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Cee - Gemstone Guardians (Long)

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Hello Cee -


Okay, this is what I know about the Guardians. In this material put

forth initally in a book by Michael Katz and his then wife Ginny,

each crystal has what amounts to an oversoul that is in charge of

holding and focusing the energy that that crystal embodies into its

actual physcial structure. I would think it's like being a cohan of

one of the rays. Michael and Ginny came in contact with these beings

through deep, conscious meditations they took together. Ginny

actually channelled the teachings from each guardian, Michael

formulated the questions. To me, they seemed to be followers of

Eckankar due to the type of journeying they did and the fact that

Ginny referred to the teacher working with her as Harold. Harold

Klemp is the leader of Eckankar and referred to as the Dream Master

or Wa Zee (sp) and conscious dream travel is one of the primary

instructions given in Eck teachings.


One of the major tenents of the Guardian's teachings is the

transition to working with crystal energies in spherical form for a

deeper and broader experience of each ones properties. Michael and

Ginny originally ran a company together called Golden Age Publishing,

I believe, that published the original book and sold a variety of

necklaces of single stones and combinations that were given to them

by a being that I believe is refered to as an overseer so to speak of

all of the guardians.


There was also a home study course offered through the orignal

company as well as another technology of working with specially

faceted diamonds to amplify the energy of each necklace.

Unfortunately a few years back something happened and Ginny

determined that she could no longer be affiliated with this work.

She and Michael parted and she returned to the East coast, they were

located in Portland, OR. At her request, her name no longer appears

in any of their information, the original book was republished under

the name Gemisphere Luminary with Michael as the sole author. It's a

bit awkward for an " oldtimer " like me to see it as Ginny's words are

still there for the most part, but now attributed to Michael. It is

actually such a personal account of her experiences of each guardians

energy that it almost makes my skin crawl a bit to read it as it is

now. I actually still refer to the original text myself.


Ginny also published another book before the falling out called

Beyond the Light: A Personal Guidebook for Healing, Growth and

Enlightenment. This book is a continuation of her work with the

Guardians and contains information on the idea of discovering and

working with one's personal ray stone.


Well, I know this is awfully long and I hope is of some use to you

and anyone else reading it. Don't hesitate to ask me for any needed

clarifications, it is 1;23 am and I should be in bed! You can view

the current offerings at http://www.gemisphere.com



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