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Herbal Medicine Chest -Echinacea

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Herbal Medicine Chest WINTERCold winter months can bring sore throats, chapped lips, congestion, and more. Herbal remedies such as the following can help you to avoid or reduce the duration of many winter health issues.


EchinaceaTechnical Name:


(Echinacea purpurea) Dried root and leaves of the purple coneflower


Used For:




* Helps address the symptoms of the common cold, flu, sore throat and other common infections. * Episodes of low resistance to sickness; it enhances the immune system.


Available In:


Tincture, capsule, tablet and extract form.


Herb Drug:


No known interactions.




For best efficacy, echinacea should not be used continuously for more than 10 days. Persons with autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or multiple sclerosis should use echinacea with caution, and for the shortest period possible when they have colds or flu. Allergic reactions are infrequent.


When Buying:


Look for combination echinacea products (containing both augustifolia and purpurea species) standardized to 4 percent echinacosides. Also, echinacea root produces a distinctive numbing sensation when held in the mouth for a few minutes. Always test echinacea products by putting a bit on the tongue; return any that fail to cause numbness.


Warning Dosage:


Adults: One dropperful of tincture in water four times a day, or two capsules of freeze-dried extract four times a day.


Child Dosage:


Half the adult dose.


Diana Gonzalez




Nothing wastes more energy than worrying - the longer a problem is carried, the heavier it gets. Don't take things too seriously - live a life of serenity, not a life of regrets.


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