Guest guest Posted October 31, 2009 Report Share Posted October 31, 2009 BlackbootJacks This blog is dedicated to the ITF "Infidel Task Force" please visit our web site and COMA2009 members and friends, its main objective is to expose the cult of peace and all extremists and radicals. Sunday, August 30, 2009 An Interview With Ali Sina - The man behind An Interview With Ali Sina - The man behind Faithfreedom.orgITF:First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to the viewers of the Infidel Task Force. It is quite an honor to have you here.Sina:Thank you. It is my pleasure. ITF: Currently the world has 44 different ongoing conflicts with radical Islamic militants. What brought us to this point? Where will it lead to? And how do we stop them?Sina:Conflict is not new to Islam. Through fighting and violence Muslims resolve their differences. Will you believe if I tell you that the Muslim god prescribes fighting to his believers? Quran 2.216 - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not.Since 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabella completed the reconquista of Spain and forced the Muslims out of Granada the expansionist zeal of Muslims came to a halt. Muslims are required to make peace when they are weak and break their peace accords when they are strong. This is based on the example set by Muhammad in Hudaibiyyah, where he, realizing the weakness of his army, signed a ten year peace treaty with the Meccans, only to break that treaty, by divine decree, two years later, when he had conquered other weaker citadels and had become powerful. To justify this treacherous act he made his Allah reveal the sura 9 entitled Bara’a (deliverance) and deliver him from his obligation to honor his treaty. Quran. 9:3: And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage¯ that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (their treaty) obligations with the pagans.Imam Suyuti, in Itqan Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an (Certainty in the science of the Quran) wrote:The command to fight the infidels was delayed until the Muslims become strong, but when they were weak they were commanded to endure and be patient. [sobhy as_Saleh, Mabaheth Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an, Dar al-'Ilm Lel-Malayeen, Beirut , 1983, p. 269.]The reason that after 500 years of relative calm Jihad is back is because Muslims, thanks to the oil and the well paying jobs in the West, are feeling strong and think it is time to flex their religious muscles again. So there is the answer to your first question: "What brought us to this point?" Muslims feel strong and hence they are under religious obligation to start fighting. What was the second question? ITF: My second question is where will it lead to? Sina:That depends on how we respond to them. If we adopt a submissive peaceful posture vis-à -vis their aggression, of course they will be emboldened and we lose. We lose our freedom, our democracy, our civilization and everything humanity has achieved during these last few hundreds of years. Science will be enslaved by an obscurantist religion and the world will sink in the quagmire of Talibanization. This will not be the end of the story. Since Muslims know no other way to resolve their disagreements, except through fighting, in an eventual Islamic world everyone will be fighting with everyone else and there will be mass slaughters worldwide. With the world’s reserves of nuclear weapons in the hands of Muslims, you can imagine what will be the future of mankind. Muslims will start killing each other because each considers others to be heretics. A Good example is what is happening in Gaza. Muslims in this tiny piece of land are in perpetual war with Israel. Meanwhile, they persecute the Christians and have splinted in numerous groups, fighting among each other. The main factions are al Fatah and al Hamas. They are busy killing one another. Then there are:Jaish al-Islam: Affiliated with al-Qaida. Fatah al-Islam: run by Saliman Abu Lafi and Raffik Abu Aker; Jaish al-Ummah: controlled by Ismail Hammed. Jaish Allah, al-Takfir.Lion's Den of Jihad Fighters, Jaljalat (an Arabic term meaning "rolling thunder").Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade: Responsible for shootings, suicide operations including female suicide bombing.Holy Jihad Brigades: Responsible for the August 2006 kidnappings of Fox News reporter Steve Centanni and cameraman Olaf Whig in the Gaza Strip. Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades: The militant wing of Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad: Committed to destroying Israel through holy war.Al-Quds Brigades: The militant wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: A Marxist-rooted revolutionary group. Palestine Liberation Front: Responsible for hijacking the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro on Oct. 7, 1985, and killing a wheelchair bound elderly Jewish American, Leon Klinghoffer, and throwing is body and his wheelchair overboard. Abu Ali Mustapha Brigades: The military wing of the Marxist-secular Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Popular Resistance Committees: Founded by Hezbollah of Lebanon, is an umbrella organization for militants coming from Fatah and joining forces with Hamas-linked groups.There are many more, and this is just in Gaza. There are thousands of groups in the entire Muslim world that are hostile to each other, fighting and killing one another and calling each other kafir, unislamic and heretic, but united in their hatred of non-Muslims and particularly the Jews. If Islam conquers the world, this is where we are heading: Constant war and the assured destruction of mankind. Now, this may come as a surprise but this division between Muslims is all by design. It is as if Muhammad wanted to spread hatred and disunity among his followers and make them kill one another. Muslims will jump to differ and will quote the surah 3:103 where Muhammad exhorts his followers: "And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah and be not divided." However, he laid the foundation for the disunity of his followers. Here is how: Imam Abu Dawood quoted a Hadith concerning the division of the Muslims into seventy-three sects in his Sunan (3/4580, English edn):Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan said, The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) stood among us and said': 'Beware! The People of the Book before (you) were split up into 72 sects, and this community will be split up into 73, seventy-two of them will go to Hell and one of them will go to Paradise.' This hadith is reported also by others. So Muslims believe it is authentic. The implication is clear. It follows that Muslims will split into many sects and since all but one are false, all but one are heretics and will go to hell. How the righteous Muslims should deal with heretics? That too is prescribed. Heretics must be killed. Muhammad said those who change the religion should be put to death. Now, the question is which one of these 73 sects is the right one? That depends on whom you ask. Naturally, all Muslims believe they are the guided ones. So if every Muslim believes to be rightly guided and those who disagree with his interpretation of Islam are heretics, doesn’t it follow that Muslims are required to fight with each other? The truth is that Islam is not divided into 73 sects but into thousands of sects. I am a rationalist. I do not believe in supernatural. But for the sake of argument, let us assume Satan is real and hell bond to destroy mankind. What better way could he find than inventing a religion like Islam and making people kill one another to the last man? ITF And, how do we stop them?Sina:There is only one realistic way: Stop Islam. This is a lot easier than people think. Islam is a lie. All we have to do is expose this lie and Muslims will walk away from it. No one wants to believe in a lie. Once we show Muslims that Muhammad was a psychopath cult leader and that all his claims are bogus, Islam will become a dead religion in no time. I believe in the power of truth. Tell the truth and Islam will be destroyed in our own lifetime. ITF Will it not offend their sensitivity? Sina:To hell with their sensitivity! Tell the truth and save their lives. ITF: Canada and America both have seen a rise in domestic terror cells. Jamat ul-Fuqra, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, just to name two! They operate openly and with peaceful identities. What are they in reality and why are the governments reluctant to approach them?Sina:All Muslim groups are terrorists. This does not mean every Muslim is a terrorist. But if someone launches an Islamic group, under any pretext, whether peaceful of not, be careful of his intentions. Muslims fight for the same cause, the domination of Islam and the overthrow of the secular governments. Their modus operandi is different. Some opt direct fighting and others covert fighting. Last February, A Pakistani American, who started a Muslim TV channel in the US to counter negative portrayal of Islam after the 9/11 terror attacks, beheaded his estranged wife in a very Islamic fashion. This man was clean shaven who wore suit and tie and was looking quite westernized and modernized. A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim. Don’t let them confuse you with charades like "Islam is not a monolithic religion," or "honor killing is cultural," and other nonsense. A peaceful Muslim is a contradiction in terms. It is an oxymoron. Have you seen a hot ice? A peaceful Muslim makes even less sense. The very fact that they keep rehashing Islam is peaceful is because it is not. Why we don’t use this adjective for any other religion? According to a Persian say, perfume is what smells good, not what the vender tells you. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying all Muslims are violent and terrorists. There are many good people who call themselves Muslims. They are the majority. But they are good to the extent that they diverge from Islam. Jihad stands on two legs. One is terror and the other is deception or taqiyyah. Both are essential for the advancement of Islam. Which foot you put forward depends on the situation. When Muslims are weak, taqiyyah is the best approach and when they are strong, terror is prescribed. This is sunnah, the example set by Muhammad. He used both terror and deception to advance his cause. There is a debate going on among Muslims about whether Islam is strong enough to engage in warfare or not enough strong and therefore Muslims should work their way through deception. Of course, debates in Islam are always bloody, but nonetheless we have to recognize that this is a debate a la Musulman. A few years ago, Dr. Mahathir who was the prime minister of Malaysia hosted the summit of Organization of Islamic Conference, where leaders of all 57 Islamic countries attended. In his speech, delivered to all Muslims, he lamented that Islam has been associated with terrorism. He spoke of the past glory of Islam and after complaining that Muslims are oppressed and humiliated he encouraged them to put aside the fight, advance in science and technology and then, to do what? Acquire guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships, and take over the world. Dr. Mahathir was hailed as a moderate Muslim and by all accounts he is. So what is the difference between a moderate Muslim and a terrorist Muslim? The difference is that the latter thinks the time for Jihad has come while the former believes Muslims are too weak and they should wait until they become strong. In essence, Muslims cannot disagree with Jihad because they would be disagreeing with the Quran. Jamat ul-Fuqra and Hizb-ut-Tahrir have the same goal that al Qaida has: Domination of Islam. The difference is in how they want to achieve this goal. One group wants to use terror and the other prefers deception. ITF: Lets talk a bit about Shariah Law. Why do some Western countries allow Sharia Law to be implemented instead of telling Muslims they must live according to the laws already in place? I’m speaking of the case in point in the UK.Sina:Corruption my dear! Corruption of your politicians! Politicians want the votes of Muslims and they will sell their mother for it. A good example is the new scandal surrounding the release of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi that involves the UK Prime Minister Brown. The government of Britain made a mockery of justice and the memory of 300 people perished in that bombing when they released the terrorist Megrahi, to make a lucrative deal with Libya. This may surprise the British, but it does not surprise me. I am an Iranian. The British governments invariably have looked the other way and sacrificed the human rights in Iran to make lucrative deals with the dictators of that county, and turned against them when the deals went elsewhere. In 1953 they conspired to oust the democratic prime minister of Iran, Dr. Mossadeq, and reinstated the inexperienced and easily controllable Mohammad Reza Shah. Twenty six years later they turned against him and backed Khomeini and the tyrannical mullahs, when the Shah matured and did not like to be bossed by the British. Then for thirty years they supported one of the most brutal regimes in the world, knowing everything about the tortures, rapes in prisons, executions and all forms of human rights abuses in Iran. None of that mattered to the consecutive British governments. As long as the lucrative deals were coming, they turned a blind eye to all human rights abuses, until Russia and the China managed to win the mullahs to their side and the Brits were left in the cold. Now that the lucrative deals are gone, the British government is against the Islamic regime. Shameless politicians will sell their wife and mother, not just their country, in order to stay in power. Muslims take full advantage of it to strengthen their foothold in western countries. You will be defeated because your politicians are traitors. It is time for a new generation of politicians to rise – politicians who put their country first, defend its laws, its constitution, its democratic values and its heritage. But this new breed will only rise when people support them. This consciousness must arise from the people. For decades the western mind has been contaminated with leftist propaganda and now we are seeing the result. Islamism is expanding and the western civilization is disintegrating. We have one man in Europe who stands for Europe. He is Geert Wilder. Behold how the European leftist media vilifies him and equates him to Hitler. Remember how the unforgettable Oriana Fallaci, who stood for the west and its Judeo-Christian heritage, was treated by the courts in her own country, Italy. You have a disease within your countries. It is called liberalism. It produces a toxin known as political correctness, and a venom called multiculturalism that poison your entire society. This disease affects your immune system and makes you vulnerable to your external and internal enemies. It has infected to all democratic countries, from India to Europe and now it has spread to the US affecting its very heart. If you want to defend your country from Islamization, you have to flush out your system from liberalism. You need to take the power away from those who are selling out your country and vote for patriotic servants of the people who are not afraid to call a spade a spade and do not fear to stand up against Muslims and fight back their effort to Islamize the country. The sharia must be outlawed because it is not just anti constitutionals but also anti human. It is a violation of human rights. Construction of mosques must be outlawed. Mosques are places where Muslims are indoctrinated to hate their fellow non-Muslim citizens. Banning the construction of mosques is in conformity with Islam. Muslims do not allow building Hindu temples, churches or any other non Muslim house of worship in their Islamic countries. See this report. Why should we allow a religion to grow in our country when we know that if they come to power they will take our freedom away from us? Then you have to start a campaign to inform people about Islam and to rescue those trapped in this gigantic web of deception. I am not saying that governments should do this, but they should not stand in the way of those who want to use their right of free speech and threaten them with penalties.Once Muslims leave Islam they can be as trustworthy and patriotic as anyone else. As long as they are Muslims you have to watch their every move with suspicion. Muslims’ loyalty is not to their country, but to Islam. They have a duty to destroy the non-Muslim systems and establish the Khilafat. The problem is that the non-Muslims do not know they are under attack. They are blinded by political correctness and rendered unconscious by multiculturalism. They will wake up from their coma when it is too late. In some European countries, like in UK, it may already be too late. Maybe it is their karma. ITF: Shariah law is contradictory to our Democratic governments, and from what we know, the majority of Muslim women do not want the introduction of Shariah law within Canada and the US. Are these the major stumbling blocks that are currently preventing Muslims from implementing Shariah Law here?Sina:Yes that is very much true. Muslim women know that under Sharia law they will lose their rights as humans. The truth is that most Muslims do not want to live under Sharia. They are caught in a tug of war, a cognitive dissonance, between their faith and how they really want to live. However, these people can be easily manipulated by the extremists and turn fully fledged Islamists and even terrorists. Faith is a dangerous thing. It makes you do things against your own conscience and interest. If you want to stop the Sharia law in the west you have to attack Islam and make Muslims realize that it is a lie. ITF: Will the US court system provide, in any way, an entrance to implementation of Shariah Law?Sina:The Sharia is unconstitutional. So how the courts could agree to have a two tier law, one for Muslims and one for the rest of Americans? This is something that unscrupulous politicians may do. It is much easier to manipulate corrupt politicians with the promise of massive Muslim votes than bribe a judge. Right now America has a very corrupt government who is paving the road for the Islamization of this country. ITF: It seems if there is going to be any change with Islam, it will be with the Muslim women. At least that is what we have seen in the past few years. Do you think Muslim women would reject Islam if they were allowed the freedom to do so? Sina:Yes I agree that the real change will come from Muslim women. This is quite obvious by watching the videos coming out of Iran. You see women are at the forefront of the demonstrations. They have nothing to lose and are ready to give their lives for their freedom. In the west you see courageous women like Nonie Darish, Wafa Sultan and Ayan Hisi Ali who are at the line of fire in our battle for freedom. In Egypt there is this amazing woman, Nagla Al-Imam, a graduate from Al Azhar University and an expert in the Sharia law who has openly converted to Christianity and has said she will not leave her country. Now this is courage. I really pray for her safety. This shows that you cannot keep a woman enslaved after she is educated. The Taliban know that too. That is why they destroy the girl’s schools and kill their teachers. ITF: Just about every conscious human in the free world knows about Islamic suicide bombers, train bombers, and night club bombers. Everyone knows that Muslims flying large commercial planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon on 9/11. Those are the actions of the obvious terrorist side of Islam. Yet, all the world hears is the plea from Muslims to understand that Islam is a religion of peace and love. If that is so, does this mean that Islamists who are terrorists use a Quran that is different from the "peaceful" Muslim's Quran?Sina:Yes that is true. There are two different Qurans. One is written and the other is imagined. The terrorists and the hate spewing mullahs read the written Quran. There are two dozens of sanitized versions of this Quran translated into English and despite the efforts of the translators, it still sounds pretty gory. The other Quran exists in the imagination of the masses of Muslims who have never read the written Quran and attribute everything good that they can think of to it. It is my belief that once these Muslims learn the content of the written Quran, their dream will be shattered and they will leave Islam. This may take some time. The believer often goes through a period of denial, then through the stages of shock, guilt, confusion, depression and anger until he or she reaches the citadel of enlightenment and see themselves as apostates. ITF: We want to wish you the best with your book, Understanding Muhammad. Do you feel that if people understood what kind of person Muhammad really was, that they would have a better understanding of Islam?Sina:Absolutely! To Understand Islam and hence Muslims, it is imperative to understand Muhammad. Islam is Muhammadanism. Muslims follow and emulate their prophet. Once you know Muhammad and his psychology, you’ll find Muslims are very predictable. My book is unique in the sense that it probes into the mind of Muhammad and reveals his psychological makeup. There are thousands of stories narrated about Muhammad by his wives and companions. Collectively they reveal a very clear picture of Muhammad. Unlike Jesus, Moses and other prophets of the past, whose lives are shrouded in myths and legends, Muhammad’s life-story is recorded in detail. I analyzed him under the light of the modern psychology and I have shown that he suffered from a series of personality and mental disorders and that the entire phenomenon known as Islam is a mental case. Once you read the book, you’ll realize that Islam is an overgrown cult, no different from that of Jim Jones, David Koresh or even Charles Manson. There are many books that show the evilness of Islam. All you have to do is read the Quran, the hadith and the sira, the biography of Muhammad, and you will see that Islam is very evil. But the question remains: How could something so evil become the second largest religion in the world and how could a man as depraved influence so many? Something is amiss. If Islam is so bad why can’t a billion people see it? Are we to suppose that there are no intelligent people among a billion Muslims? How could so many people, for so many generations, fail to see the obvious? This is an important question, which weighs on Muslims, validates their faith and prevents them from questioning it. You have to explain this phenomenon if you want to wean them from Islam. There is a mystery surmounting Islam and Muhammad. It is thanks to this mystery that Islam has survived so long. Understanding Muhammad demystifies him. Once Muhammad is demystified and the nakedness of the emperor becomes widely known, no one will believe in him. When the mystic is gone Islam will be gone. All the Muslims who have read my book have left Islam. Those who did not leave did not read the book. How do I know that? They tell me. They write to say they read 10, 20 or 30 pages and the book is full of garbage and that they are not going to waste their time reading it. The book is not garbage, but they are afraid to read it because they see the effect that it has on them and they are terrified at the thought of doubting Islam. The fear of hell has paralyzed the Muslims mind. ITF: Do you think it's possible to modernize Islam so that it can become compatible with the modern world? Sina:No. There can be no change in Islam. Any Muslim will tell you that. That is what Muhammad has warned against in many parts of the Quran. (Quran ..2:85)Do you, then, believe in some parts of the divine writ and deny the truth of other parts? What, then, could be the reward of those among you who do such things but ignominy in the life of this world? And, on the Day of Resurrection, they will be consigned to most grievous suffering. For God is not unmindful of what you do. (Quran 6:114) "Am I, then, to look unto anyone but God for judgment [as to what is right and wrong], when it is He who has bestowed upon you from on high this divine writ, clearly spelling out the truth?"For a more discussion on why Islam cannot modernize read my article on this subject. The Illusion of Reforming Islam.There are individuals in the west that claim to be moderate Muslims and even against the Sharia. People must not fall for this charade. Sharia is Islam. You cannot be a Muslims and be against the Sharia. It is like saying I am a Christian but against the Bible. These people are neither cold nor hot. You know what Jesus would do with tepid people. Muhammad was a thief, a pedophile a mass murderer, a rapist, a sadist torturer, and a conman charlatan. You either believe in him or you don’t. It is hypocritical to say, I am a follower of Muhammad, but not wicked enough to follow him completely, and in fact I am so good that I even oppose him. The so called moderate Muslims are not the solution. They are the problem. They pull wool over the eyes of the unwary non-Muslims, making them believe Islam has a moderate side too, which is not true. Many Muslims know nothing about Islam. They are moderate and good citizens. They can be excused. But those who are in televisions and radios, giving interviews and writing articles, are not ignorant about Islam. So what is their real agenda? I don’t know. I just don’t like deception. Truth must be said. And the truth is that Islam is evil and Muhammad was a cult leader. Period! When Nazis ruled over Germany, many Germans were supporting them. Not all those Germans were evil. Most of them were ignorant. They did not know the truth about Nazis and Hitler. So you can forgive them. The same can be said about millions of Americans who voted for and still support Obama. They don’t know the destruction that this man is bringing on their country. But what would you say of a person who knows the truth about Hitler and then calls himself "a moderate Nazi?" There is something fishy, something does not add up with the claim of the self proclaimed moderate Muslims.Stop paying attention to them. Stop publishing their articles, or inviting them to speak on behalf of the "moderate Islam," and they will go away. There is no such thing as moderate or peaceful Islam. Muslims are of two kinds. They are either terrorist Muslims or ignorant Muslims. The ignorant Muslims are, thanks heaven, the majority. Once they learn the truth about the real Islam they will leave it. We want Muslims to leave Islam. We don’t want them to modernize it. That is not possible and we would be fooling ourselves into complacency, lowering our guards and making ourselves vulnerable to Islamic take over through deception. ITF: Do you think radical Islam will proliferate under the new Obama administration?Sina:Radical Islam and Islam are not two different entities. Islam is radical. The answer to your question is yes. Obama is doing everything to weaken the defense of America against its enemies, such as closing the Guantanamo Bay and prosecuting the CIA agents for waterboarding the terrorists to extract information that saved American lives. The terrorist will not attack now. Instead they will build their cells and will do incalculable damage at a later date. Obama’s destruction of the economy will be catastrophic, but the harm that he is doing to the homeland security is equally calamitous.Americans are seeing the danger that this snake oil salesman is posing. They are participating in tea party rallies, attending town hall meetings and are taking their country back. They are waking up (although not soon enough). Obama has been a catastrophe for America, but Americans are patriotic and they will not let his Marxist, Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayer disciple community organizer take their country to dogs. ITF:On behalf of the Infidel Task Force, I wish to thank you for taking the time to chat with us and giving us your point of view on Shariah Law, Radical Islam and what to do about the ongoing threat.Thank You very Much.Sina:Thank you. It was my pleasure. Posted by BlackbootJack at 4:56 PM Labels: extremists, free speech, Islam radical islam terror extremists Taliban, shariah law terrorists Obama Koh, terrorism islam shariah law freedom of speech terror, terrorist Ali Sina 0 comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) BlackbootJack Freedom is not Free Subscribe To BlackbootJack Posts Atom Posts Comments Atom Comments Followers Blog Archive ▼ 2009 (25) ► October (5) Feds: Sudbury man planned terrorist attacks at sho...Mass man accused of plot to kill U.S politiciansSharia Law and the US ConstitutionNow 'all Guns' must be listedConversation with an Islamic Idiot on Youtube ► September (1) A Warning From A Sheriff About What Could Come Nex... ▼ August (4) An Interview With Ali Sina - The man behind Faithf...The New MuslimIslam's European Conquest: Is America Next?The Clock Is Ticking Folks!!! ► July (2) Obama - The Apologizer BunnyGaza judge tells female lawyers to wear head scarf... ► June (2) TURMOIL IN TEHRANAn Interview with the Religion of Peace ► April (1) There shall be no law more supreme in America, the... ► March (5) Eve of DestructionCAIR’s Well-Deserved ExpulsionCitizens' Declaration and Plea for ReliefCitizens' Declaration of Threat & Plea for Relief ...Islam and Democracy ► February (2) The Infidel Task ForceAnother Taliban Killing ► January (3) On the Brink of InsanityRemember MumbaiWho Speaks for the Muslim? 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Guest guest Posted November 1, 2009 Report Share Posted November 1, 2009 This kind of thing really doesn't belong on this list. Thanks for your understanding. cyndi Ruth Robinson <ruthr8500 real food simple life <realfoodsimplelife >; Annie & Kendall Roberts <jeakenroberts; randyrocket88 <randyrocket88; monyet <monyet; Diana Roberts <abundance2u; Judy Franks <judydawg; T.A. C <vdavisson; J. Cuervo <j.quervo; MILFORD 421 <milford421 Sat, Oct 31, 2009 10:27 am [RFSL] An Interview With Ali Sina - The man behind BlackbootJacks This blog is dedicated to the ITF "Infidel Task Force" please visit our web site and COMA2009 members and friends, its main objective is to expose the cult of peace and all extremists and radicals. Sunday, August 30, 2009 An Interview With Ali Sina - The man behind An Interview With Ali Sina - The man behind ITF: First of all I would like to thank you for taking the time to speak to the viewers of the Infidel Task Force. It is quite an honor to have you here. Sina: Thank you. It is my pleasure. ITF: Currently the world has 44 different ongoing conflicts with radical Islamic militants. What brought us to this point? Where will it lead to? And how do we stop them? Sina: Conflict is not new to Islam. Through fighting and violence Muslims resolve their differences. Will you believe if I tell you that the Muslim god prescribes fighting to his believers? Quran 2.216 - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But God knoweth, and ye know not. Since 1492, when Ferdinand and Isabella completed the reconquista of Spain and forced the Muslims out of Granada the expansionist zeal of Muslims came to a halt. Muslims are required to make peace when they are weak and break their peace accords when they are strong. This is based on the example set by Muhammad in Hudaibiyyah, where he, realizing the weakness of his army, signed a ten year peace treaty with the Meccans, only to break that treaty, by divine decree, two years later, when he had conquered other weaker citadels and had become powerful. To justify this treacherous act he made his Allah reveal the sura 9 entitled Bara’a (deliverance) and deliver him from his obligation to honor his treaty. Quran. 9:3: And an announcement from Allah and His Messenger, to the people (assembled) on the day of the Great Pilgrimage¯ that Allah and His Messenger dissolve (their treaty) obligations with the pagans. Imam Suyuti, in Itqan Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an (Certainty in the science of the Quran) wrote: The command to fight the infidels was delayed until the Muslims become strong, but when they were weak they were commanded to endure and be patient. [sobhy as_Saleh, Mabaheth Fi 'Ulum al- Qur'an, Dar al-'Ilm Lel-Malayeen, Beirut , 1983, p. 269.] The reason that after 500 years of relative calm Jihad is back is because Muslims, thanks to the oil and the well paying jobs in the West, are feeling strong and think it is time to flex their religious muscles again. So there is the answer to your first question: "What brought us to this point?" Muslims feel strong and hence they are under religious obligation to start fighting. What was the second question? ITF: My second question is where will it lead to? Sina: That depends on how we respond to them. If we adopt a submissive peaceful posture vis-à -vis their aggression, of course they will be emboldened and we lose. We lose our freedom, our democracy, our civilization and everything humanity has achieved during these last few hundreds of years. Science will be enslaved by an obscurantist religion and the world will sink in the quagmire of Talibanization. This will not be the end of the story. Since Muslims know no other way to resolve their disagreements, except through fighting, in an eventual Islamic world everyone will be fighting with everyone else and there will be mass slaughters worldwide. With the world’s reserves of nuclear weapons in the hands of Muslims, you can imagine what will be the future of mankind. Muslims will start killing each other because each considers others to be heretics. A Good example is what is happening in Gaza. Muslims in this tiny piece of land are in perpetual war with Israel. Meanwhile, they persecute the Christians and have splinted in numerous groups, fighting among each other. The main factions are al Fatah and al Hamas. They are busy killing one another. Then there are: Jaish al-Islam: Affiliated with al-Qaida. Fatah al-Islam: run by Saliman Abu Lafi and Raffik Abu Aker; Jaish al-Ummah: controlled by Ismail Hammed. Jaish Allah, al-Takfir. Lion's Den of Jihad Fighters, Jaljalat (an Arabic term meaning "rolling thunder"). Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade: Responsible for shootings, suicide operations including female suicide bombing. Holy Jihad Brigades: Responsible for the August 2006 kidnappings of Fox News reporter Steve Centanni and cameraman Olaf Whig in the Gaza Strip. Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades: The militant wing of Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad: Committed to destroying Israel through holy war. Al-Quds Brigades: The militant wing of Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine: A Marxist-rooted revolutionary group. Palestine Liberation Front: Responsible for hijacking the Italian cruise ship Achille Lauro on Oct. 7, 1985, and killing a wheelchair bound elderly Jewish American, Leon Klinghoffer, and throwing is body and his wheelchair overboard. Abu Ali Mustapha Brigades: The military wing of the Marxist-secular Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. Popular Resistance Committees: Founded by Hezbollah of Lebanon, is an umbrella organization for militants coming from Fatah and joining forces with Hamas-linked groups. There are many more, and this is just in Gaza. There are thousands of groups in the entire Muslim world that are hostile to each other, fighting and killing one another and calling each other kafir, unislamic and heretic, but united in their hatred of non-Muslims and particularly the Jews. If Islam conquers the world, this is where we are heading: Constant war and the assured destruction of mankind. Now, this may come as a surprise but this division between Muslims is all by design. It is as if Muhammad wanted to spread hatred and disunity among his followers and make them kill one another. Muslims will jump to differ and will quote the surah 3:103 where Muhammad exhorts his followers: "And hold fast, all of you together, to the rope of Allah and be not divided." However, he laid the foundation for the disunity of his followers. Here is how: Imam Abu Dawood quoted a Hadith concerning the division of the Muslims into seventy-three sects in his Sunan (3/4580, English edn): Mu'awiyah ibn Abi Sufyan said, The Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) stood among us and said': 'Beware! The People of the Book before (you) were split up into 72 sects, and this community will be split up into 73, seventy-two of them will go to Hell and one of them will go to Paradise.' This hadith is reported also by others. So Muslims believe it is authentic. The implication is clear. It follows that Muslims will split into many sects and since all but one are false, all but one are heretics and will go to hell. How the righteous Muslims should deal with heretics? That too is prescribed. Heretics must be killed. Muhammad said those who change the religion should be put to death. Now, the question is which one of these 73 sects is the right one? That depends on whom you ask. Naturally, all Muslims believe they are the guided ones. So if every Muslim believes to be rightly guided and those who disagree with his interpretation of Islam are heretics, doesn’t it follow that Muslims are required to fight with each other? The truth is that Islam is not divided into 73 sects but into thousands of sects. I am a rationalist. I do not believe in supernatural. But for the sake of argument, let us assume Satan is real and hell bond to destroy mankind. What better way could he find than inventing a religion like Islam and making people kill one another to the last man? ITF And, how do we stop them? Sina: There is only one realistic way: Stop Islam. This is a lot easier than people think. Islam is a lie. All we have to do is expose this lie and Muslims will walk away from it. No one wants to believe in a lie. Once we show Muslims that Muhammad was a psychopath cult leader and that all his claims are bogus, Islam will become a dead religion in no time. I believe in the power of truth. Tell the truth and Islam will be destroyed in our own lifetime. ITF Will it not offend their sensitivity? Sina: To hell with their sensitivity! Tell the truth and save their lives. ITF: Canada and America both have seen a rise in domestic terror cells. Jamat ul-Fuqra, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, just to name two! They operate openly and with peaceful identities. What are they in reality and why are the governments reluctant to approach them? Sina: All Muslim groups are terrorists. This does not mean every Muslim is a terrorist. But if someone launches an Islamic group, under any pretext, whether peaceful of not, be careful of his intentions. Muslims fight for the same cause, the domination of Islam and the overthrow of the secular governments. Their modus operandi is different. Some opt direct fighting and others covert fighting. Last February, A Pakistani American, who started a Muslim TV channel in the US to counter negative portrayal of Islam after the 9/11 terror attacks, beheaded his estranged wife in a very Islamic fashion. This man was clean shaven who wore suit and tie and was looking quite westernized and modernized. A Muslim is a Muslim is a Muslim. Don’t let them confuse you with charades like "Islam is not a monolithic religion," or "honor killing is cultural," and other nonsense. A peaceful Muslim is a contradiction in terms. It is an oxymoron. Have you seen a hot ice? A peaceful Muslim makes even less sense. The very fact that they keep rehashing Islam is peaceful is because it is not. Why we don’t use this adjective for any other religion? According to a Persian say, perfume is what smells good, not what the vender tells you. Now, don’t get me wrong. I am not saying all Muslims are violent and terrorists. There are many good people who call themselves Muslims. They are the majority. But they are good to the extent that they diverge from Islam. Jihad stands on two legs. One is terror and the other is deception or taqiyyah. Both are essential for the advancement of Islam. Which foot you put forward depends on the situation. When Muslims are weak, taqiyyah is the best approach and when they are strong, terror is prescribed. This is sunnah, the example set by Muhammad. He used both terror and deception to advance his cause. There is a debate going on among Muslims about whether Islam is strong enough to engage in warfare or not enough strong and therefore Muslims should work their way through deception. Of course, debates in Islam are always bloody, but nonetheless we have to recognize that this is a debate a la Musulman. A few years ago, Dr. Mahathir who was the prime minister of Malaysia hosted the summit of Organization of Islamic Conference, where leaders of all 57 Islamic countries attended. In his speech, delivered to all Muslims, he lamented that Islam has been associated with terrorism. He spoke of the past glory of Islam and after complaining that Muslims are oppressed and humiliated he encouraged them to put aside the fight, advance in science and technology and then, to do what? Acquire guns and rockets, bombs and warplanes, tanks and warships, and take over the world. Dr. Mahathir was hailed as a moderate Muslim and by all accounts he is. So what is the difference between a moderate Muslim and a terrorist Muslim? The difference is that the latter thinks the time for Jihad has come while the former believes Muslims are too weak and they should wait until they become strong. In essence, Muslims cannot disagree with Jihad because they would be disagreeing with the Quran. Jamat ul-Fuqra and Hizb-ut-Tahrir have the same goal that al Qaida has: Domination of Islam. The difference is in how they want to achieve this goal. One group wants to use terror and the other prefers deception. ITF: Lets talk a bit about Shariah Law. Why do some Western countries allow Sharia Law to be implemented instead of telling Muslims they must live according to the laws already in place? I’m speaking of the case in point in the UK. Sina: Corruption my dear! Corruption of your politicians! Politicians want the votes of Muslims and they will sell their mother for it. A good example is the new scandal surrounding the release of the Lockerbie bomber, Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al Megrahi that involves the UK Prime Minister Brown. The government of Britain made a mockery of justice and the memory of 300 people perished in that bombing when they released the terrorist Megrahi, to make a lucrative deal with Libya. This may surprise the British, but it does not surprise me. I am an Iranian. The British governments invariably have looked the other way and sacrificed the human rights in Iran to make lucrative deals with the dictators of that county, and turned against them when the deals went elsewhere. In 1953 they conspired to oust the democratic prime minister of Iran, Dr. Mossadeq, and reinstated the inexperienced and easily controllable Mohammad Reza Shah. Twenty six years later they turned against him and backed Khomeini and the tyrannical mullahs, when the Shah matured and did not like to be bossed by the British. Then for thirty years they supported one of the most brutal regimes in the world, knowing everything about the tortures, rapes in prisons, executions and all forms of human rights abuses in Iran. None of that mattered to the consecutive British governments. As long as the lucrative deals were coming, they turned a blind eye to all human rights abuses, until Russia and the China managed to win the mullahs to their side and the Brits were left in the cold. Now that the lucrative deals are gone, the British government is against the Islamic regime. Shameless politicians will sell their wife and mother, not just their country, in order to stay in power. Muslims take full advantage of it to strengthen their foothold in western countries. You will be defeated because your politicians are traitors. It is time for a new generation of politicians to rise – politicians who put their country first, defend its laws, its constitution, its democratic values and its heritage. But this new breed will only rise when people support them. This consciousness must arise from the people. For decades the western mind has been contaminated with leftist propaganda and now we are seeing the result. Islamism is expanding and the western civilization is disintegrating. We have one man in Europe who stands for Europe. He is Geert Wilder. Behold how the European leftist media vilifies him and equates him to Hitler. Remember how the unforgettable Oriana Fallaci, who stood for the west and its Judeo-Christian heritage, was treated by the courts in her own country, Italy. You have a disease within your countries. It is called liberalism. It produces a toxin known as political correctness, and a venom called multiculturalism that poison your entire society. This disease affects your immune system and makes you vulnerable to your external and internal enemies. It has infected to all democratic countries, from India to Europe and now it has spread to the US affecting its very heart. If you want to defend your country from Islamization, you have to flush out your system from liberalism. You need to take the power away from those who are selling out your country and vote for patriotic servants of the people who are not afraid to call a spade a spade and do not fear to stand up against Muslims and fight back their effort to Islamize the country. The sharia must be outlawed because it is not just anti constitutionals but also anti human. It is a violation of human rights. Construction of mosques must be outlawed. Mosques are places where Muslims are indoctrinated to hate their fellow non-Muslim citizens. Banning the construction of mosques is in conformity with Islam. Muslims do not allow building Hindu temples, churches or any other non Muslim house of worship in their Islamic countries. See this report. Why should we allow a religion to grow in our country when we know that if they come to power they will take our freedom away from us? Then you have to start a campaign to inform people about Islam and to rescue those trapped in this gigantic web of deception. I am not saying that governments should do this, but they should not stand in the way of those who want to use their right of free speech and threaten them with penalties. Once Muslims leave Islam they can be as trustworthy and patriotic as anyone else. As long as they are Muslims you have to watch their every move with suspicion. Muslims’ loyalty is not to their country, but to Islam. They have a duty to destroy the non-Muslim systems and establish the Khilafat. The problem is that the non-Muslims do not know they are under attack. They are blinded by political correctness and rendered unconscious by multiculturalism. They will wake up from their coma when it is too late. In some European countries, like in UK, it may already be too late. Maybe it is their karma. ITF: Shariah law is contradictory to our Democratic governments, and from what we know, the majority of Muslim women do not want the introduction of Shariah law within Canada and the US. Are these the major stumbling blocks that are currently preventing Muslims from implementing Shariah Law here? Sina: Yes that is very much true. Muslim women know that under Sharia law they will lose their rights as humans. The truth is that most Muslims do not want to live under Sharia. They are caught in a tug of war, a cognitive dissonance, between their faith and how they really want to live. However, these people can be easily manipulated by the extremists and turn fully fledged Islamists and even terrorists. Faith is a dangerous thing. It makes you do things against your own conscience and interest. If you want to stop the Sharia law in the west you have to attack Islam and make Muslims realize that it is a lie. ITF: Will the US court system provide, in any way, an entrance to implementation of Shariah Law? Sina: The Sharia is unconstitutional. So how the courts could agree to have a two tier law, one for Muslims and one for the rest of Americans? This is something that unscrupulous politicians may do. It is much easier to manipulate corrupt politicians with the promise of massive Muslim votes than bribe a judge. Right now America has a very corrupt government who is paving the road for the Islamization of this country. ITF: It seems if there is going to be any change with Islam, it will be with the Muslim women. At least that is what we have seen in the past few years. Do you think Muslim women would reject Islam if they were allowed the freedom to do so? Sina: Yes I agree that the real change will come from Muslim women. This is quite obvious by watching the videos coming out of Iran. You see women are at the forefront of the demonstrations. They have nothing to lose and are ready to give their lives for their freedom. In the west you see courageous women like Nonie Darish, Wafa Sultan and Ayan Hisi Ali who are at the line of fire in our battle for freedom. In Egypt there is this amazing woman, Nagla Al-Imam, a graduate from Al Azhar University and an expert in the Sharia law who has openly converted to Christianity and has said she will not leave her country. Now this is courage. I really pray for her safety. This shows that you cannot keep a woman enslaved after she is educated. The Taliban know that too. That is why they destroy the girl’s schools and kill their teachers. ITF: Just about every conscious human in the free world knows about Islamic suicide bombers, train bombers, and night club bombers. Everyone knows that Muslims flying large commercial planes crashed into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon on 9/11. Those are the actions of the obvious terrorist side of Islam. Yet, all the world hears is the plea from Muslims to understand that Islam is a religion of peace and love. If that is so, does this mean that Islamists who are terrorists use a Quran that is different from the "peaceful" Muslim's Quran? Sina: Yes that is true. There are two different Qurans. One is written and the other is imagined. The terrorists and the hate spewing mullahs read the written Quran. There are two dozens of sanitized versions of this Quran translated into English and despite the efforts of the translators, it still sounds pretty gory. The other Quran exists in the imagination of the masses of Muslims who have never read the written Quran and attribute everything good that they can think of to it. It is my belief that once these Muslims learn the content of the written Quran, their dream will be shattered and they will leave Islam. This may take some time. The believer often goes through a period of denial, then through the stages of shock, guilt, confusion, depression and anger until he or she reaches the citadel of enlightenment and see themselves as apostates. ITF: We want to wish you the best with your book, Understanding Muhammad. Do you feel that if people understood what kind of person Muhammad really was, that they would have a better understanding of Islam? Sina: Absolutely! To Understand Islam and hence Muslims, it is imperative to understand Muhammad. Islam is Muhammadanism. Muslims follow and emulate their prophet. Once you know Muhammad and his psychology, you’ll find Muslims are very predictable. My book is unique in the sense that it probes into the mind of Muhammad and reveals his psychological makeup. There are thousands of stories narrated about Muhammad by his wives and companions. Collectively they reveal a very clear picture of Muhammad. Unlike Jesus, Moses and other prophets of the past, whose lives are shrouded in myths and legends, Muhammad’s life-story is recorded in detail. I analyzed him under the light of the modern psychology and I have shown that he suffered from a series of personality and mental disorders and that the entire phenomenon known as Islam is a mental case. Once you read the book, you’ll realize that Islam is an overgrown cult, no different from that of Jim Jones, David Koresh or even Charles Manson. There are many books that show the evilness of Islam. All you have to do is read the Quran, the hadith and the sira, the biography of Muhammad, and you will see that Islam is very evil. But the question remains: How could something so evil become the second largest religion in the world and how could a man as depraved influence so many? Something is amiss. If Islam is so bad why can’t a billion people see it? Are we to suppose that there are no intelligent people among a billion Muslims? How could so many people, for so many generations, fail to see the obvious? This is an important question, which weighs on Muslims, validates their faith and prevents them from questioning it. You have to explain this phenomenon if you want to wean them from Islam. There is a mystery surmounting Islam and Muhammad. It is thanks to this mystery that Islam has survived so long. Understanding Muhammad demystifies him. Once Muhammad is demystified and the nakedness of the emperor becomes widely known, no one will believe in him. When the mystic is gone Islam will be gone. All the Muslims who have read my book have left Islam. Those who did not leave did not read the book. How do I know that? They tell me. They write to say they read 10, 20 or 30 pages and the book is full of garbage and that they are not going to waste their time reading it. The book is not garbage, but they are afraid to read it because they see the effect that it has on them and they are terrified at the thought of doubting Islam. The fear of hell has paralyzed the Muslims mind. ITF: Do you think it's possible to modernize Islam so that it can become compatible with the modern world? Sina: No. There can be no change in Islam. Any Muslim will tell you that. That is what Muhammad has warned against in many parts of the Quran. (Quran .2:85)Do you, then, believe in some parts of the divine writ and deny the truth of other parts? What, then, could be the reward of those among you who do such things but ignominy in the life of this world? And, on the Day of Resurrection, they will be consigned to most grievous suffering. For God is not unmindful of what you do. (Quran 6:114) "Am I, then, to look unto anyone but God for judgment [as to what is right and wrong], when it is He who has bestowed upon you from on high this divine writ, clearly spelling out the truth?" For a more discussion on why Islam cannot modernize read my article on this subject. The Illusion of Reforming Islam. There are individuals in the west that claim to be moderate Muslims and even against the Sharia. People must not fall for this charade. Sharia is Islam. You cannot be a Muslims and be against the Sharia. It is like saying I am a Christian but against the Bible. These people are neither cold nor hot. You know what Jesus would do with tepid people. Muhammad was a thief, a pedophile a mass murderer, a rapist, a sadist torturer, and a conman charlatan. You either believe in him or you don’t. It is hypocritical to say, I am a follower of Muhammad, but not wicked enough to follow him completely, and in fact I am so good that I even oppose him. The so called moderate Muslims are not the solution. They are the problem. They pull wool over the eyes of the unwary non-Muslims, making them believe Islam has a moderate side too, which is not true. Many Muslims know nothing about Islam. They are moderate and good citizens. They can be excused. But those who are in televisions and radios, giving interviews and writing articles, are not ignorant about Islam. So what is their real agenda? I don’t know. I just don’t like deception. Truth must be said. And the truth is that Islam is evil and Muhammad was a cult leader. Period! When Nazis ruled over Germany, many Germans were supporting them. Not all those Germans were evil. Most of them were ignorant. They did not know the truth about Nazis and Hitler. So you can forgive them. The same can be said about millions of Americans who voted for and still support Obama. They don’t know the destruction that this man is bringing on their country. But what would you say of a person who knows the truth about Hitler and then calls himself "a moderate Nazi?" There is something fishy, something does not add up with the claim of the self proclaimed moderate Muslims. Stop paying attention to them. Stop publishing their articles, or inviting them to speak on behalf of the "moderate Islam," and they will go away. There is no such thing as moderate or peaceful Islam. Muslims are of two kinds. They are either terrorist Muslims or ignorant Muslims. The ignorant Muslims are, thanks heaven, the majority. Once they learn the truth about the real Islam they will leave it. We want Muslims to leave Islam. We don’t want them to modernize it. That is not possible and we would be fooling ourselves into complacency, lowering our guards and making ourselves vulnerable to Islamic take over through deception. ITF: Do you think radical Islam will proliferate under the new Obama administration? Sina: Radical Islam and Islam are not two different entities. Islam is radical. The answer to your question is yes. Obama is doing everything to weaken the defense of America against its enemies, such as closing the Guantanamo Bay and prosecuting the CIA agents for waterboarding the terrorists to extract information that saved American lives. The terrorist will not attack now. Instead they will build their cells and will do incalculable damage at a later date. Obama’s destruction of the economy will be catastrophic, but the harm that he is doing to the homeland security is equally calamitous. Americans are seeing the danger that this snake oil salesman is posing. They are participating in tea party rallies, attending town hall meetings and are taking their country back. They are waking up (although not soon enough). Obama has been a catastrophe for America, but Americans are patriotic and they will not let his Marxist, Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayer disciple community organizer take their country to dogs. ITF: On behalf of the Infidel Task Force, I wish to thank you for taking the time to chat with us and giving us your point of view on Shariah Law, Radical Islam and what to do about the ongoing threat. Thank You very Much. Sina: Thank you. It was my pleasure. Posted by BlackbootJack at 4:56 PM Labels: extremists, free speech, Islam radical islam terror extremists Taliban, shariah law terrorists Obama Koh, terrorism islam shariah law freedom of speech terror, terrorist Ali Sina 0 comments: Post a Comment Newer Post Older Post Home Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) BlackbootJack Freedom is not Free Subscribe To BlackbootJack Posts Atom Posts Comments Atom Comments Followers Blog Archive ▼ 2009 (25) ► October (5) Feds: Sudbury man planned terrorist attacks at sho... Mass man accused of plot to kill U.S politicians Sharia Law and the US Constitution Now 'all Guns' must be listed Conversation with an Islamic Idiot on Youtube ► September (1) A Warning From A Sheriff About What Could Come Nex... ▼ August (4) An Interview With Ali Sina - The man behind Faithf... The New Muslim Islam's European Conquest: Is America Next? 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