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Tourette Syndrome

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Dear Marilette,


I am treating a client who has Tourette Syndrome. He

experiences uncontrolled body movements and mood

swings. What i discovered through my research is that

his ganglia is unable to re-uptake dopamine. But where

is the source of the problem? And what

protocol should I apply ?

Thank you so much for your support. I am grateful.


Lina Sutton

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia




Dear Lina,




Thank you for your email.


Medical Background:


Tourette syndrome (TS) is a neurological disorder

characterized by repetitive, stereotyped, involuntary

movements and vocalizations called tics. The disorder

is named for Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette, the

pioneering French neurologist who in 1885 first

described the condition in an 86-year-old French



The early symptoms of TS are almost always noticed

first in childhood, with the average onset between the

ages of 7 and 10 years. TS occurs in people from all

ethnic groups; males are affected about three to four

times more often than females. It is estimated that

200,000 Americans have the most severe form of TS, and

as many as one in 100 exhibit milder and less complex

symptoms such as chronic motor or vocal tics or

transient tics of childhood. Although TS can be a

chronic condition with symptoms lasting a lifetime,

most people with the condition experience their worst

symptoms in their early teens, with improvement

occurring in the late teens and continuing into



Symptoms: Tics are classified as either simple or

complex. Simple motor tics are sudden, brief,

repetitive movements that involve a limited number of

muscle groups. Some of the more common simple tics

include eye blinking and other vision irregularities,

facial grimacing, shoulder shrugging, and head or

shoulder jerking. Simple vocalizations might include

repetitive throat-clearing, sniffing, or grunting

sounds. Complex tics are distinct, coordinated

patterns of movements involving several muscle groups.

Complex motor tics might include facial grimacing

combined with a head twist and a shoulder shrug. Other

complex motor tics may actually appear purposeful,

including sniffing or touching objects, hopping,

jumping, bending, or twisting. Simple vocal tics may

include throat-clearing, sniffing/snorting, grunting,

or barking. More complex vocal tics include words or

phrases. Perhaps the most dramatic and disabling tics

include motor movements that result in self-harm such

as punching oneself in the face or vocal tics

including coprolalia (uttering swear words) or

echolalia (repeating the words or phrases of others).

Some tics are preceded by an urge or sensation in the

affected muscle group, commonly called a premonitory

urge. Some with TS will describe a need to complete a

tic in a certain way or a certain number of times in

order to relieve the urge or decrease the sensation.


Tics are often worse with excitement or anxiety and

better during calm, focused activities. Certain

physical experiences can trigger or worsen tics, for

example tight collars may trigger neck tics, or

hearing another person sniff or throat-clear may

trigger similar sounds. Tics do not go away during

sleep but are often significantly diminished.


Tics come and go over time, varying in type,

frequency, location, and severity. The first symptoms

usually occur in the head and neck area and may

progress to include muscles of the trunk and

extremities. Motor tics generally precede the

development of vocal tics and simple tics often

precede complex tics. Most patients experience peak

tic severity before the mid-teen years with

improvement for the majority of patients in the late

teen years and early adulthood. Approximately 10

percent of those affected have a progressive or

disabling course that lasts into adulthood.


Can people with TS control their tics? Although the

symptoms of TS are involuntary, some people can

sometimes suppress, camouflage, or otherwise manage

their tics in an effort to minimize their impact on

functioning. However, people with TS often report a

substantial buildup in tension when suppressing their

tics to the point where they feel that the tic must be

expressed. Tics in response to an environmental

trigger can appear to be voluntary or purposeful but

are not.



Causes: Although the cause of TS is unknown, current

research points to abnormalities in certain brain

regions (including the basal ganglia, frontal lobes,

and cortex), the circuits that interconnect these

regions, and the neurotransmitters (dopamine,

serotonin, and norepinephrine) responsible for

communication among nerve cells. Given the often

complex presentation of TS, the cause of the disorder

is likely to be equally complex.


Many with TS experience additional neurobehavioral

problems including inattention; hyperactivity and

impulsivity (attention deficit hyperactivity

disorder—ADHD) and related problems with reading,

writing, and arithmetic; and obsessive-compulsive

symptoms such as intrusive thoughts/worries and

repetitive behaviors. For example, worries about dirt

and germs may be associated with repetitive

hand-washing, and concerns about bad things happening

may be associated with ritualistic behaviors such as

counting, repeating, or ordering and arranging.

People with TS have also reported problems with

depression or anxiety disorders, as well as other

difficulties with living, that may or may not be

directly related to TS. Given the range of potential

complications, people with TS are best served by

receiving medical care that provides a comprehensive

treatment plan


TS is a diagnosis that doctors make after verifying

that the patient has had both motor and vocal tics for

at least 1 year. The existence of other neurological

or psychiatric conditions[1] can also help doctors

arrive at a diagnosis. Common tics are not often

misdiagnosed by knowledgeable clinicians. But

atypical symptoms or atypical presentation (for

example, onset of symptoms in adulthood) may require

specific specialty expertise for diagnosis. There are

no blood or laboratory tests needed for diagnosis, but

neuroimaging studies, such as magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT), and

electroencephalogram (EEG) scans, or certain blood

tests may be used to rule out other conditions that

might be confused with TS.


It is not uncommon for patients to obtain a formal

diagnosis of TS only after symptoms have been present

for some time. The reasons for this are many. For

families and physicians unfamiliar with TS, mild and

even moderate tic symptoms may be considered

inconsequential, part of a developmental phase, or the

result of another condition. For example, parents may

think that eye blinking is related to vision problems

or that sniffing is related to seasonal allergies.

Many patients are self-diagnosed after they, their

parents, other relatives, or friends read or hear

about TS from others.


[1] These include childhood-onset involuntary movement

disorders such as dystonia, or psychiatric disorders

characterized by repetitive behaviors/movements (for

example, stereotypic behaviors in autism and

compulsive behaviors in obsessive-compulsive disorder

— OCD).


Medical treatment is available in the form of

medications and psychotherapy may also be helpful.

Although psychological problems do not cause TS, such

problems may result from TS. Psychotherapy can help

the person with TS better cope with the disorder and

deal with the secondary social and emotional problems

that sometimes occur. More recently, specific

behavioral treatments that include awareness training

and competing response training, such as voluntarily

moving in response to a premonitory urge, have shown

effectiveness in small controlled trials. Larger and

more definitive NIH-funded studies are underway.


Evidence from twin and family studies suggests that TS

is an inherited disorder. Although early family

studies suggested an autosomal dominant mode of

inheritance (an autosomal dominant disorder is one in

which only one copy of the defective gene, inherited

from one parent, is necessary to produce the

disorder), more recent studies suggest that the

pattern of inheritance is much more complex. Although

there may be a few genes with substantial effects, it

is also possible that many genes with smaller effects

and environmental factors may play a role in the

development of TS. Genetic studies also suggest that

some forms of ADHD and OCD are genetically related to

TS, but there is less evidence for a genetic

relationship between TS and other neurobehavioral

problems that commonly co-occur with TS. It is

important for families to understand that genetic

predisposition may not necessarily result in

full-blown TS; instead, it may express itself as a

milder tic disorder or as obsessive-compulsive

behaviors. It is also possible that the gene-carrying

offspring will not develop any TS symptoms.


The sex of the person also plays an important role in

TS gene expression. At-risk males are more likely to

have tics and at-risk females are more likely to have

obsessive-compulsive symptoms.


People with TS may have genetic risks for other

neurobehavioral disorders such as depression or

substance abuse. Genetic counseling of individuals

with TS should include a full review of all

potentially hereditary conditions in the family.


Although there is no cure for TS, the condition in

many individuals improves in the late teens and early

20s. As a result, some may actually become

symptom-free or no longer need medication for tic

suppression. Although the disorder is generally

lifelong and chronic, it is not a degenerative

condition. Individuals with TS have a normal life

expectancy. TS does not impair intelligence. Although

tic symptoms tend to decrease with age, it is possible

that neurobehavioral disorders such as depression,

panic attacks, mood swings, and antisocial behaviors

can persist and cause impairment in adult life.


Although students with TS often function well in the

regular classroom, ADHD, learning disabilities,

obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and frequent tics can

greatly interfere with academic performance or social

adjustment. After a comprehensive assessment, students

should be placed in an educational setting that meets

their individual needs. Students may require tutoring,

smaller or special classes, and in some cases special



All students with TS need a tolerant and compassionate

setting that both encourages them to work to their

full potential and is flexible enough to accommodate

their special needs. This setting may include a

private study area, exams outside the regular

classroom, or even oral exams when the child's

symptoms interfere with his or her ability to write.

Untimed testing reduces stress for students with TS.


Source - National Institute of Neurological Disorders

and Stroke, National Institutes of Health


Pranic Healing:


1. Invoke and scan before, during and after treatment.


2. General sweeping several times using LV or

EV. Using the heart area (front and back) as the

centre point to sweep and disentangle the health

rays from the centre outwards.


3. Localized thorough sweeping on the front and back

heart chakras. Energize and activate the heart chakra

through the back heart chakra with EV.


4. Localized thorough sweeping on the entire head

area and the left, right brain, center, front and

back, top and the base of the brain using LV or EV.


Rescan to check if the energy of the different sections

of the brain is clean and balanced. Continue sweeping

until the energy of all the sections of the brain is

clean and balanced


5. Localized thorough sweeping using LV or EV on the

crown, ajna, forehead, backhead, ears, temple minor,

throat chakras and the spine and the sides of the



Frontally, divide the chakra into 4 equal parts, the

core is the 5th part and the root of th e chakr ais

the 6th part. Take note of any part of the chakra

that is bulging.


Form the intention to remove all stress, traumatic,

negative emotions, negative thoughts or thought



Apply localized thorough sweeping using LEV or EV

from each part of the chakra until all the parts of

the chakra are smooth and balanced.


Energize chakras with EV or LEV simultaneously visualize

the energy going to the brain making the brain brighter evenly.


6. Form a clear intention to cleanse the chakra of

all stress energy, trauma, negative emotions, negative

thoughts, or thought entities.


Apply localized thorough sweeping using LEV or EV on

the front and back solar plexus, liver, front and

back spleen, navel, meng mein chakras, both kidneys,

the adrenalin glands and the sex and basic chakras,

feet, legs, arms, hands, mini chakras of arms and legs.


7. Energize the solar plexus chakra, the navel

chakra, minor chakras of the arms and legs, and the

basic chakra with LEV or EV.


If the chakra is over activated, inhibit using LB.


*If the patient is undergoing depression, energize

basic, navel front solar plexus, spleen, both feet

and hands with LWR.


8. Create a positive image of the patient: balanced,

stable, integrated, harmonious, peaceful, happy,

bright, healthy and productive. This must be done



9. Create chakral shields for the solar plexus, crown,

forehead, back head, ajna and basic chakras. Create

an auric shield.


10. Stabilize and release projected pranic energy.


11. Repeat treatment once per day for the first few

days until the condition is substantially improved.

Gradually decrease frequency of treatment to 3 times

per week until for as long as needed.


-Maintenance treatment is recommended especially

during physically, emotionally or mentally stressful



-Superbrain Yoga may be practiced for 14 to 21 cycles under the supervision of a

certifeed Pranic Healer and a medical doctor. This yoga will energize and

activate the brain and nerve cells, cleanse balance the different sections of

the brain.




a. To hasten recovery, encourage the family members to

form a meditation group and regularly meditate together

the Meditation on Twin Hearts blessing patient

with love and peace during the blessing portion.


b. For patient:


1. Regular salt water bath.

2. Pranic breathing for 5 minutes per session, 3

sessions per day or more especially when experiencing


3. Healthy balanced diet and regular daily physical


4. Maintain a healthy, positive, balanced, peaceful

environment. To maintain proper balance: Avoid stress,

negative thoughts,negative emotions, negative

environment and stressful activities; during episodes,

avoid exposure to unprogrammed crystals and

undetermined strong sources of pranic or psychic










1. Pranic Healing is not intended to replace orthodox medicine, but rather to

complement it. If symptoms persist or if the ailment is severe, please consult

immediately a medical doctor and a Certified Pranic Healer.


2. Pranic Healers who are are not medical doctors should not prescribe nor

interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments. ~ Master Choa

Kok Sui


Miracles do not happen in contradiction to nature, but only to that which is

known to us in nature. ~ St. Augustine


Reference material for Pranic Healing protocols are the following books

written by Master Choa Kok Sui:

Miracles Through Pranic Healing, Advanced Pranic Healing, Pranic

Psychotherapy, Pranic Crystal Healing.


Ask or read the up to date Pranic Healing protocols by joining the group

through http://health./


MCKS Pranic Healing gateway website: http://www.pranichealing.org.






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