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Chagas Disease

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Dear Marilette:

Could you please send us the protocol for Chagas

disease. I would like to

give treatment to a woman about 71 years old; and I

would also like know

more about this disease.


Amado Campos



Dear Amado,




Thank you for your email.


Medical Background:


Chagas disease is found only in Latin America. It is

named after Carlos Chagas, a Brazilian doctor who

first described the disease in 1909. He also described

the life-cycle of the parasite, identified the insects

that transmit the parasite, identified small mammals

that act as reservoir hosts, and suggested means to

help prevent its transmission.


Cause:The protozoan parasite (Trypanosoma cruzi),

which enters the human body through broken skin.


Parasites are transmitted to humans in 3 ways:

1) By bloodfeeding " Assassin bugs’ (sub-family

Triatominae), which live in cracks and crevices of

poor-quality houses, usually in rural areas. They

emerge at night to bite and suck blood. The faeces of

the insects contain parasites which can enter the

wound left after the bloodmeal, usually when it is

scratched or rubbed;

2) Through transfusion with infected blood;

3) Congenitally, from infected mother to foetus


Symptoms: Usually a small sore develops at the bite

where the parasite enters the body. If this is near

the eye, the eyelid becomes swollen (known as Romaña’s

sign). As the parasite spreads from the bite site, the

patient develops fever, malaise, and generalized

swelling of the lymph nodes. The liver and spleen may

become enlarged. This initial acute phase may cause

illness and death, especially in young children. More

commonly, patients enter a symptomless phase lasting

several months or years, during which time parasites

are invading most organs of the body, often causing

heart, intestinal and oesophageal damage and

progressive weakness.


The disease goes into remission after the acute phase

and may become chronic with no further symptoms for

many years. When symptoms finally develop, they appear

as heart disease (cardiomyopathy) and digestive

abnormalities. In 32% of those infected, fatal damage

to the heart and digestive tract occurs during this

chronic phase.


Patients may develop congestive heart failure.

Swallowing difficulties may be the first symptom of

digestive disturbances and may lead to malnutrition.

Patients who have parasitic infection of the colon may

experience abdominal pain and constipation. Death is

usually caused by heart disease.


Prevention and control

1) Treatment of homes with residual insecticides


2) Blood screening to prevent transmission through



3) Drug treatment for acute early indeterminate and

congenital cases


4) House improvement (substituting plastered walls and

a metal roof for adobe-walled, thatch-roofed



T. cruzi antigens can stimulate autoimmunity, so the

prospects for an effective vaccine are slim.


Control relies on killing vector insects in houses,

improving housing to render them unsuitable for

colonization by vector insects, and comprehensive

health education initiatives. Travellers can avoid the

disease by not sleeping in infested housing and

ensuring that any transfusions are with blood that

have been screened.


Global Burden of Disease

Disease burden:

649,000 DALYs


Deaths: 13,000


Source: Special Programme for Research and Training in

Tropical Diseases (TDR)


Pranic Healing:


Advanced Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui.


Due to this patient's advanced age, white may be used

instead of color prana.


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after



2. General sweeping several times.


3. Localized thorough sweeping on affected area(s)

and organs.

Energize affected area(s) and organ(s) with LWG, LWB

and LWV or gold.

Do not energize the physical heart directly.


4. Localized thorough sweeping on the front, sides

and back of the lungs.


Energize the lungs thoroughly and directly through the

back of the lungs with LWG, LWO and then with ordinary

LWV. This may take several minutes.


Point your fingers away from the patient's head when

energizing with O.


Repeat steps 1 to 4 three to four times per day for

the first few days of treatment.


5. Localized thorough sweeping on the basic chakra.

Energize the basic chakra with white or LWR. If the

patient has fever or venereal disease, do not energize

the basic chakra. Just apply localized thorough

sweeping on it.


6. Localized thorough sweeping on the arms and legs

with emphasis on their minor chakras. Energize the

minor chakras with LWR.


If the patient has fever or venereal disease, energize

the minor chakras with ordinary LWV. Do not use LWR.


If ordinary LWV is used, do not apply this step more

than once per day.


7. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and the

back spleen chakra and the navel chakra and the upper

and lower abdominal area.

Energize the navel chakra with ordinary LWV.


8. If the spleen is painful, energize the spleen

chakra directly with LWG and then with ordinary LWV.

Apply more localized sweeping on the front amd back

spleen chakra.


9. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus chakra and liver. Energize the solar

plexus chakra with LWG, LWB and then with ordinary



10. Localized thorough sweeping on the esophagus and

the throat chakra. Energize with LWG, LWB then with

ordinary LWV.


11. Localized thorough sweeping on the physical heart

and the front and back heart chakra. Energize the

heart chakra through the back heart chakra with LWV.


12. Localized thorough sweeping on the crown,

forehead, ajna, and back head chakras. Energize them

with LWG and more of ordinary LWV.


13. Localized thorough sweeping on the meng mein

chakra and the kidneys.

Energize the kidneys with white.


14. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


15. Repeat complete treatment three times per week.




1. Teach patient how to do proper abdominal pranic

breathing. This has to be done for 5 minutes, several

times everyday to asssist in raising energy level,

facilitate healing.


2. Thoroughly disinfect living quarters and personal
















Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer . ~ Master Choa Kok



Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine


Ask or read the uptodate pranic healing protocols by joining the group through



For the latest International Information regarding GMCKS Pranic Healing, visit







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