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Children: Dyslexia, toutettes syndrome, sensory integration dysfunction, fears, low self esteem

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Dear Barbette,




Thank you for your email.


The pranic psychotherapy treatment for children ages 5

to 9 years old with the conditions: dyslexia,

tourette's syndrome, sensory integration dysfunction,

fears and low self esteem are the same as for adults

with the following modifications:



1. Soften the projected energy by practicing the

Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly especially before

treating a young child.


2. Impregnatepranic the projected energy with loving



3. Smile and touch your heart with the pads of the

fingers of your non-healing hand during the treatment.



4. Emphasis is always on thorough cleansing.

Energizing is done at a lesser degree than that for

adults due to the delicate energy body of children.


5. The children of this age may be taught abdominal

pranic breathing (7-1-7-1 or 6-3-6-3) as part of the

healing protocol. This will create and maintain a

stronger energy body, as well as help the patient



6. It is essential to introduce the patient's adult

family members to the Meditation on Twin Hearts.

Regular family group meditation generates a powerful

family healing energy that bonds and facilitates the

proper assimilation of projected pranic healing

energy. Although the patient is is too young to

properly practice the meditation, a young child's

energy is still dependent on the family's energy to a

certain degree. This is how a young patient is able

to benefit from the energy generated by the meditation

in a safe manner.



A. Dyslexia - message 545




Source: GMCKS' Pranic Psychotherapy book, 2000 edition

pages 189-190



1. Apply general sweeping thoroughly.


2. Apply localized sweeping and energizing on the

ajna, forehead, backhead, throat, and jaw minor

chakras with violet or electric violet.


3. Sometimes dyslexia is caused by a traumatic

experience. If this is the case, the front and solar

plexus chakra, and the crown chakra should also

be cleansed and energized with electric violet.


4. Apply localized sweeping on the front and back

heart chakra. Energize and activate the heart chakra

through the back heart with electric violet.

This will also help facilitate the normalization of

the throat and head chakras.


5. Repeat the treatment twice a week for about a month

or two.



B. Tourette's Syndrome

Medical Background:

Tourette's syndrome (TS) is an inherited

neurobehavioral disorder characterized by sudden,

involuntary, repetitive muscle movements (motor tics)

and vocalizations (vocal tics). The disorder is also

known as Gilles de la Tourette syndrome for the

neurologist who first described the syndrome in 1885.


The nature and complexity of the tics are usually

variable over time with natural waxing and waning in

frequency and severity. Many individuals with TS also

develop associated behavioral problems, such as

obsessions and compulsions, inattention,

hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Symptom onset

typically occurs during childhood or early



Most individuals with TS gradually develop a

combination of different motor and vocal tics. These

tics may occur a few or many times during the day,

often in " clusters. " Symptoms typically follow a

waxing and waning course, periodically decreasing or

increasing in frequency and intensity. Tics often

subside during absorbing activities such as reading or

working, decline during sleep, worsen with stress or

fatigue, and may be voluntarily suppressed for brief

periods. Although TS is considered lifelong, some

patients may have weeks or even years with very few or

no symptoms. Often tic frequency and severity diminish

significantly during adolescence or adulthood. In

addition, for many patients, symptoms may completely

resolve by early adulthood.


Associated conditions

People with TS who are being treated for this

condition (clinical populations) also develop

associated behavioral problems, particularly

obsessive-compulsive behaviors during which certain

repetitive actions or rituals are performed. For

example, compulsions may include touching particular

objects in a predetermined sequence, repeatedly

counting, or engaging in repetitive hand washing. In

addition, as many as 60% of children treated for TS

may also have symptoms of attention-deficit

hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). ADHD may include

overactivity as well as difficulty maintaining

attention. Affected children may also have impulse

control difficulties and learning disabilities.


Tics may be embarrassing and may also significantly

interfere with certain activities such as writing or

reading as well as other activities of daily living.

Because of anxiety about showing or displaying tics in

public or social situations, patients may develop

extreme self-consciousness or depression and choose to

withdraw from professional or social situations. In

addition, ADHD, impulsivity, learning problems, and

obsessive-compulsive behaviors may interfere with

social interactions and impair academic and

occupational performance


Pranic Healing:


1. Invoke and scan before,during and after treatment.


2. Smile and touch your heart with the pads of the

fingers of your non-healing hand.


3. Project loving kindness to the patient and

impregnate the projected energy with love.


4. General sweeping several times with LEV using the

crown-hand chakras technique.


5. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus, throat, secondary throat minor, jaw

minor chakras using EV.

Energize the chakras with EV.


" thorough sweeping " refers to the " divide the chakra

into 6-parts " technique from the Pranic Crystal

Healing book by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.


Inhibit the over activated solar plexus by projecting

LB to the solar plexus chakra simultaneously

visualizing the chakra becoming smaller. Do not over

inhibit the solar plexus chakra.


6. Localized thorough sweeping on the brain, ajna,

crown, forehead, back head minor chakras with LEV.

Energize the chakras with LEV.


As you energize the ajna, instruct the energy to

harmonize and normalize the chakras.


7. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

heart chakras. Energize through the back heart using



8. Localized sweeping on the spine: from the base of

the head to the end of the tail bone, and the sides

of the spine using EV.


9. Thorough sweeping and energizing of the sex,

navel, basic chakra and perinium minor chakras with



10. Localized thorough sweeping on both arms and

legs, the minor chakras of the arms and legs, hands

and soles of the feet. Energize the chakras with



11. Apply distributive sweeping several times to

spread the energy evenly up and down and to the sides,

front and back.


12. Create chakral shields for the front and back

solar plexus, basic, ajna and crown chakras. Create

an auric shield.


13. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


14. Repeat treatment 3 times per week






C. Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Medical Background:


Sensory integration, in simple terms is the ability to

take in information through senses (touch, movement,

smell, taste, vision, and hearing), to put it together

with prior information, memories, and knowledge stored

in the brain, and to make a meaningful response.

Sensory integration occurs in the central nervous

system and is generally thought to take place in the

mid-brain and brainstem levels in complex interactions

of the portions of the brain responsible for such

things as coordination, attention, arousal levels,

autonomic functioning, emotions, memory, and higher

level cognitive functions. Because of the complexity

of the various areas which are dependent upon and

interact with each other as well as the child's own

personality and environment, it is not possible to

have a single list of symptoms which identify sensory

integrative dysfunction.


Dr. A. Jean Ayres, Ph.D., is an occupational therapist

who first researched and described the theories and

frame of reference which we now call sensory

integration. In her book, Sensory Integration and

the Child, Dr. Ayres makes several analogies which

describe sensory integration and its dysfunction. She

describes sensory information as food for the brain

similar to the food which nourishes our physical

bodies. Difficulty in processing and organizing

sensory information causes dysfunction which can be

compared to indigestion which occurs when the

digestive track malfunctuions.


" Good sensory processing enables all the impulses to

flow easily and reach their destination quickly.

Sensory integrative dysfunction is a sort of `traffic

jam' in the brain. Some bits of sensory information

get `tied up in traffic,' and certain parts of the

brain do not get the sensory information they need to

do their jobs. " (Ayres, p. 51)


Various characteristics of sensory integrative

dysfunction can fall under four categories:

-attention and regulatory problems,

-sensory defensiveness,

-activity patterns,

-and behavior.



Pranic Healing:


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after



2. Smile, touch your heart with the pads of the

fingers of your non-healing hand. Project loving

kindness to the patient. Impregnate projected energy

with loving kindness.


3. General sweeping several times with LEV using the

crown-hand chakras techniique.


4. Localized thorough sweeping on the crown, ajna,

forehead, backhead, throat and temple chakras with


Energize with LEV.


While energizing the ajna, gently but firmly instruct

the energy to harmonize and normalize all the chakras.


5. Localized thorough sweeping of the brain and

entire head with LEV.


6. Localized thorough sweeping of the front and back

heart with LEV. Energize through the back heart with



5. Localized thorough sweeping of the front and back

solar plexus with LEV. Energize with LEV.


Inhibit over activated solar plexus by energizing with

LB simultaneously visualizing the chakra becoming

smaller. Do not over inhibit the solar plexus chakra.


6. Localized sweeping on the entire spine and both

sides of the spine from the base of the head to the

end of the tail bone. Energize with white.


7. Localized thorough sweeping of the navel, sex,

basic, perineum minor chakras.

Energize with WHITE.


8. Localized sweeping on both arms and legs,the minor

chakras of both arms and legs. Energize the chakras

with white.


9. Repeat treatment 3x a week.



D. Fears:


Source: Pranic Psychotherapy by Grand Master Choa Kok

Sui pp. 57-58.


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after



2. Smile and touch your heart with the pads of the

fingers of your non-healing hand. Project loving

kindess to the patient, impregnate the energy with

loving kindness.


3. Compare the sizes of the front and back solar

plexus, heart and ajna chakras frontally and sideways.


4. Scan the crown. Imagine dividing the crowninto 4

parts, and check if they are allequal. Feel for

uneveness or bulging sensation. Check also the centre

of the crown. If there are any bulges,work onit.


5. Scan the back solar plexus chakra. Divide the

chakra into 4 parts . Take note of the part thatis



6. General sweeping using violet or LEV using the

crown-hand chakras technique.


7. Energize the front and back solar plexus chakras

with LEV to disintegrate negative emotional energy.


8. Rescan the front and back solar plexus chakra



Divide the front solar plexus chakra into 4 parts and

apply sweeping using LEV.

Do the same cleansing and energizing onthe back solar

plexus chakra.

Inhibit the over-activated solar plexus by energgizing

it with LB.


9. Scanthe front and back solar plexus sideways.

Apply distributive sweeping and spread the energy



10. Scan the heart chakra. Apply ordinary sweeping

on the front heart chakra.

Energize the front heart chakra through the back

heart chakra with LEV. Activate the back heart by

mentally saying, " Bigger, bigger, bigger " . Flick your

hand .


Stabilize the projected energy by painting the back

heart with LWB.


11. Scan the crown. Imagine dividing the crown into

4 parts. Apply sweeping oneachpart. Energize the

crown with LEV. Rescan the crown and stabilize the

projected energy.


12. For long standing anxiety, it is necesary to

create chakral shields for the front and back solar

plexus chakrasm ajna, and crown chakras.


Repeat treatment twice per week.























--- Barbette Sharp <Barbette wrote:

> Are there treatments for children (between ages 5-9)

> in the following areas:

> 1) sensory integration dysfunction

> 2) dyslexia

> 3) turets syndrome

> 4) generalized fears and low self-esteem


> Thank you so very much,

> Barbette Sharp

> Via Pacifica School

> Manhattan Beach, California



> [Non-text portions of this message have been

> removed]







Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer . ~ Master Choa Kok



Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine




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