ofhealthy function.Redden: So you've got a work force that can work, but they'retoo tired after they finish working to...Horowitz: That's exactly it. They're completely depleted. Theycan't put together a military; you create a dependence andthereby you weaken the population, and weakened populationsare easy to control. So you've got population control, and youmake vast fortunes doing it, versus just blowing up a nuclearweapon and devastating the infrastructure that you own. Youand your colleagues own that infrastructure. You want to getrid of the people. You don't want to get rid of infrastructure.What I'm relating to you now is not speculation. If you were toread the top experts analysis of military warfare, such as whatis articulated in The Report From Iron Mountain, which eventhe authorities, they say that this is a hoax, a satire, but, youknow, there's nothing funny about it. The propaganda, the spinthat they put on it is that the document is a satire. But when youread it, there's nothing funny about it.Redden: You mentioned the Rockefellers. You think theRockefeller family is one of the major players in thisconspiracy?Horowitz: Oh, absolutely. One of the majorplayers in world genocide, world population reduction. That'sno mystery anymore. I mean, you even have some mainstreampublishing companies, such as St. Martin's Press, writing themost horrific exposes of the Rockefeller family. You haveOxford University Press, publishing, for example, ChristopherSimpson's work, called The Science of Coercion, where heproves that virtually the entire scientific and particularly healthscience agenda was laid out by the Rockefeller family.In the 1920's, the federal government was giving very littlemoney for public health. Where the huge investment in publichealth in the United States came from was the Rockefellerfinancial coffers, you know. They were behind it all. And so,already by the 30's, the early 1930's, who was responsible forthe primary viral research investments, public health looking atcancer, who created the cancer industry in the 1920's, was theRockefellers, all the Rockefeller money.And if you didn't go along with that particular money makingpopulation controlling agenda as a health scientist or healthprofessional you were traditionally demoted, defunded,ostracized. And then if you kept it up, you were persecuted andthen jailed. I know many, many people who have gone throughthat. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted January 21, 2005 Report Share Posted January 21, 2005 I am giving a rebuttal to this, although the chemtrails are very prevalent here in Atlanta area, and seem to have gotten worse in the past few months. I don't know one person who has had the flu this year. I am in several women's groups and involved in alot of activities, phoning people, etc. I expected to hear from a few about having the flu, but have not......thankfully. Judy - 121 Friday, January 21, 2005 2:01 AM Dr. Leonard Horowitz interview re. Strange Flu Thursday, October 21, 2004 3:10 PMThe Case of the Strange Cold Everybody HasBeen Getting and Chemtrails, etc.The Case Of The Strange Cold Everybody Has Been Gettingand Chemtrails, and the Black Arts Nation....This Fall 2004The Nazi Flu Interview With Dr. Leonard HorowitzRedden: I'd like to begin this interview by asking you aboutthe flu. Many of my friends are sick, and I've read a numberof news stories which say that people are sick around theworld. So many people are sick that hospital emergency roomsare swamped and doctors are postponing surgeries. But at thesame time, the mainstream media is not referring to thisoutbreak as an epidemic. So let me ask you, is there a fluepidemic underway or not?Horowitz: There has been for quite some time, but theauthorities are suppressing the news about it. It's only beenrecently that the mainstream media has acknowledged thathospital emergency rooms are filled with patients with thisbizarre upper respiratory infection that doesn't quite seem tobe a virus, a flu that the flu vaccines were ineffective against,that was a surprise and a complete mystery to the Centers forDisease Control authorities.That's all hogwash, bogus nonsense. The fact of the matter is,we have seen this type of an epidemic since the end of 1998and the beginning of 1999. People have been hacking andcoughing with this bizarre illness that does not seem to followany logical viral or bacterial onset and transition period. It wassomething that did not cause a high fever.If it was a bacterial or viral infection, it would have caused afever in these people. It didn't. It was something that lastedweeks, if not months. They had sinus congestion, sinusdrainage, they had a cough, they had fatigue, general malaise,they felt they were not quite right.Redden: Then is it fair to call this the flu, or is it somethingelse?Horowitz: I think it's only fair to call it flu-like. It ispathognomonic of, not a bacterial or viral infection, it ispathognomonic of a fungus or a fungus related to a flu. Andthat's exactly what has been developed and patented by theArmed Forces Research Institute of Pathology.We've reprinted the patent report in the new book, HealingCodes for the Biological Apocalypse. We show you the reporton the "pathogenic micoplasma." That's a quote, "pathogenicmicoplasma." And if you know anything about micoplasmas,mico indicates fungal, but yet micoplasma is not really afungus, it's not really a bacteria, it's not really a virus. It's sortof like a pseudo all of them. It has no cell wall, it goes deepinto the cell nuclei thereby making it very difficult to mountan immune response against.Redden: And it's man-made...Horowitz: It's man-made. It can be used as a biological weapon.It was developed as an AIDS vaccine-related organism. It wasextracted from AIDS patients. It is responsible for virtually allof the symptoms which AIDS patients suffer from. The AIDSvirus is at best a co-factor, and not even such a strong co-factoras to bring on all of the symptoms of AIDS.This particular organism, the micoplasma, is associated with thisupper respiratory flu-like illness. And it's also associated in itspathogenic process with a whole variety of other symptoms thatmimic AIDS.Redden: And that's what you think is causing this epidemic?Horowitz: That's only one of the factors. The patent report laysit out. Like how you can use a factor like that to cause chronicupper respiratory infections just like what is going on. I mean,virtually identical to what's going on. It's patented by the ArmedForces Research Institute of Pathology.Redden: How did it get out of the lab and into the generalpopulation? Horowitz: There's only speculation and themost likely thesis that I'm looking at is through contaminatedvaccines, contaminated blood supplies. I don't know any othersuitable mode of transmitting that kind of infectious agent.Redden: What about the current controversy over chemtrails - thetheory that airplanes are spraying the population with some kindof chemical or biological weapon. As I understand it, a numberof researchers believe that many of the contrails in the skies thesedays are not the normal contrails formed by high-flying jets, butare actually trails of chemical or biological agents which spreadout and then fall on the earth. Could this micoplasma betransmitted to the population through chemtrails?Horowitz: I don't relate it to the chemtrails. I don't believe thatthis particular organism could be suitably spread that way.But I believe the chemtrails are responsible for a chemicalintoxication of the public, which would then cause a generalimmune suppression, low grade to high grade, depending onexposure. An immune dysfunction, which would then allowpeople to become susceptible to opportunistic infections,such as this micoplasma and other opportunistic infections.Redden: So you believe that high-flying planes are, in fact,spraying something on the population that the theory is real?Horowitz: There's no question that it's real. There's no doubtabout that. I first began to investigate chemtrails when somewere sprayed over my home in Northern Idaho. I took picturesof them, and then contacted the Environmental ProtectionAgency of the state. When I contacted their directors, theywere clueless and referred me to the Air Force.They then got me in touch with Centers for Disease ControlToxicology, and after about a week I received a letter from oneof their chief toxicologists saying, indeed there was someamount of ethylene dibromide in the jet fuel. Now, ethylenedibromide is a known human chemical carcinogen that wasremoved from unleaded gasoline because of its cancer-causingeffects. Now suddenly it has appeared in the jet fuel thatapparently high-altitude military aircraft are emitting.Redden: Why has ethylene dibromide been added to jet fuel?Horowitz: When you examine who owns the fuel, who are thefuel company directors, suddenly you enter into the realm ofthe Rockefeller family and the royal families, Standard Oil andBritish Petroleum. And what are their other agendas? Suddenlynow you see their documents, showing that they have funded,historically, eugenics, racial hygiene, genocide, depopulation,family planning, maternal and child health where they makeand deliver vaccines, and contaminated blood supplies.These are the banksters, the same people who run the bloodbanking as well as the money banking industries. In bothEmerging Viruses and Healing Codes, I reference a great bookby Dr. John Coleman, who worked as a British Secret Serviceagent at the highest levels. And he articulated very clearly whowas running those companies.It all goes back, ultimately, to the highest level of the royalfamily. The Bush family, Rothschild family, the Rockefellermoney, and the entire Rockefeller establishment is based onRothschild money and royal families. So you begin to then,at least, put forward a possible theory, that if you can't explainit rationally and any other way, I think you've got to beginto consider conspiracy theories. And once you eliminate thenegative label that you've placed on conspiracy theories per se,because that's been demonized, as has the terms holisticmedicine, holistic health.Redden: NaturopathicHorowitz: Naturopathy. I mean these labels get placed andas soon as they do, you know, it begins to wave red flags andpeople avoid those things. But, you know, when you reallyjust define a conspiracy as is defined in Websters, as two ormore people getting together behind closed doors covertlyand planning something unethical, immoral, illegal and thencarrying it out, that's a conspiracy. So that's now what you'relooking at, at the highest levels.You're looking at decision-makers who have, for whateverreasons, decided to put this toxic waste into jet fuels for humanexposure, what ultimately's going to be human exposure. And itjust so happens that these same people have put a lot of moneyinto reducing world populations. So now you ask yourself,when it comes to testing human subjects like American citizensunwittingly, unwillingly, who sprays toxins out of airplanesover San Francisco, kills people that way, who spraysbiologicals on the Pennsylvania turnpike that induce death?Who has done that historically, as clearly articulated in theFrank Church congressional hearings of 1975, has beenCentral Intelligence Agency biological weapons contractingfirms, such as Litton Bionetics, such as the Army Corp ofEngineers when they were developing and utilizing thesevarious biologicals. And this is all done under black operations,covert operations, where they get funding and congressionalpeople are never informed really where this money is going.It's the black budget.Redden: As I understand it, this is not just an Americanepidemic, but it's gone across Europe.Horowitz: That's right. And so have the chemtrails. I've gotcolleagues over there, I've got colleagues in the Bahamas,Bermuda, Toronto, British Columbia all reporting the samebizarre seeding of the atmosphere. It's horrible. What is goingon is just despicable.Redden: One reason I'm interested in this subject is, Ipersonally know three people who had the exact same thinghappen to them. First they came down with flu-like symptomswhich didn't go away. Then they went to the doctor, and thedoctor said their flu had developed into a bacterial infection andwe can give you antibiotics for that. Then they were all given abrand new antibiotic they had never taken before, and they allhad serious allergic reactions.Horowitz: Right. Isn't that fascinating?Redden: What happened to them?Horowitz: OK, that's a great question. I'm glad you asked thatbecause I should have mentioned it before. What you'relooking at with this upper respiratory infection is that it is amulti-factorial illness. It's associated with a variety of chemicaland biological co-factors. Just like with AIDS, it's not theAIDS virus that ultimately kills, it's co-factor microbes such asthe micoplasma. What you have could be described as an idealRussian biological cocktail. And I suppose it's called Russiabiological cocktail because the Americans likely invented it.What they determined would be the best biological chemicalwarfare approach was a combination of chemicals andbiologicals, so that it would be very difficult to diagnose andthen treat the illnesses. Moreover, it would be very difficultto trace where they came from. If you've got, say, ethylenedibromide coming out of the jet fuels that is causing immunesuppression and weakening your immune system, and thenyou've got a micoplasma microbe or a fungus that causes anupper respiratory illness, suddenly you develop a secondarybacterial infection.Now you get hit with antibiotics, and the antibiotics cause yourbody chemistry to go acidic, so now you get rashes and otherthings, your liver gets full of toxins and comes out throughyour skin in rashes and they get hyperallergenic reactionsassociated with the other chemicals. So all of a sudden now,you realize that you've got a human being who is completelyout of balance and infected by two, three or four microbialco-factors as well as intoxicated by a variety of differentchemicals.Redden: A point of clarification. Are You saying that thefungus is working with the chemtrails and the antibiotic tomake people sick?Horowitz: Exactly. And you've got somebody who's going tobe chronically ill. And in the contemporary warfare arena,where experts in biological chemical warfare convene anddiscuss the ways that are ideal to conduct warfare today, toreally take an enemy out, you don't want to kill the people. Youwant to produce people who are chronically ill and becomedependent on the state and totally sap the resources of thecountry.And then you can move in further with yourmilitary-medical-industrial complex, your internationalmedical-pharmaceutical cartel. And then you sell thesebeleaguered and defeated countries all of the pharmaceuticalsand chemicals that they need to maintain any semblance ofhealthy function.Redden: So you've got a work force that can work, but they'retoo tired after they finish working to...Horowitz: That's exactly it. They're completely depleted. Theycan't put together a military; you create a dependence andthereby you weaken the population, and weakened populationsare easy to control. So you've got population control, and youmake vast fortunes doing it, versus just blowing up a nuclearweapon and devastating the infrastructure that you own. Youand your colleagues own that infrastructure. You want to getrid of the people. You don't want to get rid of infrastructure.What I'm relating to you now is not speculation. If you were toread the top experts analysis of military warfare, such as whatis articulated in The Report From Iron Mountain, which eventhe authorities, they say that this is a hoax, a satire, but, youknow, there's nothing funny about it. The propaganda, the spinthat they put on it is that the document is a satire. But when youread it, there's nothing funny about it.Redden: You mentioned the Rockefellers. You think theRockefeller family is one of the major players in thisconspiracy?Horowitz: Oh, absolutely. One of the majorplayers in world genocide, world population reduction. That'sno mystery anymore. I mean, you even have some mainstreampublishing companies, such as St. Martin's Press, writing themost horrific exposes of the Rockefeller family. You haveOxford University Press, publishing, for example, ChristopherSimpson's work, called The Science of Coercion, where heproves that virtually the entire scientific and particularly healthscience agenda was laid out by the Rockefeller family.In the 1920's, the federal government was giving very littlemoney for public health. Where the huge investment in publichealth in the United States came from was the Rockefellerfinancial coffers, you know. They were behind it all. And so,already by the 30's, the early 1930's, who was responsible forthe primary viral research investments, public health looking atcancer, who created the cancer industry in the 1920's, was theRockefellers, all the Rockefeller money.And if you didn't go along with that particular money makingpopulation controlling agenda as a health scientist or healthprofessional you were traditionally demoted, defunded,ostracized. And then if you kept it up, you were persecuted andthen jailed. I know many, many people who have gone throughthat.«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§«¤»¥«¤»§ - PULSE ON WORLD HEALTH CONSPIRACIES! §Subscribe:......... - To :.... - Any information here in is for educational purpose only, it may be news related, purely speculation or someone's opinion. Always consult with a qualified health practitioner before deciding on any course of treatment, especially for serious or life-threatening illnesses.**COPYRIGHT NOTICE**In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107,any copyrighted work in this message is distributed under fair use without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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