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Cancer - Lips

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Dear Sue,




Thank you for your email.


Medical Background:


The most common form of oral cancer is lip cancer. Lip

cancer is largely related to changes brought to lip by

excessive exposure to sun. Often in the initial stages

there is an initial weakening of the line between the

red vermilion of the lip, with the white skin below

the lip. As this progresses, small scaling areas may

form, which are characteristic of hyperkeratosis. As

these reactive changes progress, dysplasia occurs

where there could be chronic fissuring or chronic

plaques or scale like areas on the lip. Dysplasia

represents a premalignancy that if left untreated will

advance to lip cancer. Frank lip cancer is often noted

in its advanced forms by severe ulceration. Lip cancer

often goes undiagnosed due to people believing it is a

cold sore or herpetic lesion. This tumor usually

appears as a non-healing ulcer at the junction of the

middle third and outer third of the lower lip.

Sometimes a non-cancerous, but non-healing raw area

will be persistent for many months before an actual

cancer is formed.


Cancers of this type are most often found in people

---over age 45

-more common in men than it is in women

-more common anmong those with light skin

-commonly found in sun bathers

-or those who work or are exposed to sunlight for

great lengths of time.

-pipe and cigar smokers are also at higher risk;

-a small percentage of sufferers may have none of the

above-mentioned predisposing factors.


Some of the things to look for are:


Lump in lip

Sore that does not heal


In a very small percentage of cases, the cancer will

have spread to the lymph glands of the neck.


Pranic Healing:


Source - Advanced Pranic Healing by Grand Master Choa

Kok Sui pp. 275-283


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after



2. General sweeping severaltimes with LWG.


3. Localized thorough sweeping on the lungs.

Energize the lungs directly throughthe back of the

lungs with LWG and LWO.


4. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

heart alternately with LWG and LWV.

Energize the fornt heart and the thymus gland through

the backheart with EV.

Simultaneously will the heart chakra to become bigger.

Rescan the chakra.


5. Localized thorough sweeping on the entire head,

crown forehead, ajna and back head minor chakras

alternately with LWG and LWV.

The ajna chakra has to be cleansed thoroughly for at

least 30-50 times.

Energize the chakras with EV.

Simultaneously will the crown, forehead and ajna

chakras to become bigger.

Rescan the treated chakras.

Emphasis on the ajna chakra.


6. When energizing the ajna chakra with EV, gently

and firmly instruct the ajna chakra to normalize and

to harmonize all the chakras and all the internal



7. Localized thorough sweeping on the jaw minor

chakras, the throat chakra and the secondary throat

minor chakra with alternately LWG and LWV.

Energize the chakras with EV.

While energizing the throat chakra, simultaneously

will it to become bigger.

Inhibit the jaw minor chakra by projecting LB and

willing it to become smaller.



8. Energize the front and back solar plexus chakra and

the liver with LB.


Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus chakra and the liver with LWG and LWO

laternately each for 30 to 50 times.


9. Energize the front solar plexus with LWG andLWO.

Wait for a few minutes.

Energize the solar plexus with LB simultaneously will

it to become smaller.

Do not over inhibit the solar plexus chakra.

Rescan the solar plexus chakra.


10. After the patient has substantially improved (

over a few weeks or months), energize the solar plexus

chakra with LWG, LWV and LWB

instead of LWG,LWO and LB.


11. Energize themeng mein chakra with LB.

Localized thorough sweeping onthe mengmein chakra

withLWG and LWO for about 20 to 30 times.


12. Project LB to th emeng meinchakra and inhibit it

to about 1/2 to 2/3 the average size of the major

chakras. This step is very important.


13. Energize thebasic chakra with LB. Localaized

thorough sweeping onthe basic chakra with LWG andLWO

for about 50 times.


14. Energize thoroughly the basic chakra with White.

This is very important.

Inhibit the basic chakra by energizing it with LB and

simultaneously willing it to become smaller.

Rescan the basic chakra.


15. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

spleen chakra with LWG prana. Energize th espleen

chakra with LWG and ordinary LWV. Do this with



16. Localized thorough sweeping on the navel chakra

withLWG. Energize with White.


17. Localized thorough sweeping onthe sex chakra.

Energize with White.


18. Localized sweeping on the arms and legs with LWG

and LWO. The armpit, elbow, hand, hip, knee and sole

minor chakras must also be cleansed.

Energize the hand and the soleminor chakras with

ordinary LWV.


19. Energize the affected part(s) with LB. Localized

thorough sweeping onthe lips alternately with EV.

Do this thoroughly for at least 100 to 200 times.

If done properly, the patient will be substantially or

completely relieved.


20. Energize the affected part(s) with MB for several

minutes for localizing. Then, energize affected

part(s) with MG or DG and MO or DO.

Simultaneously visualize the cancer cells as shrinking

or becoming smaller until the cancer disappears



For more proficient advanced pranic healers, also

project DEV prana.

Visualize the energy coming out laser-like and thin as

the tip of a ball point pen.

The destructive pranic energy have to be projected in

very concentrated form to give themsufficient potency

to partially and gradually disintegrate cancer cells.


This is to be used only on non-delicate organs.

Do not energize the sex organ with MO or DO.


21. If the cancer has metastasized, project EV on the

ajna chakra and instruct the EV to " seek and destroy

all the cancer cells in the body " .


22. For delicate organs like the eyes, brain, and

pancreas, just clean and energize with EV prana.


23. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


24. Rescan patient after 30 minutes. If energy has

reverted to imbalanced state, repeat steps 1-23.

Rescan every hour thereafter and repeat entire

treatment everytime your scanning reveals that the

patient's energy to have reverted to imbalanced state.


Do this continiously for the next several days or

until patient's energy condition has stabilized to

relatively balanced healthy state.


25. Once patient's energy condition has stabilized

comparatively to balanced state, repeat treatment 3

times per week for as long as necessary.


It may be practical to have more than one pranic

healer assigned to do this treatment, since cancer

treatment requires a lot of energy. Each healer to

take turns every 3 to 6 hours for the first few

hours/days until patient's energy is stabilized to

balanced state.



Recommend for patient:


1. Daily proper practice of the Meditation on Twin

Hearts with both feet in a basin of salt water.

Include the recommended physical exercises before and

after meditation.


2.) Regular salt water baths.


3.) Balanced,healthy, nutritious pure vegetarian diet.

Take proper food supplements, vitamins and minerals.


4.) Practice Law of Forgiveness and Mercy.


5.) Avoid stress, negative thoughts, feelings,

activities, and environment.


6.) Proper medical treatment.


7.) No smoking and avoid exposure to sunlight without

proper protection.


8.) Regular physical exercise.



















--- SUE <ph_sue wrote:



> Dear Marilette,


> Could you please give us the PPT protocol for

> treating cancer of lips?


> Thank you,










Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer . ~ Master Choa Kok



Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine




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