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The Causes and Prevention of Sickness and Illness

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(as posted on Wilderness Family Naturals)Most if not all sickness and disease comes from

two root causes:


continually entering the body


a. Every cell in our body uses energy from our food along with oxygen to

"live" and do their job. Products of metabolism are toxic to our bodies.

The liver and the kidneys are the major organs of purification. If these

organs become overloaded or weakened, there will be more toxins coming in

than leaving.


b. As pathogens increase in our body, they add to the metabolic waste

products. This increases the load on our organs of purification. As we

become weaker and more toxic, the amount of pathogenic organisms in our

bodies increases.


c. The water we drink (especially if we live in cities or farming

communities) the food we eat (especially if we eat prepared foods,

prepackaged foods, and processed foods) the lotions, deodorants, make-up,

toothpaste, hair color and permanent solutions, etc. we expose ourselves

to all need to be detoxified by the liver and eliminated by the kidneys or

dumped into the large intestine. Without protective agents these chemicals

are very destructive to the body.


d. Processed and refined sugars, poor digestion, and a lack of normal

flora mixed with the mucosal lining of the large intestine create a layer

or tube kind of like a rubber tire along the lining of the large

intestine. This makes a wonderful place for pathogens to thrive and toxins

to pool. Toxins can no longer be purged out through the large intestine.

The toxins your body tries to dump just get reabsorbed.


eaten rarely meet the requirements of the body


a. They estimate our food supply today gives us 85% less nutrients that

the same foods supplied in the early 1900's. The soils of today are

terribly depleted in trace minerals and healthy microorganisms.


b. Most people do not eat nutrient dense food. There are lots of refined,

processed foods consumed today. There are no "superfoods", no raw animal

products. Foods that deplete our bodies of needed nutrients are consumed

rather than foods that build us up and nourish.

Most people live under the

above scenario for decades until they suddenly drop dead from a heart attack,

are diagnosed with cancer, suffer a stroke, can no longer move without painful

arthritis, or are rushed to the hospital with appendicitis, are told they have

Crohn's disease, lupus, etc.


How the Body Struggles and What Happens

Toxins build up in the

body. These interfere with normal chemical processes in the body.

Important minerals and

vitamins needed by the body are not there to protect or repair cells. They

are not there to help with normal processes. The body does not run


Meats, most grains, and all

processed foods have an acidic reaction in the body. All bodies with

serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease are acidic.

The acidic environment

creates a low oxygen environment in the cells. Pathogens like the low

oxygen environment. So do cancer cells. The immune system functions well

in a more alkaline environment. It functions poorly in an acidic

environment. Pathogens flourish in a body that is acidic and has lower

oxygen in the cells. Pathogens struggle if we become alkaline and increase

the oxygen at the cellular level.

The high amount of toxins

and pathogens and the low amount of nutrient intake causes the thyroid

gland to become under active. Approximately 80% of people in the US

have under active thyroids. The thyroid gland is the "master gland" of the


A less active thyroid means

all the other organs and glands are less active. Less digestive enzymes

are created by the digestive glands. The diet has also caused friendly

bacteria to die off. So there is no help in digestion and fewer nutrients

are being absorbed into the body. The immune system functions at half

speed. The metabolism of cells is slowed. A person is tired all the time,

is bothered by the cold, their hair thins, etc.

The lining of the large

intestine becomes coated with old fecal material, undigested food, and

mucus. This creates an environment that pathogens love and does not allow

toxins to be purged from the body.

Finally, the body does not

have the raw materials it needs yet has more waste products and toxins

than it can manage. The body is now working at half speed and on a down

hill spiral until it runs into something it cannot handle. It is not until

people reach this point that they realize something is wrong.


The top 3 leading causes of death in America


#1 Leading Cause of Death: Heart Disease

Always have high toxinsAlways have pathogens,

especially in the "gut" and they have a seriously "leaky gut"Lack healthy normal floraPour nutrient uptake

(digestion) Very low in vitamins and minerals, especially the anti oxidant

vitamins.Always have low oxygen to

the tissuesAlways have acidic pH of

bodySeriously lack

antioxidants, especially fat soluable antioxidants


Heart disease has been the leading cause of death since the

early 1950's. In 1911 this way of dying was totally unknown. In

1926 it was written about as a new phenomenon. From 1926-1939 the cause

of deaths per million in England

went from 47 per million to 476 per million. By 1950 it was the leading

cause of death.

This correlates with the take over of the fats and oils market

by unsaturated fats (predominately soybean oil) which replaced traditional

saturated fats in the diet, pasteurized milk and the increase in processed

foods. Vitamin E, C and A stores (these are anti oxidants) in the body

are greatly decreased when unsaturated fats are used because the unsaturated

fats are much less stable and easily form free radicals which are toxic to the


These same anti-oxidant vitamins greatly effect the heart and

the circulatory system, lowering the oxygen requirements of the cells,

increasing circulation, protecting the body from free radicals, and decreasing

blood "stickiness."


#2 Leading Cause of Death: Cancer

Always have high toxinsAlways have under active

thyroidsAlways have pathogensAlways lack healthy normal

flora in the digestive tract Always have low oxygen to

the cells Always have an acidic pH to

their bodies Always have low nutrients

in the body and no anti-oxidant reserves Always have compromised



I have heard from someone in the pharmaceutical

system that their information shows them that 1 out of every 1.5 people will

die from cancer by the year 2012.

Deaths from cancer are on the increase.


#3 Leading cause of death: Diabetes and

diabetes-related complications

Always have high toxinsAlways have under active

thyroidsAlways have pathogens

(pathogens thrive in the high sugar content in the blood stream)Always lack healthy normal

flora in the digestive tractAlways have low oxygen to

the cellsAlways have an acidic pH to

their bodiesAlways have low nutrients

in the body (especially anti-oxidants)Always have compromised


People with diabetes generally

die of heart disease or cancer if the diabetes does not get them first.

Do you see a pattern?


So what is one to do to retrace their steps and



Retracing Your Steps:




• food (chemical free, preservative free, nutrient dense)

• air (fumes, smog, smoke, chemicals)

• water (the cleanest you can get)

• body ( get rid of toxins and pathogens)

• cleanse the colon

• get rid of mercury amalgam fillings, aluminum pots and

pans, and other sources of

heavy metal poisoning

• do not use commercial lotions, aftershave, deodorants,

soaps, hair spray,

cleansers, etc. (these all get

absorbed by the body).


your body:

• nutrient dense food (especially fresh or lightly cooked veggies &


• alkalinize: Eat at least 80% of your diet in fresh or lightly cooked or

sautéed veggies

and fruits, and kefir. Wild rice, buckwheat, millet,

amaranth and quinoa are the only

grains that are alkaline forming. Eat 20% of foods that

are acid forming and high in

protein. These foods consist of foods like meats, the

rest of the grains, eggs, and

dairy. At first you may not want to have any acid

forming foods at all and gradually

you should be able to add them back in as you recover.

• green foods

• pro-biotics



• increase oxygen to the cells

• stimulate circulation to cells

• stimulate immune system

• stimulate and increase metabolism


Exercise is hard to do at first, but do what ever you can and you will

gradually be able to do more and more as you recover.


Stop allowing the

"bad stuff" into your body Eliminate as many

toxins and pollutants as you can from entering through your lungs and

your skin.Get rid of your

mercury amalgam filling and any other toxic dental work you have in your

mouthEliminate toxins and

pollutants from your diet. This means pesticides, herbicides,Clean out the

stored toxins in your bodyAfter eliminating

mercury and other metals from the mouth use Metal-X or other chelating

agent to eliminate toxic metals from the tissuesby using coconut oil,

green foods, Spirulina, chlorella, cilantro, burdock root and other herbs

(like the ones above), alpha lipoic acid, alkalinizing, etc these

substances increase cellular function and contain phytyonutrients or

other substances that bind with toxins in the body and aid in their

elimination.Eat a diet rich in

fruits and vegetables.Cleanse the colonDrink Lots of Water

this helps to flush

out toxinshydrating is very

important for healthy cells and healthy organsAn infant is approximately

90% water while the elderly can be less than 50% waterCleanse pathogens

Herbs: wormwood,

cloves, and black walnut hullsIonic Copper Coconut OilPro-biotics and

Pro-biotic foodsCleanse the colonNourish the body

with concentrated,

nutrient dense foods that alkalinize (fruits and veggies)green foodscoral calcium Mt.

Capra Mineral Whey

Repopulate the body

with normal flora You need many strains

of flora including friendly yeasts. It takes friendly yeasts to get rid

of Candida, athletes foot and other funguses.Kefir, kombucha and

other fermented drinks (usually contains at least 5 strains of friendly lactic

acid bacteria and 2 strains of friendly yeasts)Cultured Veggies such

as Sauerkraut (contain friendly yeasts and friendly bacteria)Caucasus Kefir

capsules and other probiotic capsuels (Caucasus Kefir capsules contain

over 28 strains of friendly bacteria and friendly yeasts. They are made

from cultures from the Caucasus mountains, other

probiotic capsules on the market many carry one or more organisms.

The best probiotic capsules contain a wide variety of organisms including

these genus Lactobacillus, Lactococci, Leuconostoc as well as at least

one friendly yeast)

Exercise Even if you just

start out with simple exercises or just walking a block or so each day.

Maybe it means taking the stairs at work rather than the elevator.Also, be out in the

sun.Get away from the

city whenever you can. Use a rebounder

everyday during the winter if you can not get good exercise any other


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Guest guest

Great article and one that needs to kept in our files.


Cancer is now the #1 leading cause of death. I believe that it surpassed

heart-disease either last year or the year before. One in every two people will be handed a

cancer diagnosis at some point during their life time.


We have often heard the phrase “death begins in the colon.” We can be more positive and still

truthful by saying that health begins in the

digestive tract. We

cannot drug the body into health and there are no magic bullets in conventional

medicine or in natural medicine.

The body is a whole and we must approach healing in this manner, if we

want results. Let’s not

forget the emotional aspect toward healing. Stress and toxic/negative emotions are

as much implicated in disease as are chemicals and toxins—possibly more



And, of course, we must find the root or cause of the health

concern and not just treat symptoms.

Healthy diet (not fad diets or the Food Pyramid) plays a tremendous part

in the prevention of disease and in the elimination of disease. Keeping the digestive tract clean and

balanced can inhibit pathogens and also helps to keep the body in balance. The complete digestive tract is the

work-horse of the body and needs to be properly cared for---which means we must

allow time for rest and repair.


Possibly the most important thing that we must understand is

that, when fighting health concerns or disease, there is always HOPE and always

answers! We must be willing to “think

outside of the box” and then not be afraid to step outside of that

box. Our thoughts and words count! “As a man thinketh,

so is he.” No

doctor (conventional or natural) or healthcare professional is God and

therefore the pronouncement of time of death over someone fighting disease

should be considered nothing less than emotional rape.


The body has amazing built-in healing properties and with proper

nutrition, supplementation, lifestyle changes and emotional healing it can heal

from just about anything!


Be Well~







The top 3 leading causes of death in



#1 Leading Cause of Death:

Heart Disease


Always have high


Always have

pathogens, especially in the " gut " and they have a seriously

" leaky gut "

Lack healthy normal


Pour nutrient uptake

(digestion) Very low in vitamins and minerals, especially the anti oxidant


Always have low

oxygen to the tissues

Always have acidic

pH of body

Seriously lack

antioxidants, especially fat soluable antioxidants



Heart disease has been the leading cause of death since the early

1950's. In 1911 this way of dying was totally unknown. In 1926 it

was written about as a new phenomenon. From 1926-1939 the cause of deaths

per million in England

went from 47 per million to 476 per million. By 1950 it was the leading

cause of death.

This correlates with the take over of the fats and oils market by

unsaturated fats (predominately soybean oil) which replaced traditional

saturated fats in the diet, pasteurized milk and the increase in processed

foods. Vitamin E, C and A stores (these are anti oxidants) in the body

are greatly decreased when unsaturated fats are used because the unsaturated

fats are much less stable and easily form free radicals which are toxic to the


These same anti-oxidant vitamins greatly effect the heart and the

circulatory system, lowering the oxygen requirements of the cells, increasing

circulation, protecting the body from free radicals, and decreasing blood

" stickiness. "


#2 Leading Cause of Death:



Always have high


Always have under

active thyroids

Always have


Always lack healthy

normal flora in the digestive tract

Always have low

oxygen to the cells

Always have an

acidic pH to their bodies

Always have low

nutrients in the body and no anti-oxidant reserves

Always have

compromised digestion



I have

heard from someone in the pharmaceutical system that their information shows

them that 1 out of every 1.5 people will die from cancer by the year 2012.


from cancer are on the increase.


#3 Leading cause of death:

Diabetes and diabetes-related complications


Always have high


Always have under

active thyroids

Always have

pathogens (pathogens thrive in the high sugar content in the blood stream)

Always lack healthy

normal flora in the digestive tract

Always have low

oxygen to the cells

Always have an

acidic pH to their bodies

Always have low

nutrients in the body (especially anti-oxidants)

Always have

compromised digestion


People with diabetes

generally die of heart disease or cancer if the diabetes does not get them


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Guest guest

That is a good summary of most of what I've learned in the last 32

years regarding the subject.


Thanks for putting up a concise summary, Tony!


Dr. Goebel





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Auto Green Center.


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