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Pranic Cleansing by Extraction Technique by Master Choa Kok Sui

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Pranic Cleansing by Extraction Technique

By Master Choa Kok Sui


1. There are several types of extraction techniques and the

simplest is done sometimes, if not usually, by natural-born healers

who have had no training in healing. These healers simply touch the

affected part and involuntarily extract or absorb the pain and the

diseased energy into his body without expelling it. This is because

they do not really know how to expel the diseased energy and do not

understand the process. Consequently, they are affected by the

diseased energy but recover after a good night's sleep. This

technique is definitely not advisable.

(Miracles Through Pranic Healing by MCKS, page 150)


2. Another type of extraction technique is absorbing the diseased

matter through one of the hand chakras and expelling it through the

other hand chakra. You may use either of the hand chakras for

extraction and expelling. Although this is an improvement over the

primitive technique, it is still not advisable because there is

always the possibility that some diseased energy will remain in the

healer's body. Just imagine what will happen to the healer if he

extracts dirty energy from 20-50 patients a day for 250 days a year.

It is quite unlikely that the healer will remain healthy for long.

He might even end up with so many strange diseases. The idea of

absorbing dirty, sticky and greyish diseased energy is just plainly


(Miracles Through Pranic Healing by MCKS, page 151)


3. Another type of extraction technique is simply extracting the

diseased energy from the affected part by an act of will. The hand

is placed a few inches away from the affected part and the diseased

energy is extracted by willing it to come out. No sweeping movement

is done. The diseased energy is caught by the hand and flicked into

the disposal unit.

(Miracles Through Pranic Healing by MCKS, page 151)


4. In more serious ailments, the Extraction Technique does not

work because those diseased energy are usually very sticky. Just

willing it to come out will not cause a substantial amount of the

diseased energy to be pulled out. Therefore, Advanced Pranic

Healing Technique has to be used.


5. Under normal conditions, a chakra draws in and projects pranic

energy alternately at a rapid rate. The amount of pranic energy

drawn in and projected are more or less equal. The chakra rotates

clockwise at 180 degrees and counterclockwise at 180 degrees in the

opposite direction alternately at a rapid rate. When the hand chakra

predominantly projects, the counterclockwise motion is 360 degrees

and the clockwise motion is only 180 degrees. When the hand chakra

rotates counterclockwise, it projects pranic energy and stops for a

split second, then rotates in clockwise motion and draws in pranic

energy and stops for a split second. The entire process is repeated.

The pranic energy projected is not continuous and neither is the

pranic energy drawn in. It only appears continuous because the

chakra is moving rapidly and alternately clockwise and

counterclockwise, thereby giving an appearance of continuous

projection of pranic energy or continuous drawing in of pranic

energy. The difference in the intensity of pranic energy projected

depends on the rate of rotation of the chakras. The faster it

rotates, the more intense is the projected pranic energy and the

slower it rotates, the less intense is the pranic energy projected.

When a hand chakra is predominantly absorbing, it makes a 360-degree

clockwise rotation and a 180-degree counterclockwise rotation and

vice-versa when it is predominantly projecting pranic energy. The

intensity of pranic energy projected or absorbed does not involve

changes in the pattern of rotation of the chakra but is dependent

upon the rate of rotation of the chakra. The faster it rotates, the

more intense is the projected or absorbed prana.

(Miracles Through Pranic Healing by MCKS, pages 148-149)


6. The cleansing process can be hastened by moving the hand in

counterclockwise motion once or twice, then flicking the hand. The

process is repeated as many times as necessary until the affected

part is thoroughly cleansed. This technique, when combined with

advanced localized sweeping, will rapidly clean the affected part

and will produce very fast relief.

(Advanced Pranic Healing by MCKS, page 68)


7. Energize the affected part with light whitish blue for about 3

breathing cycles. Then, energize with light whitish green for 5

breathing cycles and light whitish orange for 5 breathing cycles.

Wait for about 30 seconds to 1 minute for the diseased energy to

loosen up. Then, apply counterclockwise sweeping motion 2 to 3

times with the use of will and extract the diseased energy. This

entire process will have to be repeated several times. It is also

effective for healing infections.


For delicate parts, energize with light whitish blue for about 3

breathing cycles. Then, energize with light whitish green for 5

breathing cycles and ordinary light whitish violet for 5 breathing

cycles and electric violet for one breathing cycle. Wait for about

30 seconds to 1 minute for the diseased energy to loosen up. Then,

apply counterclockwise sweeping motion 2 to 3 times with the use of

will and extract the diseased energy. This entire process will have

to be repeated several times.

(Advanced Pranic Healing by MCKS, pages 69-70)


8. A crystal is a subtle energy condenser. Therefore, it can

absorb both pranic energy and diseased energy. Since a crystal is

also programmable, you can instruct it to extract, absorb,

disintegrate and expel dirty energy, diseased energy, negative

elementals and negative thought entities from an affected part or

chakra. Preferably, use green crystals.


A crystal can be used while being held in the hand or by putting the

crystal on the affected part.

(Pranic Crystal Healing by MCKS, pages 57-59)


This article is written in order to clarify in the minds of the

students the topic of Pranic Cleansing by Extraction Technique.




01 August 2006

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