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Energy Exercises, Hair Loss

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Namaste, Christine.


Thank you for the additional information.


The possible problem may be rooted in the improper

mixing and distribution of energies generated by your

practices. There are several layers of pranic energy

in our etheric body. Depending on the exactness of

your practice of the exercises from the book, Your

Hands Can Heal You, and the standard of the chi gong

and tai chi exercises, the mixing and distribution of

the energies generated by these exercises within your

system caused energy imbalances and adverse reactions

as described in your email. Also, energy practices

can energize existing imbalances within the system if

insufficient cleansing was applied before the energy

practice. The degree is greater if the practices were



Hair loss could also be one of these reactions. The

condition may have also been compounded by hormonal

changes. Hair loss is generally caused by

-Physical stress: surgery, illness, anemia, dieting,

rapid weight change.

-Emotional stress: mental illness, death of a family


-Thyroid abnormalities.

-Medications: High doses of Vitamin A --Blood pressure

medications- - Gout medications.

-Hormonal causes: pregnancy, birth control pills,



1. The first thing to do is to stop advanced

meditations and energy practices until the previous

energies are cleansed and dissipated from your system.

This could take some weeks or months.


2. Second, sweat it out. Do aerobics, swim, cycle,

brisk walk or jog for 30 minutes or more constiniously

each day, everyday.


3. Diet. Eat non-greasy, fresh food with plenty of

fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. Drink proper

amounts of water.


4. Bathe in water with salt ( 1 kg.for one 2/3 water

filled tub) and/or lavender essential oil bath( 30-40

drops for 2/3 water filled tub) for 15 to 20 minutes

after exercise and/or before bedtime.


5. Practice slow deep abdominal breathing for 12

cycles especially when experiencing stress.


6. Avoid stress, negative thoughts, negative emotions,

negative activities and environment.


7. Do regular blessings in large volumes. Continue

sercie and tithing.


For vertigo, do the neck exercises taught for use

before the Meditation on Twin Hearts with a little



1. a.)Inhale as you bring your head up as far back as

you can. Do this very slowly.


b.) Exhale as you bring your head down touching your

chin to your chest; completely emptying your lungs.

Do this very slowly.


A.) and b.) is 1 cycle. Do 3 to 7 cycles very slowly

upon waking up in the morning and when you feel an

attack about to start.


Apply the Advanced Pranic Healing for hair loss:


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.

2. General sweeping.

3. Localized thorough sweeping on the scalp.Energize

with LWB for localizing effect. Then energize with

more of LWR (95%), then with a little of LWY (5%)

projected one after the other. Do NOT project them

simultaneously, the effect will be quite adverse.


4. Localized thorough sweeping on the ajna chakra.

Energize with a little of LWG, then more of ordinary



5. Localized thorough sweeping on the back head minor,

jaw minor, and throat chakras. Energize them with LWG

then ordinary LWV.


6. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus chakra with LWG. Energize with LWG, LWB,

then with oridnary LWV.


7. Apply localized sweeping on the navel, sex, and

basic chakras. Energize with LWR.


8. Stabilize and release projected energy.


9. Repeat treatment three times a week.


Please keep us informed of your progress.














--- Christine Lora <christinelora wrote:


> Namaste, Marilette.


> First off, thank you so much for the service that

> you are doing with this site. I just found out

> about it this week and cannot begin to tell you how

> happy I am to have a Master so available to teach me

> more about pranic healing. Thank you so much for

> touching the lives of so many through your work.


> I have several other symptoms; here is my story (I

> apologize if it is long). I began learning pranic

> heailng with Master Co in 2003. I was doing a lot

> of the energy exercises in his book Your Hands Can

> Heal You. I was also studying tai chi and chi gong

> at the same time. Shortly thereafter, I began to

> experience numerous health problems. My hair

> started falling out, I had difficulty sleeping, I

> was anxious and depressed, my vision started

> changing, I was having all sorts of headaches and

> neck/shoulder pain, and allergies. I now know that

> it is kundalini syndrome. Every western doctor that

> I went to told me it was a different thing that was

> wrong with me, thus I have this psychological belief

> now that " I'm not healthy " , which I have been trying

> to heal and remove using pranic psychotherapy.


> When I cleanse myself with my crystal, I feel

> relief, but then afterwards I feel anxious like

> there are still blockages. This is with long

> cleansing sessions (about 1 hour) using the crystal.

> I tried to do Meditation on Twin hearts which also

> seemed to make the problem worse, so now I just do

> only the beginning part for blessing the earth.


> Right now, my main health problems are the falling

> hair,neck pain, and vertigo which I have had for

> about 6 months. The last time I tried to take a

> salt bath, I added coffee to it per Master Co, to

> try to release the dirty energy. It made me so

> dizzy that I ended up sick all night long. I have

> been afraid to try salt baths. Mostly, I pray a

> lot, and I exercise, and I try to do service for

> others.


> Any advice you have would be greatly appreciated. I

> am so grateful to be on this course with pranic

> healing, and have felt like so much of my life

> experiences are now explained now that I know about

> pranic healing and the laws of energy. I feel like

> I could be of so much more service to others if I

> could just harness all this energy that is spinning

> out of control inside me. I don't know what to do

> next.


> With much love and thanks,

> Christine


> PHQandA < wrote:

> Namaste.


> Do yu have any other conditions aside from hair

> loss?


> Love,


> Marilette


> --- christinelora wrote:


> > Hello,

> >

> > I saw a posting in the pranic healing archives

> that

> > you had sent about

> > having female hair loss in 2003. Did the pranic

> > healing treatments

> > help you to stop your hair loss and regrow your

> > hair? I am having the

> > same problem myself, and wanted to see if it

> worked

> > for you.

> >

> > Namaste,

> > Christine

> >

> >

> >



> Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox

> medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms

> persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

> immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic

> Healer . ~ Master Choa Kok Sui


> Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature,

> but only to that which is known to us in nature. ~

> St. Augustine


> Ask or read the uptodate pranic healing protocols by

> joining the group through

> http://health./


> For the latest International Information regarding

> GMCKS Pranic Healing, visit

> http://www.pranichealing.org.




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Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer . ~ Master Choa Kok



Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine


Ask or read the uptodate pranic healing protocols by joining the group through



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