Guest guest Posted December 19, 2009 Report Share Posted December 19, 2009 Sorry-forgot the link- Galim [galim] Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:06 PM oleander soup RE: magnesium Try this link as a beginning. Or Google " float tank " . Beyond the aspect of Magnesium absorbtion floating is a most powerful almost instantaneous method of deep relaxation. That in itself will have many benefits in healing. Jeremy oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of barbara elenniss Friday, December 18, 2009 5:40 PM oleander soup RE: magnesium OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard of it. Barbara N. Germany --- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim wrote: Galim <galim RE: magnesium oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate. Jeremy oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Bobby E Rehberg Friday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PM oleander soup RE: magnesium Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something---P. T. Barnum was right. Bob R oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Maria Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PM oleander soup Re: magnesium Well Bob. We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally. Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering. Thanks for the info though. Hugs Mary - Bobby E Rehberg oleander soup Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM Subject: RE: magnesium Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally. Bob R oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Maria Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PM oleander soup Re: magnesium Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol - Maria oleander soup Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM Subject: Re: magnesium Hi Barbara. Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin. Hope this help you. Hugs Mary - barbara elenniss oleander soup Sent: Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM Subject: Re: magnesium Janet and Judy, thanks for the info. Where does one get transderman magnesium? Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks, Barbara N Germany --- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote: lostrin <lostrin Re: magnesium oleander soup Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower. Janet 2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements? While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief. Blessings as you enjoy time with your family. Judy -- Live on earth as if you want to stay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2009 Report Share Posted December 19, 2009 Ok, I am a bit confused, how does one get magnesium from a float tank, doesn't sound too interesting to me; floating around in water!!! I did find a couple over here not too far from where I live. barbara n germany--- On Sat, 12/19/09, Galim <galim wrote: Galim <galimRE: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Saturday, December 19, 2009, 12:28 PM Sorry-forgot the link- Galim [galim] Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:06 PMoleander soup Subject: RE: magnesium Try this link as a beginning. Or Google "float tank". Beyond the aspect of Magnesium absorbtion floating is a most powerful almost instantaneous method of deep relaxation. That in itself will have many benefits in healing. Jeremy oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of barbara elennissFriday, December 18, 2009 5:40 PMoleander soup Subject: RE: magnesium OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard of it. Barbara N. Germany--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim wrote: Galim <galimRE: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate. Jeremy oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Bobby E RehbergFriday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PMoleander soup Subject: RE: magnesium Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something---P. T. Barnum was right. Bob R oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium Well Bob. We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally. Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering. Thanks for the info though. Hugs Mary - Bobby E Rehberg oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM RE: magnesium Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally. Bob R oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PMoleander soup Subject: Re: magnesium Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol - Maria oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM Re: magnesium Hi Barbara. Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin. Hope this help you. Hugs Mary - barbara elenniss oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM Re: magnesium Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote: lostrin <lostrinRe: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet 2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy -- Live on earth as if you want to stay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2009 Report Share Posted December 19, 2009 The water in a float tank is a highly saturated solution of Epsom Salts=Magnesium. The float experience is for most people very profound. Read up on it and best of all is to try a float. I have been floating for years regularly and it has changed me in many ways. I have recently accompanied someone with cancer and found that transpersonal therapies such as hypnosis , NLP and even floating have had a very strong influence on their healing. The effects of the  interventions discussed on this list (Oleander and other treatments) can be greatly enhanced by work on a mental/'spiritual' level. Jeremy oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of barbara elenniss Saturday, December 19, 2009 8:45 PM oleander soup RE: magnesium Ok, I am a bit confused, how does one get magnesium from a float tank, doesn't sound too interesting to me; floating around in water!!! I did find a couple over here not too far from where I live. barbara n germany --- On Sat, 12/19/09, Galim <galim wrote: Galim <galim RE: magnesium oleander soup Saturday, December 19, 2009, 12:28 PM Sorry-forgot the link- Galim [galim] Saturday, December 19, 2009 6:06 PM oleander soup RE: magnesium Try this link as a beginning. Or Google " float tank " . Beyond the aspect of Magnesium absorbtion floating is a most powerful almost instantaneous method of deep relaxation. That in itself will have many benefits in healing. Jeremy oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of barbara elenniss Friday, December 18, 2009 5:40 PM oleander soup RE: magnesium OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard of it. Barbara N. Germany --- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim wrote: Galim <galim RE: magnesium oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate. Jeremy oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Bobby E Rehberg Friday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PM oleander soup RE: magnesium Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something---P. T. Barnum was right. Bob R oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Maria Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PM oleander soup Re: magnesium Well Bob. We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally. Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering. Thanks for the info though. Hugs Mary - Bobby E Rehberg oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM RE: magnesium Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally. Bob R oleander soup oleander soup On Behalf Of Maria Thursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PM oleander soup Re: magnesium Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol - Maria oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM Re: magnesium Hi Barbara. Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin. Hope this help you. Hugs Mary - barbara elenniss oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM Re: magnesium Janet and Judy, thanks for the info. Where does one get transderman magnesium? Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks, Barbara N Germany --- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin wrote: lostrin <lostrin Re: magnesium oleander soup Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower. Janet 2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements? While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief. Blessings as you enjoy time with your family. Judy -- Live on earth as if you want to stay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted December 19, 2009 Report Share Posted December 19, 2009  Hi Barbara. Well floating tanks are chembers like things fill with water Apsom salt, or magnesium and you get in there for 1/2 an hour to an hour, the body absorbs the magnesium and you feel relaxed and reguvenated plus some kind of detoxyfication going on and pain relieving prosses. You can also do this in your bathtab, adding 1 cup sea salt- 1 cup apsom salt and 1 cup bicarb soda 3 times a week. But, if you have heart problems or high blood pressure you avoid this kind of therapy. My two cents worth of info, but you will get the rest from the articles. Hugs Mary from Australia.. Where is summer but cold LOL. - barbara elenniss oleander soup Saturday, December 19, 2009 7:31 PM Re: magnesium at first I thought it said drunk tank and since I've never been in one of them/...LOL Just kidding!Seriously I have NEVER even heard of a float tank, but i like the sound of it and I definitely will reall ALL the articles:-)Thanks Mary, you're a gem.barbara N Germany...where it is COLD and SNOWING--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Maria <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT) comau> wrote: Maria <mary1kon (AT) optusnet (DOT)>Re: magnesiumoleander soup Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 5:24 PM  Hi Barbara. Go to this side and read all the articles on Magnesium , they are on the right side of the page, and maybe you will find all about floatting in Magnesium. Happy reading . Hugs Mary . - barbara elenniss oleander soup Saturday, December 19, 2009 2:39 AM RE: magnesium OOPS! that email got away from me, I was hitting keys and then it was gone...anyway what in the heck is a float tank. Never heard of it. Barbara N. Germany--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Galim <galim (AT) inter (DOT)> wrote: Galim <galim (AT) inter (DOT)>RE: magnesiumoleander soupFriday, December 18, 2009, 7:29 AM Another excellent way of getting Magnesium is a session in a float tank. It is first of all an amazingly efficient way of accessing very deep states of relaxation and the secondary benefits are the absorbtion of MAGNESIUM sulphate heap-hydrate. Jeremy oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of Bobby E RehbergFriday, December 18, 2009 2:21 PMoleander soupRE: magnesium Nothing to wonder about in this case. The laws of chemistry are not subject to change. Somebody is trying to sell something--- P T. Barnum was right. Bob R oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 7:00 PMoleander soupRe: magnesium Well Bob. We will never get it right, because one source says take it internally and other sources say aplly trandermally. Who knows who's right and who's wrong ? so we do what ever we think is right, and the problem is solved, rather then go crazy wondering. Thanks for the info though. Hugs Mary - Bobby E Rehberg oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 10:44 AM RE: magnesium Magnesium is good stuff. It is in the center of the chlorophyll molecule which makes plants green, so eating green vegetables will supply a lot of Mg. if you want to supplement then use magnesium citrate or other organically complexed Mg in order to slow absorption and reduce intestinal problems. It makes no sense to rub a divalent cation on one’s skin and expect a lot of absorption, it is much better to take internally. Bob R oleander soup [oleandersou p ] On Behalf Of MariaThursday, December 17, 2009 5:36 PMoleander soupRe: magnesium Magnesium Mary, it's called Magnesium girl , you see i cant spell, oh boy !!!! Lol - Maria oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 8:01 AM Re: magnesium Hi Barbara. Here is an article by Walter last about Madnesium and how to make your own, trandermal oil sort of speak because is not an oil, it's called oil because itT slippery on the skin. Hope this help you. Hugs Mary science-spirit. com/magnesiumchl oride.html - barbara elenniss oleander soup Friday, December 18, 2009 2:59 AM Re: magnesium Janet and Judy,thanks for the info.Where does one get transderman magnesium?Yep! i mixed them up: selenium is from Brazil nuts. Thanks,Barbara N Germany--- On Wed, 12/16/09, lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com> wrote: lostrin <lostrin (AT) gmail (DOT) com>Re: magnesiumoleander soupWednesday, December 16, 2009, 4:51 PM Have you tried transdermal magnesium? Put it on about 20 minutes before your nighttime shower.Janet 2009/12/16 judithmarg <judithmarg > You wrote--I have been reading a book about Magnesium, The Magnesius Miracle I think is the name of it. I have never taken Magnesium, although I know now that my body needs it. Probably the reason I have insominia every night. I understand and could be wrong, but can't one get magnesium form brazil nuts, and if one orders and gets organic ones would that not suffice or does one stilll need to take the supplements?While they may contain some Magnesium, the thing Brazil nuts are usually known for is selenium. Concerning magnesium, supplementation seems to be helpful for a lot of people, but the concensus seems to be to avoid the oxide (cheapest, usually) form, as it is not very well used and most apt to cause bowel grief.Blessings as you enjoy time with your family.Judy -- Live on earth as if you want to stay. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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