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Latest on Vitamin D and Heart Disease - Breast cancer as a Vitamin D deficiency disease (& Iodine deficiency)

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Links to Breast cancer as a Iodine deficiency disease see links below newsletter:Vitamin D3 News Breaking news from: www.vitaminD3world.comDecember 2009 Vol 1 No 15In This Issue Vitamin D3 Deficiency , heart disease and risk of dealth In the last few months two major studies have demonstrated a dramatic connection between Vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of heart disease and death. In addition, scientists have established that Vitamin D is acting at a genetic level to produce these results. Multiple studies demonstrate a dramatic connection between Vitamin D deficiency and an increased risk of heart disease and death. A study by researchers at the University of Colorado Denver and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) shows Vitamin D plays an important role in reducing the risk of death associated with older age. The research, published in the September 2009 issue of Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, found that older adults with insufficient levels of Vitamin D die from heart disease at greater rates that those with adequate levels of the vitamin.The study analyzed data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics. The research team analyzed Vitamin D in blood samples of more than 3,400 participants. Compared to those with optimal Vitamin D status, those with low Vitamin D levels were 3 times more likely to die from heart disease and 2.5 times more likely to die from any cause. (1)A couple of months later another study was presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Conference on November 16 in Orlando, Florida.Tami Bair, MD and Heidi May, MD of the Intermountain Medical Center in Utah, reported that risk of heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure and death are dramatically increased by Vitamin D deficiency. Drs. Bair and May found that that people with low levels (< 15 ng/ml) had a 45% increased risk for cardiovascular disease, 78% greater risk of stroke and double the risk for congestive heart failure, and in addition a 77% increased risk of death, compared to people with Vitamin D levels > 30 ng/ml. The incidence of disease and death occurred during only 13 months of follow up for the 27,000 people in the study. (2) Finally in December 2009 a new study has for the first time demonstrated a genetic link between Vitamin D deficiency and heart disease. The study established that a certain gene, CYP27B1 is responsible for producing an enzyme necessary in the final stages of Vitamin D activation. When this gene is inactivated the conversion of Vitamin D into an active hormone is prevented. Patients with high blood pressure who possess a mutated version of this gene, resulting in reduced Vitamin D activation, are twice as likely as those without the mutation to have congestive heart failure. (1) Prospective Study of Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Level, Cardiovascular Disease Mortality, and All-Cause Mortality in Older U.S. AdultsJournal of the American Geriatrics Society Volume 57 Issue 9, Pages 1595 - 1603(2) Presentation at American Heart Association's Scientific Conference, Orlando Florida. Nov 2009(3) Genetic variation in CYP27B1 is associated with congestive heart failure in patients with hypertension. Pharmacogenomics, (2009) 10(11):1789-97 The products and claims made here have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. The information provided is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.In the news - The following news releases have been added to the In the News section of www.vitaminD3world.com This section of the site is updated every few days. Revisit it frequently to catch the latest on Vitamin D. Click here for In the News Dec 2009. Mayo Clinic and collaborators find Vitamin D levels associated with increased survival in lymphoma patients Dec 2009. Heart failure linked to gene variant affecting Vitamin D activation Nov 2009. UK National Health Service chiefs have said that pregnant women must be educated about the importance of taking vitamin D supplements. Nov 2009. Inadequate Levels of Vitamin D May Significantly Increase Risk of Stroke, Heart Disease and Death Dr Michael Holick-a highly informative and entertaining one hour lecture on Vitamin D Nov 2009. Breast cancer as a Vitamin D deficiency disease Nov 2009. Vitamin D3 improves control of type II diabetes, results of a controlled study. Oct 2009. Vitamin D prevents premature birth, results of a controlled study Oct 2009. Vitamin D prevents fractures and falls Sept 2009. Insufficient levels of Vitamin D puts elderly at increased risk of dying from heart disease Vitamin D3 Micro tablets VitaminD3World offers the smallest Vitamin D3 microtablet in the world. Apart from being tiny, it is tasteless and can be swallowed, crunched up in the mouth or simply allowed to dissolve under the tongue. The microtablets are formulated with cellulose, which rapidly absorbs water, resulting in a pill that breaks down very quickly, ensuring that the Vitamin D3 can be easily absorbed. To buy Vitamin D3, Editorial Comment The data on the effects of Vitamin D deficiency becomes more impressive week by week. As always pass on this information to anyone who may be interested and encourage them to sign up for further updates. To join our mailing list simply Forward email Email Marketing byVitamin D3 News | 9 East Loockerman St, Suite 3A | Dover | DE | 19901 Iodine Deficiency Hidden Link to Breast Cancer Risk | Ann Louise's ...Oct 2, 2009 ... Despite the billions spent on breast cancer research, iodine's vital role in women's health is often overlooked. Iodine deficiency is common ...blog.annlouise.com/.../iodine-deficiency-hidden-link-to-breast-cancer-risk/ - CachedVitamin D Deficiency Worsens Breast Cancer?May 16, 2008 ... Vitamin D Deficiency Linked to Poor Breast Cancer Prognosis ... high number of women with the disease still prefer to have the entire breast ...www.webmd.com/breast-cancer/.../vitamin-d-deficiency-worsens-breast-cancer - Cached - SimilarIodine Deficiency and Its Link to Diseases in the BodyApr 25, 2008 ... Iodized salt hasn't eliminated iodine deficiency disorders in the U.S. Recent studies by .... breast, ovarian and prostate diseases (including cancer), thyroid disorders, .... The Healing Power of Sunlight and Vitamin D ...www.naturalnews.com/023107_iodine_thyroid_cancer.html - Cached - Similarvitamin D deficiency news and articlesVitamin D Deficiency Associated With Bone Disease. 11/17/2008 - (NaturalNews) ... Low Vitamin D Levels Raise Breast Cancer Death Risk by 75 Percent ...www.naturalnews.com/vitamin_D_deficiency.html - Cached - SimilarShow more results from www.naturalnews.comVitamin D Deficiency Worsens Breast Cancer? - Cancer Information ...May 16, 2008 — Vitamin D deficiency is common among women diagnosed with breast cancer, and it may raise the risk of cancer spread and death, ...www.medicinenet.com › home › cancer center › cancer az list - Cached - SimilarIodine Deficiency - An Old Epidemic is Back (Hypothyroid, CFS ...Nov 24, 2008 ... Iodine deficiency is again becoming widespread in the US due to bromine in flour, ... For breast cancer I would also add vitamin D 4000 units a day, ... or breast disease (cysts, cancer, or tenderness) with iodine for 3 ...www.ei-resource.org/.../iodine-deficiency-%11-an-old-epidemic-is-back/ - Cached - SimilarBreast Cancer Choices Supplement Strategy - IodineJul 11, 2009 ... What to do about iodine deficiency? The editors at Breast Cancer .... Brownstein D., Iodine. Why You Need It. Why You Can't Live ... Venturi S., Is There a Role for Iodine in Breast Disease?, The Breast 2001. ... Abraham GE., et al., Evidence that the Administration of Vitamin C Improves a Defective ...www.breastcancerchoices.org/iodine.html - Cached - SimilarHealthCentral Search ResultsHeart Disease - Is Iodine Deficiency a Risk Factor for Heart . ... What Are The Symptoms Of Vitamin D Deficiency - HealthCentral ...search.healthcentral.com/query?q=deficiency & st=s... - Cached - SimilarMy Newsletter Builder :: Jeffrey Dach MD, TrueMedMD e-Newsletter ...Iodine Deficiency causes Fibrocystic Breast Disease, Breast Cancer and Thyroid Cancer ... who discovered vitamin C, used Iodine freely in his medical practice. ... Prevent and How to Survive Breast Cancer by Dr. David Derry M.D., Ph.D. ...www.mynewsletterbuilder.com/tools/published.php?...id... - Cached - Similar

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