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Rose-Hip Tea

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Rose-Hip Tea


When you think of vitamin C, you are most likely to think of grapefruit and oranges. But rose hops, the fruit of the wild rose, have even more vitamin C than do citrus fruits. Rose hops were long known as a food, but only since the mid-twentieth century has their medicinal value as a premier source of this essential vitamin been recognized. The vitamin C content gives rose-hips tea its primary benefits—the ability to help prevent and treat colds and flu. Rose-hip tea is refreshing, pleasantly tart and contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, pectin and organic acids. Besides battling colds, the nutrient rich tea boosts your health in other ways as well. It helps strengthen the body’s resistance to infection, reinforces digestive function, combats all kinds of illnesses with fever, flushes out the kidneys and urinary tract and relives mild rheumatic pain.



Preparation of the Tea:


Pour 1 cup of boiling water over 2 heaping tsp. of chopped rose hips. You can use rose hips with or without their seeds. Steep the tea, covered, for 15 min. Sweeten the refreshing, slightly sour tea with honey, if desired. Drink the tea lukewarm at bedtime for a maximum effectiveness.


Therapeutic Effect:


In addition to vitamin C, rose hips contain vitamins A, B 1, B 2, E and K and beta-carotene, Minerals, bioflavonoids, tannins and pectin round out the components that make rose hips so effective in preventing and fighting infections and inflammations.


The virtues of vitamin C:


Vitamin C helps prevent infections because it strengthens resistance by boosting production of immune cells. It is also especially effective in fighting off infection because it is so rapidly absorbed and can go to more quickly. This is why you need more vitamin C when you have an infection. Metabolism as well as immunity relies on vitamin X, as does adrenal function. Tissue repair requires the vitamin, making it essential for wound healing.


The pluses of pectin:


Pectin binds wastes in the intestine, bonding with fats and cholesterol before they can be absorbed into the blood, ad thus aids in their removal from the body. This means that rose-hip tea helps lower cholesterol, cleanses the intestine and gently regulates elimination..





Extra Tip:


Once brewed, rose-hip tea retains its flavor and effectiveness for the rest of the day. You can dink the tea hot of iced..



Medicinal Uses:


For mild urinary-tract irritations:


Because it stimulates the immune system, increases the flow of urine and has a mild disinfectant effect, rose-hip tea can help treat irritations of the urinary tract. Drink 1 large cup of the tea, as warm as possible; 3-4 times every day to soothe these irritations.



To prevent the flu:


In the spring and fall, a regimen of rose-hip tea protects the body against flu. Use the whole rose hip, including the seeds. Drink 3-4 large cups daily for 2 weeks at the start of ach season.



For water retention and rheumatism:


This medicinal tea acts as a gentle diuretic, helping the body eliminate accumulations of water in the tissues. It also relieves mild rheumatic pain. Simmer 5-6 tbsp. of rose-hip seeds for 30 min. in 1 qt. of water; filter. Drink 2 cups of the tea daily.



Rose-hip wine for circulation:


Rose-hip wine stimulates the appetite and increases blood flow. Steep 3 ½ oz. of dried rose hips in 1 qt. of strong, dry red wine for 2 weeks. Filter the wine. Drink 2 small glasses per day.



Healing Tea Mixtures:


For Cold Prevention:


1 ½ oz. rose hips

¾ oz. linden flowers

¾ oz. marsh-mallow root

¾ oz. mullein flowers and leaves


This tea stimulates the immune system. When you have a cold or fly, the tea loosens bronchial mucus and makes coughs more productive. For a cup of tea, use 1 cup of water and 2 tsp. of the tea blend.



For abdominal cramps and mild diarrhea:


1 oz. rose hips

¾ oz. peppermint leaves

¾ oz. lemon-balm leaves

¾ oz. blackberry leaves


This tea regulates bile flow and relieves intestinal cramping and mild diarrhea. It is also a first-aid remedy for queasiness and nausea. Use 1 cup of water to 2 tsp. of the tea blend.



For gout and kidney gravel:


This tea flushes gravel from the kidneys, combats chronic urinary-tract infections and helps eliminate uric acid in gout patients. For each cup of tea, use 1 cup of water and 2 tsp. of the tea mixture.




Before undertaking the advice contained here, you should consult with a health care professional, who can better assess your individual needs, symptoms and treatments.

~The Complete Guide to Natural Healing~

©MCMXCIX International Masters Publishing AB





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