Guest guest Posted May 6, 2008 Report Share Posted May 6, 2008 Wondering what's for Dinner Tonight? Get new twists on family favorites at AOL Food. Simple Times ________________________________ Vol. 10, No. 9 -- May 5th, 2008 debi Copyright 2008 Deborah Taylor-Hough ISSN: 1527-1269 ________________________________ Subscribe: join-simple-times Un: leave-simple-times ________________________________ Celebrating 10+ years of saving your time, money and sanity! ________________________________ IN THIS ISSUE: -- " Dear Readers " -- Simple Living Quote -- Pursue Your Passion, It Might Become Your Career -- Gardening Tools Organized in 5 Easy Steps -- Letters to the Editor / Reader Tips -- Assorted Information (archives, etc.) ________________________________ < < < O.U.R S.P.O.N.S.O.R > > > " What the heck... I'll give it a try! " " I have to say I'm so glad I purchased your DebtIntoWealth System! I was skeptical at first, so I went to the website. It sounded good, so I figured " what the heck, " I'll give it a try. My goal was to pay off $5000 in credit card debt and a car loan so I could buy a new home, and get me and my 4 girls out of our 2-bedroom apartment. It worked! It's now 9 months later and ALL of my debt is paid off, and I just signed a contract on a new 5-bedroom house! There is no better feeling than to have NO debts, and a savings account too! Thanks to your system, my family is going to have a better life by not being enslaved to debt. " - Katrina S. in Houston, TX What the heck... Give DebtIntoWealth a try, today! Click: ________________________________ Dear Readers, We have several upcoming Sponsorship openings in Simple Times. If you have a product, service or book that would be of interest to folks trying to simplify their daily lives, save money, get out of debt, or live true to their priorities, contact Marketing to discover the modest rates for reaching this highly targeted audience. On another note, I went to my business mailbox the other day and there was a long thin package from FedEx waiting for me. Since I hadn't ordered anything, I couldn't imagine what I'd been sent. When I opened the box, there was a single, fresh, long-stemmed, white rose with a Happy Mother's Day note in the box with the rose. A handwritten note, no less. Now, here's the unusual aspect of the gift: Who it came from. You'll never guess. Since you'll never guess, I'll tell you: The rose was from Yep, the TiVo company sent me a rose for Mother's Day, complete with a personalized, handwritten note saying that they liked reading my blog at: I fully realize that it's just a ploy to get me to blog about their gift (and hey, it worked!), but I have to admit that it brightened my day considerably. Knowing that Mother's Day is coming up is actually sort of sad for me. My husband used to always take the kids shopping for special Mother's Day gifts and cards for me, but since his diagnosis, etc., that sort of thing is now a thing of the past. I know that for the most part, Mother's Day is just a lot of hype and a lot of people feel a little disappointed or let down when their reality doesn't match the hype in greeting cards or television commercials. I guess for me, it's just one more reminder of how much life has changed and how much I've lost the past few years. Anyway, that silly TiVo rose made me smile ... even if they were only thinking about me for publicity purposes, it was touching that someone actually sat down and wrote out a longish note to me personally, even though they don't even know me. That's kind of pitiful, isn't it? ;-) Here's a photo of my rose (and yes, that's a TiVo stamp of some sort on one of the petals ... LOL!): Simply Yours, Debi (Deborah Taylor-Hough) Editor, Simple Times Email Newsletter --Author of the popular 'Frozen Assets' series; 'A Simple Choice: A practical guide for saving your time, money & sanity'; and 'Frugal Living for Dummies® --Editor, Simple Times, Solo Parents, and Bright-Kids email newsletters ________________________________ Visit my new site! ________________________________ SIMPLE LIVING QUOTE " The most precious thing a human being has to give is time. There is so very little of it, after all, in a life. " --Edith Schaeffer ________________________________ PURSUE YOUR PASSION, IT MIGHT BECOME YOUR CAREER Copyright Bettina Langerfeldt Used with permission from All rights reserved. Whether it's hiking, dog training, computers or sowing, all of us have an activity we love to do. An area of interest we're passionate about. When we're done with our regular job and have a chunk of free time, off we run to do " our thing. " And that precisely is the problem. Unless you're one of the few lucky ones who are working in what they love to do, most people will displace their passion for " later, " that famous and undetermined little word ... that will steal our dreams. It may be the time they have left over from whatever else their daily routine consists of. Usually that's not very much. For some " later " is some vague someday in the future. Before you know it, retirement day will come and you'll have been giving the best of your years to somebody else's dream! That's how most mid- life crisis' start: Suddenly you realize that you aren't that young anymore, and that you never endeavored to do what you really love doing. The Bible states that our gifts and God's call are irrevocable (Romans 11:29). God has created you with a unique combination of gifts and talents to fulfill a special assignment on this planet. He's the one that put that dream in your heart! God has a plan for your life. He wants to bless you, and He desires that you bless others. Why not re-ignite that passion and pursue that dream? It's never too late. Even if you're retired, that special talent God gave you is still lurking there, waiting to be exploited. Instead of just accepting your present situation, you can make a change. Now that we're in the Information Age, the possibilities are at the tips of your fingers. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people out there who have the same passion you have. They need to know what you have to say. And you have something special and unique for them that no one else can offer. All you need is a computer and an email address. Make a step today ... start small, but start! ABOUT THE AUTHOR: -Bettina Langerfeldt teaches people how to pursue their God-given gifts and talents by designing their own education with self-directed learning. A short message from Bettina: " I'd like to invite you to go for it! Visit for tips and tools for creating and growing in your own learning process. Learn how to teach yourself in my FREE e-book: The Power of Self-Directed Learning, and my FREE e-course: Seven Steps to Consistently Change Your Life. " Article Source: ________________________________ O.U.R. S.P.O.N.S.O.R. Want to make your life better? Start right here, with the book that gives you 700 ways to change your life, one small step at a time! The Life Guide teaches you how to get more out of life: -- Self-improvement that's actually fun ... ... with small steps you'll enjoy taking -- 10 questions to ask yourself ... ... to figure out what really matters to you -- 50 ways to reduce life stress ... ... and use the stress that remains to your advantage Get your copy of The Life Guide today! Save 32% at on this book: ________________________________ GARDENING SUPPLIES ORGANIZED IN 5 EASY STEPS Copyright Paula Constable Used with permission from All rights reserved. It's time to get out the gardening supplies again. Did you take the time last fall put them away in an orderly fashion? Does your gardening storage space need a tune-up? Just follow my easy five-step STUFF System to help you get it all organized and ready to go for the season. " S " - Sort Give yourself lots of working space to sort like items together; use you garage floor, driveway, or yard. This first step gives you a good idea of what you actually have. Be sure to check the forecast for rain if you are doing this outside. " T " - Take Out Next, take out, recycle, throw, or give away anything that is broken, you don't use, or just don't need. Maybe you have extra flower pots that a friend could use. Do you really need six rakes? Keep only what you need and use. " U " - Utilize Your Space and a System Now that you know what you will be keeping, you need to figure out how to best organize your space. Do you need shelves? Can you hang up some of the lawn tools? Keep like items together or near each other. " F " - Fill Containers Use boxes, buckets or baskets to contain like items. For example, I like to keep my hand tools, gloves and kneeling pad in bucket with a handle. When I work in the yard, I take my bucket with me wherever I go. Every- thing I need is right there. " F " - Follow-up When you're finished working, return your tools and supplies to their home. This will help keep them nice, and you'll know exactly where to look for them the next time you need them. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: --Paula Constable, professional organizer and speaker, works with families who want to make their daily lives easier through organization. She is the owner of Stuff 2b Organized, LLC and she brings understanding, support and solutions to help calm the busy lives of the families she works with. To sign up for her free newsletter, visit Article Source: ________________________________ Feel free to forward this newsletter to your family and friends. :-) ________________________________ LETTERS TO THE EDITOR / READER TIPS We'd love to hear YOUR tips and ideas for simplifying daily life. Send your simple living comments/tips to: DSimple == Encouraging Imagination == A good way to encourage pretend play is simply to start doing it yourself -- pick up a stuffed animal and begin to " feed it, " saying, " Oh, Bear loves cereal! " Another idea is to use a stuffed animal or doll to ask your child a question, then wait for the answer. " Mommy, do I have to get a shot today? " " When will you come get me from child care? " " How does Bear feel when Mommy's away at work for the day? " --Lynne T., Seattle WA ________________________________ SIMPLE TIMES RECOMMENDED BOOKS Book list for frugality and simple living Go to: _______________________________ < < B E . O U R . S P O N S O R > > Would you like to place an ad in this newsletter? Contact Laura at marketing Subject line: simple-times Discover the modest rates for reaching this targeted market. ________________________________ SIMPLE TIMES ARCHIVES Two years' worth of back issues are available by clicking the " Read Messages " button at: ________________________________ As always, a special " Thank you! " goes out to Gary Foreman and the friendly folks at the Dollar Stretcher for making this mailing list possible! == == ________________________________ Feel free to forward this newsletter to your family and friends. :-) ________________________________ EDITOR'S BOOKS AND AUDIO RESOURCES: Books and resources by Deborah Taylor-Hough Editor, Simple Times Email Newsletter ________________________________ DEBI'S ON-LINE RESOURCES: Personal Blog: Frugality/Simplicity: Cooking Ahead: Bright-Kids: Tupperware®: Kids' Books: ________________________________ SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION Subscribe: join-simple-times Un: leave-simple-times Please feel free to forward this newsletter to anyone you think might be interested. This is a private mailing list which isn't sold or shared with anyone else. 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