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Hey Folks,


I want to add my two cents in here on this topic as well.


Back story... just a short 5 years ago... I was denied a loan for a

car. This was the

first time I was ever denied credit for any reason.. and I was

devastated. My relationship

was in the toilet as was my business. I saw my children hardly.. and

they were both

having problems with their relationships.


Now... I have my home... have been able to pay the mortgage down to

only 60 % of what

the original amount was when I bought my home 3 years ago! I have no debt other

than my mortgage and I'm looking at having to move to a larger home

to accommodate

my growing business as well. My children were both married this past

year to wonderful

people and my son and granddaughter live within 2 miles of me. There

s even more

good stuff that I won't bore you with.


So.. I have seen and experienced a huge turnaround. Why?


1. Diligent Work. I didn't say hard work.. I said diligent. I have

work that I really love

and put in a bunch of time at it. But.. I really enjoy it. When I can

work at what I enjoy....

there is love in it. Don't for one second that working hard at a job

that you hate is going

to bring you happiness. It won't. You may get money.. but you won't

be happy. We have heard

this forever.. find the work you love and the money will follow. It's

true. And.. you have to be smart

about it. IF you want to find a job you love that offers no financial

rewards, you will still

be cash strapped. But it could be that you would be happy... and it

is that a bad thing?


2. Visualize / Feel /Believe.


When I started on this project of turning my life around I lived in a

high end neighborhood in a small

duplex. I would walk around the neighborhood and look at the million

dollar homes. I would say to myself

that I deserved to live in one of these homes. I would then " see

myself " living in one of these homes.. moving

around inside the house.. working in the yard... and then I would

" Feel myself " living in these homes. I would

allow myself to feel what that feeling of pride would be. This is

really important. Feel it! It wasn't

that I told myself that some day I would deserve this.. or someday I

would be able to own one of them..

the story was that I was able to do it now!


3. Realize /Believe / Own that everything is a choice. Never...

ever... say you can't afford something or

do something. You CAN afford anything you want.. you just may need to

make a choice about it. You may not

be able to TODAY buy both a new car and a new home.. but you CAN get

one of them. You may

have to make choices between eating out or making beans at home...

but if you want something today

you can have it ... it is YOUR choice.


4. Be Grateful. The universe responds to our experiences. The law or

attraction works... there is no debating



5. Surround yourself with happy people. IF you can't... don't buy

into the negative talk, energy etc. Let

the others that are not happy be unhappy... somewhere else.


There we go.. there is John's prosperity program. Oh.. and get a nice

manifestation quartz too! :-)


In gratitude,


John Van Rees









>Hi Peggy,


>Well, congratulations on your grandbaby. I hope both will do great



>Regarding the article on manifesting abundance, it clearly shows teh

>LOA at work, except, it doesn't work like that. I know; I was a LOA



>I did this and everything else regarding the LOA for over 15 years

>and nothing happened. You might say it was my fault, but this is

>what the " gurus' of the LOA want you to think, that it is your

>fault, when in reality, it is not.


>So, what happens is that people not only cannot manifest but they

>also fell guilty about it. A double whammy.


>What worked and is working for me is the absolute faith that I am a

>divine child of God and deserve all the goodness in the world

>because of that, no strings attached. I don't need affirmations or

>lists, or whatever to be able to manifest.


>So, after I let go of guilt and everything else, I got my crystals,

>programmed them and here I am: happier with a life filled with

>opportunities. The wealth hasn't arrived yet as I see it, but I am

>better off that I had ever been for 15 years, trying to get the LOA

>to work for me.


>This is just to say to those who are in the same boat: let go of the

>LOA and you will be happier for it.


>Sorry to go against this article but it has been my experience.





>--- In




><rosequartz wrote:

> >

> > I had the intention of posting a lot of things about abundance


> > manifestation but the surprise of my Daughters pregnancy and the


> > house painting and floor repair stuff and the anniversary of


> > Nobles' Death has kept me busy too. Nicole is going in for her


> > Sat morning . We did get a debt consolidation loan so we can close


> > high interest debts and have lower payments. I am working on


> > and releasing the patterns which have created periodic financial


> > in our family.

> > *Tips for Manifesting*

> >

> > *When doing manifestation procedures or programs or affirmations


> > crystals* *or by other means there are certain basic guidelines

>that can

> > help with the effectiveness of the work , be it prayers ,spells,

> > manifestations, affirmations etc.*

> >

> > *First recognize all the blessings we already have. Give gratitude


> > the abundance we have. Ask for needs of others to be met in a good


> > Focus on Self (higher self and spiritual growth) not on self


> > We certainly can ask for our own desires. These can not cause any


> > to another. Manifestation procedures are more likely to succeed


> > they serve the common good or include service for others.*

> >

> > *A very common reason that manifestation procedures fail is

>because the

> > goal is not clearly*

> > *defined and /or it is being overwritten with other changing and

> > contradictory goals and desires . All your thoughts and actions


> > part of your continuing prayer / program etc.*

> > *When someone dedicates 10 minutes to a procedure to manifest


> > and then spends six hours complaining and worrying about their

>lack and

> > poverty. They will attract more poverty than abundance.*

> >

> > * When you keep changing the form of what you intend to manifest


> > block the process of*

> > *manifesting. The student who changes his major each semester


> > graduates and an ever changing goal cannot manifest .*

> >

> > *You need to have well defined terms and a clear concrete picture


> > story of what it is you*

> > *want to do. Many people find that it helps to write out a list or

> > outline and refine the idea*

> > *thoroughly before going forward with a procedure.*

> >

> > *Be careful how we ask. We get exactly what we ask for. If we ask

>for a

> > high paying job, We may be offered a job that takes us away from


> > ones. Is that a desirable sacrifice? A high paying job may also


> > more stress. If you ask for financial needs to be met so you can

>share a

> > more tranquil environment with your family, for the highest good

>of all;

> > that is a different request. ..more specific and less " self " .*

> >

> >

> > *Remember that prayer/ programs etc. to be effective should be


> > entirely in* *positive terms . Your energy goes to what your


> > is on .*

> > *All thoughts are in effect prayers and they are all answered.

>When your

> > attention* *is focused on your problems or what you lack, that

>will just

> > bring you more lack and need. Focus on what you plan to manifest.*

> > *When You include not or don't Your picture is of what you wish to

> > avoid/ end/ prevent, rather than what you want to manifest.

> > Your energy will manifest what you picture even if it is opposed

>to your

> > actual desired intention.

> > *

> >

> > *When You realize that all negative words such as not, don't,

>won't etc.

> > are in effect simply* *dropped from your affirmations /prayers and

> > ignored by the universe, You can see how* *important a positive

>focus is.*

> >

> > *Many also say that these should always be in present tense. The


> > never arrives, open* *ended goals may stay in the future


> > Others say and my experience is that* *manifestations also succeed


> > there is a definite reasonable time frame or condition for*


> > indicated . Because of course our inner self knows that we do not


> > what we*

> > *want NOW and must feel that we are being honest in our goal to


> > to achieve it.* *You must have a clear and complete blueprint of

>what is

> > desired and you must allow the* *universe room to work.*

> >

> > *Examine your intention for any possible unwanted consequences as


> > We collectively* *create reality with the consensus of our

>thoughts. A

> > basic rule is that energy follows attention. Because of this it is


> > important that your focus is on the result that you do want to


> > rather than on what you wish to remove .In the phrase " No more

>War " the

> > attention, the focus is on war the result of this

>affirmation ,chant,

> > prayer is actually to feed more energy to war. The Phrase " Peace

>now "

> > has the same basic meaning, but the focus is on Peace, it would be


> > more effective statement.*

> >

> > *Make sure your picture is complete and that you have not left out

> > something critical*. *Because say you want to manifest a marriage

> > partner You may find that perfect man , is it* *acceptable if he


> > to wear your clothes? Expects you to support him? is a bigamist?

>* *It

> > is amazing what gaps we sometimes leave in our blueprints.*

> > *It never occurred to me when I worked to manifest a home that a


> > might not have a bathtub. I am not saying to nitpick everything.

>You do

> > have to give the universe enough freedom to bring your desire into

> > reality. ( I was able to get a bathtub and washer and dryer after


> > years).*

> >

> > *Examine yourself for inner blocks and reasons you may feel

>unworthy of*

> > *getting your manifestation . you may need to do some work on

> > forgiveness and releasing guilt or atonement if for some reason

>you feel

> > unworthy of having the prayer form fulfilled .*

> >

> > *When you have the form of your prayer/ program affirmation


> > then call up energy to send the picture to the universe by


> > method you use build up and call in energy to empower your


> > and clearly give your prayer up to manifest, use all your senses


> > movement to convey and empower your message . Clarify how


> > will benefit others as well as self and release your prayer -

>action then

> > trust that it will happen You can feed energy to the prayer in


> > terms after that .Negative attention and*

> > *worry act as prayers against what you want to manifest.*

> >

> > *You might also consider reviewing your past affirmations and

>wishes or

> > manifestation*

> > *procedures for any that have outlived their value. Cancel and


> > any energy put into*

> > *them. Some people mentally imagine a cancel stamp over any such

> > outdated wishes this can*

> > *be done with negative self images too.*

> >

> > *I had the experience when I was fifty of having a large number of

> > wishes come true exactly as I had formed them when I was about six


> > old. While this is wonderful, some of the* *elements that I really

> > wanted when I was a young child were not of particular value to a*

> > *woman in her fifties. Perhaps we would have been able to buy a


> > much sooner had the* *universe not been striving to include the


> > forgotten desire to " live near Disneyland " and some rather


> > decorative elements. ( It is kind of a Snow Whites' Cottage kind


> > house.)*

> >

> > *To condense the preceding*

> > *Decide on what you want .*

> > *Spend as long as you need clarifying your real desire .*

> > *Keep it simple and focus on one issue at a time .*

> > *Change any goals or plans, hope that are couched in negative

>terms into

> > positive terms.* *Give the goal energy with whatever form you use


> > be it a ritual or charging a crystal or* *whatever it must have


> > and sincere intention backing it.*

> >

> > *Clearly give your prayer/ affirmation up to manifest, use all


> > senses and movement to* *convey and empower your message and


> > your prayer -action. Then trust that it will* *happen . Believe


> > your desire will come true. Know that you deserve what you are

>asking for.*

> >

> > *You may give your wish/affirmation gentle attention once or twice


> > to boost the power* *but to focus intense attention on the goal

>after it

> > is formed and released will retard or could* *even prevent


> > *Once you have released the Prayer -Action do not go back and

>change the

> > goal or worry about it. A plant can not grow when we keep

>digging up

> > the seeds or pulling on the shoots Your intention now needs some


> > and space to become manifest. Allow the Universe work naturally.

>Do not

> > dwell on how the result might show up.*

> >

> > *It is critically important to examine our attitudes toward bounty


> > just money directly but all forms of good fortune to discover and


> > those blocks that impede us . Being Jealous of others good fortune


> > us in want, being happy for them calls good fortune to us .*

> >

> > *Remember when you do any wealth ritual or procedure you must be


> > clear as you can on* *what your goal and desired outcome . Focus

>on the

> > good feelings and results of the desired* *manifestation and how


> > blesses you. not on need or greed or lack or longing .*

> > *When you have clarified your goals as much as you can be specific


> > leave the universe* *room to bring you something better, being too

> > narrowly focused can impede the flow. Don't* *obsess, form your

> > intention to manifest what you plan to call into your life , Love,

> > Money,* *success, Happiness, whatever good thing. then having made


> > intention with* *whatever ritual, mental affirmation, programmed


> > or other system , let it go, release* *the intention to the

>Universe and

> > Source And Know that it Is so . Trust that the opportunities for

> > fulfillment are absolute and that they will come to you the path

>is open

> > . be alert for its arrival but have no worry, what you have called


> > come.*

> >

> > *It is good to have a strong closing to end your program or other


> > *affirming that the work is finished and will be fulfilled.*

> > *A Huna procedure usually is ended with " Amama " , or " Let the rain


> > blessings fall " * *which is almost identical to a closing used by


> > Buddhist groups " U mandera Ke " * * " flowers of blessing fall like

>rain " .

> > You probably have a closing that fits with your own path and


> > Be it " Amen " , or " So mote it Be " or some other attention and


> >

> >

> > *Please share your experiences, tips and information about


> > /affirmations /prayers /programs and what works for you with


> >

> >

> > --

> > Solarraven <http://pjentoft.com/index.html>http://pjentoft.com/index.html

> > On Skills for the Practical Mystic, Spiritual Healing, Energy

>work, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Angels, Huna, Digital Art &

>scrapbooking, and more

> >






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Wonderful contributions!

I would also like to add my experience. I am very good at manifesting crystals.

I see them, their beingness and am able to find them at a price I can afford. I

amassed a great museum collection of wonderful crystals of great size and beauty

with a small salary. I also realized I can manifest most beautiful things in my

house that I own. I also manifested our wonderful house by the National Park in

the mountains. So what was my problem with actually manifesting money itself?

Why couldn't I win the lottery? We want to be able to retire and leave our

rather stressful work to do full time healing in the mountains. Presently we are

back and forth in 2 worlds and only at our mountain place on weekends while

living in our rented place near our work. Too far to commute. We needed more

money as a support backup to live upon.


I then realized the fact that I cannot relate to money. Money is abstract and a

means to an end. Even if I visualized the money in hand or imagined the thrill

of ticking off all the numbers, it wasn't quite concrete enough to stimulate my

feeling. Imagining having enough money to retire was also abstract. I didn't

want money. I wanted the something that money could buy. It needed to be a

concrete solid object for my feeling to call it into manifestation. Realizing

that. I also began to relax about money. I began to trust that whatever I needed

would come. I began to trust the flow. It is the mind that worries about lack

and needing to have a lot of money. Life actually can provide as you go and

flow. The more you trust, the more it comes. But it is a huge leap of faith! And

I admit, we still haven't made the plunge yet to move and leave our jobs. But, I

feel the process is becoming easier and the fear less. We are relaxing and that

in itself allows miracles to happen!


With blessings of abundance for all,





John Van Rees

Sunday, August 10, 2008 8:47 AM

[CrystalHW] Manifesting...



Hey Folks,


I want to add my two cents in here on this topic as well.


Back story... just a short 5 years ago... I was denied a loan for a

car. This was the

first time I was ever denied credit for any reason.. and I was

devastated. My relationship

was in the toilet as was my business. I saw my children hardly.. and

they were both

having problems with their relationships.


Now... I have my home... have been able to pay the mortgage down to

only 60 % of what

the original amount was when I bought my home 3 years ago! I have no debt


than my mortgage and I'm looking at having to move to a larger home

to accommodate

my growing business as well. My children were both married this past

year to wonderful

people and my son and granddaughter live within 2 miles of me. There

s even more

good stuff that I won't bore you with.


So.. I have seen and experienced a huge turnaround. Why?


1. Diligent Work. I didn't say hard work.. I said diligent. I have

work that I really love

and put in a bunch of time at it. But.. I really enjoy it. When I can

work at what I enjoy....

there is love in it. Don't for one second that working hard at a job

that you hate is going

to bring you happiness. It won't. You may get money.. but you won't

be happy. We have heard

this forever.. find the work you love and the money will follow. It's

true. And.. you have to be smart

about it. IF you want to find a job you love that offers no financial

rewards, you will still

be cash strapped. But it could be that you would be happy... and it

is that a bad thing?


2. Visualize / Feel /Believe.


When I started on this project of turning my life around I lived in a

high end neighborhood in a small

duplex. I would walk around the neighborhood and look at the million

dollar homes. I would say to myself

that I deserved to live in one of these homes. I would then " see

myself " living in one of these homes.. moving

around inside the house.. working in the yard... and then I would

" Feel myself " living in these homes. I would

allow myself to feel what that feeling of pride would be. This is

really important. Feel it! It wasn't

that I told myself that some day I would deserve this.. or someday I

would be able to own one of them..

the story was that I was able to do it now!


3. Realize /Believe / Own that everything is a choice. Never...

ever... say you can't afford something or

do something. You CAN afford anything you want.. you just may need to

make a choice about it. You may not

be able to TODAY buy both a new car and a new home.. but you CAN get

one of them. You may

have to make choices between eating out or making beans at home...

but if you want something today

you can have it ... it is YOUR choice.


4. Be Grateful. The universe responds to our experiences. The law or

attraction works... there is no debating



5. Surround yourself with happy people. IF you can't... don't buy

into the negative talk, energy etc. Let

the others that are not happy be unhappy... somewhere else.


There we go.. there is John's prosperity program. Oh.. and get a nice

manifestation quartz too! :-)


In gratitude,


John Van Rees





>Hi Peggy,


>Well, congratulations on your grandbaby. I hope both will do great



>Regarding the article on manifesting abundance, it clearly shows teh

>LOA at work, except, it doesn't work like that. I know; I was a LOA



>I did this and everything else regarding the LOA for over 15 years

>and nothing happened. You might say it was my fault, but this is

>what the " gurus' of the LOA want you to think, that it is your

>fault, when in reality, it is not.


>So, what happens is that people not only cannot manifest but they

>also fell guilty about it. A double whammy.


>What worked and is working for me is the absolute faith that I am a

>divine child of God and deserve all the goodness in the world

>because of that, no strings attached. I don't need affirmations or

>lists, or whatever to be able to manifest.


>So, after I let go of guilt and everything else, I got my crystals,

>programmed them and here I am: happier with a life filled with

>opportunities. The wealth hasn't arrived yet as I see it, but I am

>better off that I had ever been for 15 years, trying to get the LOA

>to work for me.


>This is just to say to those who are in the same boat: let go of the

>LOA and you will be happier for it.


>Sorry to go against this article but it has been my experience.





>--- In




><rosequartz wrote:

> >

> > I had the intention of posting a lot of things about abundance


> > manifestation but the surprise of my Daughters pregnancy and the


> > house painting and floor repair stuff and the anniversary of


> > Nobles' Death has kept me busy too. Nicole is going in for her


> > Sat morning . We did get a debt consolidation loan so we can close


> > high interest debts and have lower payments. I am working on


> > and releasing the patterns which have created periodic financial


> > in our family.

> > *Tips for Manifesting*

> >

> > *When doing manifestation procedures or programs or affirmations


> > crystals* *or by other means there are certain basic guidelines

>that can

> > help with the effectiveness of the work , be it prayers ,spells,

> > manifestations, affirmations etc.*

> >

> > *First recognize all the blessings we already have. Give gratitude


> > the abundance we have. Ask for needs of others to be met in a good


> > Focus on Self (higher self and spiritual growth) not on self


> > We certainly can ask for our own desires. These can not cause any


> > to another. Manifestation procedures are more likely to succeed


> > they serve the common good or include service for others.*

> >

> > *A very common reason that manifestation procedures fail is

>because the

> > goal is not clearly*

> > *defined and /or it is being overwritten with other changing and

> > contradictory goals and desires . All your thoughts and actions


> > part of your continuing prayer / program etc.*

> > *When someone dedicates 10 minutes to a procedure to manifest


> > and then spends six hours complaining and worrying about their

>lack and

> > poverty. They will attract more poverty than abundance.*

> >

> > * When you keep changing the form of what you intend to manifest


> > block the process of*

> > *manifesting. The student who changes his major each semester


> > graduates and an ever changing goal cannot manifest .*

> >

> > *You need to have well defined terms and a clear concrete picture


> > story of what it is you*

> > *want to do. Many people find that it helps to write out a list or

> > outline and refine the idea*

> > *thoroughly before going forward with a procedure.*

> >

> > *Be careful how we ask. We get exactly what we ask for. If we ask

>for a

> > high paying job, We may be offered a job that takes us away from


> > ones. Is that a desirable sacrifice? A high paying job may also


> > more stress. If you ask for financial needs to be met so you can

>share a

> > more tranquil environment with your family, for the highest good

>of all;

> > that is a different request. ..more specific and less " self " .*

> >

> >

> > *Remember that prayer/ programs etc. to be effective should be


> > entirely in* *positive terms . Your energy goes to what your


> > is on .*

> > *All thoughts are in effect prayers and they are all answered.

>When your

> > attention* *is focused on your problems or what you lack, that

>will just

> > bring you more lack and need. Focus on what you plan to manifest.*

> > *When You include not or don't Your picture is of what you wish to

> > avoid/ end/ prevent, rather than what you want to manifest.

> > Your energy will manifest what you picture even if it is opposed

>to your

> > actual desired intention.

> > *

> >

> > *When You realize that all negative words such as not, don't,

>won't etc.

> > are in effect simply* *dropped from your affirmations /prayers and

> > ignored by the universe, You can see how* *important a positive

>focus is.*

> >

> > *Many also say that these should always be in present tense. The


> > never arrives, open* *ended goals may stay in the future


> > Others say and my experience is that* *manifestations also succeed


> > there is a definite reasonable time frame or condition for*


> > indicated . Because of course our inner self knows that we do not


> > what we*

> > *want NOW and must feel that we are being honest in our goal to


> > to achieve it.* *You must have a clear and complete blueprint of

>what is

> > desired and you must allow the* *universe room to work.*

> >

> > *Examine your intention for any possible unwanted consequences as


> > We collectively* *create reality with the consensus of our

>thoughts. A

> > basic rule is that energy follows attention. Because of this it is


> > important that your focus is on the result that you do want to


> > rather than on what you wish to remove .In the phrase " No more

>War " the

> > attention, the focus is on war the result of this

>affirmation ,chant,

> > prayer is actually to feed more energy to war. The Phrase " Peace

>now "

> > has the same basic meaning, but the focus is on Peace, it would be


> > more effective statement.*

> >

> > *Make sure your picture is complete and that you have not left out

> > something critical*. *Because say you want to manifest a marriage

> > partner You may find that perfect man , is it* *acceptable if he


> > to wear your clothes? Expects you to support him? is a bigamist?

>* *It

> > is amazing what gaps we sometimes leave in our blueprints.*

> > *It never occurred to me when I worked to manifest a home that a


> > might not have a bathtub. I am not saying to nitpick everything.

>You do

> > have to give the universe enough freedom to bring your desire into

> > reality. ( I was able to get a bathtub and washer and dryer after


> > years).*

> >

> > *Examine yourself for inner blocks and reasons you may feel

>unworthy of*

> > *getting your manifestation . you may need to do some work on

> > forgiveness and releasing guilt or atonement if for some reason

>you feel

> > unworthy of having the prayer form fulfilled .*

> >

> > *When you have the form of your prayer/ program affirmation


> > then call up energy to send the picture to the universe by


> > method you use build up and call in energy to empower your


> > and clearly give your prayer up to manifest, use all your senses


> > movement to convey and empower your message . Clarify how


> > will benefit others as well as self and release your prayer -

>action then

> > trust that it will happen You can feed energy to the prayer in


> > terms after that .Negative attention and*

> > *worry act as prayers against what you want to manifest.*

> >

> > *You might also consider reviewing your past affirmations and

>wishes or

> > manifestation*

> > *procedures for any that have outlived their value. Cancel and


> > any energy put into*

> > *them. Some people mentally imagine a cancel stamp over any such

> > outdated wishes this can*

> > *be done with negative self images too.*

> >

> > *I had the experience when I was fifty of having a large number of

> > wishes come true exactly as I had formed them when I was about six


> > old. While this is wonderful, some of the* *elements that I really

> > wanted when I was a young child were not of particular value to a*

> > *woman in her fifties. Perhaps we would have been able to buy a


> > much sooner had the* *universe not been striving to include the


> > forgotten desire to " live near Disneyland " and some rather


> > decorative elements. ( It is kind of a Snow Whites' Cottage kind


> > house.)*

> >

> > *To condense the preceding*

> > *Decide on what you want .*

> > *Spend as long as you need clarifying your real desire .*

> > *Keep it simple and focus on one issue at a time .*

> > *Change any goals or plans, hope that are couched in negative

>terms into

> > positive terms.* *Give the goal energy with whatever form you use


> > be it a ritual or charging a crystal or* *whatever it must have


> > and sincere intention backing it.*

> >

> > *Clearly give your prayer/ affirmation up to manifest, use all


> > senses and movement to* *convey and empower your message and


> > your prayer -action. Then trust that it will* *happen . Believe


> > your desire will come true. Know that you deserve what you are

>asking for.*

> >

> > *You may give your wish/affirmation gentle attention once or twice


> > to boost the power* *but to focus intense attention on the goal

>after it

> > is formed and released will retard or could* *even prevent


> > *Once you have released the Prayer -Action do not go back and

>change the

> > goal or worry about it. A plant can not grow when we keep

>digging up

> > the seeds or pulling on the shoots Your intention now needs some


> > and space to become manifest. Allow the Universe work naturally.

>Do not

> > dwell on how the result might show up.*

> >

> > *It is critically important to examine our attitudes toward bounty


> > just money directly but all forms of good fortune to discover and


> > those blocks that impede us . Being Jealous of others good fortune


> > us in want, being happy for them calls good fortune to us .*

> >

> > *Remember when you do any wealth ritual or procedure you must be


> > clear as you can on* *what your goal and desired outcome . Focus

>on the

> > good feelings and results of the desired* *manifestation and how


> > blesses you. not on need or greed or lack or longing .*

> > *When you have clarified your goals as much as you can be specific


> > leave the universe* *room to bring you something better, being too

> > narrowly focused can impede the flow. Don't* *obsess, form your

> > intention to manifest what you plan to call into your life , Love,

> > Money,* *success, Happiness, whatever good thing. then having made


> > intention with* *whatever ritual, mental affirmation, programmed


> > or other system , let it go, release* *the intention to the

>Universe and

> > Source And Know that it Is so . Trust that the opportunities for

> > fulfillment are absolute and that they will come to you the path

>is open

> > . be alert for its arrival but have no worry, what you have called


> > come.*

> >

> > *It is good to have a strong closing to end your program or other


> > *affirming that the work is finished and will be fulfilled.*

> > *A Huna procedure usually is ended with " Amama " , or " Let the rain


> > blessings fall " * *which is almost identical to a closing used by


> > Buddhist groups " U mandera Ke " * * " flowers of blessing fall like

>rain " .

> > You probably have a closing that fits with your own path and


> > Be it " Amen " , or " So mote it Be " or some other attention and


> >

> >

> > *Please share your experiences, tips and information about


> > /affirmations /prayers /programs and what works for you with


> >

> >

> > --

> > Solarraven <http://pjentoft.com/index.html>http://pjentoft.com/index.html

> > On Skills for the Practical Mystic, Spiritual Healing, Energy

>work, Reiki, Crystal Healing, Angels, Huna, Digital Art &

>scrapbooking, and more

> >




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Wonderful contributions!

I would also like to add my experience. I am very good at manifesting crystals.

I see them, their beingness, and am able to find them at a price I can afford. I

amassed a great museum collection of wonderful crystals of great size and beauty

with a small salary. I also realized I can manifest most beautiful things in my

house that I own. I also manifested our wonderful house by the National Park in

the mountains. So what was my problem with actually manifesting money itself?

Why couldn't I win the lottery? We want to be able to retire and leave our

rather stressful work to do full time healing in the mountains. Presently we are

back and forth in 2 worlds and only at our mountain place on weekends while

living in our rented place near our work. Too far to commute. We needed more

money as a support backup to live upon.


I then realized the fact that I cannot relate to money. Money is abstract and a

means to an end. Even if I visualized the money in hand or imagined the thrill

of ticking off all the numbers, it wasn't quite concrete enough to stimulate my

feeling. Imagining having enough money to retire was also abstract. I didn't

want money. I wanted the something that money could buy. It needed to be a

concrete solid object for my feeling to call it into manifestation. Realizing

that, I also began to relax about money. I began to trust that whatever I needed

would come. I began to trust the flow. It is the mind that worries about lack

and needing to have a lot of money. Life actually can provide as you go and

flow. The more you trust, the more it comes. But it is a huge leap of faith! And

I admit, we still haven't made the plunge yet to move and leave our jobs. But, I

feel the process is becoming easier and the fear less. We are relaxing and that

in itself allows miracles to happen!


With blessings of abundance for all,




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Hi I suffer from depression and have worked really really hard to

overcome this and has been with me in one degree or another for most

of my life. Where is this somewhere else you would put me?

I have a lovely quartz sphere that I work with also. Donna




On 9 Aug 2008, at 6:47 pm, John Van Rees wrote:


Hey Folks,


I want to add my two cents in here on this topic as well.



5. Surround yourself with happy people. IF you can't... don't buy

into the negative talk, energy etc. Let

the others that are not happy be unhappy... somewhere else.


There we go.. there is John's prosperity program. Oh.. and get a nice

manifestation quartz too! :-)


In gratitude,


John Van Rees


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Yes! Into gratitude.


Here is one thing I have done to pull myself out of that place....and

I wrote about it almost 3 years ago....and

am posting it below.


I offer this as hope for others that may be going through something similar.


In gratitude,






Ok.. let's talk about Gratitude. This has been an issue for several

people close to me lately. They have been seeing the cup half empty

rather than half full. No, No, No! What we know metaphysically and

spiritually is that for us to receive more.. we must be grateful for

what we have now.


A year ago... my life was in huge change. My personal relationship

with the person I had been with for almost 6 years and thought I

would be with the rest of my life took a drastic turn. The home I had

been in and loved was no longer my residence and I moved to a new

home. The Business that I had spent over 5 years building was

changing drastically. All of the big three stresses in ones life were

happening to me at once... change of relationship, change of home and

change of occupation. Oh my gosh! ( That wasn't exactly my words at

the time, but close enough :-)..


And.. within that change and that stress came new opportunity.


I had wanted to concentrate on just the web business,

exquisitecrystals.com but had never had the time to do so. I was too

busy with the store to be able to put all my energy into

exquisitecrystals.com. I was now able to do that! I was grateful for

the gift of this and grateful for the chance to take the baby I had

birthed and nurture her and provide her my undivided love. The

business has expanded and done very well.


The relationship had needed to have change for a long time. While we

loved each other deeply, the strains for us of living together and

working together 24 hours a day 7 days a week proved to be more than

we could handle. Both of us became people who we weren't destined to

be. Conflict takes up a lot of energy. We also encounter soul loss

through that much conflict. When we are in the middle of the mud we

often can't see what is real and what isn't real. I was now given the

chance to work on myself using different healing modalities and

therapy. One day I realized.. John was back! My outlook improved...

my health improved and my joy was returning. This was true for my

partner as well. What has now happened after one year.. is that we

are now best friends who can support one another and care for one

another through our wholeness. What a change! What a thing to be grateful for!


My new home was one that was quiet in may ways.. and provided my a

place to heal and grow. I was able to recover my self that I had put

aside. I would go for walks in my wonderful neighborhood and breath

in the beauty of the homes, yards and trees. It is a great place to

feel the richness of what life has to offer us. I am now in my own

new home, the first home I have owned for 17 years! What a blessing

to once again have my own space, my own yard, my own quietness. And

my Koi Pond!


No matter what the Universe gives us.. we have asked for it in some

way. If we see our lives in turmoil the universe will give us more

turmoil. If we see our lives in peace and serenity the universe will

supply us with more serenity. If we see our lives filled with angst

and struggle, we will be supplied with hard times. If we see that we

live in an incredibly abundant world we will be given the keys to the kingdom.


On this thanksgiving, I choose to see a world rich in possibility. I

choose to see a world rich in love and compassion. I choose to see a

world full of friends and support. And I choose to see YOU full of

life, abundance and joy!



One time I was deep into At 08:23 AM 8/10/2008, you wrote:


>Hi I suffer from depression and have worked really really hard to

>overcome this and has been with me in one degree or another for most

>of my life. Where is this somewhere else you would put me?

>I have a lovely quartz sphere that I work with also. Donna


>On 9 Aug 2008, at 6:47 pm, John Van Rees wrote:


>Hey Folks,


>I want to add my two cents in here on this topic as well.


>5. Surround yourself with happy people. IF you can't... don't buy

>into the negative talk, energy etc. Let

>the others that are not happy be unhappy... somewhere else.


>There we go.. there is John's prosperity program. Oh.. and get a nice

>manifestation quartz too! :-)


>In gratitude,


>John Van Rees







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Hi Donna,


I understand working hard to get rid of depression, but it is my

experience that " working hard " on this type of thing doesn't do it.


Have you checked your thyroid lately?

Or perhaps there are some amino-acids lacking in your body?

I came to the conclusion that there is a real physical element

behind depression.


I was like this and one day decided to pay attention to my thyroid

and then I started to take Lugol. I have no idea what the thing did

to my thyroid, but boy, it lifted my depression in 2 seconds.


Do some search on what is not balanced in your body.


Just a suggestion.


Now, there are many crystals that can help depression.

Have you tried them?

Do you have any books which you can check for crystals?







, Donna Magee

<hotflash wrote:


> Hi I suffer from depression and have worked really really hard to

> overcome this and has been with me in one degree or another for


> of my life. Where is this somewhere else you would put me?

> I have a lovely quartz sphere that I work with also. Donna




> On 9 Aug 2008, at 6:47 pm, John Van Rees wrote:


> Hey Folks,


> I want to add my two cents in here on this topic as well.



> 5. Surround yourself with happy people. IF you can't... don't buy

> into the negative talk, energy etc. Let

> the others that are not happy be unhappy... somewhere else.


> There we go.. there is John's prosperity program. Oh.. and get a


> manifestation quartz too! :-)


> In gratitude,


> John Van Rees

> http://www.exquisitecrystals.com


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Hi Maria perhaps this takes time. I have a new doctor (ND) who is

working on my nutrition and I have been on thyroid meds from a MD for

years. I will ask her about Lugol. I do have books-its amazing how

this condition can take away any basic common sense-its like it

fights you for its survival. Donna


On 11 Aug 2008, at 2:39 pm, drmoratto wrote:


Hi Donna,


I understand working hard to get rid of depression, but it is my

experience that " working hard " on this type of thing doesn't do it.


Have you checked your thyroid lately?

Or perhaps there are some amino-acids lacking in your body?

I came to the conclusion that there is a real physical element

behind depression.


I was like this and one day decided to pay attention to my thyroid

and then I started to take Lugol. I have no idea what the thing did

to my thyroid, but boy, it lifted my depression in 2 seconds.


Do some search on what is not balanced in your body.


Just a suggestion.


Now, there are many crystals that can help depression.

Have you tried them?

Do you have any books which you can check for crystals?




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I'm so glad you asked for help with this very difficult issue. There

does seem to be a biological component, although whether the mental

affects the physical or the other way around, or maybe both, I'm not sure.


Sometimes depression comes from hanging on to old pain. If this sounds

familiar, jet or obsidian might help draw out the grief or sadness and

let it go. Carnelian is also good for energy, and for transmuting

sadness to peace.


I have a feeling that sunstone would work for you, bringing you light

and energy.


Let us know how you are doing--




, Donna Magee

<hotflash wrote:


> Hi Maria perhaps this takes time. I have a new doctor (ND) who is

> working on my nutrition and I have been on thyroid meds from a MD for

> years. I will ask her about Lugol. I do have books-its amazing how

> this condition can take away any basic common sense-its like it

> fights you for its survival. Donna


> On 11 Aug 2008, at 2:39 pm, drmoratto wrote:


> Hi Donna,


> I understand working hard to get rid of depression, but it is my

> experience that " working hard " on this type of thing doesn't do it.


> Have you checked your thyroid lately?

> Or perhaps there are some amino-acids lacking in your body?

> I came to the conclusion that there is a real physical element

> behind depression.


> I was like this and one day decided to pay attention to my thyroid

> and then I started to take Lugol. I have no idea what the thing did

> to my thyroid, but boy, it lifted my depression in 2 seconds.


> Do some search on what is not balanced in your body.


> Just a suggestion.


> Now, there are many crystals that can help depression.

> Have you tried them?

> Do you have any books which you can check for crystals?


> Blessings,

> Maria


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