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Weight Loss and Wrinkles

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Liebe pranic healer,


kann mir jemand bezüglich Gewichtsabnahme (weight

loss) und zur Verbesserung des Hautbildes, Falten

(wrinkle) weiterhelfen.





Dear writer,


Thank you for your email.


The Pranic Healing protocol for weight loss is in

message 2147; Pranic Facelift is inmesage 1950.

Copies of said messages are enclosed for your easy











message 2147


The following pranic healing protocol was given by

GMCKS. This is applicable for both weight loss and

removal of cellulites. The protocol has been used by

Master Faith Sawey on her patients and has proved

successful in eliminating unwanted body fats.

Significant results were produced within one month of

continious regular treatment.


Pranic Healing:


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after



2. General sweeping.


3. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus chakra, the liver, ajna chakra, crown

chakra and throat chakra with EV to remove and

disintegrate the stressful, fear or traumatic energy.


4. Energize the ajna with EV simultaneously

visualizing the chakra becoming brighter. This is to

increase the willpower of the person in order to

regulate his thoughts and emotions.


5. Activate the throat chakra by projecting EV

simultaneously visualizing the throat chakra becoming



6. Localized thorough cleansing on the front and back

heart chakra. Energize through the back heart with LV

or EV.


7. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

solar plexus and the liver. Energize the solar plexus

chakra with LWG then LWO.


8. Inhibit the solar plexus by projecting LB and

willing the chakra to become smaller.


9. Localized thorough sweeping on the fatty tissue of

the abdominal area. Project LB on the fatty tissue of

the abdomen for localizing effect.


10. Energize the abdominal area with LWG then LWO

then with V then a little EV.


11. Localized thorough cleansing on the navel and

basic chakra. Energize them with LWR. If patient has

fever or venereal disease, do not energise the basic.

Just apply thorough sweeping.


12. For other body parts with cellulites:


Apply loacalized thorough sweeping on the affected

area carefully. Energize the affected area with LB

for localizing effect. Energize the affected part

with LWG then LWO then with V then with a little EV.


NOTE: Do not use orange on the lower torso of pregnant

women, or on affected parts located near a delicate

organ (heart, spleen, etc.) or on areas located above

the neck. In such cases, just use LWG, LV then a

little EV.


13. Localized thorough cleansing on the navel and

basic chakra. Energize them with LWR. If patient has

fever or venereal disease, do not energise the basic.

Just apply thorough sweeping.


14. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


15. Repeat treatment 3 times per week for as long as



16. Patient is advised to a.) eat a daily balanced

nutritious diet with plenty of fresh green vegetables,

fresh fruits and fresh water;

b.) do regular physical exercise at one hour per


c.) practice the Meditation on Twin Hearts regularly

for the proper maintenace of the sense of inner peace

and well being.




Pranic Facial - GMCKS with Glenn Mendoza, M.D.

PHQANDA Message 1950


Preferably, the Pranic Facial should be done in

conjunction with a guided meditation (Meditation on

Twin Hearts with Chakral Healing by

Master Choa Kok Sui). Healings were performed with a

laser crystal held on the right hand and a rose quartz

crystal ball on the left

hand. The rose quartz crystal softens the energy and

the laser crystal projects the energy particularly in

the wrinkles and lines.

One can likewise use the hands for healing. After the

healing, subjects are encouraged to assess the

experience and have options to exercise facial muscles

by gently massaging or tapping it.



Pranic Healing Protocol is in Table 3.




Table 3.

Pranic Healing Protocol for Facial Rejuvenation

(Pranic Facial).


The Specific Colors Indicate What Color Pranas Are


(See Advanced Pranic Healing book by Master Choa Kok



1. Cleansing

A. Light Whitish Green

B. Light Whitish Violet


2. Moisturizing

A. Pink


3. Disintegrating traumatic psychological experiences

A. Electric Violet


4. Strengthening/Toning

A. Light Whitish Red


5. Regenerating

A. Gold


Pranic Facial or Energy Beauty Treatment has provides

the essential

elements of facial skin care but in the context of a

no touch energy

healing. By our results, we have won over volunteers

who otherwise

would have used Botox collagen injection or surgical

facelift. Our

wish is to have every person add the Pranic Facial

Program to their

present facial skincare regimen. Pranic Facial

Program is a safe,

simple alternative approach in the hope of achieving a


stress-free and youthful looking face.


(For more information, contact your local Pranic

Healing Center or

get the information at: http://www.pranichealing.org/

or at:




The International Pranic Healing Website recognizes

Glenn Mendoza, M.D., for this important contribution

to the archives of Pranic Healing information and

protocols. Look for his new book, written with Grand

Master Choa Kok Sui, for additional information

about this exciting new development in Pranic Healing!









1. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or if the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.


2. Pranic Healers who are are not medical doctors should not prescribe nor

interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments. ~ Master Choa

Kok Sui


Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine


Reference material for Pranic Healing protocols are the following books

written by Master Choa Kok Sui:

Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic

Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing.


Ask or read the up to date Pranic Healing protocols by joining the group

through http://health./


MCKS Pranic Healing gateway website: http://www.pranichealing.org.






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