Guest guest Posted September 2, 2005 Report Share Posted September 2, 2005 The following has been shared at Peggy's request. I hope it is of some help in this time of great need. Please feel free to share this freely: A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS - STONE SPIRIT SUPPORT DURING A TRAGEDY When one person suffers, we all suffer. When one person is blessed, we are all blessed. - Indigenous medicine teaching Dearest stone friends, The stone spirits act as medicine keepers of this world's oldest and deepest wisdom, a timeless knowing that is profound, palpable and practical enough to speak to every facet of our dance. For those willing to listen with reverence and respect, these earth elders abundantly share the magic of the Earth Mother and the miracles of Nature. The medicine teachings they offer to those willing to sit in their sacred circle are clearly capable of acting as our guide and guard at every step. In moments of great tragedy, such as what we have just witnessed in the wake of hurricane Katrina, the support the stone spirits offer us becomes more vital than ever. We must naturally reach to them as they lovingly reach to us, working together in divinely guided co-creative relationships to send much needed support to those directly impacted by personal, communal or global tragedy, to their family and friends and, of course, to the Earth Mother herself who often weeps alongside her children. In the past few days since Katrina has left her undeniable mark on the southern United States I have received countless emails from people around the world asking, almost begging, to know what can be done to offer spiritual support to those in such dire need. In answer to the desire to help I wanted to offer a simple dance that can be undertaken by anyone interested in sending prayers, energy, support and Love to those in need, to those affected at the deepest level by the tragedy of this natural disaster. During this dance we will ask for the support of the stone spirits and, as an expression of that support, co-create a very simple grid that will establish the sacred space that will receive and radiate the prayers and energy sent to those in need. In order to keep this pathway of support open and accessible to the greatest number of people I have presented it in its most basic form. Some variations and possible options for expanding the medicine present in this grid will be explored after we move through the steps of the basic dance. This simple dance, called A Light in the Darkness, requires the assistance of the following stones and medicines: * 4 single terminated Clear Quartz crystals * A single candle of any color * Some incense or Sacred Sage * Matches or a lighter Find a spot where you will be undisturbed and where this grid can be safely co-created and maintained. Because a lit candle will be a part of this dance take care to place this grid in an area out of reach of animals, small children or any fire hazards. Spend a few moments taking deep breaths and slowly exhaling to center yourself. Though it is easy to be shaken during times of crisis, it is important to find balance before beginning this dance so that the stability that we feel can be woven through the medicine held by this grid. We cannot offer what we don't have, so starting with stability will bless those in need with the same. Respectfully place the four Quartz crystals in front of you. Take a moment to touch each one, to acknowledge their presence and their importance in this dance. Share your desire to send support to those in need and ask the Quartz spirits for their help. If you're co- creating this grid in response to a specific tragedy, make this clear in your dialog with the stone spirits. Remember, the Quartz crystals are spirits, not tools, objects or things. We're not " using them " or programming them to do our will, but rather we are respectfully requesting their help to support members of our global family that find themselves in great need. The difference in two perspectives, and the efficacy each offers this dance, are profoundly different. When you've finished sharing your desire to help and making your request to the Quartz spirits for their support, take a moment to thank them in some way for joining you in this dance. Simply touching them once more, while holding Love and appreciation in your heart, is an easy and meaningful way of saying thank you. You could also offer them some of your breath, a sharing of your soul essence with stone spirits who are about to share so much. With all of the necessary spirits and medicines gathered around you orient yourself to the East. The East is the point of light, the fire of hope that burns bright even after the darkest night. As the Sun rises each morning it makes its ascent in the East, reminding us all that light always follows darkness, heralding the dawn of a new day. For people in crisis hope is often as necessary as food or water and so, with that in mind, we begin our dance facing the directing that brings hope. Gently cup one of the Quartz crystals in your hands, drawing it close to your heart. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think the good thoughts that you're holding for those in need. Feel the emotions you wish upon them – peace, security, balance, hope, etc. Still holding the Quartz crystal to your heart, exhale slowly, knowing that your breath is singing your prayers to the horizon, where they will be received, carried and illuminated by the Sun as it rises each morning. Respectfully place this crystal, with its termination pointed outward, on the ground before you at the 12 o'clock position. Thank this stone spirit for holding this space in the grid. Gather a second Quartz crystal in the same way, cupped in your hands and drawn to your heart. Repeat the above step once more, this time placing the stone spirit on the ground at the 3 o'clock position, leaving enough room in the center for the candle, which will be placed later in the dance. As above, thank the spirit of the Quartz crystal for holding sacred space in the grid you're cooperatively co- creating. Repeat this process two more times with the two remaining Quartz crystals, placing the third stone spirit at the 6 o'clock position and ending with the fourth stone spirit holding the 9 o'clock position. Moving in a clockwise motion is, in this case, important because life giving energy flows in a clockwise spiral and it is this same sustaining force that we seek to share with those in need. This four directional expression of our sacred intention is recognized around the world as the circle of life, the all-inclusive boundary and bond that connects all of Creation together in a single of web of life. Whether it is called the Medicine Wheel by the indigenous people of North America or the Opon Ifa by the Yoruba tribe of West Africa, the circle of life is a symbolic spiritual articulation of our oneness, which, in this dance, helps us to connect our prayers, energy and Love with the needs of our brothers and sisters worldwide. The stone spirits of the four Quartz crystals bring light, clarity and greater connectivity to this sacred space, while also helping to crystallize our prayers and energy into tangible blessings for those in need. With the circle of life born into being we may place the single candle in the center of this grid. Candles bring light in times of darkness and illuminate the road ahead, especially when it's uncertain and potentially challenging. At deeper levels fire always makes a way for itself. It disbelieves the notion of " impossibility, " and works in powerful ways to clear the path for its dance. The presence of the candle and the medicine of fire in this dance serve to clear the pathway to healing, even if the road is cluttered with seemingly insurmountable obstacles. In so doing the spirits of stone and fire allow the spiritual support we send to reach those in need and while reminding them that nothing is impossible. In a larger sense, the candle, seated at the center of this sacred space, reflects the light of the Mother's heart, a light that forever calls to her children when they are lost, confused and in pain. The Mother invites her children to gather close, to her and to one another, so that they may find security and blessings while being cradled in their Mother's arms. Once you have placed the candle in the heart of this grid, take a moment to return to your intentions for this dance. Close your eyes and exhale deeply. Place your right hand on your heart to anchor your awareness in this energy center. Reflect on your desire to share spiritual support with those impacted by the tragedy at hand. Exhale slowly and, as you do, allow your breath to have direct contact with the grid itself, with all four Quartz crystals and with the candle seated in the center. Your exhalation brings the breath of life to this grid, while connecting you co-creatively to the spirits holding this sacred space. Touch the floor with your right hand as a way of rooting your intentions more deeply in this moment and this space. You may now begin to send prayers to those in need through this grid, doing your part to reach out to others and offer a much needed light in a moment of darkness. We will send our support through sacred smoke, allowing our prayers to both be made visible and be carried to those in need as the smoke ascends heavenward. The light will come from the Mother's heart that never gives up and always illuminates the road to healing and wholeness for her children. To begin light the candle in the center of the grid while acknowledging, in your own way, the heart of the Mother that acts as a light for those surrounded by darkness. Gather the incense or Sacred Sage in your hand and, once more, hold it to your heart. Take a moment to thank the plant spirits for their help in this sending of support. Say prayer, send energy or offer Love in whatever way is most natural to you. These prayers, expressed from your heart, are held by the incense or Sacred Sage. When you are ready to send your prayers place the incense or Sacred Sage in an appropriate and fireproof holder and proceed to light them. Fire is the spark of life, that which makes light visible and the medicine that opens the way for our prayers to take physical form and to offer tangible blessings. As the smoke begins to rise, know that your support is already reaching across timelessness toward those in need, offering them the strength and inner peace to move forward in the face of great loss, pain or fear. NOTE: If, for some reason, you prefer not to include incense or Sacred Sage in this dance, you may, of course, send prayers and support anyway. This can be done in the sacred space held by this grid and sent to those in need through intentional breathing as articulated above. You may spend more time reflecting in this space or exit quietly as your prayers and energy move toward those in need. As you depart quietly thank the spirits once more for their vital role in this sending of support. Unless you are using a type of candle that can be safely left burning for an extended period of time, such as the glass encased seven day candles, frequently check on the candle and, at some point, extinguish it until you return to the grid to offer continued support. Spiritual support can be offered through this grid as often and for as long as is necessary. Some people may decide to visit this grid and send their prayers, energy and Love several times a day, while others may do it once in the morning or in the evening. Some may be guided to send their support at the beginning of the week and allow a seven day candle to carry the blessings of support throughout the week to those in need, returning to the ceremony of sharing additional support at the start of each week. Still others will spend time with this grid whenever they are inspired to do so. That you send support to those in need is of the utmost importance, with the details of when and how being of secondary importance. These are the basic steps in the dance of A Light in the Darkness. For those interested in expanding the dance a bit, including exploring additional stone spirits that can be included in the grid, please read on. EXPANDED STEPS IN THIS DANCE While it is my primary intention to make this dance as accessible to as many people as possible, I recognize that there are those that will be interested in expanding on the basic yet effective foundation established above. Additional steps will be presented through two important avenues: * Additional stone spirit allies that might join this dance * The act of making offerings as an expression of spiritual support ADDITIONAL STONE SPIRIT SUPPORT Though the above dance can be effectively explored with only four Quartz crystals, the following stone spirits can be integrated into this grid in whatever way your heart inspires: ANGELITE – Angelite shows us that we are all surrounded, in each moment, by angels that can guide us through even the most challenging times in the most awe-inspiring of ways. Wrapping us in great miracles, Angelite reminds us that we are never, ever alone. This is especially true in times of great suffering, fear and pain. AQUAMARINE – The spirits of Aquamarine help to keep our mind clear so that we can maintain our bearings and an awareness of the right steps to take that will lead us to the healing needed in moments of great tragedy. At deeper levels Aquamarine reminds us to listen to our spirits, revealing that our heart has every answer we need if we will but take a moment to check in and listen. BRECCIATED JASPER – We can feel as if we've literally been broken when we experience a tragedy, particularly one that is intense or far reaching. Brecciated Jasper allows us to " keep it together " and to not give in to a feeling of brokenness so that we can weather the storm unscathed. EMERALD GREEN CALCITE – Emerald Green Calcite invites us to keep our hearts open, even when it feels easier or safer to close down under the guise of self-preservation. When our heart is open, it can still receive whatever medicine and miracles exist to see it to safety. FLUORITE – Though all members of the Fluorite family have individual medicines, they collectively support our ability to call upon our rational mind in moments of need so that we can organize the best possible plan of action. When our emotions seem to have consumed us, the spirits of Fluorite will help us to find a place where we can first know and then act from a clear plan that will insure our own safety and survival. HEMATITE – Hematite gives us a clear connection to the strength of the Earth and the stability of the Earth Mother. When we feel too weak to carry on, Hematite reminds us that we can, that we must take another step. MANGANOCALCITE – The stone spirits of Manganocalcite share a sweet nurturing that is often so needed and sadly absent in times of great crisis. These delicate stone spirits help us to find sustenance on all levels that will both nourish and nurture us in meaningful ways. MOCHI MARBLES – Mochi Marbles connect us to the timeless strength and support of our Ancestors, those that have gone before us that still stand with us beyond the Veil. Indigenous wisdom recognizes that we stand upon the shoulders of those that have gone before. The strength they offer is profound and the protection they give is, in most cases, second to none. The stone spirits of Mochi Marbles help us to establish a more conscious connection to our Ancestors. In so doing we can more readily connect to this source of support and receive the abundant blessings our Ancestors offer us all. PINK DANBURITE – It is easy, when confronted with great tragedy, to lose all sense of self. Yet, this connection to our core is often essential in order to find the strength and resolve necessary to move through the pain so that we might return to wellness once more. Pink Danburite calls us to remember who we are or to hold tight to the strength of our soul, a strength that can act as a lifeline in desperate times. QUARTZ CLUSTER – We are all connected through the circle of life, united as a single global family. Quartz Clusters remind us of this interconnectedness and, at other levels, offer us the wisdom to recognize that the suffering of others is our suffering. In that way it is only natural to offer whatever support we can to those that face great needs. Quartz Clusters ask us to remain mindful of our interconnectedness and the bonds we share in spirit with all members of our global family, which includes all beings in the plant, animal and mineral realm. ROSE QUARTZ – In every moment we are all faced with a simple choice. We can either choose Love or choose fear. The choice of Love reveals the road to survival, while the choice of fear opens the way to hopelessness, confusion and loss. Rose Quartz helps guide our heart in the direction of choosing Love over fear, even when the presence of fear seems overwhelming. Rose Quartz teaches us that simple choices shouldn't be mistaken for easy ones and that while choosing Love may seem challenging, the blessings and medicine it offers can birth miracles that transcend all apparent limitations. RUBY – The stone spirits of Ruby calls us the courage of the heart and circulates it through all levels of our wholeness. In survival circumstances Ruby allows us to hold to the promise of hope and to follow the light that will lead us out of harm's way. RUTILATED QUARTZ – Rutilated Quartz offers us an energy that sustains our body, mind, heart and spirit. The medicine embodied and expressed by these stone spirits offers us the energy to go the distance and the endurance to weather any storm. SODALITE – The spirits of Sodalite help us to find trust in the Mystery/Great Spirit/God/Goddess, even, or perhaps especially, in those moments when we feel abandoned, violated or alone. Though we cannot always understand the " why " behind things, Sodalite helps us to trust in the Mystery to safely guide us through great tragedy. The stone spirits listed above are, by no means, the only stones that can be of support during this dance. You are encouraged to listen to your heart for signs of stone spirits stepping forward to help. It matters little whether they " make sense " to our minds, only that they have recognized the need and, in response, offer to share their medicine to support those that find themselves in crisis. Your listening will also reveal how to respectfully include these stone spirits in this dance. MAKING OFFERINGS AS AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL SUPPORT Another way to increase the energy and efficacy of A Light in the Darkness is by making specific ceremonial offerings to enhance and increase the reserves of spiritual support available to those in need. Spiritual traditions around the world recognize the power in making offerings, honoring the reality that different offerings bring different medicines to the table. By making offerings that are aligned with our intention, we increase the range and reach of our intention, which also increases the blessings available to those in need. When we understand that all things embody a spiritual essence, we can more fully comprehend how physical offerings translate as spiritual support. In fact, we have already explored this in previous steps of this dance. By making an offering of fire, through the candle resting at the center of our grid, we have asked for the gift of making a way through seemingly impossible circumstances to bless members of our global family facing such circumstances. Fire embodies a particular medicine and through making an offering of that medicine we ask that its gifts be made available to those in need. We will, for the sake of brevity, explore five specific offerings. Each of these physical gifts embodies a spiritual medicine that is needed during times of great crisis. These offerings include: COOL WATER – Within cool water we find the medicine of cooling, calmness and clarity of spirit. Cool water also supports and sustains divine flow, which can include the influx of blessings and, in a more physical sense, a greater capacity for receiving the rations and supplies needed for sustenance during a tragedy. FRUITS – Fruits offer the medicine of manifestation, of making things fruitful. An offering of fruit becomes a request that the rescue efforts be successful, that the blessings offered in prayer become tangible and that those in need be able to see the signs of success that will support their survival. GRAINS – Grains offer us the medicine of physical and spiritual fulfillment, of sustenance that feeds us at every level. In times of great crisis it is easy for desperation to set in, which can spawn violent actions rooted in the idea that one's needs must be met with force. When we feel sustained on one or more levels we are less prone to resort to violence in the illusion it that will bring us nourishment. In a larger sense grains bring with them a medicine of mindfulness that considers the needs of the community, as well as the needs of the individual. OIL – Oil embodies and expresses the medicine of soothing. It quiets upset, reduces struggle and allows us to travel the road of safety with great ease and grace. Offerings of oil speak to the struggles inherent in surviving a tragedy, offering a medicine to help ease the challenges found during difficult times. Some oils commonly offered during spiritual ceremony include palm oil, olive oil and coconut oil. RATTLING & DRUMMING – Sacred sound can also be a powerful offering. In this case rattling and drumming can offer two distinct and complementary medicines to those in need. Rattling, particularly when done vigorously, raises energy. The sounds of a rattle can awaken us and fill us with the energy necessary to survive during a crisis, while also strengthening us in moments when we feel too weak to carry on. Drumming, depending on the rhythms being sounded, can offer protection or support. Rapidly sounding the drum can co-create a circle of protection around those at risk, while sounding the rhythm of the heartbeat can bring a sense of comfort, security and peace to a struggling soul. Sacred sound can play a vital role in sharing spiritual support and, for that reason, has been included here for your consideration. You may consider offering small and simple prayers as you place each offering, stating aloud your reasons for including the offering in this dance. For example, you may say something similar to, " I offer this oil to soothe the struggle of those in need and to bring them grace as they continue to move toward healing. " The offering(s) can then be placed in the sacred space of the grid, in suitable plates or bowls. When placing more than one offering, do so in a clockwise fashion for the reasons stated above. It is my hope that the dance of A Light in the Darkness will offer those of you inspired to share support with the members of our global family a simple, tangible and effective way to do so. As a firm believer in the power of prayer I know that sending prayers, energy and Love to those in need can make all the difference. I believe that in today's world knowing clear and direct ways to offer support is more needed now than perhaps ever before. Whether we are responding to the needs sparked by hurricane Katrina or from other great tragedies, the energy and effort that we invest may become an invisible lifeline to someone whose name we'll never know, but whose heart has received our support in full. Aside from the above dance designed to offer spiritual support I would also encourage those of you that are able to do so, to give to reputable charities dedicated to helping those in need. Even small gifts can make a big difference. When we take steps that bless even a single person, the whole of Creation is blessed in kind. Your efforts on all fronts make a great difference. Thank you for all that you do and all that you are. Please feel free to share this with anyone you believe would be interested in receiving it. It has, for myself and for others with whom I have shared it with in the past, become a staple in moments when the members of our global family face great needs. I hope it will be the same for you and trust that it will continue to be a blessing to many. In Love, Fabeku Fatunmise crystal_spirit_2/ 2005 Fabeku Fatunmise/dancing dragonfly. Though this work is copyrighted, please feel free to distribute it freely. The only conditions governing its distribution are that it be shared in its entirety and at no cost. All commercial distribution or uses are prohibited unless express written permission has been obtained from the author. Fabeku Fatunmise may be reached at fabeku@dancing- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2005 Report Share Posted September 2, 2005 Hi Fabeku Thankyou so much for sharing this dance. It sounds wonderful and I will start tomorrow. Love and Light, Aho Dolores (small elk) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2005 Report Share Posted September 2, 2005 fabeku (AT) dancing (DOT) ... I only have one quartz point and incense. Do you think it would be beneficial for the people in crisis if I prayed with the quartz sending them the properties of the quartz and feelings of peace and light and hope. If i do this at the same time as burning incense i hope to create a more sacred atmosphere as the aroma would allow me a more comfortable ambience. Do you think that this would be ok too? Eva Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 2, 2005 Report Share Posted September 2, 2005 Eva- > I only have one quartz point and incense. <snip> Do you think that this would be ok too? > I firmly believe that any prayers sent for those in such great need bring great blessing. The prayers are what matter most, always. I am sure your prayers will bring goodness to those members of our global family facing this great challenge. Thanks for sending them. In Love, Fabeku Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 25, 2005 Report Share Posted September 25, 2005 I just wanted to thank you for sharing the ritual...Just with your intent you have helped many. Blessings, Azera MoonHawk , " Fabeku " <fabeku@d...> wrote: > The following has been shared at Peggy's request. I hope it is of > some help in this time of great need. Please feel free to share this > freely: > > > A LIGHT IN THE DARKNESS - STONE SPIRIT SUPPORT DURING A TRAGEDY > > > When one person suffers, we all suffer. > When one person is blessed, we are all blessed. > - Indigenous medicine teaching > > > Dearest stone friends, > > The stone spirits act as medicine keepers of this world's oldest and > deepest wisdom, a timeless knowing that is profound, palpable and > practical enough to speak to every facet of our dance. For those > willing to listen with reverence and respect, these earth elders > abundantly share the magic of the Earth Mother and the miracles of > Nature. The medicine teachings they offer to those willing to sit in > their sacred circle are clearly capable of acting as our guide and > guard at every step. > > In moments of great tragedy, such as what we have just witnessed in > the wake of hurricane Katrina, the support the stone spirits offer us > becomes more vital than ever. We must naturally reach to them as they > lovingly reach to us, working together in divinely guided co- creative > relationships to send much needed support to those directly impacted > by personal, communal or global tragedy, to their family and friends > and, of course, to the Earth Mother herself who often weeps alongside > her children. > > In the past few days since Katrina has left her undeniable mark on > the southern United States I have received countless emails from > people around the world asking, almost begging, to know what can be > done to offer spiritual support to those in such dire need. In answer > to the desire to help I wanted to offer a simple dance that can be > undertaken by anyone interested in sending prayers, energy, support > and Love to those in need, to those affected at the deepest level by > the tragedy of this natural disaster. > > During this dance we will ask for the support of the stone spirits > and, as an expression of that support, co-create a very simple grid > that will establish the sacred space that will receive and radiate > the prayers and energy sent to those in need. In order to keep this > pathway of support open and accessible to the greatest number of > people I have presented it in its most basic form. Some variations > and possible options for expanding the medicine present in this grid > will be explored after we move through the steps of the basic dance. > > This simple dance, called A Light in the Darkness, requires the > assistance of the following stones and medicines: > > * 4 single terminated Clear Quartz crystals > * A single candle of any color > * Some incense or Sacred Sage > * Matches or a lighter > > Find a spot where you will be undisturbed and where this grid can be > safely co-created and maintained. Because a lit candle will be a part > of this dance take care to place this grid in an area out of reach of > animals, small children or any fire hazards. > > Spend a few moments taking deep breaths and slowly exhaling to center > yourself. Though it is easy to be shaken during times of crisis, it > is important to find balance before beginning this dance so that the > stability that we feel can be woven through the medicine held by this > grid. We cannot offer what we don't have, so starting with stability > will bless those in need with the same. > > Respectfully place the four Quartz crystals in front of you. Take a > moment to touch each one, to acknowledge their presence and their > importance in this dance. Share your desire to send support to those > in need and ask the Quartz spirits for their help. If you're co- > creating this grid in response to a specific tragedy, make this clear > in your dialog with the stone spirits. Remember, the Quartz crystals > are spirits, not tools, objects or things. We're not " using them " or > programming them to do our will, but rather we are respectfully > requesting their help to support members of our global family that > find themselves in great need. The difference in two perspectives, > and the efficacy each offers this dance, are profoundly different. > > When you've finished sharing your desire to help and making your > request to the Quartz spirits for their support, take a moment to > thank them in some way for joining you in this dance. Simply touching > them once more, while holding Love and appreciation in your heart, is > an easy and meaningful way of saying thank you. You could also offer > them some of your breath, a sharing of your soul essence with stone > spirits who are about to share so much. > > With all of the necessary spirits and medicines gathered around you > orient yourself to the East. The East is the point of light, the fire > of hope that burns bright even after the darkest night. As the Sun > rises each morning it makes its ascent in the East, reminding us all > that light always follows darkness, heralding the dawn of a new day. > For people in crisis hope is often as necessary as food or water and > so, with that in mind, we begin our dance facing the directing that > brings hope. > > Gently cup one of the Quartz crystals in your hands, drawing it close > to your heart. Close your eyes and take a deep breath. Think the good > thoughts that you're holding for those in need. Feel the emotions you > wish upon them – peace, security, balance, hope, etc. Still holding > the Quartz crystal to your heart, exhale slowly, knowing that your > breath is singing your prayers to the horizon, where they will be > received, carried and illuminated by the Sun as it rises each > morning. Respectfully place this crystal, with its termination > pointed outward, on the ground before you at the 12 o'clock position. > Thank this stone spirit for holding this space in the grid. > > Gather a second Quartz crystal in the same way, cupped in your hands > and drawn to your heart. Repeat the above step once more, this time > placing the stone spirit on the ground at the 3 o'clock position, > leaving enough room in the center for the candle, which will be > placed later in the dance. As above, thank the spirit of the Quartz > crystal for holding sacred space in the grid you're cooperatively co- > creating. > > Repeat this process two more times with the two remaining Quartz > crystals, placing the third stone spirit at the 6 o'clock position > and ending with the fourth stone spirit holding the 9 o'clock > position. Moving in a clockwise motion is, in this case, important > because life giving energy flows in a clockwise spiral and it is this > same sustaining force that we seek to share with those in need. > > This four directional expression of our sacred intention is > recognized around the world as the circle of life, the all- inclusive > boundary and bond that connects all of Creation together in a single > of web of life. Whether it is called the Medicine Wheel by the > indigenous people of North America or the Opon Ifa by the Yoruba > tribe of West Africa, the circle of life is a symbolic spiritual > articulation of our oneness, which, in this dance, helps us to > connect our prayers, energy and Love with the needs of our brothers > and sisters worldwide. The stone spirits of the four Quartz crystals > bring light, clarity and greater connectivity to this sacred space, > while also helping to crystallize our prayers and energy into > tangible blessings for those in need. > > With the circle of life born into being we may place the single > candle in the center of this grid. Candles bring light in times of > darkness and illuminate the road ahead, especially when it's > uncertain and potentially challenging. At deeper levels fire always > makes a way for itself. It disbelieves the notion of " impossibility, " > and works in powerful ways to clear the path for its dance. The > presence of the candle and the medicine of fire in this dance serve > to clear the pathway to healing, even if the road is cluttered with > seemingly insurmountable obstacles. In so doing the spirits of stone > and fire allow the spiritual support we send to reach those in need > and while reminding them that nothing is impossible. > > In a larger sense, the candle, seated at the center of this sacred > space, reflects the light of the Mother's heart, a light that forever > calls to her children when they are lost, confused and in pain. The > Mother invites her children to gather close, to her and to one > another, so that they may find security and blessings while being > cradled in their Mother's arms. > > Once you have placed the candle in the heart of this grid, take a > moment to return to your intentions for this dance. Close your eyes > and exhale deeply. Place your right hand on your heart to anchor your > awareness in this energy center. Reflect on your desire to share > spiritual support with those impacted by the tragedy at hand. Exhale > slowly and, as you do, allow your breath to have direct contact with > the grid itself, with all four Quartz crystals and with the candle > seated in the center. Your exhalation brings the breath of life to > this grid, while connecting you co-creatively to the spirits holding > this sacred space. Touch the floor with your right hand as a way of > rooting your intentions more deeply in this moment and this space. > > You may now begin to send prayers to those in need through this grid, > doing your part to reach out to others and offer a much needed light > in a moment of darkness. We will send our support through sacred > smoke, allowing our prayers to both be made visible and be carried to > those in need as the smoke ascends heavenward. The light will come > from the Mother's heart that never gives up and always illuminates > the road to healing and wholeness for her children. > > To begin light the candle in the center of the grid while > acknowledging, in your own way, the heart of the Mother that acts as > a light for those surrounded by darkness. Gather the incense or > Sacred Sage in your hand and, once more, hold it to your heart. Take > a moment to thank the plant spirits for their help in this sending of > support. Say prayer, send energy or offer Love in whatever way is > most natural to you. These prayers, expressed from your heart, are > held by the incense or Sacred Sage. > > When you are ready to send your prayers place the incense or Sacred > Sage in an appropriate and fireproof holder and proceed to light > them. Fire is the spark of life, that which makes light visible and > the medicine that opens the way for our prayers to take physical form > and to offer tangible blessings. As the smoke begins to rise, know > that your support is already reaching across timelessness toward > those in need, offering them the strength and inner peace to move > forward in the face of great loss, pain or fear. > > NOTE: If, for some reason, you prefer not to include incense or > Sacred Sage in this dance, you may, of course, send prayers and > support anyway. This can be done in the sacred space held by this > grid and sent to those in need through intentional breathing as > articulated above. > > You may spend more time reflecting in this space or exit quietly as > your prayers and energy move toward those in need. As you depart > quietly thank the spirits once more for their vital role in this > sending of support. Unless you are using a type of candle that can be > safely left burning for an extended period of time, such as the glass > encased seven day candles, frequently check on the candle and, at > some point, extinguish it until you return to the grid to offer > continued support. > > Spiritual support can be offered through this grid as often and for > as long as is necessary. Some people may decide to visit this grid > and send their prayers, energy and Love several times a day, while > others may do it once in the morning or in the evening. Some may be > guided to send their support at the beginning of the week and allow a > seven day candle to carry the blessings of support throughout the > week to those in need, returning to the ceremony of sharing > additional support at the start of each week. Still others will spend > time with this grid whenever they are inspired to do so. That you > send support to those in need is of the utmost importance, with the > details of when and how being of secondary importance. > > These are the basic steps in the dance of A Light in the Darkness. > For those interested in expanding the dance a bit, including > exploring additional stone spirits that can be included in the grid, > please read on. > > > EXPANDED STEPS IN THIS DANCE > While it is my primary intention to make this dance as accessible to > as many people as possible, I recognize that there are those that > will be interested in expanding on the basic yet effective foundation > established above. Additional steps will be presented through two > important avenues: > > * Additional stone spirit allies that might join this dance > * The act of making offerings as an expression of spiritual support > > > ADDITIONAL STONE SPIRIT SUPPORT > Though the above dance can be effectively explored with only four > Quartz crystals, the following stone spirits can be integrated into > this grid in whatever way your heart inspires: > > ANGELITE – Angelite shows us that we are all surrounded, in each > moment, by angels that can guide us through even the most challenging > times in the most awe-inspiring of ways. Wrapping us in great > miracles, Angelite reminds us that we are never, ever alone. This is > especially true in times of great suffering, fear and pain. > > AQUAMARINE – The spirits of Aquamarine help to keep our mind clear so > that we can maintain our bearings and an awareness of the right steps > to take that will lead us to the healing needed in moments of great > tragedy. At deeper levels Aquamarine reminds us to listen to our > spirits, revealing that our heart has every answer we need if we will > but take a moment to check in and listen. > > BRECCIATED JASPER – We can feel as if we've literally been broken > when we experience a tragedy, particularly one that is intense or far > reaching. Brecciated Jasper allows us to " keep it together " and to > not give in to a feeling of brokenness so that we can weather the > storm unscathed. > > EMERALD GREEN CALCITE – Emerald Green Calcite invites us to keep our > hearts open, even when it feels easier or safer to close down under > the guise of self-preservation. When our heart is open, it can still > receive whatever medicine and miracles exist to see it to safety. > > FLUORITE – Though all members of the Fluorite family have individual > medicines, they collectively support our ability to call upon our > rational mind in moments of need so that we can organize the best > possible plan of action. When our emotions seem to have consumed us, > the spirits of Fluorite will help us to find a place where we can > first know and then act from a clear plan that will insure our own > safety and survival. > > HEMATITE – Hematite gives us a clear connection to the strength of > the Earth and the stability of the Earth Mother. When we feel too > weak to carry on, Hematite reminds us that we can, that we must take > another step. > > MANGANOCALCITE – The stone spirits of Manganocalcite share a sweet > nurturing that is often so needed and sadly absent in times of great > crisis. These delicate stone spirits help us to find sustenance on > all levels that will both nourish and nurture us in meaningful ways. > > MOCHI MARBLES – Mochi Marbles connect us to the timeless strength and > support of our Ancestors, those that have gone before us that still > stand with us beyond the Veil. Indigenous wisdom recognizes that we > stand upon the shoulders of those that have gone before. The strength > they offer is profound and the protection they give is, in most > cases, second to none. The stone spirits of Mochi Marbles help us to > establish a more conscious connection to our Ancestors. In so doing > we can more readily connect to this source of support and receive the > abundant blessings our Ancestors offer us all. > > PINK DANBURITE – It is easy, when confronted with great tragedy, to > lose all sense of self. Yet, this connection to our core is often > essential in order to find the strength and resolve necessary to move > through the pain so that we might return to wellness once more. Pink > Danburite calls us to remember who we are or to hold tight to the > strength of our soul, a strength that can act as a lifeline in > desperate times. > > QUARTZ CLUSTER – We are all connected through the circle of life, > united as a single global family. Quartz Clusters remind us of this > interconnectedness and, at other levels, offer us the wisdom to > recognize that the suffering of others is our suffering. In that way > it is only natural to offer whatever support we can to those that > face great needs. Quartz Clusters ask us to remain mindful of our > interconnectedness and the bonds we share in spirit with all members > of our global family, which includes all beings in the plant, animal > and mineral realm. > > ROSE QUARTZ – In every moment we are all faced with a simple choice. > We can either choose Love or choose fear. The choice of Love reveals > the road to survival, while the choice of fear opens the way to > hopelessness, confusion and loss. Rose Quartz helps guide our heart > in the direction of choosing Love over fear, even when the presence > of fear seems overwhelming. Rose Quartz teaches us that simple > choices shouldn't be mistaken for easy ones and that while choosing > Love may seem challenging, the blessings and medicine it offers can > birth miracles that transcend all apparent limitations. > > RUBY – The stone spirits of Ruby calls us the courage of the heart > and circulates it through all levels of our wholeness. In survival > circumstances Ruby allows us to hold to the promise of hope and to > follow the light that will lead us out of harm's way. > > RUTILATED QUARTZ – Rutilated Quartz offers us an energy that sustains > our body, mind, heart and spirit. The medicine embodied and expressed > by these stone spirits offers us the energy to go the distance and > the endurance to weather any storm. > > SODALITE – The spirits of Sodalite help us to find trust in the > Mystery/Great Spirit/God/Goddess, even, or perhaps especially, in > those moments when we feel abandoned, violated or alone. Though we > cannot always understand the " why " behind things, Sodalite helps us > to trust in the Mystery to safely guide us through great tragedy. > > > The stone spirits listed above are, by no means, the only stones that > can be of support during this dance. You are encouraged to listen to > your heart for signs of stone spirits stepping forward to help. It > matters little whether they " make sense " to our minds, only that they > have recognized the need and, in response, offer to share their > medicine to support those that find themselves in crisis. Your > listening will also reveal how to respectfully include these stone > spirits in this dance. > > > MAKING OFFERINGS AS AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL SUPPORT > Another way to increase the energy and efficacy of A Light in the > Darkness is by making specific ceremonial offerings to enhance and > increase the reserves of spiritual support available to those in > need. Spiritual traditions around the world recognize the power in > making offerings, honoring the reality that different offerings bring > different medicines to the table. By making offerings that are > aligned with our intention, we increase the range and reach of our > intention, which also increases the blessings available to those in > need. > > When we understand that all things embody a spiritual essence, we can > more fully comprehend how physical offerings translate as spiritual > support. In fact, we have already explored this in previous steps of > this dance. By making an offering of fire, through the candle resting > at the center of our grid, we have asked for the gift of making a way > through seemingly impossible circumstances to bless members of our > global family facing such circumstances. Fire embodies a particular > medicine and through making an offering of that medicine we ask that > its gifts be made available to those in need. > > We will, for the sake of brevity, explore five specific offerings. > Each of these physical gifts embodies a spiritual medicine that is > needed during times of great crisis. These offerings include: > > COOL WATER – Within cool water we find the medicine of cooling, > calmness and clarity of spirit. Cool water also supports and sustains > divine flow, which can include the influx of blessings and, in a more > physical sense, a greater capacity for receiving the rations and > supplies needed for sustenance during a tragedy. > > FRUITS – Fruits offer the medicine of manifestation, of making things > fruitful. An offering of fruit becomes a request that the rescue > efforts be successful, that the blessings offered in prayer become > tangible and that those in need be able to see the signs of success > that will support their survival. > > GRAINS – Grains offer us the medicine of physical and spiritual > fulfillment, of sustenance that feeds us at every level. In times of > great crisis it is easy for desperation to set in, which can spawn > violent actions rooted in the idea that one's needs must be met with > force. When we feel sustained on one or more levels we are less prone > to resort to violence in the illusion it that will bring us > nourishment. In a larger sense grains bring with them a medicine of > mindfulness that considers the needs of the community, as well as the > needs of the individual. > > OIL – Oil embodies and expresses the medicine of soothing. It quiets > upset, reduces struggle and allows us to travel the road of safety > with great ease and grace. Offerings of oil speak to the struggles > inherent in surviving a tragedy, offering a medicine to help ease the > challenges found during difficult times. Some oils commonly offered > during spiritual ceremony include palm oil, olive oil and coconut oil. > > RATTLING & DRUMMING – Sacred sound can also be a powerful offering. > In this case rattling and drumming can offer two distinct and > complementary medicines to those in need. Rattling, particularly when > done vigorously, raises energy. The sounds of a rattle can awaken us > and fill us with the energy necessary to survive during a crisis, > while also strengthening us in moments when we feel too weak to carry > on. > > Drumming, depending on the rhythms being sounded, can offer > protection or support. Rapidly sounding the drum can co-create a > circle of protection around those at risk, while sounding the rhythm > of the heartbeat can bring a sense of comfort, security and peace to > a struggling soul. Sacred sound can play a vital role in sharing > spiritual support and, for that reason, has been included here for > your consideration. > > > You may consider offering small and simple prayers as you place each > offering, stating aloud your reasons for including the offering in > this dance. For example, you may say something similar to, " I offer > this oil to soothe the struggle of those in need and to bring them > grace as they continue to move toward healing. " The offering(s) can > then be placed in the sacred space of the grid, in suitable plates or > bowls. When placing more than one offering, do so in a clockwise > fashion for the reasons stated above. > > > It is my hope that the dance of A Light in the Darkness will offer > those of you inspired to share support with the members of our global > family a simple, tangible and effective way to do so. As a firm > believer in the power of prayer I know that sending prayers, energy > and Love to those in need can make all the difference. I believe that > in today's world knowing clear and direct ways to offer support is > more needed now than perhaps ever before. Whether we are responding > to the needs sparked by hurricane Katrina or from other great > tragedies, the energy and effort that we invest may become an > invisible lifeline to someone whose name we'll never know, but whose > heart has received our support in full. > > Aside from the above dance designed to offer spiritual support I > would also encourage those of you that are able to do so, to give to > reputable charities dedicated to helping those in need. Even small > gifts can make a big difference. When we take steps that bless even a > single person, the whole of Creation is blessed in kind. Your efforts > on all fronts make a great difference. Thank you for all that you do > and all that you are. > > Please feel free to share this with anyone you believe would be > interested in receiving it. It has, for myself and for others with > whom I have shared it with in the past, become a staple in moments > when the members of our global family face great needs. I hope it > will be the same for you and trust that it will continue to be a > blessing to many. > > In Love, > Fabeku Fatunmise > crystal_spirit_2/ > > > > 2005 Fabeku Fatunmise/dancing dragonfly. Though this work > is copyrighted, please feel free to distribute it freely. The only > conditions governing its distribution are that it be shared in its > entirety and at no cost. All commercial distribution or uses are > prohibited unless express written permission has been obtained from > the author. Fabeku Fatunmise may be reached at fabeku@dancing- > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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