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Debra Lynn Dadd <debra


Tue, 19 Aug 2008 3:05 am

FROM DEBRA: Green School Supplies, new Q & A...












I'm in a bit of a rush this week. It's late Monday afternoon and I need to get this out before Faye blows into town tonight. Currently she's a tropical storm, but she about to leave the Keys and go out over open water, where she could become a hurricane. So if you email me in the next few days and don't hear back from me, the power or internet is down. Last year "Going Green at School" was so popular, that I'm running it again this year, with a few additions for 2008. And because of the hurricane, I'

ve linked to the series I wrote a few years ago about preparing for natural "disasters." And, of course, everyone's favorite...the Green Living Q & A blog. Debra :-)

HEALTH, HOME & HABITAT #148 ~ 19 August 2008


* AT HOME WITH DEBRA: How I am Preparing for Natural Phenomena


* GREEN LIVING Q & A BLOG: new Q & As / new comments on previous Q & As

* CLASSIFIED ADS If the links don't work on this newsletter, you can view it online at http://www.dld123.com/newsletter/newsletterupdateback.html

Health, Home & Habitat Back Issues (tables of contents)

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GOING GREEN AT SCHOOL Here are some links I've gathered, from my websites and others, on topics related to back to school. GREEN SCHOOL RESOURCES

Green Living Q & A: Green School Resources

Green Apple School Supplies. Eco-friendly school supplies, all packaged in a box or sold separately.

The Green Office. Green back-to-school kits for students and teachers, plus green classroom tips. ORGANIC SCHOOL LUNCH

Organic Lunch Goes Back to School (article by me)

Cotton Lunch Bags on Debra's List

Metal Lunch Boxes

Article with details on lead found in vinyl lunchboxes

Ve ry informative article on why organic lunches are better for school children

Great article on getting organic food into school lunch programs

Tips for making your own healthy lunches


Bags on Debra's List. Choose one made from durable hemp or "Treetap", a textile made using sustainably harvested wild rubber that is vulcanized in the sun onto a cotton backing.


Office Suppies on Debra's List. Y

ou can buy most everything you need recycled--paper, pens, binders, and more.

Crayons Made From Soy Wax

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AT HOME WITH DEBRA: How I am Preparing for Natural Phenomena Living here in Florida for the past six years, I've had the opportunity to see firsthand the devastation of hurricanes. A few years ago, I decided to research and be prepared for destructive natural phenomena. To me, preparing for such occurances has everything to do with protecting our health and the environment. In Part 1, I tell how I think about natural disasters in the context of all nature, and in Parts 2 and 3, I outline the practical things I am doing to protect my life, health, and valuable property, as well as ensure I will be able to rebuild my life and work should a destructive event occur in my area. Even if you don't have hurricanes, every region has some destructive force of nature, and it's best to be prepared

Part 1 - Reconsidering "Disaster"...

Part 2 - Safeguarding Valuables With a Home Inventory...

Part 3 - Preparing for Evacuation and Sheltering-in- Place... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

GREEN LIVING Q & A BLOG Here are the questions and new comments posted through last night. Remember, you are welcome to share your own comments and experience in response to any of these questions, and post questions of your own. To read and comment on more questions posted previously go to Green Living Q & A blog. I also am available Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 4 pm eastern time to answer your questions immediately and personally with a paid telephone consultation.





* natural thyroid medication

* How To Repel Ants So They Don't Come Back

* Aluminum Cookware and Alzheimer's Disease

* fragrance free deodorants

* fragrance free deodorants

* New Flannel Sheets Smell Like Gasoline After Washing

* Space Bags

* Slow Cooker with Lead Free Glaze

* can visions cookware and pyrex shatter while cooking?

* natural thyroid medication

* Safe Mattresses

* Safe Mattresses

* Chantelle Bra

* Wintree Laundry Detergent

* Are Crocs shoes safe?

* Stinky Washer in Apartment

* Genetically Engineered Sugar Coming Soon

* spider problems

* Cotton underpants & socks

* What to store and freeze breast milk in

* No VOC Paint /A>

* Flea control for dogs

* Potential hazards of using 150 year old oak reclaimed wood floor

* Armstrong Solarian Removal (contains asbestos)

* Pillows covering treated fire retardant?

* Rosacea acne

* Simmons mattress - SIMGARD

* make your own solar and windmill

* Starting kittens off Green!




Healthy Air Filter for Holmes Window Fan

I have a new dilemma :).

I live in the city. I've been using double Holmes window fans most of the summer as its healthier than air conditioning. However the city soot comes in and that's very unhealthy.


I bought a fan that had a clip on air filter that was some kind of dark polyurethane mesh that did not seem very high quality and smelled chemical.


I wonder if there is an all natural, fiber type filter that I could cut and put in the fan? I am not sure if the fiberglass filters in hardware stores that can be cut for a/c's are actually healthy (do fiberglass particles get airborne? And also these filters are coated with chemicals.)


Do you know of any natural or healthy filters?

I was wondering if adapting a sheer piece of cotton would work?


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Non-toxic ice chest

Hi Debra, I have MCS. We live in Louisiana and we plan on going on a vacation to Gulf Shores, Alabama or Orange Beach, Alabama in

September. I don't know if I can handle just any kind of Ice chest. Could you recommend something that we could use that want outgas that we could put things in to keep cold, whether it be fruit or water?


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Ridding house of plug in air freshener odor

I'm moving into the house of a friend. The house has hardwood floors and is basically chemical free. However, someone who just moved out used plug in air fresheners in her bedroom for over 2 years. The odor is permeating the house. Would cleaning the a/c ducts help? Does anyone have any other suggestions for removing the chemicals and the odor still in the air? Can it penetrate the wood floors and the walls?


I'm desperate for help. This is such a scary and frustrating condition, mcs. I've suffered off and on since 2000, when I worked for a printing company. I can go for a long time and not be affected and then I get exposed to something for a period of time and I start feeling sick again.


Thank you for any suggestions.


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damp rid -- healthy20or not?

I live in the Gulf Coast area and use the Damp Rid product in all of my closets in my home. Is it safe and if not is there a natural mold inhibitor that I can put out in the containers to replace that product? Thanks


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Natural Choices Oxy products

Debra, Are you familiar with "home safe products" by Natural Choices? They advertise their products are "proven to be safe for sufferers of allergies, asthma and multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS)." What do you think about their Oxy-boost oxygen bleach (sodium percarbonate, sodium carbonate) and detergent (The ingredients for Oxy-prime powdered detergent are listed as sodium carbonate, sodium percarbonate, anionic and non- ionic surfactants.)? I need something with stronger cleaning power than soapnuts since we live and work on a farm.


Catherine, the founder of the company, also tells me that sodium lauryl ether sufate which is in their hand soap, body wash, etc.. is not the same as slf, or sodium lauryl sulfate. Is that true? Their phone # is 1- 866-699-2667 and website is www.oxyboost.com. I respect your opi

nion and thank you for this great website.


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How do I eat a GMO-free diet?

Hi Debra,


How do I choose foods to not eat genetically modified organisms?




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Organic Soy-based Memory Foam


Dear Debra,


A have been looking for an organic futon and came across of one made with Organic Soy-based Memory Foam. What do you think of this foam? Who makes it?


I would like to make a mattress using it. I was looking for a source to purchase it but could not find it anywhere in Google search. Where can I get it? Is there a site about soy products other than food?


Please help. Thank you.


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Starting kittens off Green!


I am in the process of adopting 2 kittens from the local humane society. I would like to make t

he products I buy for them as green as possible (without breaking the bank!) Does anyone have any specific recommendations or websites/stores that sell green(er) litterboxes, toys, food, and pet beds? I have looked into the Feline Pine litter, and plan to use it, but have not found any other green, cost-effective cat products out there yet. Thanks!



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Cleaning an ice machine

I have a Kitchen Aid built in ice machine. Apparently, special ice machine cleaner is required to properly clean the machine. I was wondering if anyone had tried vinegar, baking soda, or something more natural to clean an ice maker.


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Unlisted ingredients in laundry detergents, scented oil air fresheners, etc

I recently read an article that I believe the Washington Post ran concerning a study on products that frequently make people sick. I know I used to feel ill walking down a grocery store aisle where laundry products are stored - or when walking past a mobile home where laundry was being done with the frangrances from detergents and etc being exh

austed to the outside - my mom gets extremely ill from the electrical scented oil air fresheners ----


This study mentioned that many volatile ingredients were found across the board in laundry detergents, air fresheners, etc --- that were not listed as ingredients. They were suggesting using fragrance free products. They were not listing brand names, they said the results were pretty much across the board.


There needs to be a consumer movement to make these ingredients listed so consumers can make intelligent decisions.


Personally, I use Seventh Generation liquid for my front load Frigidaire washer, as well as fabric softener, and dishwasher detergent powder. For a rinse aid, I use the Ecover - and for paper towels I use the brown Seventh Generation towels. All of these products I am very satisfied about. I am pushing for our store (Henry's Marketplace) to carry more, Target carries some, as well as Sprouts and Windmill Farms. Also products are available online, though you may have to purchase larger quantities of products.


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Food Dehydrator

Hi Debra, I just love your site. I have been looking into buying a dehydrator and I realized that the Excalibur the one we are thinking about is made of polycarbonate material. So would that make this a

bad choice, the whole thing is made of this. Thanks, Marsha


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Safe Dry Erase Markers for School

My daughter is highly chemical sensitive and cannot be around even low odor dry erase markers. (at least none that I've found locally) I need to find some that will work because her classroom has NO CHALKBOARD! Any suggestions for markers with no odor? (PS, we tried the wipe off crayons and they don't er...wipe off) Thanks so much!!! School started today, so any replies will be much appreciated.


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safe bug bomb ?

I had some old pasta in my "pantry" and discovered they 'released' these bugs. I threw out all the pasta and emptied my pantry and checked all the boxes for signs of infestation. I found an old box of bread crumbs with holes in it and threw it out as well. I put everything back after I wiped boxes, cans & shelves with soapy water.


I still see these bugs flying around. I have been leaving a ceiling light on and sucking them up off the ceiling & light with my vaccuum. I empty the va

ccum container every day. I can't imagine how many there have been and where they keep coming from - I've checked everywhere.


I'm down to this - I have two cats and feel I need to bug bomb my house - is there any safe product? I don't trust the ones I have seen.



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Chlorine-Free Pool

I'm trying to obtain a non toxic, chlorine-free pool... I now use very little chlorine, borates,and acid for PH adjustment..

I just ordered a product called "Oxy-Pool".. It's main ingredient is sodium percarbonate... which converts to hydrogen peroxide and soda ash..


Do you know of anyone who has tried this product and approve of it?.. I really would like to convert to a hydrogen peroxide pool but think the water will not be as clear as glass like it is now...


Are there any other products similiar to this out there?




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CLASSIFIED ADS to place a classified ad in this newsletter...

FIRECRYSTALS® IMPROVES AIR QUALITY COMPARED TO BURNING WOOD IN FIREPLACES AND FIRE PITS. FireCrystals® are a glass replacement for gas logs or wood in natural gas fireplaces and fire pits. FireCrystals® improves air quality because they are heated, they do not burn or release soot or ash to the environment. www.firecrystals.com REUSABLE BAGS. Eliminate disposable plastic bags and bottles from your life. Bags of all shapes and sizes are made from cotton, organic cotton, hemp, and recycled materials. Shopping bags, tote bags, and everything you need to pack a lunch. Reusable produce bags really keep organic food fresh. Reusable aluminum drink bottles. www.ReusableBags.com


SOAPSTONE COOKWARE IS NATURALLY NONSTICK. Natural stone cookware is beautiful, warms food quickly over low heat, is bacteria-resistant and naturally non-stick, and is so du

rable it can be handed down for several generations. Food tastes better cooked in soapstone. www.greenfeet.com FIX WHOLE, ORGANIC FOODS FAST IN A VITAMIX. Whole food vegetable and fruit juices, creamy soups, frozen treats, whole grain breads, fresh nut butters and more are yours in minutes, made from your own organic ingredients. www.vitamix.com GIVE YOUR BODY THE NATURAL SALT IT NEEDS. Revive your energy with natural living salt. Contains 84 minerals essential to human life. Hand-mined to retain original primordial vibration pattern. Delicious taste makes food "come alive". A life-giving, natural, whole food. Email info for free sample. www.himalayanlivingsalt.com SUSTAINABILY-HARVESTED WILD SALMON and other wild fish from the pristine waters of Alaska. Flash frozen, smoked, sausage and burgers, cans and pouches, salmon caviar. www.vitalchoice.com CALL FOR A HEALTHY BED CONSULTATION. 100% wool-filled and wool-encased mattress of heirloom quality, placed on a slatted wood frame for optimal airflow. Our wool fill comes from the EcoDomestic Wool Project and Woolgatherer Carding Mill in Montague, California, home of our production company. Available in U.S. and Canada. www.shepherdsdream.com SOLUTIONS FOR FLUORIDE HAZARD! Custom made water filters. Removes fluoride, arsenic, chlorine and chloramines without taking out the good minerals that make water wholesome. Whole house systems, under the counter systems, and 100% chlorine- free pool and spa system. Medical grade alkaline water unit. Natural Plus Plus LLC 727-447-2344 www.gobeyondorganic.com



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The new, revised, edition of Home Safe Home is now available in bookstores nationwide. Home Safe Home tells what toxic chemicals are generally found in specific household products of all types, and safe solutions you can buy or make at home. It's different from other books on toxic chemicals because the focus really is what you can do to protect yourself and your family and create a healthy home. I bring over twenty years of research and personal real-life experience to this book.

* More information * 10 Simple, Inexpensive Things You Can Do To Reduce Household Toxics

* How Toxic is Your Home? Quiz (excerpt from the book)

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Debra's List ~ 100s of links to 1000s of nontoxic, natural & earthwise products

Free Newsletters ~ website update, natural sweetener recipes, words of wisdom

Debra's Bookstore ~ recommended reading on health and the environment

MCS Recovery ~ resources for recovery from multiple chemical sensitivities

Sweet Savvy ~ how to choose and use natural sweetners (lots of recipes)

Talk With Debra ~ call for a personal consultation

Map of Debra's Websites







email: debra

web: http://dld123.com











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