Guest guest Posted May 31, 2009 Report Share Posted May 31, 2009 Hello Jackie, This issue of feeling v not feeling is a really big one for a lot of people, and I think it comes down to a matter of trust - particularly trust in the Divine. It is something that every body goes through at one time or another throughout their healing journey, and some people will revisit the same path again and again. I think part of the problem is that in the Western world we are brought up to believe that if we cannot experience something with our five senses then it isn't happening. The scientific model is ingrained deeply within our collective psyche and it takes a very brave person to put their heads above the parapet and anounce that THEIR world exists beyond the five senses. Although we like to think of ourselves as a free thinking society it is actually not the case. We are told what to believe by all the powers that be in society from the cradle to the grave. The information given to us by, for example, the medical profession or other scientists as well as all kinds of government agencies is the information that they want us to have/believe. We are brought up to listen to our doctors and scientists and not to question the advice they give to us because after all, they know better than we do(?). Because we are so well trained not to question and find information out for ourselves it is incredibly difficult when we start out on a journey that is so fundamentally different to the status quo. How on earth can this possibly be true if there is no scientific basis for it? What is actually happening? We seek answers to questions that don't have answers (at least not in the way that would make any sense to us). If we don't see or feel something happening then our logical minds tell us that indeed nothing HAS happened. Again, our left brained logical mindset has the upper hand when it comes to understanding the world both around us and also within us. But energy work and healing of all forms do not belong to the left-brained logical world of science; it belongs instead to the world of right-brained intuition and energy fields. In other words it belongs to the arena of metaphysics - an area science feels threatened by because there is no explanation for it. For most people then " never the twain shall meet " as the two sides are incompatible (from a left-brained perspective). In all honesty however the world of metaphysics is light years ahead of the Great God Science. I don't think science will ever catch up as it has too much to lose (including face). Whenever a scientist " tests " the claims of healers or mediums (or psychics, etc) you will find that the experiments all have a strong bias towards the belief of the scientists i.e. there cannot possibly be any thruth in the claims of this healer (medium, etc.,) because if there was " then every thing that we have believed to be true up till now will have to be re-written " . Therefore you have to design the experiment to make damn sure you don't end up with egg on your scientific face. I remember a television programme I was watching several years ago in which a scientist was watching the behaviour of certain primates and their ability to learn and communicate with one another. At one point she turned round and said that she felt " highly distressed " because the behaviour she was witnessing went against every thing she knew to be true as a scientist. Just because you don't believe or understand something it doesn't mean it isn't happening. Rainbows were in existence for many thousands of years before a scientist came along and explained how they were formed. Often times we will miss something because it wasn't what we were expecting to feel. Although Reiki energy has been traditionally described as a feeling of heat there are many who do not experience it in this manner. Just because your experience may be completely different from that you were expecting, don't fall into the trap of believing your experience was invalid (or non-existant). Every one will react individually. There is no formula as to what to experience or not as the case may be. If your mind set is tuned towards looking for proof that something is happening you likely miss the experience altogether. Every single one of us, whether healing or receiving healing is different. No two experiences are the same. What you feel as a healer today, may be different tomorrow and will be unique with each and every person you work with. As you change and grow, so will your perception of the energy change and grow with you. What you feel as a healer when working with somebody may well be the exact opposite of the person on the bed. What you experience as heat may be felt as cold. What you experience as a tingling may be felt as a pressure. It is as meaningless as that. Or put another way, it is as meaningful as the meaning you yourself give to the experience. There is also an expectation on the part of patients (for want of a better word) to have certain experiences while we are receiving healing, and if our experiences are any different then again we have a tendency to believe that we are somehow wrong, (or the healer is wrong) or something is not quite right with the process. One classic description of receiving healing is that it is a deeply relaxing experience which may even lead to the recipient falling asleep. Sometimes this is true, but often it is not. The process may be strongly cathartic. You may feel trembling in certain parts of the body (or feel extremely shaky all over). You may experience a deep seated twitching sensation which moves throughout the body. You may experience a pulsing sensation and dismiss it as feeling your own pulse in certain parts of your body. You may sigh - maybe once or maybe many times throughout the healing process. You may feel a bit giggly and think everything is hilariously funny. You might get up off the bed convinced that nothing has happened and suddenly fall asleep twenty minutes later (or when you get home). You may feel the overwhelming need to sleep later on in the evening or you may have a deep sleep that night. You might find yourself crying or laughing for no apparent reason in the coming days. You may experience extremely vivid dreams or even nightmares for the next few days or weeks. You may experience anger or irritation, or row with family and friends. You may feel anxiety or even fear which you may or may not be able to explain. You may have memories rise to the surface which had been deeply buried many years ago. You may experience flash backs or other psychological difficulties which you probably felt were dealt with and safely put to bed. You might experience something completey different or you might experience nothing at all... The only advice I can leave you with is just to let it be what it is. Don't demand answers or explanations from yourself. It might be a long time before you understand it, if at all. Get out of your own way and let the process evolve naturally and don't forget that there is a world of difference between knowledge and understanding. The first bit we do with our heads and the second we do with our whole being - mind, body and spirit. Have fun on your journey! Best wishes Mandy Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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