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Weather working

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Weather working


Weather working is a highly controversial area. Some people

feel that any effort to effect the weather is unethical.

The fact is, that almost everyone is constantly trying to effect

the weather but most people do not realize what they are doing.

Even singing that old rhyme " Rain, Rain, go away... " is weather



Perhaps one reason the weather, fire and other elemental

issues seem so overwhelming now is that many have lost the

sense of connection and respect for nature and these events may

give us notice that we must commune with the nature and

elemental spirits and strive to be in harmony with the natural



We should be aware that weather patterns do not form instantly.

Weather cycles may take days ,weeks, months or even years to

form and occur. When people make an effort to effect the

weather they often forget the complexity of the weather system.

When people complain about the weather I often ask what weather

they were asking for the previous year or season.

weather magick


All thoughts are prayers, all prayers are answered, what are

you thinking?


Energy follows attention, people create their own reality from

their collective will , thoughts, feelings and intentions .

Droughts and fires , wars , famine , gain and loss and other

happenings big and small have seeds in our momentary attentions.


I don't know how many people whining about it raining on the

weekend that it would take to create a drought and of course it

is not that simple but rather than saying that it is unethical

to do weather working I would say that one

problem is that almost everyone is doing weather working without

being aware of it and that we need to consciously work and

learn to be in tune with the highest good of all beings rather

than ignoring both nature and our part in events unfolding

around us now.


I think a lot of us put our personal momentary convenience ahead

of the higher good when we do weather work .I hope that people

will learn to respect the needs of the planet and all beings on

it. Here we are in a period of global warming with drought

conditions and fire dangers at an incredible high in the U.S.

and we also have people in many nations

facing famine and others in flood zones. Yet many of us when we

think of weather are more concerned with our picnic or keeping

our clothes dry or other transient desires rather than working

to create harmony, balance and wellness for the entire planetary



Yes these fires, floods, droughts, earthquakes, volcanoes ,

ozone layer holes etc. might be serving a higher purpose. We do

not understand the mysteries of nature and spirit. on the other

hand these events may be reflections and creations of our

careless and egocentric ignorance of the needs and harmony of




I am sending energies for healing of the situations of fire and

drought and other weather and climate needs of the planet.

I set up a crystal grid for this too.


Even as a child I had occasional dreams of encounters with rain

and water and other spirits though these dreams were dismissed

as " vivid imagination " by adults.


I have on occasion done things alone or with others like raise

or still wind , help bring or dissipate rain and or cloud cover,

call on early flower bloom and similar things all my life but

feel that this is not an area for casual or careless use, I am

as human as anyone else and admit that there have been times

when " don't rain on my parade " has been more important to me

than the needs and harmony of the all. One persons misstep

would usually be nullified by the collective intention and will

toward a healthful and balanced weather system. Unless of course

the preponderance of energy sent about weather was not

considerate of the whole.


Some friends and I have been following a suggestion and

experience from Elliot Cowen's book " Plant Spirit Medicine "

for several years.

Mr.Cowan relays a message from TlaLoc the Aztec Rain God about

how people squander water, pollute it and don't realize that

they are dependent on rainfall, that water is the very blood in

their veins. For most people water is just a commodity to be

bought and sold that comes from a faucet, to them rain is a

nuisance that makes it hard to drive. " They treat me as if I

had no feelings, Naturally I treat them the same way, Diseases,

phobias, exhaustion, floods, droughts --What do they expect? " . (



Eliot Cowan suggests you call upon the Aztec Rain God Tlaloc

with offerings of chocolate candles or other offerings of

chocolate and ask/ pray for rain where and in the quantity

needed in accord with the highest good of course .


I have done this and it does usually rain though the amount

varies. A friend in San Francisco also does this. She has made

candles of cocoa butter for her offering. We have both had the

experience of having it rain only on our yards leaving the

neighboring houses dry.

I have offered gourmet cocoa blends on the wind and this also

seems to work.


I also usually do a thanksgiving ritual for weather several

times a year without making any specific requests .


During a drought in the 70's in Sacramento one of the Radio

stations decided to play only songs that had the word rain in

them or were about rain in some way until the drought ended

after three days the rains started I don't recall how long it

rained but it kept up a steady drizzle for long enough to

thoroughly soak everything.



Whether or not you choose to actively and consciously do weather

work you probably are doing it. In any case We would probably

be better off paying attention to the weather and being

appreciative of the weather, nature and spirits rather than

taking it for granted and only paying attention when we have a



Australian tribes are said to use quartz crystals in

rainmaking ceremonies.


Quartz has a wide tradition of use in weather working because of

its association with water .

Rutile quartz and smoky quartz were sometimes used for this,

Jade was thrown strongly into water to bring about rain


Some people use tumbled and single point clear quartz,

beryl, and hematite in spells for rain making as well as

programming crystals .


There are many different stones that are assigned elemental

correspondences .


I personally consider rutilated smoky quartz a good rain stone

there are also picture jaspers and agates that some people use

for this kind of work whether is spells, meditations programs or

grids .

You can do work intended to reduce or control fire asking the

wind to be calm in the area Where there is danger of fire.



Rather than being a particular kind of stone weather stones are

most often those whose appearance seems to relate to weather in

some way. Obviously sunstone could be used for clear warm

weather, Some Malachite Chrysocolla combinations look like blue

sky and clouds, tree and moss agate are sometimes associated

with rain and fog.


Holey stones that is stones which have natural holes in them

were once thrown into the sea to call storms.


Here are a few stone correspondences for elements. There are

many different lists of this kind.


Air: Aventurine, Topaz, Mica, Fluorite, Quartz Crystals,

Amethyst, yellow or blue stones


Fire: Red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, volcanic stones , quartz

crystals, ruby, carnelian, tigers eye, rhodochrosite, agates


Water: Aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue

topaz, blue fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodality, blue lace agate,



Earth: Rock crystal, emeralds, peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite,

amethyst, royal azurite, tourmaline, tourmanilated quartz,

rutilated quartz ,agate, green calcite, salt.


Moss agate has been used for " cloud busting " and to help

stabilize weather patterns.

Various forms of Gypsum particularly the fibrous form and

Selinite and alabaster have been used for rainmaking in various

ways .


Opal ,Labradorite, sheen Obsidians and other stones with fire

or flashes have been used for rain work and of course stones

with rainbow inclusions have been used both for calling and

dispersing rain.


For the time being this is rather incomplete I hope to expand on

crystals and weather later and invite people to share the stones

they associate with weather.



solarraven, new site http://pjentoft.com/index.html

Energy work, Empowerments,Nature Spirituality,mandala

Crystal Healing Workshops,Angels,Huna,fairies,PSP presets

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