Guest guest Posted January 12, 2009 Report Share Posted January 12, 2009 Aloha ReNau and All . . . posting for those who have asked about Crystal & Indigo Children differences. If not accessible please go to and look for latest newsletter. . . In Light )'( Skye Uriel Heals Newsletter Enlightening Your Life January 12, 2009 Greetings! This month's article is entitled Welcome to the New Earth. We are at a crossroads, standing at the portal of the new earth. This is our moment, our time to begin living our spiritual understanding and being the light we have worked so hard to bring to the earth. Within the new earth we can choose creation over karma and destiny and are free to choose from any of the limitless realities available to us. Can we choose when we don't know what we are choosing? Read more in this week's article. Archangel Uriel's channeled message for this week is about The Paradigm of Death. Hear this message by clicking the audio link on the home page. There is a new kind of empathy available to Indigos that they can use with their gifts to transform energy. It's less overwhelming and much more powerful. Read about it in this week's Indigos and Crystals section. Visit the website to see a list of traits and decide whether you are Indigo or Crystal ... or both. Read the January article on the Uriel Heals website. El boletín está ahora disponible en español. The series on Indigos and Suicide is available on the Today's Children page in response to your requests. Read the newsletter in Spanish at Templo del Sol, thank you Xitlalli! The link is on the Uriel Heals home page. Be sure to visit the Lightworker Resources page on the website to see helpful tools for your spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. I would like to welcome all of our new rs and thank you for joining the Uriel Heals Newsletter. Recent newsletters and articles are available on the 'Archives' page. The r list grows daily and your emails and testimonials are appreciated. To ensure that you receive the newsletters please add its email address, healing to your address book. Choices in the New Earth We can congratulate ourselves on the work we have done to create space for the new earth, it has been a long and challenging journey. But we are here, even if we are not sure what 'here' means. This is a new paradigm for us, a new opportunity for us to step into our spiritual mastery and live within the miracle vibration. Within this powerful space, however, the choices we make take on a greater importance because we have moved past karma and destiny into a new era of choice. Our free will has always allowed us to choose our path but we did so within the influence of our karma and destiny. These two forces often blinded us to other possibilities until we had accumulated enough experiences to choose to heal, forgive and release. With this completed we are fully within our power, free from the distractions of the unconscious drive to resolve karma and ready to create new levels of reality. Life then moves from karma to creation, where our perspective operates at a higher level, able to view the karma and see other choices. Do we want to engage with that person or situation or move on, move out of that reality and move up to a different one? The new earth has many choices, each of them full of wonderful new possibilities that are free of pain, drama and chaos. With every step on our path we can make the choice for the new earth or to be in another reality. It is our ability to know that the new earth is a choice for us that opens us to its presence and potential. Following the path of karma will always be a choice but it is there to remind us that all potential realities exist for us, we simply have to choose which one we will reside in. The difference between the third dimension and the new earth will be obvious and the more we choose a higher vibration the less appealing karma will be. As with everything, the Universe never judges us or our abilities. We may step back and forth between dimensions until we feel comfortable with our power and the potential it affords us. Everything is always in divine order, there is no better or worse reality, there is no good or bad in any situation. We make the choices we are able to connect with and when we have learned from them we are in a position to make other choices. If we allow the new earth to be one of our choices, however, we allow its blessings to awaken us to our divine potential, to help us co-create this powerful reality for ourselves and the planet and to bring heaven on earth. Read the January article The Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show The next Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, January 14 at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. Join us as we talk about the latest newsletter and I will give free short readings to callers, call in at 718-664-6504. Click here for show details and to download or listen to previous shows. That Door has Closed Now, more than ever before, the doors to certain realities are closing and they are no longer available to us. Whether it is a relationship that has run its course, a way of thinking we can no longer tolerate, a career path that we have outgrown or a location whose energies we can no longer connect to, doors are closing and we have to find new doors, new options and opportunities for our gifts, talents, time and energies. But sometimes we are not ready for the door to close and then we feel stuck, powerless and uncomfortable. Everything we choose has its basis in our vibration at that moment. We may say that we are ready for transformation without realizing all that this entails. The new opportunities are a challenge and the old ways have not completely lost their appeal, even if they are uncomfortable. So we try to re-open the closed door, hoping that we will be comfortable, find peace and be able to fix whatever caused the door to close. But we have moved beyond the lessons of the past and trying to re-create the past in the present no longer works once we have decided to move forward. A closed door is an ending that appears because a bright new beginning is right behind it. The different dimensions represent alternative realities, each at its own vibration. We connect to the one we are able to in that process there is a time when we are in between two dimensions. In this gap we have not yet fully decided to leave the past, the door that is closing, and accept the new beginning, the opening door. Our best recourse is to do nothing and stay still. We do that, usually because we feel stuck and do not know what to do. Sometimes stillness is the best and only option, until we reconcile the past. None of us really likes change and no matter how much we may be suffering, there is some part of us that will accept our situation and even find some comfort in its familiarity. But when we ask for transformation we receive everything we need to allow it to happen. Then it is up to us to take a step towards the new doors, away from the old ones, and welcome our new reality. We have new and exciting energies available to us but they are not necessarily the easy way, they are simply different. When we are willing to accept that certain doors are closing and let them stay shut, we are open to the light of a new reality, we can find joy in change and new opportunities and step out of the past and into a different future. Is Spiritual Coaching right for you? Uriel's Message -- The Paradigm of Death The cycle of birth and death is part of the human experience. In the physical, the human body is born, travels through life, dies and the life journey is finished. Your focus on your physical being and the fear around the physical aspects of death ignores its many aspects and their influence on your spiritual journey. In the spiritual realm there is also the cycle of birth and death which occurs on many different levels. Understanding death as a paradigm for your spiritual growth and understanding allows you to measure and appreciate the progress you make on each step of your path. In the physical realm death is the final step in your lifetime, the end of a segment of your soul's journey on the physical plane. You are aware that birth and death are part of every lifetime, a beginning that is eventually followed by an end. You view physical death as an opportunity for your soul to return home, to reconnect to Source and find peace. Yet you do not require physical death for this to happen as your soul's purpose is to create harmony and connection between the spiritual and material worlds. This is created through compassion, forgiveness and remembering your divinity. On the soul level physical death is insignificant because the soul is endless and eternal. Focusing on physical death ignores Universal laws and keeps your attention on the brief time you chose to experience a glimpse of your soul and a single lesson you called into being on the material plane. The spiritual aspect of death is a cycle that includes birth, enlightenment transformation and death. Within this cycle death is required for enlightenment to occur, as the old must pass away to create space for the new. You experience this cycle with each lesson you enter and learn and welcome it as confirmation that you have progressed on your spiritual path. As you move closer to spirit your material definition of death will transform as your physical body's experience of life mirrors its spiritual origins. It does not need to die as lessons are completed. You can manifest a new paradigm for your material experience and create a new reality, choose new lessons and allow your physical body to become the vehicle for their expression. There will come a day when physical death is no longer necessary, when the physical body can recognize the divinity of its soul purpose and choose to co-exist in eternity, together with the soul, as you bring home to earth and live in partnership with spirit. Read more about Archangel Uriel The New Empathy Indigos possess a high degree of empathy, which allows them to feel, at times quite intensely, the energies of others. This occurs with the people that are close to them and also on the collective level. The sadness or fear they feel can be that which, at a higher level, is being felt within their community or the world at large. How this affects them depends on whether they are processing the energy themselves by trying to change or transmute it or practicing a new empathy, where they do not attach to the emotions and use other ways to process it. The Indigo energy was introduced to reveal and transform old paradigms that were deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness. They could recognize these paradigms and reveal them in a way that could not be ignored. But this happened at a personal cost because they incorporated the energies into their own energy fields through their empathy, which created significant emotional issues. Now there is a new paradigm of empathy that will help them complete their work in a manner that is not so difficult. Using this new empathic energy is a step up from 'being' the energy to creating the template for the transformation and then allowing it to happen, similar to holding a higher energetic pattern that allows new energetic matrices to create. And when Indigos are afraid they won't be able to complete their work so they add fear to the process. Their own fear can intensify any fear energy they are processing and they become overwhelmed. Some Indigos will be moved to areas to help set energies. To avoid falling into the emotional roller coaster of transmuting energy in their old empathic manner, they will have to become familiar with the new empathy. Indigos are very capable and feel they can do anything 'by themselves. Yet when it comes to energy transformation and their empathic skills, they quickly realize that this is challenging and can be beyond their ability to cope. Since energy levels fluctuate strongly and can be concentrated in areas, they need to know it is OK for them to work from a different level. This way the energies that are prepared to shift will do so and the others will follow in their own time. They do not have to do everything at once and by themselves as there are other generations of Light children coming who will help complete the work they came to do. Indigos & Crystals In This Issue Choices in the New Earth That Door has Closed Uriel's Message -- The Paradigm of Death The New Empathy Holiday Reading Special Extended Quick Links Spiritual Mentoring Do you need a miracle?Consultations The Difference between a Victor and a Victim is I AM Scheduled Events 2009 and Beyond-- Preparing for the New Consciousne ss teleclass is available on CD. Order here. What's up in 2009? Predictions for 2009 are now posted on the Messages page of the website. Holiday Reading Special Extended In response to your requests, I have extended the holiday reading special through January. The special price includes 2 readings, a 30 or 60 minute Archangel Uriel spiritual and a karmic reading. Use both or use one for yourself and give one to a friend Click here for details. Contact Information Visit the Uriel Heals website at for more information, archives, articles and events. Jennifer Hoffman 816-350-1139 Forward email Privacy Policy. Email Marketing by Uriel Heals | 3505 NE Lacewood Court | Lee's Summit | MO | 64064 'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart Center Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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