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On Dignity

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As Published in The Sedona Journal of Emergence, this is a

channeling on dignity by David Reid Lowell and his non-physical

Michel who has been his spirit entity for 20 plus years. His works

have following in Japan, Europe and throughout the United States and



I have followed them since I came upon them at The Foundation of

Light in Ithaca, N.Y. - it was a life altering experience. I hope

you enjoy this writing. Marge


On Dignity


The dignity you bring to yourself and others is reflected in the

quality of health you experience.


So to explain something that is not within your ability of

perception will be difficult, for often there is no explanation,

there simply IS. We will give you our thoughts as to how and why you

are here, in this here and now.


A vortex is a place where specific energy of a specific frequency

gathers due to the unique conditions that allow for it collect and

manifest. Gravitation severely modifies space and time near a point

where these energies collect. These conditions include the effect of

gravity, or the lack of it, (the impact of this collective frequency

being reduced down to its smallest particle and further into a

smaller particle and so forth and so on), which would collapse to a

singularity of expression, as the weight and matter would

continually be broken down into dimensional levels exhibited on a

particle level, and on a level of an infinite density pertaining to

that singularity.


Each part and each cell of your body is being born again and again,

being reshaped and manifesting the qualities which come from the

internal releases of chemicals that originate with each thought.

Nature cannot be eradicated. It modifies and survives in an attempt

to maintain its relationship to the whole. In this thought of

wholeness of matter and belonging there is not end. There is no

death for death is only a beginning.



Tomorrows are realigned yesterdays.


In this perception of tomorrows and yesterday, thought is where each

particle reduces itself to smaller and smaller units collapsing

under gravity and thus being pulled through this place of collective

frequency, manifesting and reforming. Once it is expelled from these

conditions, it is displaced into another reality or dimension. If

you will, it has bilocated itself, spanning time at the rate of

speed of thought itself, manifesting its new perspective. Healing

and rejuvenation of mortal thought to Divine Thought or from

physical to non physical, from error to perfection, or realignment

of perception is this easy and natural.


This concept of dimensional vortex or multiple concurrent existence

is an example of the conversion of energy into matter being broken

down through frequency and re-manifesting as energy. Thought becomes

knowledge which, when manifested, becomes energy that resonates with

the universe and is put into action for every thought has its

resonant antithesis. 'Particle beings', or cells within the body,

are universes that are as expansive as the celestial universe



Ageless, timeless, occupying many levels of space at the same time

as the others, just at varying frequency (like a radio which has

many stations all carried on the same wave, but only manifesting

when 'tuned' into), the energies gather more and more energy as the

individual shapes the thoughts into manifestation, empowering them

further into their own reality. Many waves are simultaneously

coexisting at varying frequencies. The selected nature of a tuned

circuit allows you to single out one frequency and we can view this

as a sort of filtering device to determine which wave will be

received. This energy continues its production of new frequencies

(as with each thought, for each thought is of a specific frequency

that releases certain and specific chemicals and hormones within the

body). The excess energy (manifesting unique effects based on the

cause of the initial stimulus) is imparted to the new form it takes.

The paths of the two or more thoughts, manifestations or

singularities are based in and derived of particles, manifesting and

being 'born' on newer and consistently smaller levels, seeding

themselves into divergent energies and realities.


These divergent energies all are part of the whole (which some refer

to as collectives or guides or higher selves) but, and importantly

so, especially unique in their 'cause and effect', the needs for

expression, bring to their reality the premise that created them.


The shifting and realigning of thought is simply being able to allow

that part of yourself, which you have produced through thought and

experience, which resonates within your aura and chakra field,

access to your intuitive self of this dimension. This is done by

releasing your perceptions of mortal thought. Blockages in your

auric field and chakras are due to you not releasing the past,

present and future aspects of yourself, which may be based in this

reality or not.


The concept of familiarity of intensity, of emotion or fear based

ideologies, creates disharmony within this channel. These energies

reproduce into smaller units fluxing in and out of this dimension

until they are dealt with. An example of thoughts which gather and

hold the resonation of familiarity in place is that of conflict.

Rather than move through the conflict and heal, for once conflict

has begun (as with illness and error), it is part of a process

showing that healing can occur, for this is the attempt, at a

dimensional level to release these blockages. The intuitive self

turns from this and attempts to reason their current perspectives

and validate their mortal thought.





If we trace back the history of areas manifesting warring and

conflict, we will find that there was a move from Divine Mind to the

physical thought or mortal mind.


The human, the individual maintained its perspective of validation

and gathered those who thought the same, felt the same around them

within a geographic location. Their collective thought impacted the

energy of the land, the electromagnetic fields, the polarity if you

will, and these perspectives based in lower vibrational thought

manifested over time a region sensitive to this type of energy. As

this baseness continued, it produced a vibrational tone that limited

its ability to be in attunemnet with other dimensional activity.


The tone of music, voice of expression, can be healing or caustic.

The frequency of a laser can produce light and beauty or burn and

cut. Tone is the key, harmonics is the natural quality which aligns

the body and self. It is the basis for Body, Mind and Soul to exist

on many levels at time and occupying one space, throughout the

infinity of time itself, which has no boundaries.






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